Reviews for Just a Replaceable Part
ziparumpazoo chapter 11 . 11/19/2016
Not sure how I missed this when it was first posted, but I really enjoyed it just now. I like the way you write Walt and Vic as mature adults, both stubborn, but capable of talking things through.

Also, can I ask if you are a runner? The bit about Vic running in the last chapter feels spot-on. I can totally relate to the hate/love of running descriptions. And while it was mentioned briefly in the first book, it's a nice touch to this version of her. :)
Lilly white tigers chapter 11 . 5/23/2016
this was really good
loved every moment of it
BeerGuru chapter 11 . 2/27/2016
I just finished reading this. And wow! Well written and I was drawn in from the first chapter. I always love Vic and Walt, and really, REALLY hope something will happen in season 5, or I will just go nuts and keep dreaming of them ;)
waltxvic chapter 11 . 6/13/2015
Going out on a high note! Sad to see this end because it was so lovely and I admit I was looking forward to at least one phone call from Philly, but all good things must come to an end. Good job injecting some tension where it appeared Walt was "freaking out" - turned out he was just worried for her happiness. PS I wouldn't mind if Netflix bought Walt a new truck:)
susan1770 chapter 11 . 6/10/2015
I love their interaction the morning after, so romantic. I love their interaction during their drive to the airport, how Walt told her that he missed their conversations and their banter. It is so like him to be concerned for Vic's happiness after her conversation with Michael on the phone. Yes, she is comfortable with her brother but that doesn't mean she wants to live in Philadelphia. I'm glad Vic told Walt that if she moved, she would be leaving her happiness behind. That was so sweet. As in your other wonderful story, the way you tied up the ending was so good. You ended as you started, with a letter to Henry. Her comment regarding talking instead of writing from now on was a testament to them. Had Vic talked to Walt, she most certainly would have saved them both a lot of pain. But, they also talked a lot of things out between them, so...who knows? I totally understand you ending it here, although I hate to see it end. You will never write past your welcome (at least with me). I look forward to an update on Holding Back and hopefully, another story in the future. I keep thinking I want to try to write, but you and the others have raised such a high bar, I don't know if I can measure up. Maybe... :)
midwestgirl10 chapter 11 . 6/8/2015
Sad to see it end, but you ended it wonderfully! I love that you ended it with one of the letters, it's perfect.
Guest chapter 11 . 6/8/2015
Thanks for sharing this with us.
MizReesa chapter 11 . 6/7/2015
i totally understand your reasons for wanting to wrap this up, but that being said, this story is begging very much for a sequel. i have immensely enjoyed reading this )
jkwasher chapter 11 . 6/7/2015
Beautiful end to bring the story back full circle with a final letter, and a lovely way to end the story with their relationship budding and only a temporary separation. Beautiful work...keep writing! (maybe some S4 will tickle your fancy)
TheGodmother2 chapter 11 . 6/7/2015
Great job and a great finish! Way to go.
Rebelwant2B chapter 11 . 6/7/2015
Knock my socks off good. That last chapter resets the bar for writing fan fiction. You did an outstanding job. I'm sorry we won't get to enjoy the phone calls and the return to Durant but can understand why you'd be reluctant. But should you change your mind your fans would cheer. Fantastic end to a really good story
Longmirefan chapter 10 . 6/5/2015
Update soon please! wanna know how things went;)
Rebelwant2B chapter 10 . 5/24/2015
What is it with the Walt/Cady thing? Cady of the books has definitely established boundaries as has Walt. With the series Walts tantrum had more to do with it being Branch than Cady not confiding. To be making out and come unglued because your 33 yr old daughter might be dating someone and hasn't told you implies a whole host of unsavory things regarding the Walt/Cady relationship none of them honorable or healthy. This seems to be a theme in ff but I wonder if the writers consider exactly what implies? Seems to me at that point Vic should have dumped his but on the floor and suggested he work thru his daughter issues.
MizReesa chapter 10 . 5/18/2015
ahhh, finally, they got it on! i loved them enjoying a sunset together, revealing fantasies to one another. i love that term, euphoric awesome )
jkwasher chapter 10 . 5/18/2015
Really nice chapter tying in the running high with being with Walt...that it's taken a long time slogging through the baggage to get to the good part, and the metaphor carrying through to their physical union.
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