1. This is a fan fiction based on characters owned by DC Comics. I DO NOT OWN THEM. This is just for fun.

2. As always, I'll point out this was written over a decade ago. Here in the UK, Season 2 of the JL cartoon had yet to air, so Hawkgirl had not been revealed as a spy. And the massive, every-hero-in-the-DCU roster of Unlimited wasn't a factor. My timeline picks up after the Season 1 finale, The Savage Time. All my Wayback Wednesday stories are numbered chronologically, if you get stuck.

3. Things get pretty crazy in this story. There are massive timejumps - often within a chapter - and the final act is the very definition of contrivance. That said, enjoy!

4. Again, sorry about my depiction of Diana. I really treat her like a teenager. Ugh.


The doors opened, and two people walked out of the hangerbay. They went down the corridor, slowly. One was staying close to the other, supporting it as they walked.

"Are you alright?" Batman asked Diana.

"Of course," Diana replied, smiling. "You don't have to hold me."

"I just don't want you to stress yourself," he said. "You shouldn't push yourself too much."

Diana sighed. "Look at you, all fretting."

"I'm not fretting," Batman said flatly.

"Well, what do you call hovering over me, holding my arm and walking slowly?" she said.

"Necessary caution," he replied.

Diana stopped and Batman instantly stopped with her. She looked at him and stroked his cheek. "It's OK, you're cute when you're worried."

Batman's cheeks blushed. "I don't worry," he said as flatly as possible.

Diana shook her head. "If that's what you want others to believe."

Batman looked at her, then began walking again. Her arm still being held, Diana began walking too. "I don't see why you wanted to come here," Batman said. "It's not sensible."

"Why not?" Diana said. "I just want to see our friends for a bit. I've been cooped up in the house for so long… haven't been on any missions…"

"And you won't for as long as I see fit," Batman said.

Diana sighed. "You know, if you were any other man I'd punch you."

Batman smiled. "You could try."

"Right, that's it." Diana then lunged at him, and wrapped her arms around his neck. She forced her lips on his, and kissed him passionately. He was taken aback, but quickly adapted to the situation, holding her shoulders.

She broke the kiss, and they stared at each other. "That's a funny kind of punch…" he said.

She smiled. "Well, you've banned me from combat… so I just have to kiss you…"

"A sacrifice I'm willing for you to make," he said flatly.

She laughed. "You're unbelievable, you know that?"

"I get that a lot," he said.

She sighed. "I love you…" she said.

"I get that a lot, too," he said.

"You're supposed to…" Suddenly Diana stopped, and took a deep breath. She closed her eyes and leaned back slightly, taking a step to steady herself. Batman immediately grabbed her and looked at her, concerned.

"Diana, are you alright?" he asked.

She was silent for a few moments, then took a breath. "Yes… just… felt a bit dizzy there…"

"Come on," Batman said, putting his arm around her. "I'm taking you home."

"No, you're not," she said. "I haven't seen Shayera for days. Now we're going to go to the lounge and be with our friends. And that's final."

Batman looked at her, and nodded slowly. "OK… but if you feel any more pain…"

"J'onn can take a look…" she began.

He put his hand on her chin and raised her head. "Diana," he said. "If you feel any more pain, we're going home. And THAT'S final."

She sighed. "OK…"

He slowly put his hand to her cheek, and stroked it gently. She closed her eyes and sighed contently. He then pulled her close, and she rested her head on his shoulder. He stroked her arm. "Come on, let's get you in a chair…"


They began walking again, and continued down the corridor.

Diana sunk into the chair, sighing as she wiggled herself into the cushion. She rested her elbows on the arms of the chair, holding her glass of milk to her mouth. "This is a lovely chair," she said.

Shayera sat on the end of the bed. "Yeah, I got that. John doesn't like it, but I let him put his medals on the wall, so we're equal."

Diana smiled. "So married life hasn't softened your stubbornness?" she asked.

"No," Shayera replied. "He knows who wears the pants in this relationship."

Diana frowned. "Pardon?"

Shayera looked puzzled, then nodded. "Never mind. And what about you? We haven't seen you for days."

Diana did not know what to say. On one had, she wanted to tell her friend about her condition, but she did not want anyone to know until it was proven that all was fine. She did not want to get anyone excited only to be disappointed. "I'm having a wonderful time," she said.

Shayera looked at her. "Is there something you're not telling me, Princess?"

"No," Diana said. "Why do you ask?"

"We haven't seen you in over a week," Shayera said. "You couldn't have been in that house for all that time."

"I haven't," said Diana. "I'm just… enjoying life right now."

"And you haven't been on missions with us since the wedding," Shayera said. "Is Batman not letting you out? Is he keeping you tied down?"

Diana went red. "Well, actually…"

"I mean, would it be so bad to spend some time with your friends?" Shayera interrupted. "We miss you, Diana. We miss both of you."

"We miss you too," said Diana. "But… things are complicated right now. When things have calmed down…"

Shayera raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Diana was silent. She had almost given it away. "Nothing," she said. She took a sip from her milk. They had an appointment booked at the doctors the next day. Once they were given the all-clear… then they would tell the others. "So what's been happening here?" she asked.

Shayera sighed. "Nothing much. J'onn is actually getting more distant… I don't think he actually likes John and I living here."

"I thought he'd like the company," said Diana.

"I think it reminds him of what he's lost," Shayera said.

Diana's face fell. "Oh. I guess we're kind of lucky."

"Yeah," Shayera said. "Flash is still happy with Linda. I think her parents are beginning to like him. Her father doesn't keep the gun loaded as much."

Diana smiled. It was then that she realised how lucky she was. She was with the man she loved, and they were about to become a family. She wanted to tell their friends, but not yet.

When the time was right…


Batman walked into the kitchen. He looked around and saw Superman sitting at the table, having a cup of coffee. Good… the one person he felt comfortable talking to.

"Hey, Bruce," Superman said, raising his hand. "How's things?"

Batman was silent for a moment, then went upto the table. "Good," he simply said.

Superman smiled. "Good. It's been awhile since we've seen you."

"I've spent longer times away from the Watchtower," Batman said.

"True, but we noticed you were gone more so," said Superman. "We're a family now."

Batman raised his eyebrow. "I'm pretty sure I don't have Kryptonian blood in me," he said flatly.

Superman laughed. "You still got it, Bruce," he said. "How's Diana?"

Batman was silent again. He wanted to tell Clark about Diana's condition… but they had wanted to keep it secret until it was certain everything was alright. Still… he could trust the Boy Scout.

"She's… good," he said slowly.

Superman frowned. "You alright? You sound like something's up."

Batman was silent.

Superman narrowed his eyes. "Ah, I see. Something secret, eh?"

Batman remained quiet.

"How many words?"

Batman blinked.

Superman laughed. "Just a little joke there."

Batman looked at him.

"OK," Superman sighed. "Is it something business, or personal?"

Batman remained unmoved.

"Right," Superman said. He held his chin. "Hmmm… about Diana?"

Batman put his hands on the back of a kitchen chair.

Superman stoked his chin. "Two for two. OK… she bought something?"

Batman kept his hands on the chair.

"OK… she's done something?"

Batman looked at him.

"Something's happened to her?"

Batman lowered his head slowly.

"OK…" Superman mused. "Something's happened to Diana… something personal. She realised who she married?"

Batman glared at him.

Superman held up his hands. "Relax, relax, I'm kidding. Anyway, something personal with Diana… something's happened to her… you've both been away for days… you just got married… she hasn't been on any missions…" He suddenly stopped. His eyes widened, and he looked at Batman. "Great Scott," he said.

Batman straightened up. "Please don't tell anyone," he said.

Superman was silent for a few moments. "Er… sure," he eventually said. "Sure thing, Bruce. Your secret's safe with me."

"Thank you," Batman said. He then turned round, and went to the door.


Batman stopped.


Batman looked over his shoulder. He took a deep breath, then left the room.


They sat in the room, waiting impatiently for the doctor. Diana was sitting up on the bed, and Bruce was sitting in a chair beside her, holding her hand. Next to them was an ultrasound machine, turned on and waiting to be used.

"Where is she?" Bruce asked.

"Relax," Diana said. "She won't be long. Calm down."

"I am calm," Bruce said. "I just don't like to be kept waiting."

"She's only been gone for ten minutes," said Diana. "From what I've heard of hospitals, that's nothing. I've heard of people being kept waiting for hours."

Bruce stood up and began pacing the floor. "I just want to know. I want to find out… make sure…" His voice trailed.

Diana tilted her head. "Make sure everything's alright," she said.

Bruce looked at her. "Yes."

Diana sighed. "You have to believe everything will, darling," she said. "It's been three months now… and the pain hasn't been as often as it was before."

"I just can't help worrying," Bruce said. "I want to get this day over with. I want everything to be fine… I want you to be fine… I want… I…"

"Bruce," she said, interrupting. "It'll be OK. I feel fine."

"You said you were in pain only yesterday afternoon," Bruce said, going upto her.

"That was just… a twinge," she said.

"I don't want you even to feel a twinge of pain," he said, caressing her cheek. "I just want you and the baby to be fine."

"We will," Diana said. "As long as you're with us."

Bruce smiled, and slowly leaned down. They kissed softly, then looked at each other. Diana sighed. "I love you," she said.

Bruce raised his head slightly, and kissed her forehead. "I love you," he said.

The door opened, and Bruce and Diana turned their heads to see Dr. Richards walk in. "Hello," she said. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

Bruce raised his hand. "No worries."

Richards went over to the ultrasound and picked up the scanner. "How are we feeling?" she asked.

"Nervous," Diana said. "We just want everything to be alright."

"Don't worry, we'll see if there's anything wrong," Richards said. She went over to Diana's bedside and rubbed jelly over her bare stomach.

Bruce took Diana's hand in his and stroked her face. Richards then put the scanner to her stomach and ran it over the jelly.

The screen came alive with the readings of the scanner. The vague image of a baby in a fetal position appeared on the screen, as the sound of the baby's heartbeat came from the speakers.

Diana smiled. "Bruce…"

Bruce tightened his grip on her hand. "I know…"

A tear fell down Diana's face. "Our child…"

Richards put her stethoscope on and put it to Diana's stomach. She began to put it to different places, listening to the baby's heartbeat.

"Our house is going to feel so much smaller…" Bruce said.

"Not too small," Richards said. "I'm picking up two heartbeats."

Bruce and Diana darted their heads up. "What…?" Diana breathed.

Richards took the stethoscope off and placed it on her shoulders. She looked at them. "Mr. Wayne, Mrs. Wayne… you're going to have twins."