Ok, I'm worried that this story isn't doing well because I've gotten like, 0 reviews for 2 chapters. So I'm really, really hoping that some kind soul will just help feedback about my story. I don't care about criticism, I just want to know if you guys enjoy it. If not, then I'll try to improve it, but I need your criticisms.

Anyway, enough begging. Chapter 2!

Chapter 2

I never wanted to come back.

The day I left this place, I swore I would never return here. It was not an easy decision but one that was necessary. It would have been irresponsible for me to stay. Or to come back.

Yet here I was, standing outside my old home, looking into the window that reflected into what was once my room. Two windows down, the light was on in my parents' room. My dad refused to leave, to sell the house. Held too many memories, he said.

Well, it held a lot of memories for me, too.

There had been, as always, the happy times, when it was the 5 of us and our pet just living our lives happily. Even when the Omegas attacked on Day Zero, we didn't panic; our town wasn't attacked, and life went about as usual.

Then it all changed when Ferb disappeared.

He just up and left one day and never came back. I still remember waking up one day and seeing an empty bed with a note with one word: Goodbye.

We had searched, the entire town helping us. I tried tracking him with all forms of technology. Nothing. He had disappeared from the face of the Earth.

Until one day, we heard news that there had been a car crash on the outskirts of the Tri State Area. No survivors.

One of the victims had Ferb's DNA.

With the bodies burnt beyond recognition, we couldn't identify him by sight. But once it was confirmed that the DNA was Ferb's, that was it.

I never heard my dad cry so hard in my life. It was as though my heart was being ripped to shreds.

After Ferb's death, Candace moved out and went to live with Jeremy in New York—he had a scholarship to Harvard and she got accepted into Boston College. I would have left too, but I couldn't. Without Candace and Ferb, I had to take care of my parents.

I was actually happy with that arrangement. I never did want to leave Dansville, except maybe for college. Even then, I would have picked a school in the Tri State Area.

And things seemed to be going well.

Until my powers showed up.

That was when I knew I had to leave. Omegas at this stage were targets. I didn't want to bring trouble to anyone, yet at the same time, I didn't want to leave.

In the end, though, I knew I had little choice.

Just like Ferb before me, I packed my bags, and left. I left my parents alone to fend for themselves. I left a town that I had helped make a better place through the summer inventions.

Most of all, I left a girl—the girl of my dreams—behind.

I could hear the cop cars. Could hear their blaring sirens. I could see them. And they couldn't see me.

The benefit of being a Ghost: invisibility means you can't be seen, especially from people you don't want to be seen by. Plus, I had heard the sirens long before they arrived, so I had more than enough time to go dark and hide before they showed up.

Once they pulled up in front of the Garcia-Shapiro house, though, I almost panicked. What happened? Was the house robbed? Were the Garcia-Shapiros attacked?

Then I heard the screams.

Even after 6 months away from her, I recognized it instantly. And I knew.

No. It couldn't be. Isabella Garcia-Shapiro, an Omega?

I quickly flashed through my most recent memories of her. Throughout, she hadn't shown any sign of being an Omega. She always tested negative at her mandatory checkups.

So how could it be that she suddenly became one? Far as I knew, and as far as scientists had found, the Omega gene manifested at 14 or 15. Isabella was 16 going on 17.

Screams shattered my thoughts. I had to help her. The cops wouldn't show mercy. They would gun her down. I had never seen a cop take an Omega alive.

But how? Even with my invisibility, it would be amazing if I could make it into the house without being detected. I was invisible, not intangible. One false step, and I would just make it that much easier to find me.

I was interrupted by a flash. It wasn't exceedingly bright, but it was enough for my sensitive eyes to feel. It had come from my backyard.

As I ran there, I kept trying to formulate a plan to get Isabella out of there.

And they all came tumbling down when I saw her lying on the grass in my backyard, a fresh pool of blood forming under her.

I immediately ran to her, feeling for a pulse and fearing the worst. After a few nail-biting seconds, I finally felt a faint, but definitely present pulse. I heaved a sigh of relief.

At least she's alive. Unconscious and bleeding, but definitely alive.

I set about trying to address the wound. Cleric had taught me basic medical techniques, but in the heat of the moment, and with the knowledge that the cops might come over to investigate once they realized she had Blinked, it slipped my mind as to what to do at first.

Calm down. Think. What was the first step?

Then I remembered. Determine the cause of the bleeding.

Mentally slapping myself for forgetting, I waved my hands over her body. I felt something move, and I mentally tugged. Something flew out from her leg. A bullet.

Without thinking, I pulled off my shirt and wrapped it around her leg, to try to stem the bleeding.

"Coolio, what's your status?"

I jumped, then realized it was coming from my earpiece. With all the drama that was unfolding around me, I had forgotten my real reason for coming back here.

"Cronas, I have a problem. I'm…I'm not at the mission area. Got sidetracked." I reported back sheepishly.

"Damn it, Coolio. You know what Poltergeist is going to say about this."

"He won't be happy, I know. But I got bigger issues now. I've got an injured Omega here. Gunshot wound. Unconfirmed Blinker. I'm pinned down behind my old house with police surrounding the entire neighbourhood. I need immediate extraction."

As I was talking, I heard the cops yelling at each other. Apparently, they had orders to search every house in Maple Drive. I knew it was just a matter of time before they got here, after which I would be a sitting duck.

"You found an Omega?"

"Will you just get Hawk to get here for extraction? And hurry." I could hear footsteps.

"Hawk's on his way. ETA…5 seconds."


The cop turned the corner, gun in his hand and pointing straight at me.

"Hands in the air! Drop the girl!" He yelled.

"You shouldn't threaten an Omega, bro. You never know what he could do to you."

The cop turned just in time to get suckered in the jaw. I was facing an African-American male.

"Thanks for the assist." I said to Hawk.

"Less talking, more bouncing." He grabbed me and Isabella's hand.

The last I saw before the world blurred out was a whole lot of policemen swarming the backyard. Then suddenly, I was looking up at hanging fluorescent lamps.

"Coolio, what the hell? You were supposed to be surveying the Alphas!" I heard a female voice sound from behind me.

"I'll explain to Poltergeist. Send for Cleric. It's urgent." I turned to face a 17 year old girl in ripped jeans and a black tank.

Marina looked to argue, then she saw Isabella.

"I hope she was worth it. If Alpha Gamara gets new tech, and we have no clue what it is cuz you were off saving this girl, and it wipes us out, I will drown you in your sleep." She says, beyond walking out.

"Trust me, she's worth it." I muttered to myself.

You know, I'm starting to see a trend here. Is it just me, or are the chapters getting worse every time?

Please review! I really, really need advice.