Reviews for The Path of Power
jolith94 chapter 21 . 9/10
I read your story I liked it a lot, please update soon
Anisha k chapter 21 . 6/19
Dude! ️️️️️️️️️️
This is sooooooo mucchhhhhhh ! I LLOVE this fanfic!
I am soo EAGERLY awaiting the rest of the chapters and it's sequels!
And it's such a loong await! Please come back! Kepp writing! God bless you!
Fruitloops2.0 chapter 21 . 5/9
Wow I really love this story, I hope the author returns to continue this story!
jessicab2018 chapter 21 . 8/8/2019
This is a wonderful story, I read all of it so far in one night, as I couldn't put it down. I love your take on the goblins and this particular version of Hermione that you have created. I look forward to if and when you write more.
planenutty chapter 21 . 11/26/2018
I love this story and have reread it several times. I look forward to future updates. Thanks for sharing!
pricelessQueen chapter 21 . 10/3/2018
i really enjoy this story :) i hope that you will continue it :)
Jessandra chapter 21 . 8/27/2018
Oh man I’m loving this story! And I really love the slow build you have planned with Severus. Maybe an attempt at dating Draco until they decide that’s not working for them? I love the Goblin aspect. You have my great respect and admiration for your writing.
lia.a.karas chapter 21 . 6/28/2018
You have an excellent story please update soon if you can
Read Forever chapter 21 . 3/25/2018
I love this story! Your portrayal of Hermione is perfect, and I love that you include and explore aspects of the world of Harry Potter, e.g. the Goblins, that were not so indulged in either the books or the movies! Please continue writing!
Guest chapter 21 . 2/24/2018
One year, one week, three days, since Hermione collapsed from exhaustion when resetting the wards.
The bit is rusty and slobbery where we have been gummily champing, since our teeth have been worn to nubs where they didn't break off with the constant nashing.
SoulSiphon chapter 16 . 9/13/2017
So i've been rereading this and I can't believe I've never asked anything about the chamber of secrets... i mean how? Why? Does the master even know about it?
MJC29 chapter 7 . 8/19/2017
Dang it you made me start crying! Great story so far. Can't wait to keep reading.
petabread chapter 1 . 8/18/2017
Such a cliff hanger! I can't wait until you update again. this is by far one of my favorite stories of all time and i have re-read and re-read you story many times already hoping against hope that the next time i read it there will be slightly more to the story. I wasn't disappointed at all when re-turning to my favorite fic that not only had it been updated but such an update. you had me sitting at the edge of my seat! Can't Wait to read what you have next I sincerely hope that it will be soon, but understand the pressures of life do come in the way of writing sometimes. Eagerly awaiting your next update!
8tink8 chapter 1 . 8/9/2017
This is the first time I have ever reviewed. I have read so many stories and this one made me cry when I got to the end because I just want to know! I'm on the edge of my seat. Please say you will update soon it is amazing.
sspinnr chapter 21 . 4/23/2017
Amazing and awesome story. Thank you, and I've "followed" so I won't miss the next update.
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