Lucy usually woke up to the crying first.

Maybe it was a mother thing, but a single wail from Luna would cause her eyes to snap open while Natsu snored away beside her. Every once and awhile, she was completely exhausted and would smack his shoulder, mumble about how it was his turn. He always went, if not with minor grumbling.

Tonight, however, the cries she awoke to were accompanied by Natsu's most soothing, "Shh, hey, ohh, it's okay, it's okay… we gotta be quiet so that Momma doesn't wake up, alright? Papa's here, it's okay…"

It was sweet of him, but she was already awake. Stretching her arms over her head, Lucy let out a yawn and slowly slid her legs from under her comforter. She rubbed her eyes, straightened her nightgown, stuck her feet into her fluffy slippers. Padding from her room, she peeked into the one next door, where the door was cracked open and Natsu's back was to her. He was rocking the baby back and forth slowly while humming, Luna's thick, pink hair splayed over her father's shoulder.

Luna was still sniffling, occasionally whining, so Lucy started forward until-

"Well, I guess I can't hum or sing for the life a' me. Sorry, kiddo. I mean, I never wished that I could before, but anything for you…"

Lucy couldn't help but smile, and rested her head against the door frame.

Natsu looked down at the little girl, wiping a tear off of her round, rosy cheek. "You know, even if you're all whiny sometimes, you're the best thing in the world. You're the best thing I've ever seen. You know that, Luna?"

The baby's eyes drooped, and she relaxed against her dad. He went on, "When I met your mom, she was different than anyone I've ever met. She was nice to me. Me, that guy that everyone was always annoyed with! I mean, she was annoyed with me too sometimes, but still nice… So I asked her to be my partner, and she said yes!"

From his angle, she could just make out his smile. His eyes were brighter than she'd ever seen them. He kissed the baby's head, and rubbed her back. Natsu's head tilted in thought as he added, "And then she was selfish and weird sometimes, but she became all brave, strong, and patient. So I married her! You have her eyes, ya know. You'll be just as nice as her. I know it. It made her powerful, see. Powerful enough to make me her friend and love her and stuff."

Natsu absently carded a hand through Luna's hair. "That's what's important, okay, Luna? You don't need to be have powerful magic or big muscles or beautiful or anything. Being kind is the most powerful thing out there. You hear that? Nah, you're already out… that's a good girl… I'll tell you again someday, kiddo, when you can remember…"

With a smile that felt as if it would last forever, Lucy finally crept into the room and hugged her husband from behind. She kissed his neck. "Thank you for getting the baby."

He turned, so that he faced her, and put his baby-less arm around her with a soft grin. "Well, she's my baby, ain't she? Sorry if I woke you up."

"Nah, I'm glad I did," she sighed, eyes settling upon her sleeping child. "She's the best thing I've ever seen, too."


"Yeah. Tying with you, of course."

"Well, look who's being all mushy tonight," Natsu teased, carefully laying the baby back down and brushing her bangs from her face. Afterwards, he turned back to Lucy and encircled her within his embrace. Natsu rested his forehead against hers. "What happened to 'shut up, Natsu' or 'Why do I bother, Natsu?'"

Lucy slid her arms around his neck. "Yeah, I dunno. I must love you or something."

"Yeah, somethin'."

She laughed, and after a quick kiss (or three) she moved her hands down his arms, past his scars and strength, and squeezed his large hands in her own. "Back to bed?"

And he held her as they laid back down, consciousness already fading.

"Natsu?" she murmured without really thinking.


"I think you're pretty nice, too."

A breathy laugh. "Well, thanks. I'd hope so, considering how you married me and all…"

"I've always thought you were nice. And you're an amazing dad."

And now a pause. "Thank you, Lucy."

Natsu was warm, humming lightly to her, her baby was in the next room, and for at least a single moment before Lucy fell back to sleep, everything was perfect.

Hello, loves!

Been a while, I know O.O Just stopping by to drop off this tiny little drabble. An anon asked me to write it on Tumblr and I guess I forgot to post it here! It's a little something to keep Nalu family positivity going amongst the lil fandom war that was going on. Just simple fluff. Hope it might give ya a smile!

