Author's note: I deeply apologize if anyone is offended by this chapter or this whole fic in general. I'm going for neutral, don't-give-a-damn kind of personality for my narrator and this is what I came up with. Again, I apologize if anyone feels insulted.








Humans are created in a unique way. They possess intelligence and strength that most species would only have either of. However, it's irrefutable that like most species, humans also have what is known as survival instinct. Take for example, a fire. Animals that lacked intelligence will simply run away to avoid being burnt alive while humans, separated by their baser instinct by a layer of rationality, will simply put it out with water.

But what if the layer of rationality is removed? What will humans do then?

If you're curious on how a human will act without rationality, you simply have to watch a toddler. Toddlers are old enough to move on their own yet lack the necessary intelligence provided by adolescence. So, what do toddlers do when there's a fire? They either cry or run away screaming. Luckily for humans, they need not see themselves degraded in such a way as they have rationality and intelligence. Without both elements, everything is an unknown.

Humans fear the unknown because they don't possess any knowledge of it. Of course, it wouldn't be an unknown if we have information on it. When facing the unknown, humans usually try to search for any valuable knowledge but when it proved to be futile, that's when the layer of rationality is removed and humans acted on their baser instinct. Baser instinct is made up of only the simplest of command. Eat, sleep, survive and reproduce. Without rationality, baser instinct will see the unknown as a threat. And threats are eliminated.

We can see many examples where baser instinct run its course in humanity. A mother killing her deranged husband in order to protect her children, a lover sacrificing himself for his beloved, villagers bringing pitchforks and lighted torchwoods to the house of one accused of witchcrafts and many, many more. There are evidences, one simply has to look closely. I'll even give you another example. Did you know that in the olden days, when superstitions ruled the world, twins were seen as a sign of evil and would be killed upon birth?

No? Of course you won't. You see, after science existed and proved that twins were nothing more than mass dividing of cells, people were so ashamed of themselves that they covered up their tracks by erasing all evidences of their ignorant acts. But I can assure you that there is always someone who knew what goes on behind the curtains.

Nowadays, twins are being heralded as prophet-like existence due to their uncanny abilities to find each other no matter how far their distance. This is true for identical twins but what about non-identical twins? To be honest, I don't know the answer and have no care for it either. What interests me is the other legend regarding twins. The legend that made females coo and the males to squirm uncomfortably.

You guessed right. This legend have something to do with romance which is quite disturbing if you have a twin and your twin is related to the subject that was said to hold the power that can move mountains.

They say that twins are the reincarnation of lovers, whether that's true or not remains unknown. If it's not, well, let's just say that some people have too much time on their hands for them to think of something like that. But what if it's true? If you have a twin and said twin was your lover in past life, won't it be troubling? Especially if said lover is your soulmate? If a soulmate is a person whom you have to spend your entire existence with, not just one lifetime but many, many lifetimes, then isn't your life already condemned the moment God decided to reincarnate your soulmate as your lover? You'll be condemned for loving your twin in a non-platonic way and since humans are prone to sin, incest will occur. No matter which religion, incest is forbidden and taboo in which a severe punishment awaits. And in the case of identical twins where they have the same gender, homosexuality will arise and another taboo will be broken. Well, it matters not to me anyway since I don't have a twin. Much less a family.

The world used to be blinded by racism. Separated by religion and judged by skin colour. But now, in an era where science triumphs over superstitions, all the fight over faith and belief seemed so far behind us now. Which kinda makes all those cynical morons' opinions worthless and inane. Do you know how many lives were lost in wars that involved religion? I won't be surprised if it surpassed a quadrilion. Oh, I'm not belittling the fallen warriors' sacrifice. I'm just wondering if said warriors are still alive, would they still feel the same and still join the cause that robbed them of their freedom and lives?

Hm? What's that, boy? You're wondering why I've been muttering to myself all this while. Well, for no apparent reason really. I should stop muttering to myself? Why? It's just you and I here so I can do whatever I want as long as it doesn't breach your personal bubble. I was sheltering myself from the heavy rain inside this old shack, just like you are, until the rain brought back memories of a life that had long gone. Gone were the halcyon days of laughter and adventures. Now all that's left are the bittersweet memories, the shadows of my past. Ah~ Fino al nostro prossimo incontro, mia famiglia.

Why are you looking at me like that? Haven't you ever heard of Italian? No? Geez. What is the New Ways teaching their students nowadays? I know that most of the countries before World War Four don't exist anymore but to actually abandon all those abundance of knowledge, culture and history is unthinkable. Anyway, I just said "Until we meet again, my family." in Italian. How do I know such language? That's easy. I practice the Old Ways and I think I'm the only one left.

Why is your eyes sparkling like that, boy? You want me to teach you Ways of the Old? Now, why would you want that? Youngsters like you usually don't care for stuffs like this. You seek knowledge? Knowledge is indeed power, but too much knowledge can bring you harm.

It won't? You know, your confidence reminds me of someone I used to know. Come to think of it, you guys are pretty similar. You guys seek knowledge and won't stop until you get what you wanted. What is your name, boy? You're only telling me if I tell you about that person? Oh, fine. It's a fair trade, I guess.

Now, I'll only tell this story once so listen very closely. Do you remember what I said about twins earlier and the legend of them being lovers? No, I still don't know if it's true or not and stop interrupting me. Stop pouting. It doesn't suit you. Now, where was I? Oh, yes. The story but before I tell you, I need you to swear you will not repeat this tale to another's ears. Got it? Good.

Boy, the story that I'm about to tell you is about certain pair of twins that I met in my early years of living and had come to think of them as my family. Before I continue, do you believe in demons? No? Go figure. Why I asked? Well, you see, the twins in my story were offsprings of a demon and not just any demon, it's the king of demons. I'm pulling your leg? You are free to believe whatever you want but remember this, not one part of my story is fabricated and everything had happened just like the way Fate had spun those brothers' string of life in a tale full of sadness and tragedy.