I had hoped to get this first chapter of this new story written and uploaded sooner, but I was quite sick in January and needed to take a little hiatus from writing and reading fanfiction. Thankfully I'm on the mend, and was finally able to make some progress on turning this idea I've had bouncing around into my next story.


Barlow is dead.

Branch is still on suspension, and in counseling, and doing, surprisingly...better.

Ferg is back at his old desk, but taking on more responsibility. Which isn't surprising given the reduced staff size. And given the fact he finally stood up to Walt and gained some respect. And given the current...situation.

Cady is about to start a new job. One that is likely not going to be as exciting as the past months have been. Which is probably a good thing.

Ruby goes about her business in her usual way. But with knowing looks and sympathetic eyes.

Omar has not stopped by the office in a while. Maybe he's finally given up. Or maybe he's gearing up for a final last ditch attempt.

Lucian has not been by to play chess with Walt since his brother's death. Walt is good at giving others the space they need. Or the space he needs. A little too good.

Mathias has been surprisingly collaborative as of late, stopping by to share information or lending a hand when needed. No one has directly questioned his motives.

Walt is being an asshole.

Vic looked up from her notebook she'd been writing in. Ferg was on the phone, and Ruby was busy in her corner. Vic looked down at the large stack of phone records she was supposed to be going through. At the highlighter she'd abandoned. With a small exhale of breath, she rubbed her hand over her eyes, returned her attention back to her notebook and raised her pen once again.

Walt's door has been closed pretty much all the time these past couple weeks. He enters and makes most of his getaways through the private entrance at the back of his office, so sometimes his parked truck is the only sign he is in.

Vic looked out the window, registering Walt's empty parking spot. She didn't know how long he'd been gone. Well, that wasn't exactly true. His truck had been there about five hours ago, but hadn't been there the six times she'd checked since.

Walt has put up a wall. He is out of the office much of the time. In the rare times he is in, he typically avoids eye contact. Becomes a master of one word answers and aloofness. He steps out of his office only to call out a request to Ruby or ask Ferg to join him at the scene for whatever call had just come in. The wall has been...impenetrable.

Vic brought her attention back to the phone records. She put down the pen and picked up the highlighter. Uncapping the lid, she began scanning the line items again.

"Holy shit, this is tedious." She hadn't realized how loudly she had spoken until Ferg turned around and looked her way. After a moment he said goodbye to the person on the other end and hung up the phone.

"Do you need some help, Vic? I could take a break from these calls and review some of those if you want."

Vic wanted to give him the whole stack. Or maybe throw it out the window.

"No, that would be unfair to you. And it would mean that TWO of us might die of boredom. Walt can't afford to be down a pair of deputies."

"Well, on the bright side, only two more days to go."

Vic looked up from the stack at Ferg's smiling face. A nod was all she could muster.

Ferg got up from his desk and walked closer to hers. "Excited about tonight?"

"Sure." That wasn't exactly true either.

"Branch might show up. At least that's what Cady said." Ferg paused a moment. "You're ok with that, right? I guess we should have asked."

Vic thought about her last couple of calls from Branch. Remembered the unexpected apology and the air that had been somewhat cleared. "Yep. Not a problem. I think it will be good for him...hanging out with the gang."

At that moment Ruby came around the corner, grabbing their attention. Ferg stepped forward.

"Ferg that was Walt on the radio. He wants you to meet him at the hospital. Vic..." Ruby turned towards Vic's desk. "Walt wants to know if you've discovered anything in your review of the phone records."

"Tell Walt he can call me directly if he wants to know." Vic swiveled back towards her desk.

There they were again. Ruby's sympathetic eyes. Vic did her best to ignore them, but felt her own eyes smart. She blinked a few times, and shook her head, trying to refocus.

Walt was being stubborn as hell. She could match him at his own game.

Ferg turned towards Vic. "I guess I'll see you later at the Pony."

Vic looked up and forced a smile. "Yep, see you there."

He gave a half-cocked grin and then headed out the door.

Vic looked out the window, seeing Ferg appear on the street below, get into his car, and then pull out from behind her truck. Now her parking spot was the only one that was filled. Her vehicle looking just as isolated as she'd been feeling as of late.

After a few more minutes of reviewing the phone records, Vic couldn't take it anymore and stood up to stretch her legs. She looked around the room, eventually landing on Walt's closed door. With a glance towards Ruby's desk area, Vic headed towards Walt's office. She turned the handle, stepped in and closed the door behind her. She took in the room, not bothering to turn on the light.

"Yeah, well, sometimes the way your husband chews his oatmeal is motive enough."

"Vic. You and your...husband have been through a lot."

"Yeah, we have. He's also demanding that I give you my two weeks' notice, and, uh, quit my job."



"Ok? I just tell you that Sean is demanding that I quit, and that's all you have to say?"

"Well I recall you're not someone who likes to be told what to do."

"I also don't like being treated like a replaceable part."

"I understand this is...this is a big decision for you."

"And what is it for you?"

A pause.

"Uh. Well this department has lost and hired deputies before."

"I'm so glad we could have this little heart-to-heart."

Vic felt the sting of tears in her eyes as she stood in Walt's office and recalled their conversation. She gave a leg of the nearby chair a kick and then turned on her heels. Once outside Walt's office she dropped down into her seat and placed her forehead down on her desk, again thinking back to that day.

Hurt and confused by Walt's words, Vic slammed his door behind her and almost ran into Ruby.

"Are you ok, Vic?" Ruby's sympathetic eyes were directed right at her.

"That man can be such an ass sometimes." She decided anger might be the best way to ward off the tears that were threatening to spill.

Ruby's eyes stayed on her. Not wanting to see if Ruby's sympathy would turn into pity, Vic averted her gaze.

"I'm ok Ruby. Just frustrated."

Ruby paused a moment longer, and then turned and opened Walt's door. Vic heard her tell Walt that George Linder's daughter had just called, but couldn't focus on the rest of what she told him. She looked over at Ferg's empty seat. Ferg was out confirming alibis, a task he had begrudgingly taken on. A task that Vic felt she'd rather be doing right now. She felt both the tears and anger bubble up again, so she reached down, grabbed her laptop from her desk, stuffed it in her backpack and headed out the door.

At the top of the stairs she paused and rubbed a finger under each eye. She didn't want any tears to be visible in case she ran in to someone on the way out. Ruby's sympathy was about all she could take. Although, after the last couple of days, she should be allowed to lose it a bit. Being held hostage and terrorized. Watching Walt put his life on the line for her. Having her husband demand she give her two weeks' notice. Learning Branch had been on her computer and had read her letter to Walt about him. And now this.

God. She was even pitying herself.

When she reached street level she paused. Darkness had settled in, and the street had gone quiet, as most of the local citizens were back in their houses, as they should be at this time of night. As she should be, instead of giving her time to work late for a man who didn't appreciate her. Who apparently didn't need her.

She crossed the road and went around to the driver side of her vehicle. Opening the door, she tossed her backpack on to the passenger seat. She looked up towards Walt's office window. The lights were still on, but Walt was not in sight. She couldn't tell if she was relieved by this or not.

She sank into her seat, closed the door and sat for a moment, breathing deeply. After calming down a bit, she pulled out of her spot and started to drive. Without really remembering how she got there, she found herself turning on to her street. The tears in her eyes were threatening to spill again, so she pulled over and put the truck in park. Wiping her eyes, Vic pulled her phone out and dialed.

Sean answered on the second ring. "Did you quit yet?"

Vic immediately hung up.


Putting her truck back in drive, she made a U-turn, her tires scorching a path she hoped her husband could hear. A little while later she pulled into the parking lot of the Red Pony. Taking her backpack with her, Vic exited her truck and walked towards the entrance.

Henry was chatting with a customer, but he briefly looked up when Vic entered. She glanced around the room, suddenly overwhelmed by the number of people there. Paralyzed, she closed her eyes.

"Are you looking for someone?"

Vic opened her eyes to find the bar owner in front of her.

"No. I just wanted to be someplace that wasn't the office and wasn't my house, but I don't think that place is here."

Henry eyes traversed her face and then dropped to her wrist as he took note of her injuries. Vic wondered if he had heard what had happened up at the compound.

"Would you like to hang out in my office for a while? It would be a little less chaotic."

Once again, Vic glanced around the bar before bringing her eyes back to Henry's.


She followed Henry across the room and in to his office.

"Feel free to sit at my desk or the couch, wherever you feel most comfortable."


Henry looked at her for a moment and then left the room.

Vic stood still. Exhausted. The day...the last couple of days...catching up with her. Although she was exhausted, her brain was on overdrive and would not let her rest. She passed over the couch and headed for Henry's desk. She placed her backpack on the floor and pulled out the chair.

Once seated, Vic put both elbows on the desk, placed her face in her hands, closed her eyes and began to rub her temples.

How could Walt be so callous? After putting his own life at risk in exchange for her safety. After letting her sob in his arms at the hospital. How could he imply that she could so easily be replaced? That she meant so little to him, that he didn't care if she left the department?

Vic opened her eyes, her view landing on her backpack. She leaned down, unzipped the bag and pulled out her laptop. Placing the laptop in front of her, Vic lifted the lid and turned it on.

She stared at the screen for a moment, her fingers hovering above the keyboard, and then opened a blank document and began to type.

She was startled by the sight of a grilled cheese sandwich being placed in front of her. She looked up to see Henry, looking down at her with soft eyes and a warm expression. Warm without pity. She hadn't even heard him enter. She hadn't realized how engrossed she had been in her writing.

"I thought you might be hungry, and in need of some comfort food."

He placed a beer down next to the plate.

"Thanks, Henry." She eyed the beer, wondering if alcohol would be a good thing right now.

"Completing some paperwork?"

"Nope." Vic decided one beer was probably safe and picked up the bottle before bringing her eyes back up to Henry's. "I'm writing two letters that I will never send. One is affectionately titled 'Dear Asshole' and the other 'Dear Jackass.' "

The corners of Henry's mouth lifted.

"And Walt is...?"

"The asshole. And my husband is the jackass."

"Can I help with anything? I am good at pointing out Walt's shortcomings."

Vic gave out a quick laugh. "I bet you are! You've had forty years of practice. I don't know how you put up with him sometimes."

"I have had forty years of practice." The warmth in his eyes radiated down at her. She could use a friend right now, but sharing personal matters and asking for help didn't come easy for her.

"Would you go over to the office and give Walt a slap? Maybe stop by my house as well?"

"I would if I could." Henry gestured towards his ankle monitor. "If you send either of them my way I will give them a stern talking to."

"I may take you up on that offer."

Henry paused for a moment.

"Have you thought about giving each of them the letters you are writing?"

Vic glanced down at her screen, taking in some of the words she had written. At her honesty. Her transparency. Her stomach churned at the thought of sharing these truths. With either of them. At the vulnerability it would entail.

"Nope. It's just my way of venting."

"You should try handwriting the letters. That can be even more cathartic."

Vic smiled.

"Let me know if there is anything I can do to help, or if you need another beer, or something else to eat." Henry turned to leave.

"Henry, how late is the Pony open tonight?"

With the door propped open, Henry looked back at her. "You can stay as long as you need, Vic." He smiled and then let the door close behind him.

Vic's cell phone suddenly rang, Sean's name appearing on the screen. He was probably calling to ask her why she was still at work, and whether she had given her two weeks' notice yet. Her anger bubbled up again. She ignored the call and returned to her letters.

Vic picked her head up off her desk where it had been resting against her notebook and looked up at the clock. She picked up the highlighter and turned back towards the stack of phone records. Another hour of going through the stack in front of her and she might actually start looking forward to tonight.