"Ephram there's something here from your family." Ephram's girlfriend of nearly nine years states as Ephram walks into their apartment shutting the door against the sounds of New York City.
23-year-old Ephram opens the card to find an invitation to Delia's high school graduation, "Delia's graduation is a month from today."
"In Everwood Colorado." Misty makes the words sound drawn out and scary. "Oooh scary."
"Cut it out." Ephram calls, "I don't know why you act like I'm afraid of Everwood."
"You mean to tell me you aren't?" Misty asks following Ephram into the kitchen.
"Why would I be?" Ephram asks.
"Well the fact that you ran away from that small little town when you were 15 leads a person to believe that you would be afraid of it."
"Afraid of a deathly boring town?" Ephram asks, "Right."
"I'm serious there is something about that town that scares you. No one leaves their father and little sister if there isn't something to be afraid of." Misty states.
"Don't psychoanalyze me Misty." Ephram rolls his eyes at his psyche major girlfriend. "I left Colorado because I hated it there and my father and I didn't like it there, my grandparents gave me the chance to return to my home. New York is my home, why do we always have to get into this?"
"I don't know Ephram." Misty shrugs, "It's just kind of odd that you have never gone back there, not once. I've met your father once at out high school graduation and that's it. It just sounds like you're afraid of it."
"Well I'm not." Ephram snaps and then realizing he has done so he turns to face Misty. Pulling her to him he whispers, "I'm sorry Mis, but we've known each other since I came back to New York. I don't know why you always have to bring this up, we never do anything but argue about it."
"I know, I'm sorry. But we are going to your sister's graduation right? I mean I'm done with classes in two weeks and you only have a week left with the symphony before they break for the summer."
Ephram looks down at Misty, "Would it get you off my case if we went?"
"Of course." Misty replies kissing Ephram deeply before pulling away, "I've got class I'll see you when I get home."
Ephram watches his girlfriend breeze out of the apartment, she is the opposite of Everwood and every single person in the small town. Born and raised in New York City Misty had only been out of the city when her upper class family went on trips all around the world, Misty had never been to a town like Everwood. And in her bikini top and short cutoff shorts Ephram had no idea what Everwood would make of her. "Watch out Everwood Misty Crew is on her way." Ephram whispers.