Hi there! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jill and I will your writer for this story.

Ok so, I enjoy writing, naturally, and I write fanfics for my friends, but never Jily, so i decided to publish a Jily story and share my writing with you!

The first chapter is... well... ok, I wouldn't even consider it a chapter. It's less than 300 words. So I will publish the second chapter today, and that consists of 5,000 words, so...

Anyway, thank you for choosing my story, and stay tuned for the next chapters.

This is not a love story; this is a life story.

The story I am about to tell you, my dear Reader, is not about a boy and a girl falling in love, but instead about a boy and a girl, each living their lives.

The difference between a love story and a life story is that one follows an entirely unrealistic plot line of fantasy relationships that seem far too perfect; the other tells the perhaps too painful plotline of reality.

Now, don't get me wrong, a good love story is great. It lightens the mood and cheers people up, it gives hope to middle-aged cat-women and broken-hearted teenagers. But for the truth—for reality—one must stay away from such stories. They will only tell you the happy parts, and make up the rest.

However, this is not to say that love does not and cannot live in reality. Why, of course it does! How else would musicians play, writers write, artists create, and poets speak? Love exists everywhere in reality and stories—all stories. But the stories that only talk of love, are completely unrealistic. There is much more in the world than just love, and we rely on stories of life to tell us these.

This story of life, dear Reader, is about a young witch, Miss Lily Evans, and a young wizard, Mr. James Potter. And it is far from a love story, indeed. In fact, the two hated each other, fully despised and hated each other. But you will see soon.

For now, our story begins with a promise: "I am absolutely done…"

Hehe! See? I told you it was short!

Ok, ok, I'll post the next one. But for now, if you liked this, please review and/or follow because that's what makes me happy and keeps me writing!Bye for now!
