
I think it's pretty obvious that I'm not JK Rowling. If I was, I wouldn't be publishing this on here, and the story we all love would have had a different ending…

Anyway, this is the standard disclaimer that, no, I do not own the world and characters featured in this Harry Potter fanfiction, nor do I have permission to use them although I plead fair use under the fact that I'm using writing fanfiction as a way to perfect my craft and so this is educational, at a stretch :) Harry Potter, his story, and the settings and characters involved in it, are owned and trademarked by JK Rowling and the many licensors of her work. This is a strictly non-profit project and I have no money anyway so dragging me to court would be pointless…

Quick Note about the Paths Series

Welcome! Yes you read right, this is the first 'book' in a trilogy. As I write this, Path of Power is fully outlined and about a third is written. The two sequels - currently named Path of Revenge and Path of Greatness - have only short outlines and will only get written if you guys like this one and if I find the time.

If anyone is willing to beta and/or act as a co-writer, feel free to drop me a message.

Rating is T for mentions of violence and suggestive adult themes, as Fanfiction calls it. I am uncertain if I will upgrade the rating later on. It will depend on my mood once I get to the scenes I have planned. It's also up to you readers. If you all tell me you want to 'see' exactly what happens during those later scenes, or if you all tell me you don't want to, I'm willing to follow your wishes. You got time though. Things only turn really ugly in the later chapters.

I hope you enjoy this.


The Great Hall was quiet, the only sounds heard those of cutlery clicking against plates as people ate their breakfast. Everyone had been subdued since the Final Battle. To be fair, that fateful day was only a week ago. Most of the combatants for the Light had elected to stay on when it became clear just how badly the castle had been damaged during the battle.

With a sigh, Hermione Granger looked up to the stone ceiling above her head. Just one of the many things that needed to be fixed. She had always delighted in seeing the ever changing, magical ceiling of the Great Hall. But the charm had broken early on during the battle as the castle diverted magic to save power for the essentials, such as the foundations wards.

Not much had been achieved in way of repairs right now. People were still grieving, and many were still wounded. Hermione had received some nasty cutting hexes. Coupled with the still healing scars from her encounter with Bellatrix Lestrange the previous month, she had only just been allowed out of the Infirmary herself.

"Have you seen Professor Snape this morning?"

Hermione turned slightly to face Neville as the young man took a seat beside her.

"Yes. He seems to be doing better. Madam Pomfrey is optimistic."

"Do you think that the Ministry will go ahead with his trial?"

"I have no doubt about that," Hermione scoffed. "But they have a long and hard fight ahead of them if they intend to convict him. There's no way I'm letting him down this time."

Neville nodded grimly beside her and Hermione nibbled on her toast some more. She watched as her friend helped himself to some breakfast.

"So what are we supposed to do today?"

"Whatever Minerva asks us to do, I suppose."

Hermione glanced up at her old Transfiguration Professor. The older witch had taken over the leadership of Hogwarts for now while the Headmaster was in a coma. Hermione knew Minerva was adamant that this was only a temporary situation. She intended to hand over the reins to Professor Snape as soon as he was completely fit for duty.

"Hey 'Mione!"

Hermione smiled as she turned to see her best friend coming down her way. Harry Potter, Saviour of the Wizarding World, plopped himself down opposite her and grinned. She couldn't remember seeing him look as carefree or smile as much as he had done for the past week.

"Where's Ron?"

Harry's smile dimmed slightly.

"Mr Weasley called last night to ask him and Ginny back to the Burrow. He's having a bit of trouble dealing with both George and Mrs Weasley, and running the house. He should come back here for breakfast though."

Hermione nodded slowly. And as if summoned, Ron entered through the main doors, making a beeline for the empty seat to the left of Hermione. He gave her a quick kiss before he started to pile his plate with food. Having learned to not get in the way of her boyfriend's food over the years, Hermione simply smiled and ate another bite out of her own toast.

Before any of them could start a new conversation, four owls made their way into the Great Hall and to their portion of the Gryffindor table.

"Blimey! What are these now?"

Hermione watched as one of the barn owls hopped on the table a few times, then extended a leg to her, the message attached bearing the seal of the Ministry of Magic.

"Looks important enough," she muttered as she untied the letter then offered the owl the rest of her toast.

Hermione quickly read through the letter.

"They want me to go train to be an Auror!"

Harry's exclamation was loud enough to garner the attention of the entire Great Hall.

"Me too!"

Hermione nodded to herself as she found the same offer had been made to her. A glance at Neville confirmed to her that he had received the same news.

"Fast-tracked into Auror training, all of us! I suppose we do meet all the requirements, even if we haven't finished school…"

"I suppose you're not going to accept, Hermione?"

Harry's question was asked with a smile. Ron scoffed.

"Of course not. Our Hermione will insist on finishing school, set the records for both the highest number of NEWTs taken at once and the highest marks in this century – perhaps even in the entire history of the school – and then she will go on to become the Minister of Magic while leaving all the grunt work to us."

Hermione laughed along with her friends. Sometimes, it was nice to be able to forget what had happened over the last few years, and simply laugh yourself silly with your friends.

"I hope you boys realize that, although you have been offered a place in training, you will still need to prove you can handle it."

"Well, you can help plan our pre-training training, Hermione. I'm sure you'll have some color-coded charts whipped up for us in no time."

Harry's quip started another round of laughter, and Hermione didn't mind at all. The Great Hall wasn't so quiet anymore, as people stood to congratulate the boys on their latest achievement. For a moment, Hermione could almost believe that this was the end of year feast, and Dumbledore had just announced that Harry, Ron, and Neville had won the House Cup for Gryffindor.

"Congratulations. I'm quite proud of you all. Now Miss Granger, are you quite sure you won't take this offer?"

Hermione turned to see that Professor McGonagall had joined the well-wishers.

"Oh no, Professor. I've had quite enough of chasing Dark Wizards. I'd much prefer being stuck in an office all day. And I was still hoping to start an apprenticeship with you for my Seventh Year."

Professor McGonagall chuckled.

"Yes, I do remember you saying so back in your Fifth Year. Well, if you children haven't got anything to do until the beginning of July, Hogwarts would be grateful for any help you can give us to rebuild."

"Of course, Professor. We aren't going to just leave the school like that."

Harry, Ron, and Neville echoed her words and Professor McGonagall smiled gratefully.

"I can only thank you on behalf of the school. If you boys are looking for a challenge to your strength, you can go find Professor Flitwick after breakfast. He will be starting on the external walls while the weather holds."

The boys immediately started to wolf down the rest of their breakfast with a smile.

"Hermione, if it's all right with you, Professors Babbling, Vector, and I would like your input on the problem of the wards. With your help, we hope to be able to put the Wards back up as quickly as possible."

"Happy to help, Professor."

"Now, please send replies back to the Ministry. It looks like those owls won't go anywhere without them."

Hermione turned back to see that the barn owl was indeed waiting rather patiently by her plate, having finished the toast. Conjuring a quill, Hermione jotted down her answer and attached it to the owl's leg.

"Safe journey back," she whispered to the bird as she gave it a small pat on the head.

Hermione watched the owls take off then she turned back to her Professor.

"When do you need me?"

"Just come to the Head Office after breakfast."

Hermione nodded and set about finishing the last of her eggs. As she stood to make her way to the Head Office, Ron stood as well.

"Might as well walk you part of the way."

Hermione smiled and threw a look at Harry and Neville, who suddenly found themselves in deep conversation. Boys, Hermione thought as she followed Ron out of the Great Hall. The two of them wandered the corridors up to the Third Floor in silence, just holding hands and enjoying the company without the threat of someone attacking them.

"Would you be okay to come to the Burrow?"

"When, Ron?"

"Any time. I'm sure Mum would be happy to see you at some point."

Hermione sighed.

"Of course, I'll come. But Madam Pomfrey is still keeping me under observation. Apparently, she doesn't like the wound Bellatrix Lestrange gave me last month."

Ron's right cheek jumped at the name of the now-dead witch. She had tortured Hermione for information a while back. And during the Final Battle, she had killed Fred and attempted to do the same with Ginny before Molly Weasley had stepped in to save her daughter and avenge her son. Ron leaned forward and gave Hermione a gentle kiss.

"Just let me know when you're cleared and I'll arrange everything."

Hermione nodded then watched as her boyfriend walked away. She still found it strange to think of Ron as her boyfriend sometimes. He had been one of her best friends since she was eleven. And sometimes she thought it might just be puppy love. But she was happy to be with him, even for all their differences.

Shaking her head, Hermione turned to walk the rest of the way to the Head Office. The gargoyle supposed to be guarding the entrance had been one of the first thing repaired. As she approached, the stature smiled at her before it stepped aside.

"The Headmistress is already waiting for you."

Hermione smiled at the gargoyle and stepped onto the moving staircase. Less than a minute later, she was standing in the doorway of the Head Office, watching as Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape argued over their roles in the school.

"I do not want to stay Headmaster."

"But you are the Headmaster."

"Not by Hogwarts' choice."

"Oh, codswallop! If the school had not accepted you as Head, you would never have stepped into this office and you know it."

"You will be a better Head than I would ever be."

"But the fact remains that you lead the school, not I."

Professor Snape grumbled something that Hermione could not quite catch, but Professor McGonagall obviously did, because she grinned at the younger man in front of her. Obviously, those two had gotten over the fact Professor Snape had had to lie and cheat to protect Hogwarts and its students over the last year. And that Professor McGonagall had believed the worst of him just like everyone else, despite the fact that the two had been friends while working under Dumbledore.

"Ah, Miss Granger, would you tell this stubborn fool that I'm not after his job?"

Professor Snape turned slightly to sneer at her, but Hermione found that she quite welcomed the sight. She deliberately pushed away from her mind the image that had greeted her and Harry when they had gone to retrieve what they believed to be Professor Snape's body.

"If it's all the same to you, Professor McGonagall, I'd rather stay out of it," Hermione said with a small smile.

"Probably a good idea, Miss Granger," Professor Snape drawled, and Hermione had difficulties not letting her smile turn into a full-blown grin.

"Don't be mean to the girl, Severus. She's going to help us be ready for September. And may I remind you that you wouldn't be here if not for her quick thinking."

Hermione cringed at these words and closed her eyes against the forbidden mental image once more. She still wasn't entirely sure what the Headmaster thought of her rescuing him. To be fair, she had only thought she was retrieving his body for burial when she had gone to the Shrieking Shack. In view of what Harry had told them about the dour man, it was the least she could have done. Imagine hers and Harry's surprise when they found that the Headmaster was still alive, although in critical condition. Hermione would always thank the gods that she had been carrying her little beaded bag through force of habit. She had shoved a bezoar down his throat after she'd given him all the remaining Blood Replenishers she had left. Her otter Patronus had never swam away from her at such speed as she tried not to panic and called for help. By the time, help had arrived in the form of Poppy Pomfrey and Minerva McGonagall, the Deputy summoned by Harry's stag, Hermione's hands and forearms were covered with as much of the Headmaster's blood as her own as she tried to keep pressure on the wounds on Snape's neck without cutting off all air supplies.

Hermione forcefully shook her head to rid her mind from these memories for the time being. This was not the time or place. She glanced quickly at the Headmaster, who was watching her impassively while Minerva was looking for something on the desk.

"I still would like to know why you never took the time to tidy up after Albus."

Both Hermione and Snape turned to watch the Deputy Head moving the many objects cluttering the desk.

"You're welcome to tidy up when you take the Office over, Minerva."

The older witch threw her hands in the air with a loud groan and Hermione couldn't help chuckling at the display.

"Miss Granger, have you thought about which subject you are looking to apprentice for?"

"To be honest, I was still torn between Ancient Runes and Arithmancy at the end of last year."

"You don't have to decide right this instant, of course. I'm sure both Professor Babblings and Professor Vector would be willing to make some time for you to discuss your options."

"If I may interrupt, Minerva," the Headmaster said "maybe the real question is, what would you like to do after your apprenticeship, Miss Granger?"

Hermione cringed as she dropped her head. "And here is the problem. I have absolutely no idea."

"I suppose this is not completely surprising, given what happened the last few years," Professor McGonagall continued. "Maybe you should try to think about your future career before you make a choice concerning an apprenticeship. A witch of your caliber could easily find employment in any field, but you might as well work towards something you will enjoy!"

Hermione nodded slowly.

"In the meantime, Professor Babbling managed to find the original plans of the School Wards. Of course, much has changed or was added over the years, but we thought this would be a good starting point. No one will be able to touch the Wards until the castle has been repaired. And even then, we will have to wait until it decides all the magic within the stonework is stable enough to be layered with the many wards once more.

"We would like you to take a look at the plans and familiarize yourself with them. Both Professor Vector and Babbling have drawn a shortlist of books you may want to consult about warding. Our plan is to get Hogwarts rebuilt while you learn everything you can. Once the Castle is ready, we hope you will be able to direct the re-warding. We – that is to say, the Professors and as many of the volunteers we can gather – will be providing the raw power needed to recast the Wards. But you will be making sure everything is as it should be. Do you think you could handle this?"

"I can honestly say that I will give it my best try."

"Perfect! You need to keep in mind that there are wards that are essential – such as the anti-apparition wards – and then there are wards that we can do without. Your job will also include prioritizing which must be recast, and which could be left until later if we run out of power."

Hermione nodded as she took the few rolls of parchment Minerva was handing her.

"I'll get right to it, Professor. If anyone needs me…"

"Oooh… Not so fast, young lady. I know for a fact that Poppy still has her concerns about your health. Before you go to the Library and start burying yourself under parchments and old books, you need to go and visit the Infirmary. Only when Poppy has come to me and given her approval will you be let in the Library!"

Hermione opened her mouth to protest, but the glare from her old Head of House and the funny look on Professor's Snape made her change her mind. Instead, the younger witch nodded slowly to both her teachers before leaving the Head Office, ready to sit in the Infirmary for the rest of the day.


Hermione sat on what she had come to think as her bed. With the notable exception of the bed in her room at Grimmauld Place, this was the bed she had slept in most over the past twelve months. She wasn't sure if she should be happy about that fact, or start crying. After all, she was still alive and relatively well thanks to her stay in that bed. But many had not had the same luxury. And it also meant she hadn't been home in all that time.

"Miss Granger, how are you feeling right now?"

"Sad, empty, thankful to be alive…"

Madam Pomfrey chuffed at Hermione's response and the younger witch smiled. She had learned not to lie to the matron over the years. Hermione had been in the Infirmary nearly as often as Harry had, and if she knew one thing about the older witch it was that Poppy Pomfrey had an amazing knack to know where students were lying to her. Nothing to do with Legilimency. Just a wealth of knowledge gathered over decades of young ones trying to pull the wool over her eyes.

The school nurse started to unwrap her left arm. Hermione watched with some kind of morbid fascination as the scars Bellatrix Lestrange had inflicted on her were revealed from beneath their white gauze shield. Hermione suddenly had the absurd thought that the late Lestrange witch must have had a very nice handwriting, given the beautiful flourishes she had managed to carve into her skin with the unwieldy writing tool that was a knife.

The cuts were raised lines of bright red slinking across the inside of Hermione's left forearm. If she looked at the wounds objectively, the young witch had to admit that they looked so much better than they had just a week ago. Even after their stop at Shell Cottage, Hermione had not had the time to properly look after the cuts. The best Fleur Weasley had been able to do was wrap the wounds tight and give her a few Potions for the pain and to prevent infection from setting in. Hermione had changed the bandages as often as she could over the days that led to the Final Battle, in an effort to stop herself from bleeding or succumbing to the threatening infection. But Poppy Pomfrey had still been horrified with the sight of her mangled and still bleeding forearm when she had finally made it to the Infirmary.

"Well, at least it looks like the potions are doing their jobs."

Hermione couldn't help but grimace at this. She was under a strict regimen of a mix of nutrition, pain, sleeping, and what she had dubbed antibiotic potions - since she didn't know the actual name of that last one. She also had two salves she was supposed to use twice a day to help with scarring and protect against infections from the outside. All in all, Hermione thought she might do well to open an apothecary.

"Have you experienced any side effects?"

"I have noticed that I get tired a bit more easily at the moment. I don't know if it's the potions or just genuine exhaustion."

"Probably a bit of both, Miss Granger. You've had quite the year."

Hermione nodded absently as she watched the older witch waved her wand in complicated patterns over her arms. Her wand tip glowed a dull red, at times brightening slightly. Madam Pomfrey made copious notes in her file.

"I think I would prefer if Professor Snape took a quick look. He's due back here in a few minutes."

"Do you think I'll be able to start work on my assignment?"

"You mean the Wards? In theory, yes. As long as you go easy on both the magic and the hours you spend in the Library at first."

Hermione nodded slowly as she looked out of the window. The sky was a bright blue, with no cloud in sight. The weather had turned warm and sunny since the Battle of Hogwarts. It wasn't really unseasonable, given that they were in mid-May now. But what was unusual was that Hermione has yet to take advantage of the fair weather. She had been stuck in the Infirmary since the day after the Final Battle, with McGonagall and Pomfrey alternatively hovering around, worried about her health. She felt fine enough in herself, but she knew the two older witches were worried about possible dark magic residues left behind by the dark witch who had put those scars on her arms.

"Ah, Severus! Just the man we wanted to see."

Hermione turned to watch the Potion Master walking in. She nodded at him as he approached them, a dark eyebrow rising in enquiry. Pomfrey gestured at Hermione's arm and the younger witch obligingly held it out for Snape to peruse. The dark wizard grasped her wrist and studied her scars intently.

"The work of Bella's cursed knife, I assume?"

"Yes, Professor."

Snape released her arm and turned to Pomfrey.

"And what treatment have you given her?"

"Hermione is taking half a dose of pain potion every morning and a full dose in the evening. She puts on bruise-healing paste and Dittany Salve on the scars twice a day. I have her on a Nutrient Potion to try and make up for the past few months, and a Prophylactic Potion to fight off infection and dark magic from the inside, both three times a day. She's also taking a full dose of sleeping potion at night. I give her a dose of Blood-Replenishing Potion if her wounds aggravate as a preventive."

Hermione watched her Potion Professor nod along at Pomfrey's description of her treatment. He then grunted and conjured quill and parchment to write on.

"I would recommend mixing the bruise paste and the Dittany Salve together, one part paste for five parts Salve. Apply it as a poultice in the morning. Clean it well with Essence of Dittany before bedtime and leave it to breathe overnight. How long ago were those made?"

Hermione frowned as she struggled to remember.

"I'm sorry, but I can only say it was towards mid-March. Perhaps closer to the end of the month."

"I see," Snape said with a frown as he continued scribbling on the parchment. "I'm afraid that you may always have some marks to remind you of the event, Miss Granger. The wound was left without proper care for too long."

Hermione shrugged.

"I had already gathered as much, Professor. Essence of Dittany will usually prevent scars if they can be prevented at all."

Professor Snape nodded slightly then handed over the parchment to Madam Pomfrey. The Mediwitch took a look at it and nodded at the tall wizard before disappearing in her office.

"Do you think this will stop me from working with the wards, Professor?"

"I doubt it. The only problem you should encounter has more to do with your poor stamina for a while longer."

Hermione nodded again and turned back to watch the blue sky outside her window. A ruffle of cloth and a pointed cough had her turning back to the dark wizard still standing by her bedside. As her Professor's eyes narrowed slightly and he opened his mouth, Hermione shook her head forcefully.

"If you are about to say something along the lines of 'thank you for saving my life and I am in your debt', you can forget it right now, Professor Snape." Hermione smiled and kept her tone something between respectful and teasing. "Given the many times you've helped me during my career as a student, I think we can call it quit. If you were about to say something like 'I happen to have a few books on warding you might be interested in once you have grasped the basics', my response to that would be: just tell me when you would be available to discuss whatever rules you would impose on my borrowing your personal books."

Professor Snape snorted and stepped back from her bedside.

"Let me know when you have gone over the School Wards a few times. I'll show you what I know and we can take your studies from there."

Hermione smiled and nodded once as the dark wizard turned on his heels and stalked out of the Infirmary. Madam Pomfrey returned from her office, numerous jars and potions trailing after her in mid-air. The school matron shrunk the lot and Hermione stuffed it all in her pockets along with a copy of Professor Snape's recommendations. The older witch then shooed her away with strict orders to take it easy and come back if she ran into complications.


Author's Note: Well, here you have it. All reviews are welcome, although flames are liable to be used to make s'mores. If you are a beta or a fellow writer - or you know someone - and you're willing to help me, feel free to PM me but keep in mind it might be a while before I write back.