Reviews for Life and Love
Anacondra1 chapter 27 . 5/16
*clap* *clap* Wow just wow! This was amazing! Kinda sad that it’s over but still WOW! I loved this series great job! Man am I gonna miss it.
skyshadow32 chapter 27 . 4/24
Great book, thank you for it. I enjoyed every minute of reading the story.
CC-7567 chapter 27 . 4/20
Dang. I wouldve loved to see a sequel for this!
Omnitrix 12 chapter 27 . 4/18
Got to admit, seeing this end was a bit of a shock, especially because it doesn't end like... well, an ending. I mean it wraps up, but it feels like there's supposed to be more. I guess that's a good thing, but it's like it's missing something.

Oh well. For what it's worth this was pretty enjoyable, at least as fics centered strictly on romance go (personally I like a bit more action and suspense, but this makes a good exception). You did a good job and I'm interested to see if you write other stories later.
Guest chapter 27 . 4/13
Although I be completely honest; I had a feeling that this story was eventually going to come to an end soon. But journey of reading this incredible tale, was worth every, second, minute and hour. And I'm not the only one here who agrees._
Sacredstar Mentor chapter 27 . 4/13
This story truly touched the heart of many Legend Sypro fans. It's was an amazing, awesome and exciting tale, that brought love, romance, relationship, slice-of-life and family; from the beginning to the end. (Thank you Starwing13)
HolyCross9 chapter 27 . 4/11
A perfect ending for a most pristine alt Legend of Spyro love story. BRAVO!
TARDIS1039 chapter 27 . 4/11
Aw, I'm quite sad that this story has ended. I loved this from beginning to end, it's such a heartwarming story. Thank you for inspiring my Spyro story, I'm looking forward to seeing your other stories!
Fidget the Zorua Fossil Fighte chapter 27 . 4/10
I really enjoyed this fanfic while I’m disappointed about that there won’t be a sequel I’m glad to know that it wasn’t abandoned looking forward to reading the one-shot
Story.Writer.2015 chapter 27 . 4/10
Great job with completing this story. You did a great job here. I love this story. Thanks for everything.
UltraNova1225 chapter 27 . 4/10
what a wonderful ending. still can't believe it be 5 years seen I start read and I have to say it was greatest story but all good things must come to end. a spectacular ending Starwing13
IllusionMaster17 chapter 27 . 4/10
Just wow. After a long time a wonderful. journey has ended.
I remember the first time I read this story. I loved totally how all the characters interacted together among daily slice-of-life things and how the story was mainly about Spyro finding love and his role as the purple dragon, then evolving to how he deals with normal to advanced problems along Cynder and his friends amd the guardians.
Personally this story is one of the best in the entire fanfiction because its all about the normal life with no threat over the world as it is normally.
Great work with this story. You created a masterpiece worthy of everyone and I couldn't be happier to met such great story.
I tried to let a review but just couldn't catch it up at time but now I finally could.
And wow just one year happened? It felt much more time, but I guess that's the magic of fanfiction.
Also, loved a lot that the last scene was a kiss, so romantic, lovely, majestic and the best perfect ending.
Until we read again! :D
Anacondra1 chapter 25 . 1/13
Alright congrats on getting a job. Can’t wait to see where this story is heading.
Anacondra1 chapter 23 . 1/12
This was incredible for Spyro to finally meet his parents its just beautiful and heart warming to read but also kinda sad at the same time I feel bad for Spyro parents.
Anacondra1 chapter 19 . 1/11
Oooh i think I know who those two dragons are but you can never be sure
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