Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters form LOTR, the Hobbit or other Tolkien stories. This story is just for fun, I do not earn money with it.

A/N: This is my first Fanfiction so tell me what you think about it. I'm not an English native speaker, so please tell me if my English is too bad.


Chapter 1

Hidden in the shadows he saw his father talk to that dwarf, Thorin. He listened to his fathers threat to hold Thorin and his company prisoners for as long as it will take for them to decide to give him the jewels he desired and to his surprise, he grew angry about his father. He told himself that he was an elf and held no love for dwarfs but he noticed that this was just half the truth. He could just not hate this dwarfs because he felt that his people should have helped them, when they were attacked by Smaug, so when Thorin was brought away he went to speak to his father.

„Is it necessary to hold them prisoners?" he asked.

„Yes it is! Do you doubt me, Legolas?" his father was angry at him now he realized, but he was used to it, Thranduril was never someone to hide his rage, especially not towards his son.

„It is not doubt what leads me adar, I just wondered whether it would be easier to get this jewels by letting them pass and maybe help them so they think of you as their friend and would be willing to give them to you?"

„Dwarfs are greedy, ion nin. You should know better than to fall to their lies. Go now and never speak of this again!"

„But father maybe this is the wrong..." Thranduril suddenly stood just an inch aware from his son and shouted at him in anger.

„You dare to speak against your king? I will teach you the way you should behave towards me." While saying this Thranduril slapped him hard then he turned around and said: „Imprison him!" Legolas was shocked. He was used to his father being angry but he had never before been slapped.

When two guards stepped forward with precarious looks in their eyes he did nothing to stop them. He just gazed at his father and then followed the guards.

When they nearly reached the dungeons on of the guards, his childhood friend Liam, stopped.

„I´m sorry, melon nin."

„There is nothing to be sorry for. It is your duty to obey the king. Do not worry about me, I will be fine."

„Sometimes I wonder how you can be so forgiving. I would be rather angry if my father just slapped and imprisoned me."

„Being angry at my father is no reason to be angry at you. Just do what the king ordered you. I can deal with my adars rage, I did it before. Besides it is not the first time he imprisons me."

He looked away, so Liam could not see his eyes. To have his father slapping him hurts more than he could admit to anyone. He was used to yelling and punishment even to be put in prison but not to this. He wondered whether he could stand this cold version of his father any longer. He remembered the days before his mother died so clearly. His father was much happier and milder this times and he this. It was like he had lost both his parents when his mother died.

He sighed and masked his feelings behind a blank expression before continuing his way to the dungeons.