Also, I like to play music along with some of my works. For this one, it's "Think" by the artist Kaleida. Well, this is a one-shot, and I hope you enjoy.

Here's the link for the song: watch?v=CpSRDOokJYI

Please wait for listening until you see my bolded text again.

The air outside was warm with a cooling breeze that has one feel at peace of the comfort of the city. A small program company is holding a dinner party in Hong Kong in one of the many skyscrapers. The servers and waiters were scattered about amongst the guests. Men dressed in gray suits and the women had exquisite silver Cheongsam dresses. The room holding the event had a sky blue ceiling and orange ember lighting that could change colors to an ocean blue or an emerald green. The tables were illuminated to have a golden glow.

All of those attending gave away their best-forced smiles to hide the burden of their lives. One of the secret security guards was in the back tapping his foot constantly. In the corner behind a drinking table, an individual was watching over the party in silence.

Little did most of the company know, the recently designed program developed for a plot from the terrorist organization known as Neo-Umbrella. Some sources referred through various information brokers were aware of a group called Neo-Umbrella, who displayed their power in the destruction of a terrorist cell known as Veltro in Europe. Not the kind to be heralded as heroic, but to absorb Veltro's resources and information.

A server with little martinis walked at a leisurely pace around the room, smiling and nodding to everyone and spoke soft Mandarin.

"Thank you very much. Say… you're quite beautiful." A patron had impure thoughts worm around his mind. "If you don't mind me asking… When do you get off?" The patron waited for the server's response, but all she did was give a gentle nod. "Damn, you can't understand me, a shame. It would've have been a wild night for you." The patron walked off to seek out the other attendees.

The server narrowed her eyes as the man walked behind her. She looked forward to absorbing her surroundings. The woman refrained from rapid eye movement and calmly panned her eyes around the room.

Three emergency exits, four doors to enter the back halls, and there are the kitchen doors. The time to exit would take seven seconds without anyone constricting the path. Now, what about security?

The server nodded as a woman took one of her drinks. She gathered what she needed.

Two visible guards along the walls hiding foldable weapons in their jacket pockets. Patrolling around the patrons to the party, two more guards had stern expressions, but they're kept themselves moving around calmly. Being that they have a less rigid form of movement, their weapons could be smaller than the guards at the edges of the room. The server continued to walk around the room.

The server had all she needed. She took one of the drinks and placed it on a table to have the platter look low enough for her to return to the kitchen to stock up. She breezed past everyone and entered the chaotic kitchen.

The server had her chance to slip away. She smiled lightly to avoid causing suspicion. Then as she lowered the empty platter down on a table, something cold and metallic pressed on her lower back.

"Don't make a sound, and listen to my instructions." A cold voice whispered.

The server knew that she could do anything at the moment, so she went along with it. "I'm sorry, but I what are you doing?" The server pleaded.

"You need to work on your accent. Now move." The pistol dug into the server's back.

The two walked rather closely to one another and they around the secluded corners, the two walked into a janitor's closet. Before she could make any moves, the server was shoved forward and was allowed to turn around.

"What are you doing here Ada?" The suited guard frowned as he turned the light switch on.

Cornered and having to stall. Ada just looked up to see the guard.

"Who are you?" Ada's left side of her lip winced.

"Just an old co-worker." The voice said coldly. In his right hand was a PC356 handgun.

A specific memory of Ada's flickered as she slightly narrowed her eyes.

"I could say the same to you too Hunk," Ada spoke in s reserved tone.

"A professional courtesy. I know you won't say a word of your objective, so I'll give mine." Hunk lowered his pistol. Ada thought about charging him, but the last time she did that, a bullet introduced itself to her right calf. "I'm here on the job for the security of the party by the hotel. As in for the entire night. Do not make this difficult."

"What gave me away?" Ada eased her shoulders.

"The flower bonnets go on the left side of the head, not the right. The manager was very blunt in the pursuit of perfection." Hunk lowered his gun completely. "Stay out of the way." Hunk turned his back prepared to leave.

"Hunk wait. How would you like to make your bank account slightly fatter?" Ada baited Hunk's curiosity.

"The standard fees and guidelines still apply in my work. How much?" He turned back to Ada.

"Forty thousand American dollars. Keep an eye out for a man dressed in green and goes by the name of George Hamilton. He has vital intelligence that I need to gather for my employer. Help in securing the deal, and you'll get a share of the payment."

Hunk stood there for a moment and looked back at Ada. "Deal."

He looked down at the ground and had his left foot move a dark bag into view. The bag was of Ada's equipment for the job at hand, several gadgets and weapons and a new set of clothes to wear.

"Still haven't lost your touch." Ada relaxed.

Hunk said nothing as he took out his bag hidden in a corner. Inside was his beloved gasmask and ammunition.

Ada prepped her gear and thought about changing her clothes, but it was too early because too many of the people at the party were still sober.

Hunk did not change much in appearance over the years. Unlike for other former employees either going insane or evolving their presence entirely. There was the analytical but deadpan glare in his expression this operative Ada remembered. Although he is not one to focus solely on his looks but still embraced a natural appeal. Hunk's natural left eyebrow had a small slash through but healed over. Like the past, there was not a hint of fat on his cheeks or the rest of his face.

"I got a short-range radio to my ear." Hunk tapped his left ear with the clear small earpiece in place. He told her his frequency, and she said him of George's appearance as he'll identify the target. For Ada, the flower bonnet that was on her hair hid a small earpiece as well.

"Mark." Hunk said blankly.

"Sync," Ada responded, it was a test to see if the radios were connected.

The two nodded to one another and walked back to the party. It was a widely different change to see Hunk without the gas mask.

Ada had returned her mind to the party. The people were bored with how beautiful their lives were, and how they love to be cultured to those around them. To Hunk, he hated that about people.

The two kept in constant communication to keep an eye out for George. The patrons were beginning to thin out which had everything become slightly more manageable.

"Remember the old days?" Ada asked out of sheer boredom.

"I do, the missions were a real challenge," Hunk responded. He checked in with the other security guards, and they were beginning to slack off. It drove Hunk up the wall in annoyance.

Hunk kept his eye on the guests as his mind wondered as well.

"Indeed, feeling superior to others could have oneself blind to potential dangers." Hunk respond.

"How original." Ada laid the bait of the past but did not get a full answer. Half-truths are a currency among whom she would usually interact.

"So how has everything been?" Ada asked.

"Dull, the jobs are mundane," Hunk responded. "I've read the records, how's Leon S. Kennedy been a threat?"

Ada's right eye flinched. The facility she worked with a cop to recover evidence, it was destroyed along with the rest of Raccoon city. He was a helpful asset for sure, but Ada never had any real feeling toward him. Leon was, the first person she ever used to accomplish one of her many goals. She respected him, but never felt anything more than that.

"No," Ada said coldly. Before she could speak again, Hunk said something into the comms.

"Hold on. I think I see the target." Hunk stated. Ada shifted her mind from calm to serious in an instant.

A middle-aged man in a green dress shirt with black dress pants and had a pair of brown dress shoes. He was dressed for the occasion but had a terrified expression on his face. Ada was the one to approach him first. Hunk kept his distance. The light in the room changed to the ocean blue.

"For when the sun rises," George said out of nowhere.

"The sorrows of my soul dwindle." Ada gave the second half of the code for George to trust her.

"Oh thank god. You have no idea how good it feels to see you." George heaved for air.

"Yes, that is fine and all but do you have the research data?" Ada got to the point.

"Yes I do, but I'm worried the company caught onto my endeavors." As soon as George finished that sentence, the front doors to the party were pushed open, and several men in green outfits rushed into the room. Several of the patrons to the party scrambled. Hunk took several steps back.

"Everyone remain calm and please stay down. We're here only to get a single person." Five men entered while the security was immediately picked off by being punched and beaten. The various guards were positioned too close to one another so the attackers could subdue and disarm with ease.

Among the men attacking, there was one who stood out. He had a brown leather jacket, with blue pants, and a grey t-shirt underneath. He had a bandana over his lips and wore a black baseball cap to hide his features. Leon.) The man walked down the steps as his men followed closely behind.

"Take it all in everybody. I'm giving you a great story for parties here. Just keep your heads down and this will be over sooner than later." The man's eyes shifted to a calm one. Hunk watched him the entire time, the posture, the tone of voice, this man was a professional, and is using this charismatic demeanor as a throw off the people. He slipped back from the main view of the terrorists. These soldiers are probably on Neo-Umbrella's payroll.

"Mr. George, would you please come with me and we'll get all your transgression all sorted out."

"No." George took a step back. He was a cornered animal but a frail one. Ada barely moved her lips as she spoke into her radio.

Play the song now

Hiding behind a table, he set for himself. Hunk put on his mask faster than Ada told him to make a move. As part of his job. Hunk had tables created solely for distractions. A table in the far East corner, there were three flash bang grenades with a machine that had the purpose of pulling the pins. The explosion was quick and loud. All the members of the group had their eyes in that direction.

Hunk popped up from cover and aimed his pistol and fired several rounds. The flashes of orange collided with the blue. The people were, of course, scared, but none of them were brave enough to move. On the second round, it struck a shoulder and jerked back, and his allies opened fire in his direction. Hunk lowered his head.

Then at that moment, Ada appeared to the right of one of the group who wandered too far. She used the heel of the shoe to impale the man's foot, had her hand in a palm and struck his stomach, and for the coup de grace, she punched him in the windpipe. The man had too much on his mind, and his body gave out. One of the soldiers noticed Ada and started to turn around.

Hunk crawled from his position and saw the same soldier aim at Ada. Hunk took a risk under fire to cover her. The bullets whizzed past his mask and with two rounds, the back of the soldier shoved him forward and the second bullet placed itself at the end of the skull. Ada used the opportunity to sprint forward and leaned back for her body to glide along the floor.

The leader of the men walked through the crowd as George tried to hide among them. The final two of the soldiers took it upon themselves to fight one target each. Ada made across to and lay on her back as she looked at the ceiling.

"There's a hidden pistol in the under the table to your right." Hunk updated her as he ducked his head down. Ada pushed the tablecloth up and there taped high on the leg was an M92F pistol. A weapon she wasn't too fond up but pulled it off anyways. Below the weapon was two magazines of ammunition, but the dress to sneak in didn't make room for her holsters, so Ada took hold of one. Meaning she had to carry a clip as she used the pistol.

The soldier was inching closer and closer to Hunk. He was charged but the soldier as he fired his pistol rapidly to keep Hunk pinned down. The before Hunk could aim, the soldier was on top of him. With his right hand, the soldier brushed Hunk's pistol aside and started to try to punch him frantically. Then in the scuffle, the soldier pulled a knife from his belt. The knife pointed directly downward to Hunk's left shoulder. The soldier kept shouting at his mask. The two forces kept the knife in a standstill. The soldier knew about this and lifted his left hand while the right held the handle of the blade. With his left side, the soldier pushed down on his knife hand to bring the edge closer to Hunk. Another push and the blade pierced the skin of Hunk. The third time, the blade stabbed Hunk, and on the final try, the soldier stuck Hunk in the relatively same area. The burning in his wounds echoed throughout his body, Hunk only grunted at the pain. The force was too much, so the soldier shoved off Hunk, and he grabbed his handgun. As soon as the soldier got up, the cold steel was on his temple, and Hunk fired.

The soldier pursuing Ada came into view, and it was too late. Ada fired three rounds, and the soldier fell forward wholly. Ada used her left hand to support her body as she got back on her feet. From there, Hunk and Ada got back on their feet, and at the door, George was calling for help as the leader pulled him from the door.

"Let's move," Ada said into the comms.

Hunk and Ada moved from opposite sides of the room toward the same door. Three more soldiers appeared rushing through the door. Hunk and Ada made quick work of them and the bodies tripped over each other.

Ada had seven bullets left in her M9. Hunk reloaded his clip as he dropped the one he was using since it had four rounds left. The people were beginning to herd themselves out through the side doors and the kitchen.

Hunk and Ada pressed their backs on opposite sides of the elevator door. Hunk looked at Ada, she nodded. Hunk elbowed the door since it was partially open already. Ada was crouched and aimed, inside the hall. Two soldiers waited for them but shot in the legs. Both of them fell to their back and Hunk burst from the door firing three rounds, the first one was shot in the head while the other had two chest shots. Hunk kept his pistol leveled and waited several seconds.

"Clear." Hunk's voice echoed under the mask. Ada aimed as well, and she tapped his back. It was a signal for him to move in.

His back was arched, and the two came across and four-way hall intersection. Hunk took the left wall, and Ada did the right. With their backs to the wall, they kept a steady pace and when the halls started to become in view. Hunk aimed the right hall, Ada did the left. With a chance to see before their attackers could. No one was on Hunk's side, but there was one on Ada's. She fired several rounds dropping the soldier.

"How many are there?" Ada moved in and took cover at a corner of the intersection.

"No idea, but the security force is starting to mount an offensive." Hunk informed Ada.

"There they are!" A voice called from behind. Three more soldiers with assault rifles. Ada was safe from fire, but Hunk wasn't. With a jerk from his stomach, then his sternum, Hunk fell backward. He felt the force on his clothing, but he was far away enough for his body armor to protect him. He leaned up from his position and unloaded his pistol completely; Ada noticed this and joined the fray. Two of the soldiers were wounded, but the last one took cover. Hunk reloaded his weapon as he got back on his feet.

Down the hall, Ada noticed men in suits swarmed the three men and took them in custody. The security force finally caught up to help. Hunk grunted as he pulled the chamber back on his PC356. "We better move." Hunk reached inside his coat and took out two clips of ammo.

Ada nodded as she took the clip of ammunition to reload her weapon. How could he treat that as if that was nothing? The two continued down the narrow hallway as at the end was an elevator.

The building takes security very seriously, so the garage was out of the question because that's where the private security would be thickest. Ada and Hunk were thinking the same thing. The roof. When the two made it to the elevators, they learned the one next to the second was going upward.

The song should end here

Hunk pressed the button, and the doors opened up. Ada walked in first, and Hunk did so as well. Ada looked at Hunk because this was her first chance in bright light. His suit was filthy. The mask was the same but for tonight, Hunk dressed for the occasion. She looked and on his shoulder was blood?

"Hey, are you alright?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Something a couple of stitches won't fix." His mask pointed at the floor indicator. They were twenty floors from reaching the roof, about thirty seconds of time.

"How many clips for the guns do you have left?" Ada asked.

"I've only got two clips left including the one I've loaded besides the ones I've given you."

It was a polite way of saying, to not miss any shots for the next part of the job. The elevator stopped on one floor below the roof. Ada raised her right eyebrow slightly.

"This floor is bound to have less opposition. I've got armor. You don't. There is a ladder on the West side; it'll lead you to the roof. Flank them." Hunk spoke clearly. Before Ada could argue, the doors closed.

Ada turned around and had a puff of frustration. She walked through the floor but was still under construction. She walked among the railings and tools as nothing was there to stop her. But above, Ada could hear the gunshots. He knows the risks, so he'll be fine. Ada comforted herself, but with every bullet, she could think about the wound Hunk acquired.

She made it to the end; found an orange ladder which had was placed in the worst location as the only way to climb up would be on the edge of the building. One slip up, then Ada would have a lovely time to fall and greet the concrete below. The gunshots faded in slower increments. Ada climbed the ladder thinking nothing of the fall. She made it to the roof and walked behind a vent. She peeked out from cover to see several bodies on the gravel.

She slowly moved from cover to cover. Then in the distance, Ada could see a black figure making a move to the man. Moving up, Ada could see Hunk talking to the lead mercenary. The two were only three feet from each other.

"Cut the crap." Hunk aimed his pistol which only had two bullets left.

"I think I did already after you killed all my men. Serious, Jerry over there owed me money." The mercenary joked.

"Let him go." He warned.

"Not a chance." While the mercenary snarked, Hunk fired a single round to knock the gun out of the merc's hand. The mercenary charged Hunk and tackled him to the ground. The Helipad was flat and hurts the back. Hunk tried aiming his gun, and before he could shoot, the mercenary disarmed him. Before Hunk could move, the gun was pointed directly at his gasmask.

"It's not every day I get to kill a legend." The mercenary sheered.

Ada's eyes widened as she tried to make a move to a better position. The gun erupted in fire, the sound echoing throughout the Earth. The mask of Hunk jerked back, and Hunk fell to his left. The mercenary laughed and looked toward the sky in glee.

Ada aimed her pistol by reflex. The first bullet hit the mercenary in the shoulder turning him to face Ada. The second bullet landed in his stomach. The mercenary attempted to retaliate. Ada fired another round directly in the forehead. The mercenary stumbled backward and lost his footing and fell off the building.

George was huddled in a ball as he kept his head down. Ada walked across the helipad. The body of her friend laying there. All those missions, until tonight. Ada knew that she this would've been a challenge for her but overcoming it was the real test of skill. She kneeled down the place her hand on Hunk's shoulder.

"I'm sorry," Ada whispered.

"For what?"

Ada's blinked as she heard a voice. She leaned back as Hunk rolled to his back.

"That was painful. But what I think doesn't matter. How's the target?"

Ada felt like stomping on his stomach for making her worry. "He's alive, but I'm more curious how you are as well."

"The lens of my mask is bullet resistent, and they are custom designed for me to have total security for encounters like this one. The lenses are layered." Hunk leaned up. His left lens was cracked. "But I still have to worry about whiplash."

He stood up and bushed himself off. Ada wondered in what he planned for this whole mission. Eventually, after a minute, the supposed helicopter out for George arrived. Lucky for Ada and Hunk, the pilot wasn't part of the plot to abduct George. Ada decided to have to match the price for the job and George embarked.

"How do I pay you?" Ada asked before walking back on the helipad.

Hunk reached into his back pocket and pulled out a small card. On it was a series of numbers. "This is my bank number. Forward it here." Hunk passed Ada the card.

Ada nodded and walked from the staircase.

"Take care, Ada." Hunk said before she left with the helicopter. He turned around rubbing the back of his neck. Ada focused on the task at hand and safely transported George to the designated location.

Five Hours Later

Hunk had a bottle of water in his right hand, and a sat wholly relaxed in a chair with his feet on a table. His mask as still on but he stared at the ceiling through his cracked lens. The party ended on a decent note, and the hotel was happy no one got hurt besides the ones who attacked the place. The hotel operates on a never letting anything tarnish its reputation, so they have their cleanup crew for the bodies. The people knew given a small token of appreciation for their patronage.

While waiting, Hunk stitched himself upon his wounds and had a bag of ice on his neck.

Hunk was contracted to provide security for until sunshine the next day. So he was alone in the party room with the lights shifting colors.

"Hey there Hunk." A voice called from behind.

Hunk turned his head to see Ada standing there, still dressed in her disguise. He looked back at the ceiling. "Your gear is on the table to your right."

"Thank you." Ada walked to the duffle bag for the equipment she left behind. "You knew that I could've killed that mercenary from that location. So why did you face all of them without me."

"You offered the contract. You die, and then so does my contract." He said blankly.

"You are petty," Ada said with a hint of frustration.

Hunk leaned up from his chair. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You were like this back at Umbrella. I've never met someone so locked in the past that they fail to change with the times."

"You asked me to help you out back then. All of our co-workers did leave you alone." Hunk sat up from his chair. "I pretended to be your boyfriend; there wasn't anything more to it. What's the problem?"

Ada walked beside Hunk and took her chair. "That's true, you were the only one to challenge my thoughts, pride, and even helped me on several assignments."

"As much as Leon did," Hunk responded.

"Leon isn't a part of this. It's just you and me." Ada gave her ultimatum.

Hunk sighed as he turned his head to face her directly. "You were the only I could have talked to back then…" He leaned forward from his chair.

"I'm sorry. You're not petty; I just said that to get your attention." Ada admitted.

"It's fine," Hunk responded. "I needed it."

"So what are you going to do now?" Ada asked.

"I can't leave until I've completed my contract." Hunk said.

"I forgot how damn honorable you could be." Ada rolled her eyes. Even though the two were technically in their late thirties, their bodies were still in their twenties. It was because of a policy Umbrella gave to their best agents. Drugs to slow and downright halt the aging process of the body. Both of them took it so long, for that that their bodies to age a year, it'll have been seven years in real time.

"I like to think you find it endearing." Hunk looked back at the ceiling.

"Do you remember the job we had back in Denver?" Ada reminisced.

"We practically destroyed a Nightclub." Hunk smiled lightly.

"Before that." Ada pointed out.

"What? You mean the dancing?" Hunk raised his right eyebrow, but his voice was enough for Ada to catch on to his meaning.

"Yeah, that." Ada joked.

"You forgot that I don't dance." Hunk said.

"That is what you said last time."

"Whatever." He grumbled which Ada ignored. She stood up and walked to the opposite side of the room to where the console was for the speakers were. Ada set the music to be a slow piano song. She walked back to Hunk and offered her hand.

"I know you can't move that much because of your wound, so I choose something slow for you." Ada smiled. Just seeing that vibrant smile, Hunk looked at the ground when he took her hand.

His entire body was sore, but for that moment, everything washed away the moment he took that first step. The light shifted to the forest green. Ada and Hunk stood and prepared to Waltz. A dance Ada taught Hunk in that night.

"You know, you good in a suit," Ada said with the first step.

"I'd feel more comfortable in my uniform." He shrugged. "But I do like the dress." He turned back to Ada. The two began to move in rhythm to the piano. They danced for an hour until the light of the sun arrived to grace the room.

"You know, I've got this job in Europe that has me being called out by a crazy organization. I could use some help in the matter."

"Isn't that a coincidence? I'm available for hire. Standard fees and guidelines still apply." Hunk said. Ada laughed and hugged him with a soft touch. Ada and Hunk stood there together as the sun lifted.