Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel, or any other fandoms mentioned, or their characters. I only own any OC'S and the chapter plots, and simply enjoy writing shenanigans about their characters.

Endgame spoilers!

Also, who is wrecked emotionally and spiritually after Endgame?

If anyone's wondering, Loki has a duplicate of himself playing Fortnight against Thor as he is speaking to Thor.

Of Alternate Universes and Time Travel

It was over. Really, truly over.

Well, not for himself, he still had a tv show to film about Loki.

Yet, Endgame was likely the last film he would ever play Loki in, ever. As it turns out, Loki was not in fact alive in the presence of the Marvel cinematic universe. ...Actually, he might still be 'alive.' Wouldnt surprise him. After all, why was Loki still here, lounging around in the flat he refused to pay for. Surely, if the tv series was to be set in the past, Loki's appearance would have changed.

Wait, was his Loki the alternate universe Loki?

Had he been all along? Then why-

His brain was beginning to hurt.

Shaking his head, he moved and sat down upon the couch, swatting Loki's legs to the ground. Loki complied without argument, his eyes fixed on whatever it was he was watching. Back to the Future? Probably, but he found himself too distracted to really pay it any mind. "Loki," he asked, "do you know if you're dead or not?"

Loki's eyes did not leave the screen, "not really, no."

Is it possible that you are now alive in an alternate universe."

"Couldn't say."

He frowned. Maybe I should call Verity over. Though he doubted she would provide any inclination to the truth; she and Loki had developed quite the friendship, and he doubted that Verity would be willing to reveal Loki's secrets.

Didn't mean he couldn't get Loki to tell him anyway. He leant against the side of the couch, away from his alter ego. "Loki, I promise I will not be angered. Are you or are you not an alternate version of yourself, travelled here from another universe?"

Loki's eyes finally peeled away from the screen, an eyebrow raised as if to say 'are you shitting me, Tom.' Of course, Loki would probably say-

"The fact that you asked that question is not a positive testament to your intellect, Thomas."

Yes, that exactly.

"You can't blame me," he argued, "it seems entirely possible given the circumstances."

Rolling his eyes, Loki paused the movie. "Once again, Thomas, not a positive testament to your intelligence. If I were from the timeline of which I stole the Tesseract during the Battle of New York, how then, had I been banished here by Odin. Yes, it is entirely likely that I lied. But why then does my physical appearance and memories seem to parallel to that of my 'movie' counterpart? I do agree, however, that it is entirely possible that I am from an alternate universe where I am not a fiction, accidentally sent here by my father. Yet, that does not explain how Thor and the others are also here."

Tom knew he had a point. It also wasnt just Loki's appearance that changed. It was Thor's too, and he had to say, Thor's new look actually suited him. "I guess that's true," he said, going over Loki's words in his head, "but do you think it's possible that your alternate universe counterpart created a cross-universe where all this is happening. It would explain how Stitch and the Winchesters-"

Loki's piercing gaze stopped him short. He frowned, "what is it?"



"You're going to make your head explode. Mine too, in all likelihood."

He sighed, "yes, I think you are probably right."

They sat there in silence for a momment, thinking. Or trying too. The movie was still paused, frozen on a frame of Marty Mcfly disappearing from a photograph. Oh, sweet Irony. If only time travel were so simple. He looked back to Loki, not able to help but ask again. "So are you dead or not?"

Loki smiled, "don't know, maybe Thor will find me with those 'Guardians of the Galaxy', if he doesn't usurp their captain first."

"Or you show up in an alternate universe."

"Yes, that too, I suppose."

He looked about the room, suddenly realising something, "where is Thor, anyway?" He hadn't seen him since he returned home.

Shrugging, Loki began eating out of a bowl of popcorn he had somehow manifested. "Playing Fortnight in his room," he replied. "Attempting to defeat 'Noobmaster69', I believe."

Snorting, he stole a handful of popcorn, "I imagine you won't allow that to happen."


He frowned suddenly, a thought coming to mind. "Hang on, about the alternate universe thing, I thought you said-"

Loki reached for the remote, "Thomas, don't explode our brains, remember."

Right then. It would seem they would just have to wait and see. Shaking his head, he relaxed into the couch, letting himself becoming engaged with the movie. "

"What about all that talk about screwing up future events? The space-time continuum?"

"Well, I figured, what the hell."

Tom looked over to his space-time continuum disrupting friend, smiling slightly. What the hell indeed.