Yes, I am still here. Yes, I know this is not Ninja Turtles, but I recently watched A Monster in Paris and absolutely loved it. So, before you go any further, I suggest watching the movie. It's on Netflix if you have that.

Anyway, for those here that have seen this, I couldn't stop wondering what Maynott's court case would be like, and how the public would react to it. Also, I wanted to add a fanfiction to this small fandom that wasn't Francille. Add to our small numbers. Anyway, enough stupid-long author notes, to the story!

Judge Martin looked around the courtroom, internally wondering why it had to be him to do this case. Usually during court, there was a decent amount of people, family of the accused and the accusers, maybe some press; but this was no ordinary court hearing, and the courtroom was unusually full. Finally his eyes came to rest on the defendant, who was sitting in his chair with a proud, nearly smug, grin that Judge Martin couldn't begin to understand, considering what he was being accused of. Sighing softly to himself with the knowledge that this was going to be a long trial, the head judge decided he might as well start now.

"M. Maynott, former commissioner of Paris, is charged with the following crimes: several cases of assault, property destruction, and first-degree attempted murder" the judge intoned, as the large group of Parisians looked on at the ex-commissioner with varying mixtures of shock, disgust, and curiosity.

"Attempted murder?" exclaimed the once well-dressed and powerful man, now wearing a standard prisoner's uniform, as his smug smile faded and was replaced with a irked frown, "What does that mean?"

"Well," replied the judge, "Seeing as M. Francœur is alive we can't very well charge you with murder."

Maynott looked up at the main judge with shock, then turned to look at the crowd gathered at the hearing, his eyes locking onto a particularly tall, familiar looking member of the onlookers. Francœur glanced back at his former persecutor nervously, before shrinking back towards Lucille who sat at his side. "The monster, alive? But I killed it!" protested Maynott passionately, standing up and addressing the whole courtroom, "I saved Paris from this creature, and now you just let it into the courtroom?"

"You should be grateful that Francœur is alive!" shouted Lucille, now also standing, "Maybe now you'll be able to get out of prison before you're ninety!"

The courtroom broke into excited chatter at the confrontation, before the judge called for order, "Mademoiselle Lucille, please! Calm yourself!"

Lucille fell silent but continued to stand, steaming and glaring at Maynott, before Francœur placed his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back towards her seat. Lucille sat down, but continued to stare venomously at the defendant. Briefly her eyes shifted to the flea next to her, and she dropped her violent expression when she noticed the unease on his face. Giving him a small hopeful smile, Lucille turned back to the judge, saying calmly, "I'm sorry Judge Martin. You can go on now".

"Thank you, Mlle. Lucille." Shuffling his papers and looking across between the general attorney and the defense, and then sweeping a glance at the two other judges in the room, the main judge nodded his head once, then announced, "Well, then, we'll get this assize court under session. M. Maynott, as the defendant we will allow you to speak for yourself first. What do you have to say about your charges?"

Lucille stomped out of the doors to the Palais de Justice, muttering to herself all the while. "That Maynott! He has the jury with his every word! I can't believe that they believe this 'hero' nonsense! That man is no hero, he's a menace!"

Francœur, who was walking a pace behind the fuming Lucille, sighed in disbelief himself. If anyone understood what kind of menace Maynott was, it would be the "monster" he had chased after so viciously. But good luck getting the general public to see it from his point of view. Francœur 'said' as much to Lucille, chittering discouragedly as he looked down at the ground.

Suddenly Lucille stopped and turned around, and Francœur stopped short so he wouldn't run into her. "Don't sound like that, Francœur. You're not a monster, and everyone will know it! Pâté did, didn't he?"

He replied with a hesitant hum of agreement, but still looked unsure.

Lucille turned around towards L'Oiseau Rare, only to let out a quick gasp of surprise as she ran right into a held out newspaper.

"Commissioner Maynott's arrested! People question Captain Pâté's decision to defend the rights of the 'Monster of Paris'". Lucille took a half step back to read the headline more clearly, then ripped it from the man's hands, handing him change for the paper. "Thank, you, ma'am" said the paper guy, tipping his hat, before walking in the other direction, continuing his declaration of the latest news. Lucille skimmed over the main article, while Francœur, curious, peered over her shoulder to look at the story as well.

As she read the article, her mouth formed into a thin line as she read the journalist's column on the critiscm of Pâté's decision to arrest Maynott. After reading as much as she could take of the harsh statements about defending the rights of a monster she let out an exasperated sigh and said- partly to herself and partly to Francœur, who had looked up at her from where he was slowly reading through the article when he heard her sigh- "If Maynott is found innocent after all of this, I don't know what I'll do".

Francœur looked thoughtful, but didn't respond. He couldn't help but feel guilty at all this argument and fuss over himself. He didn't like conflict, and he also didn't like Lucille feeling so angry all the time- she hadn't look relived since the trial at the courthouse had started. He halfway didn't even mind if Maynott was found innocent if it meant that this would all blow over more quickly. Only halfway, it would be better if Maynott was locked away safe, so he wouldn't be able to hurt Francœur or his friends again. The sudden image of Maynott trying to hurt Lucille made him panic internally for a moment.

His thoughts must have shown on his face, because Lucille placed a comforting hand as close to his shoulder as she could get, saying, "Hey, don't worry about it. Like I said, I'm sure everyone will see it from our side. For now, let's just go home". Now that was something Francœur could easily fully agree to.

Please review, I'm always so nervous posting something for a new fandom. Until next chapter!