Hey guys!

Sorry, the chapter must have gotten messed up or something!

Anyway, enjoy!

Have a happy Halloween and i'm getting married in less than 24 hours! Eep!


After about an hour of flying, Jackie finally collapsed in the middle of a huge field of dead grass.

Her head pounded and her heart ached.

How could they do this to her?

Jackie quickly wiped away a tear. No. She wasn't going to cry over Tooth. Tooth obviously didn't want to be a part of her life anymore.

She lay on her back, looking up at the sky. A few clouds slowly moved over the sun, but the warmth stil shone on her cheeks.

She hesitantly placed a shaky hand underneath her sweatshirt, onto her smooth stomach.

How much longer...until there was a bump...

It had only been about three months from conception, and her stomach was no longer kinda soft and squishy. It was now kinda hard, and it felt weird to sit up.

Jackie was startled from her train of thought by the sound of foot steps approaching her.

They weren't the heavy steps of North, the quick steps of Bunny. There was no trickle of sand like the one that followed Sandy, and the flutter of Tooth's wings wasn't there.

Jackie looked up, and almost instantly jumped up in shock.

A woman of about thirty stood over her. The woman had a beautiful even tan, long black hair to her knees, and large brown eyes. Her dress was made completely out of woven grass, yet her feet bare. In words, the woman was undescribably beautiful.

"Mother Nature..." Jack spoke in awe, blue eyes wide.

She nodded with a warm smile. "Yes child. I've come to clear rumors."

Jackie inhaled sharply and looked away, her face burning.

"Relax Jacqueline. I just want to talk with you. This is the first time you've been out alone for a while now." Mother Nature spoke smoothly, sitting next to the frost spirit.

"I...I know." Jackie looked down at the grass below her.

"Jacqueline. Your my only female seasonal spirit in over four hundred years. So in a way, you're my only daughter out of all of my sons, and you're are my youngest. My next youngest is about eight hundred."

Jackie nodded in acknowledgement.

"You're the baby of the spirit world." Mother Nature sighed, studying the turnt away girl.

Jackie glanced up, "Mother, i'm three hundred."

Mother Nature shook her head, "Compared to other spirits? Your an infant, my dear."

Jackie cleared her throat. "Mother...what did you want to really talk about?"

"Well...one of your brothers, actually, another winter spirit, told me about how you've been slacking of lately."

"Was it David?"

Mother Nature chuckled."Yes, dear, it was David."

"Hes such a tattle." Jackie huffed.

Smirking, the older woman continued "Ah, well, David use to be a messenger back in his day. But enough about your superior, this is about you. Anyways...I couldn't track you down, so I talked to a few other spirits who might have a clue on where I could find you. And apparently...word is, you're a Guardian now. Is this true?"

Jackie ran her fingers through the drying grass, her silvery hair blowing in front of her face.

"Yes Mother."

"Yes Mother what?"

"Yes Mother...I am a Guardian now."

"Hm...Interesting." The woman hummed.

"Interesting?" Jackie questioned.

"Yes, interesting. I'm not questioning your character or doubting why the Man in the Moon chose you, your clearly a amazing girl and your love children. Theres no reason he shouldn't have chose you. But, I find it odd he waited so long to make his move. Why not let you and the other Guardians bond and teach you before Pitch Black's main attack?"

Jackies shoulder's hunched in, her body language making her more closed off.

"I dunno." Jackie answered softly.

"Well, I believe if the Man in the Moon had chosen you sooner, then what happened between you and the Boogeyman wouldn't have gone down. I'm not saying what supposedly happened between you two is Manny's fault, but, I need to know what truly happened."

Jackie said nothing, her pink lips pressed into a thin line.

"So, Jacqueline, is it true?"

Jackie still didn't answer.



"Darling please talk to me."



"Jacqueline Frost, did Pitch Black ra-"


"Yes...He raped me. And now-...A-An-And now, i'm pregnant." Jackie conitnued, breaking the silence between the two.

"I see." The older woman spoke softly after a moment of hard thinking.

"What?" Jackie sputtered. "Aren't you...mad at me?"

"Mad at you?! No my dear, if i'm furious at anyone its that damned Boogeyman. How long are you along? Judging by your still flat stomach i'd say...almost three months. Another two weeks and you'll surely have a bump, hm?"

"Right..." Jackie sighed.

Mother Nature studied the small girl. "Jacqueline, i'm concerned for you. There have never been any other spirits in the realm who have ever given birth during their life as an immortal. In fact, I don't think there are many immortals who have given birth in their previous life."

Jackie looked up. "I...Mother? What do I do if can't do it? What happens if the baby is like him? How will they age? Baby forver? Grow old and die like a mortal? What-"

"Only time can tell my dear." Mother Nature interrupted. "Now, I do have one more question for you."

"Alright." Jackie sighed, taking a deep breath.

"What are you doing in the middle of a field?" Mother Natured asked, eye brow raised quizzically.


"Jackie...I'm sorry."

"Me too."

"I've ignored you for a month, and I have been wrong to do so. I...You're like my sister. No, my daughter in ways. It has been an heart wrenching experience, these past months. I thought...that...Well, I thought that now maybe everything was starting to be okay. Then you told me your news and I-, I just couldn't. So I pushed you away."

"I'm so sorry...I..understand if you want to yell at me and scream-"

Jackie cut her off, "Tooth...i'm not mad anymore...I just want you to be at my side again...please?"

Tooth blinked owlishly. "I-I'd..."



"I'd like that very much Jackie."


Bunny grumbled after letting out a huge yawn.

He stumbled down the hall, sight set on the bathroom a few doors down.

Suddenly he heard the slam of a door open and closing behind him. Before he could even turn around, a small girl with white hair raced in front of him, running towards the bathroom.

"Oi! Frosty! Can't you wait a minute?!" Bunny loudly whined.

"Nope! Gotta pee now!" The girl called out, slamming the bathroom door shut.

Bunny groaned and slumped down next to the door. "Why is there only one bathroom on this level?!"

He wasn't definitely going to talk to North about moving his room to another floor.


"Its not even noticable."

"Yes it is! Its the size of Mt. Everest!"

"Barely. Its like...an avacado."

"Are you comparing my baby to a avacado?"

"Yup. You should name him Avacado."

Jackie smirked, "Him?"

Bunny scartched his head, "I mean...it."

"You think the baby's gonna be a boy?" Jackie asked.

Bunny shrugged. "I dunno...I guess. Would be kinda nice to have a little nephew of sorts."

Bunny realized his mistake and cringed.

"Nephew? Does that mean i'm...like your sister?" Jackie probed.

Bunny didn't answer.

Jacqueline rolled her eyes.


Please review!

-Last official chapter posted as Shelby Wilson