Reviews for A Dance with Death
Konsla chapter 1 . 4/6
No, people in Hong Kong don't speak Mandarin they speak Cantonese
400roc chapter 4 . 3/20/2016
Luv it plz update soon
Mr. Sledge chapter 4 . 11/7/2015
This is great stuff you have going here. Good character development. My only suggestion is to put the definitions/explanations that are in parentheses at the top of the chapter, it breaks up the immersion and flow for me.
That aside, it is excellent. Keep it up.
GreenleafEverlove chapter 1 . 10/10/2015
Ah what an interesting start, I think your portrayal of Hunk is really good, I don't like Ada that much but I think the two of them can be a good partners/pair.
Bloodwitch Raven chapter 4 . 7/1/2015
So when do we get to see Hunk's version during the 1998 outbreak?
Really I've always wondered what it's like :)
Wolfund chapter 4 . 6/3/2015
The hole story is pretty good, i appreciate the "ennemy-friendship" relation of vladimir and mikhail. I think it was fun to writte and it's fun to read. mostly it create so background for them
VRiot237 chapter 2 . 3/9/2015
omg, you need to write more of this, I really love it, faving and following it! I love the way you write about Hunk! :D I'll be around to read more of your stories about him, also, I like the other one, uh... Ah yes, Human Unit Never Killed. I'm repeating myself again, but this is really nice to read!
Shantty chapter 2 . 3/6/2015
Hey Will!
This chapter was definitely interesting and deep for me and I will say exactly how I felt.
Well, I usually love STARS moment stories to bring us some nostalgic feelings, besides ordinary and daily situations with our beloved characters.
I must say this chapter brought me the same good feeling, because it was Stars moment, although describing the other side of the coin, UBCS. And everything you brought was realistic, coherent and interesting. I really love the old times.
I loved to see Ada and Hunk in their ordinary day. I loved how they meet. They have so much in commom. Fantastic!
It was a very nice Chapter, Will. I see you in the next one! Have a great weekend. :)
roseimagine chapter 2 . 3/5/2015
I've been trying to read the second chapter for days, but I was so busy that I couldn't. LOL, I had a job interview and I was to busy prepping for it that I didn't get the chance till now! :D
Typical and part of her personality, Ada Wong is always well informed. But of course when it comes to Hunk nobody knows what he's about.
I like the description of how the Umbrella security is run and the levels of importance each division serves as.
I really liked the missions as well: Hunk's was filled with action and stress while Ada's are seductive and deadly.
I got to say I really liked the elevator scene, it made me laugh, those soldiers with their lame evasive excuse LOL :D I did like how Ada tried to test any reaction from Hunk and it was true to her personality, it always calculating and interested.
Can't wait till the next chapter! :)
roseimagine chapter 1 . 2/18/2015
I really liked this. An interesting piece between Hunk and Ada but I could see them both working together. Ada I'm always told has a mysterious demeanor but there is some flirtation, I'm sure she uses that side and that of concern for people she believes merits it. I really enjoyed the description of both character, you did very well, I loved the ending too.
I thought that idea of them taking an anti-aging drug was genius and it makes sense because why else would they look so young and always be on top of the game.
For your first semi romance you did very well. Good job Will :)
Shantty chapter 1 . 2/18/2015
Hey Will!
First I'd like to say that as soon as I saw this art you use as cover submitted in DA I remembered of you imediately. And I'm glad I wasnt wrong, it seems you felt something about that! :)
This piece was so interesting. By the end you mentioned there are many Leon and Ada pieces, and I must confess I never read any. Because I believe that people who are big fan of Ada tend to make her a heroin, which she is not. So what you brought here was a real concept of Ada, very similar to my POV.
I liked you mentioned Nikolai and laughed when Hunk wished he was the one who had killed him lol.
The end was very cute and also romantic. It really liked everything about it, Will. Congrats!
Have a great week, my friend!
AeonValenfield chapter 1 . 2/17/2015
It's awesome. I have no words to explain it. I like it so much. It's just a piece of art.