Disclaimer: I am not the legal owner of Harry Potter nor am I the owner of anything that is written in the Harry Potter series.

"Lover, please do not
Fall to your knees
It's not
Like I believe in
Everlasting love"

Laura Marling – "Ghosts"

Scorpius should have known that this day would come. They are, after all, a small community and he was associated with her family on numerous levels – friendships, co-working, even a few odd dates her with some of her cousins here and there (and dating her for over a year, but no one knew about that). So it wasn't a big surprise when he found himself receiving a memo about having to meet with her. She was part of a special ward built just for the Aurors in St. Mungo's, some say it was her own initiative to have it built.

As he knocked on her office door, his stomach tightened and his heart was beating so fast he was sure that it was absurd for him to knock as she would, for sure, be able to hear it from where he stood. The plaque on her door made him even more nervous.


S.H.M.W – Special Crisis Unit, Spell Damage, Potions and Plant Poisoning.

She achieved quite a lot over the years, he thought to himself. Albus had always said that she was the only one who truly made a name for herself out of all them (by them he meant Potters and Weasleys alike). He knocked on the door and waiting the obligatory five seconds before he opened the door.

"Hello Scorpius," she greeted him. Her dark red hard was up in a French twist, and while her lime robes lay on her office chair she wore a sleek midnight blue dress that reached just above her knees and a pair of black high heels. She looked ready for a night out in a fancy restaurant surely not for a mere meeting. Were those pearl earrings? "Please, sit down." No longer fifteen, at twenty six Lily Potter was a self assured woman.

"Heading out later?" he asked and pointed at her attire. Lily flashed him a smile, slightly flushed.

"No," she set behind her desk. "Just dressed for the job," She pointed at the great number of framed diplomas behind her. Albus was not kidding when he said she was the actual genius of their lot. Gone were the days when she didn't finish her homework. Something twisted in his chest as she moved and extracted a thick file.

He shrugged and took out his own file. They were here after all to discuss security measures and statistics. "Well," he looked down at the departmental document. "Head-Auror Potter is pleased with the latest advances and fast treatments in the past six months. All in all, we feel that the increased attention we receive has made it easier and faster for our guys to head back into action and regular agenda." He handed her the report.

Lily read and hummed, nodding a little as she did. Again Scorpius' heart twisted in a small knot, when he remembered this was an old habit of her. He focused his gaze on her appearance. He could not wrap his mind around this very polished looking Lily.

"I see what you're doing," her voice woke him from his reverie. Leaning forward she pushed towards him a sheet of parchment. "You are not getting more beds, I'm sorry but no."

He took the document and skimmed over it. "I don't see why not? We funded this ward, it is only fair we get to have to a say in its maintenance." He handed back the document.

Lily closed her eyes and took a deep breath, when she opened them there was a glimmer he had not seen in a long while. "Alright then," she began. "We'll just cut off the funding to our new children ward, withholding construction for another year and if that won't be enough we'll cut short some of our staff in the Creature-Induced Injuries ward, namely the werewolf research fellows. Does it measure up to you asking for more beds?" she wrote it down, sealed the letter and handed him the document. "I will send copies to the heads of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes and our head Pediatric Healer and of course our patrons here in the hospital."

In other words she will let her aunt, uncle, cousins and his father know just what he asked her to do. She was in it for the kill. With a flick of his wrist the letter burned to ashes and disappeared.

Lily beamed at him, a feral grin but it set his whole body on fire. "I never negotiate, Scorpius." She leaned back in her chair. "You have more than enough in your ward, I made sure of it."

"What if there are more casualties than expected?"

"We'll deal with it on our own way," she said. "Do you really think we let you stay hurt? We are healers not some lot you find on the street. We are professional. I'm a professional." It felt like she was saying the part more to herself than to him.

"And scary as hell," He added. Suddenly, like a super-sonic boom he heard it. Lily laughed out loud and it was the most wonderful feeling in the world. She was always pretty, always poised and together but in that moment she was roaring with laughter and his heart swelled.

They set there for a long while. They argued, debated and finally reached to a mutual agreement. Both felt extremely pleased with the outcome. He did notice that after their little fit of laughter Lily avoided looking at him. It echoed back to after they ended their relationship and how awkward it was. She was writing down what they agreed upon and stray lock of hair escaped from her French twist. His hands itched to shove it behind her ear, maybe linger a little in the nap of her neck. He shook his head, this is not an appropriate thought. He is here on actual work related business not to woo and chat up an old flame. But Merlin's great beard…she was stunning.

Lily twirled her quill and frowned for a second before she looked up at him. "How do you feel about field healers?"

"Field healers?"

"Well in the muggle world, whenever soldiers go out on special assignments or operations, they take with them someone who can provide first aid and even small filed procedures until they can get full medical help," she explained. "I know you take potions and know the basic healing spells but what about having a few of your staff to actually practice and know more life sustaining healing charms and procedures? Perhaps even some muggle methods?"

"Like stitches?" he asked and Lily gave him an approving nod.

"Stitches are a great example, yes." She rose from her chair and went to her file cabinet and pulled out another thick file. She took out a few sheets of parchments and stood beside Scorpius. "I was planning to run this by your Boss," she gave him a cheeky smile. "But having you on board will be a great boost for my plan."

"You do know that my Boss is your Dad, right?"

"I'm not one to use nepotism," Lily's eyes sparkled dangerously. "Never once did I use my family to get where I am. If I did I would probably be an Auror or some other ministry lackey."

"Like me?" he arched an eyebrow. "You think I'm some brainless ministry crony?" he got up from his seat, perhaps it was time to set her opinions straight.

"I think you're brilliant." She answered and didn't back away when Scorpius stepped closer. Her flowery perform engulfed him, he was almost drunk on her scent. Lily licked her lips and Scorpius felt his heart thudding in his ribcage ready to burst out. There air was charged, he knew she must have felt too.

"Scorpius," Lily whispered and a sense of bliss washed over him. He wanted desperately to lean down and kiss her, he was sure she'd allow him if he did.

He had to do it right this time. They're not in school anymore and he wanted her, he always wanted her.

"First of all, I'm going to take you to dinner tonight," he stated.

Lily's eyes shone, and looked like she wanted to laugh. "And second?"

Scorpius smirked. "And second, I'm going to make sure your proposal is approved by the end of the week."

"Alright," she said after a short pause. "But don't let it get to your head."

"Getting your plan approved or you agreeing to go out with me?" Scorpius asked with a grin.

"Both." Lily shrugged, a bit of pink on her cheeks.

She knew they won't be able to pick up from where they left it, no one is that optimistic. But, it was a start and just this once, she knew it could last longer. If anything, Lily Potter was always ready for something new, and she didn't mind it was with Scorpius.

"Good," Scorpius said and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

She didn't mind it at all.

Thank you for reading
