Hey guys *insert nervous laughter*. It's been awhile. I want to start by apologizing for the horribly long wait. I thought I was going to update in April, too, folks. But here I am, 6 months later… Anyways, onto a better note, and I know this is incredibly late as well, but to my fellow Americans… We are the 21st country to legalise Same-Sex Marriage nationwide! Yay! Wahoo. Now moving on
Review time! Honestly, I'm surprised that this story got 10 reviews. Even more that it got 22! Thanks to everyone who reviewed! If I'm missing you, so sorry!
Kamspanda8888: Nice. Nice. I remember when you busted your lip on your trombone… Random! Anyway, technically, I already said thanks, but I guess I'm obligated to say it again… thanks
Guest: Thank you.
Guest: Thanks
Guest: That was so nice! I love it when stories make people feel emotions!
Geeky-and-Goth-531: I think it is a wonderful idea! I was actually going to do that anyways! This chapter follows this idea! Glad you like it!
ReganRocks(Both Reviews): I am! I know, right? Glad you like.
TweetyBird321: Sup! I know, right? It's the keyboard that's stupid, Kam… Just playing with y'all. I get it. Thanks. Yeah. There are more chapters! We all have fangirl moments!
noi: Thanks. I will :)
Luna: Thanks. Will and Nico are about 23-24, so yeah, you were right. The others are just a few years older than them, so yeah. I'm glad you like this story!
BooksandSunsets: I love that song, though I'm not a big fan of Sam Smith. Hi like him alright, though. You're welcome. I love making people cry… I guess… Hope you like this chapter!
Solangelo Lover: I am sorry, I know I said I would update at the end of March. I'm glad you like this story
So now that that's done, I hope everyone likes this chapter and has a great Thursday. Even though this is definitely not my favorite chapter, I still hope you like it. I feel like I made people a bit too dramatic. If anyone wants to give some input in a review, I'll come back to edit this chapter and we can change some stuff.
One more thing. Read the author's note at the end. It has some important info that you need. Well, not really, but still, read it.
Thanks to anyone who favorited, is following, or reading is this story! It makes my day when I see a new follower, favoriter, or a new view. And a new review! And this author's note is taking up an entire page, so I'll just start the chapter now… after the disclaimer!
Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or HoO. All of the characters belong to Uncle Rick. I am not making any profit out of this. All I own is the plot.
It's not my best, but it's what I've got! Read on! I'm afraid the characters are horribly OOC. Oh well. Now you can really read on.
Third Person
Percy was back at CHB for a while because he and Annabeth had heard Will died, and Percy was afraid that Nico was going to become depressed. You can't blame him. Nico spent, like, 4 years being all grumpy and depressing and-Oh, look. Thalia just walked out of the Hades Cabin. Percy walked over to her, looking concerned.
¨How is he?¨ He asked, looking into Thalia's electric blue eyes, already sensing the worst when she didn't answer quickly. She shook her head.
¨He's losing it without Will. I didn't tell him that, but it was obvious. He was sobbing his eyes out for-I-don't know how long, then he told me about Will's death. Then, well, he already looks like he's dying,¨ Thalia grimly stated. Percy decided something.
¨I'm going to talk to him. I know you already did, but maybe if he see's how many people love him, he won't do anything stupid,¨ Percy confirmed. Thalia looked wary, though.
¨I don't know, Percy. But you do whatever you want,¨ With that, Percy walked off, determined to knock some sense into that little head of Nico's. He walked up to the Hades Cabin door, not bothering to knock. He barged in and gasped at what he saw lying on the floor. Nico was lying there, unmoving, his eyes closed and his face paler than it had been. Percy didn't know too much about this, but he did know that the blood was supposed to be there, coloring his cheeks. He quickly got down to check for a pulse. There was no pulse.
"Annabeth!" Percy screamed, his shock making him unable to call for anyone else but his lover. While he waited, Percy looked at the cold, lifeless body on the ground, the corpse that had already started to grey. With a sickening realization, Percy realized that Nico was really gone. Really gone. As Percy thought that thought, he fell on the ground, his body racked with sobs. His little brother. Gone.
Annabeth came running into the cabin a few moments later, though, to Percy, it seemed like hours. She got on the ground beside her boyfriend to see what he was crying about. She too gasped when she saw the body on the ground.
"Oh Nico…," Annabeth whispered, bringing her boyfriend's head onto her shoulder, and he let his tears soak her shirt. As he did that, she let out a few of her own. They stayed like that for a few minutes, although it felt like years to Percy, who had basically just lost his little brother, and Annabeth, who had just lost her little brother as well.
"Percy," Annabeth whispered slowly, after a while, "Do you have any idea what could have happened?" She waited for an answer patiently, and after a while, Percy finally answered.f
"No," He whimpered. "I just walked in here, and he was just lying on the floor. I checked for a pulse. There was no pulse," He finished, and Annabeth looked.
"Stress cardiomyopathy," She finally said. Percy looked at her.
"What?" He asked.
"Otherwise known as Broken Heart Syndrome. I saw a news segment on it. It's dying of heartbreak," Percy looked gobsmacked.
"Nico? But… Oh, yeah. Will," And then Percy was crying again.
"Percy. We need Iris message everyone and tell them. Let's start with Hazel, Frank, and Reyna," Percy nodded and wiped his sea-green eyes. He had to be strong. He couldn't even imagine Hazel's reaction. Reyna would be cold and secretly crying. Frank would be upset, but he would be strong for Hazel. But Hazel, Hazel could either be screaming or sobbing quietly. There was no telling. They would just have to find out in a minute.
"Make a rainbow," Annabeth directed to Percy, and he did just that. Annabeth took a drachma out of her pocket and threw it in the shimmering mist. "Oh Iris, goddess of the Rainbow, please accept my offering. Show me Reyna at Camp Jupiter," The mist glowed brightly for a second, then faded into Reyna's image.
"Percy, Annabeth," She smiled at them in greeting.
"Hey, Reyna. Could you get Hazel and Frank for us? You all three need to hear this," Annabeth faked a smile. She was happy to see Reyna, but not under these circumstances.
"Of course, They're right over there. Frank, Hazel! Percy and Annabeth need to talk to us. They say it's important," Frank and Hazel walked over.
"Hey, Percy, hey Annabeth," Frank greeted, while Hazel just smiled at them. "What do you need to tell us?"
"Well," Percy started. "There's no easy way to say this, but you remember three months ago? When Will died?"
"Yes? Why? Is Nico okay?" Hazel frantically asked.
"That's what we wanted to talk about. You see, um, well, Nico died. He had this thing called Stress cardiomyopathy, also known as Broken Heart Syndrome. He died because his heart was broken when Will died," Annabeth said quietly. Sure enough, Reyna's face became cold and unreadable, Frank's features looked upset, but he turned to Hazel and gathered her in his arms. Hazel had the weird reaction, though. Instead of screaming and bawling, she just kept repeating something.
"He's with Will, he's with Will," She kept whispering, as if trying to reassure herself. Percy and Annabeth swiped through the mist while they were preoccupied.
"Now we just have to go tell Chiron, Piper, Jason, Leo, and Calypso. Chiron can tell the rest of the camp," Annabeth stated. "Percy?" She asked when he didn't respond.
"Yes?" He was broken out of his stupor by Annabeth's voice. His Annabeth's voice. He suddenly gripped her hand a little tighter.
"Talk to me," She looked into his eyes. He gulped.
"It's just… Nico. He was like my little brother. He was my little brother. It was awkward, for awhile because he liked me, but-but," And then the tears were coming again. Annabeth immediately pulled him towards her again, and rubbed his back comfortingly. tears prickled at the edges of her eyes, but she held them back, because she had to stay strong for Percy, for her own love. Because the gods know that he needs her right now.
"I know love, I know. It hurts. But think about Nico. Think about how happy he is with Will right now," She whispered, holding him. He quickly pulled away when she said that.
"I don't want to think about that! I would like to think that Nico didn't freaking die because Will did. Why did Nico have to die just because Will did?" Normally Annabeth would be mad that her boyfriend said something like that, but she understood. He said things he didn't mean when he was upset.
"Percy, you know that if I died, the same thing would happen to you. You know that. the same goes for me," Annabeth gently told him. They had been through a mourning period a few months before, when Will died. No one was really surprised when they became amazing friends. So they had a few mourning parties lately.
"I know," Percy deflated again, leaning on the wall for support. "It's just… monsters, magic, two wars, and then he dies because his heart is broken. It's just ironic."
"There's a reason Aphrodite is one of the Olympians. Love isn't exactly a thing that is taken lightly. It has the power to destroy someone. Love is the reason many people started wars. It started the Trojan War. Love is why you fell into Tartarus for me,¨ She ignored his flinch at the word Tartarus. ¨And love is the reason Nico died to see Will. Percy, I know you're going to miss him. I am too. But it's not like we've never lost anyone before. And we always made it out alive, despite losing them.¨
¨I'll trust you," Percy smiled at her and pulled her in, their noses touching.
¨I wouldn't expect any less. I am the one who saves your butt on every quest we go on.¨ She said weakly. Percy didn't say anything, instead just gathering her in his arms. They still had to tell everyone else, but for now, it was just them.
So yeah. I hope you liked it. I´m gonna do Thalia and the Hunters reactions, Jason and Piper´s, a Chiron centric one (because Chiron is life), Reyna and whatever boyfriend I make her have, gods, Hades, and then a Frazel, not particularly in the order listed. I will try to have the Frazel up next week. Here is the order I´m thinking.
Reyna and Boyfriend
Thals and Hunters
Tell me if I'm missing one! Review, blah blah blah. Again, I'm so sorry I haven´t updating until now! There is no excuse and again, I apologize profusely. I would update this weekend, but I´ve got a band thing, and it´s 200 points… So yeah, little important. Also, if you like my other story, I will update next week on the same day as Frazel, so watch for that!
Again, R&R! Love you guys!