Chapter 1: News of a Guest

"Spyro, get your fat, purple butt up," called a voice, waking the purple dragon from his sleep. The sun had risen and its light began to peer into the young dragon's room in the dragon temple in Warfang, the dragon city.

The room was square and a good size for any dragon. It had a mirror on the left wall with respect to the door that lead from the outside hallway into the room. A bookcase was on the opposite side of the room filled with books on dragon history, elements, and more. The large sleeping cushion bed was on the back wall, with an opening on the left that led to a small balcony that overlooked Warfang—perfect for watching sunrises. To him, the room was bigger than he needed, but he didn't complain. He liked the extra space. He stood up, got off his bed, and stretched his legs and flapped his gold-orange colored wings a few times to stretch them.

"Come on. The Guardians want to talk to us."

Spyro looked to the source of the voice and replied, "Don't you mean me, but you are just coming along just because, Sparx?"

The yellow dragonfly shrugged with one of his dumb grins and answered, "Well, yeah. It's what I do."

Spyro rolled his eyes with a smile and said, "Come on then." The two started to the Guardians' chamber to see what they wished to discuss with them.

Spyro and Sparx were brothers, adopted brothers. When Spyro was just an egg, he was placed in a dragon temple not far from a swamp, just off of the Silver River. There were rumors of a regiment of apes that were planning to attack the temple, and the Guardians acted. To be safe in case the rumors were true, they took as many eggs as they could away from the temple. Spyro's egg was one of the last. Not knowing how much time was left, the Fire Guardian, Ignitus, took the egg to the Silver River and placed it in a mushroom top and let it float away, hoping that it would be safe, and flew fast back to the temple. The rumors turned out to be true. Apes came close to the temple and the dragons there fought the apes. When the apes were defeated, the eggs were either returned to the temple or the parents took them back. All were accounted for, all but the purple egg. Ignitus searched to no avail. He concluded that either the egg was found by someone, or destroyed. He prayed that the first was true. The ancestors seemed to smile on him, because the egg was found by a dragonfly family, and when the egg hatched, it revealed a purple dragon who they named Spyro.

Spyro spent the majority of his life with his dragonfly parents and brother, thinking that he too was a dragonfly, until a fateful day. Sparx got into trouble with bulb spiders, and to help his brother, Spyro accidently breathed fire. Fortunately, that same day, Ignitus flew in and found him with his family, as Spyro tried to explain to his adopted parents what had happened. Ignitus introduced himself and explained what had happened the night at the temple and told Spyro that he was a dragon. Spyro took the revelation with some difficulty. Knowing that his parents weren't really his parents at all was hard for him. Even harder was that Ignitus didn't know who his real parents were. After receiving comfort from his adopted family, Ignitus invited Spyro to live in the dragon city with other dragons, and to train him to uses his newly found elements. Since Spyro was a purple dragon, he could use all four: fire, electricity, ice, and earth. Spyro agreed on the condition that his family could come. Ignitus agreed, but Spyro's adopted parents declined the offer saying that the swamp was their home, but Sparx could go with Spyro and Ignitus if he wanted. Of course Sparx agreed saying that, "brothers stick together, even if one of them has some weight issues." After everything was said and done, Spyro and Sparx left with Ignitus to live in Wafang. That was nearly four years ago.

"What do you think that the Guardians want to talk about?" asked Spyro to his adopted brother.

"I don't know," answered Sparx as they passed through the main corridor. The corridor was the main entrance and exit into the temple. On both sides, opposite of the entrance, the path lead to hallways with rooms. The students were on the left side, and the Guardians and any other adults that visited were on the right. "I just hope it's nothing bad." Sparx continued, earning a nod from Spyro as they entered the Guardians' corridor.

"When are you going to visit mom and dad again?" asked Spyro changing the subject.

"Don't know," the dragonfly shrugged, "Maybe in a few days. Are you coming along too?"

Smiling, Spyro replied, "Unfortunately, being a rare, purple dragon, I have to train. Hopefully, I can get time off to visit."

"The way Terrador trains, good luck with that," Sparx said with smirk.

As they arrived to the Guardians' chamber, the large, wooden door opened as they came near it. Inside they saw all four Guardians siting on their haunches around a small pool, the Pool of Visions.

"Hello, young Spyro," said the large, red dragon, "How are you this morning?"

"I'm fine, Ignitus," replied Spyro, letting out a yawn. He looked to the other three dragons. "Volteer, Cyril, Terrador, how are you?" Spyro asked kindly.

"Fine, thank you," all three said in unison.

Volteer spoke, "We are just waiting for Blaze, Glacia, Volt, and Terrain."

"I'm here," came a voice. Spyro, Sparx, and the Guardians looked to the entrance of the chamber to see a dragon walk in. He was a yellow electric dragon with dark grey horns, underbelly, and wings. The dragon's eye color was grey as well. His name was Volt. Volt had a vast vocabulary like Volteer. However, unlike the Electric Guardian, Volt knows when to use smaller words for others to understand. He was very intelligent and friendly, but can be a little shy, although once he comes out of his shell, he was the kind of dragon everyone likes to hang around with. "Good morning, Spyro."

"Good morning Volt. Where is-"

"Morning," an earth dragon said walking in. The earth dragon, Terrain, had green scales with a brown underbelly, wings, and horns which curved back like Terrador's. His tail was also similar to the Earth Guardian's, but was more in the shape of a spherical rock without the small spikes. He had brown eyes. He was one of the silent types in public and in front of elders, but when around his friends he is very open. He was a nice dragon at heart, but if he gets angry, everyone knows that there is a problem. "So what do you need to discuss with us?" Terrain asked the Guardians.

"We will start when Blaze and Glacia are here," Ignitus answered, "which should be about now."

Not a second after he finished, two dragons appeared from behind the door. The red scaled dragon had orange-red underbelly and wings. His horns were like Ignitus', but were light brown. His tail spade was in the shape of a flame, and his eyes were green. His name was Blaze, Spyro's closest friend next to Sparx. Blaze was a confident dragon with a heart of fire, although he can get hot headed when he is angry, especially if his friends are in trouble. He also enjoys a good joke, especially when he is the one making them.

Blaze had a wing draped over a dragoness next him. She was an ice dragoness that had light blue scales and a white underbelly and wings. She had two white horns that were in the shape similar to Cyril's, and her tail spade had multiple spikes sticking out on the end. Her eyes were sapphire blue. Her name was Glacia, and she was Blaze's girlfriend. She was very kind and loves to help others with problems, but she isn't afraid to speak her mind. Like Blaze, she will stand up to her friends if necessary.

"About time," stated Volt.

The couple rolled their eyes, but said nothing. Ignitus walked up to the two dragons. "From what I understand, Glacia was in your room and didn't come out. I certainly hope you weren't doing anything you shouldn't be."

"Dad!" Blaze replied, a blush forming on his cheeks. Glacia too was going red. Ignitus laughed at the fire-ice couple's reaction.

"Now Ignitus," came a feminine voice, "you should know that you and I were like them when we were younger." A red dragoness walked in.

"Hey mom," said Blaze. The dragoness had an orange underbelly and wings. She had two white horns and green eyes. Her tail blade was shaped like a flame, a trait that Blaze inherited.

"It is good to see you too, son," she said giving her son a nuzzle. When she broke the nuzzle, she looked at Glacia, "How are you, sweetie?"

"I'm fine. Thank you, Incendia." The adult dragoness nodded and walked to Ignitus and gave him a nuzzle.

"I would think that you would give him time off. I may live here with you, but that doesn't mean I like being alone."

Ignitus nuzzled his mate and replied, "I know, but he must train to take up the position of Fire Guardian when my time is up." Blaze was Ignitus' apprentice to become the next Fire Guardian.

Incendia spoke again, "Yes, but why does Cyril need an apprentice? In fact, why does Volteer need an apprentice? He is the youngest of you, and the youngest Guardian ever!" Ignitus was the eldest of the Guardians with Terrador not too much younger. Cyril was several years younger than Terrador, and Volteer was younger than him.

Volt was Volteer's apprentice to be the next Electric Guardian, and Terrain was Terrador's apprentice to be the next Earth Guardian. Glacia was training under Cyril, but with her relationship with Blaze, the Guardians said that if another capable dragon with just as much skill came along, then they would replace Glacia. This is to keep balance amongst the Guardians so that there is no inner quarrel. However, this was close to a year ago, and apprentices train from two to four years, sometimes even more. Glacia is officially the Ice Guardian Apprentice.

As an egg, Volt was also at the temple with Spyro. Glacia's and Terrain's eggs, however, didn't go to the temple, their parents kept them while in Warfang. Blaze, however, had already hatched a few weeks earlier. While Ignitus and the other Guardians were at the temple, Incendia watched and cared for the little hatchling, Blaze.

After the fiasco with the apes, Volt's parents took him back and awaited for him to hatch. Blaze was still under the watchful eye of his mother in Warfang. In order of age, Blaze was the oldest, followed by: Spyro, Volt, Terrain, and Glacia. They all were 19 years old.

Volteer spoke up, "Yes, I am aware of my unusual youth as a Guardian, but I thought it best to have an apprentice in case it was time to have a new generation of Guardians, and that is this generation." He gestured to the four young dragons to state his point.

"Oh yes, Volteer, we all know your… incredible feat to become a Guardian at such a young age," Cyril said with slight sarcasm. "All that is missing is to control that tongue of yours, and maybe then you can talk to a dragoness properly."

Volteer gave the Ice Guardian a cold glare. "Let me assure you Cyril, if I need help in arrogance I will go straight to you."

Before Cyril could comment back Terrador's voice boomed, "Enough! Both of you!" The room became dead silent.

"Thank you Terrador," Ignitus thanked. "Now everyone, we have a matter to address."

"Is there a problem?" Glacia asked, as they all took their respective place beside their masters with Incendia remaining in her initial position next to her mate. Spyro always stood with Ignitus. He viewed the Fire Guardian as a father figure ever since he arrived to Warfang. Sparx flew in place next to Spyro.

"No," answered Terrador, "we will be having a guest later today."

"Who?" asked Volt a bit nervous, "is it another gifted dragon, or maybe an elder coming to oversee our training, or…"

"No, no," Volteer cut in.

"It is nothing like that, young champ," said Cyril, calming the electric dragon's nerves. "Well actually…"

Ignitus took over for Cyril and said, "Your first guess was partly correct, though young Volt. A dragon is coming to Warfang for a while, though we don't know for how long yet. The dragon is none other than the purple dragon Malefor." The young dragons all gasped in unison. Everyone knew the purple dragon, Malefor. He was considered the most powerful dragon in the realms. To some, in dragon history. Spyro was the only other purple dragon. The difference between the two, other than age, was that Malefor had complete mastery of the elements and Spyro was still in training. Spyro is, however, very proficient in all four of the elements, especially fire.

"When is he going to arrive?" asked Spyro.

"Some time later today," answered Ignitus, "Now, that being said, you all will have no training for the day. We figured that you would like to meet Malefor, and even ask him questions about your respective elements. Training will commence tomorrow at the usual time until next week. Understood?" Everyone nodded. Ignitus smiled and said, "Good, now go on get your breakfast, and enjoy the rest of your day. We will call for you when Malefor arrives." The five dragons walked out of the room with a dragonfly in tow.

"How are Emera and Boldor doing, Terrador?" asked Ignitus, wanting to know how his friend's mate and son were doing.

"Both are fine. Thank you," replied the earth guardian.

"Emera still lives in the city?" asked Incendia, "why not here at the temple?"

"She would rather not commute from the temple to work."

"Not to change the subject," interrupted Volteer, "but don't we have an event coming up that we should be discussing?"

"Yes we do," replied Igniuts.

As the group walked to the dining hall to get their breakfast Volt asked, "You guys excited to meet Malefor?"

"Meh, we have our own purple dragon right here," responded Blaze, giving Spyro a nudge.

Spyro said, "Well, I'm excited. I can finally meet another purple dragon."

"Well, you two are the only purple dragons in the realms," Terrain put in.

Spyro sighed and said, "I wish I was a one-of-a-kind dragon, like how I was a one-of-a-kind dragonfly." Everyone laughed at their purple friend's comment, all knowing about his life in the swamp.

Sparx put in, "Well, you were a bit on the fat side. You still are, so I say you skip breakfast."

Spyro simply rolled his eyes and responded, "Aren't you going to eat something"

"Naw, I'll just get some butterflies later. I'm not that hungry."

As they neared the dining hall, the door opened, and the group saw that they had their own guests.