So I haven't written Fanfiction in aaaages and this is quite a bit different from the normal stuff I write, but I've recently become obsessed with Big Hero 6.

This is probably just going to be random drabbles, so I'll set it as complete, but may update every now and then on here or on Tumblr. We'll see...

Standard stuff, I don't own Big Hero 6, I just love it to pieces.

Warning: This one has some feeeeeeeels

I've Got All This Ringing in My Ears

Centred on Tadashi finding out his parents and Hiro have been in a car accident. Let me say upfront, other than a first aid certificate, I have no medical knowledge or experience so do not expect this to be even remotely accurate.

Tadashi remembered it well. He had been at a friend's house all day working on a project for school. At 5 pm his parents were due to pick him up and take him and his little brother out for dinner for Hiro's birthday. At three this would be their first dinner out since the little boy had been born. Tadashi was excited.

5pm came and went. At 6 pm his friend's mum tried calling Tadashi's parents. At 8 pm they had still been unable to contact the Hamada's.

Tadashi was worried. Was something wrong with Hiro? Was he sick?

He'd recently been diagnosed with a mild peanut allergy after Tadashi had shared his peanut butter choc chip cookies with his little brother. Hiro had spent the night at the hospital. Maybe he'd done it again. Hiro loved cookies!

Tadashi tried not to show how worried he was. He was almost 10 years old. He had to be the responsible and brave big brother.

At 9 pm he was getting ready for a sleepover, borrowing a pair of his friends pyjamas for the night. He was a smart kid, he'd seen the looks Mr and Mrs Mathers had been giving each other. They hadn't been able to get into contact with his parents.

Tadashi climbed into his sleeping bag. He didn't feel tried. He felt wide awake. Why hadn't his parents called? They were supposed to go out for dinner and sing happy birthday.

The phone rang from the kitchen. Tadashi's eyes drifted shut.

"Tadashi. Honey."

A soft hand on his shoulder woke him.

"Auntie Cass?"

Tadashi was confused. What was she doing here? She lived three hours away in San Fransokyo. Tadashi rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Honey, we need to go now."

Tadashi sat up and reached for his clothes. What time was it?

"You can pick up your clothes later, Tadashi."

He looked at his Aunt, really looked at her. Her eyes were red. Her face was blotchy.

"Auntie Cass, what's wrong? Is Hiro okay?" Tadashi let his Aunt help him up from bed. He was scared.

"I'm sorry Sweetie, they're at the hospital. We need to go now."

Mr Mathers led them out to the front door and offered to give them a lift to the hospital. The car ride was long and silent. The clock on the dashboard glowed a sickly red, like fresh blood. It read 2am.

The harsh light of the hospital was a stark contrast to the dark, overcast sky. The stars hid from sight, like they couldn't bear to watch the situation unfold.

Tadashi clung to his Aunt as she led him through the hospital. His bare feet were cold on the linoleum. A nurse sat at a window and as Tadashi and Aunt Cass approached she pressed a button that allowed them through the double doors into the next room.

Despite the early hour the room buzzed with activity. There were a number of curtained off areas. Aunt Cass led Tadashi to one of the curtains and ushered him inside.

Tadashi froze at the sight.

His little brother Hiro lay on the bed before him. Eyes closed and pale faced. There was a tube snaking down from the pole, disappearing into the back of his hand. Another tube disappeared up his nose. A dark bruise was beginning to form up near his hairline, and his hair… Hiro's hair was as wild as ever. Tadashi walked up to the bed and tried to take it all in. He'd never seen his brother so still. Hiro was always bouncing and bouncing and talking and bouncing. He was a human yoyo, going this way and that. And now he lay still and silent.

"He's going to be okay."

Tadashi turned at the sound of his Aunt's voice. She came over and guided him to the chair by the bed.

"I need you to stay here with Hiro, can you do that for me?" Aunt Cass carded a hand through her nephew's hair. Tadashi nodded numbly.

"I need to organise some things and see if I can get you in to see your parents."

The sob Tadashi had been holding burst out.

"Mum and Dad. They're okay?"

"Oh honey," Cass bit her lip. "They were in a car accident. Wait here, okay, I'll be right back?"

With a swish of the curtain she was gone. Tadashi turned back to his little brother and took his hand.

"Mum and Dad will be okay. Auntie Cassie will sort it out and then we can go home and it will all be okay." Tears leaked from his eyes as he spoke.

The curtain billowed again and Tadashi turned expecting his Aunt, but it was a nurse, bustling around the monitor and checking the IV. She saw Tadashi and jumped, bringing her hand to her chest.

"Woah, didn't see you there!" She exclaimed. "You weren't there before were you? I'm hoping I haven't begun seeing things, but that can happen this time of morning." She was a cheerful woman. She had the same smile as his mum. When he didn't answer her, she kept talking.

"You must be his big brother. You have a big brother look about you. Probably have your hands full keeping this one out of trouble."

He nodded silently, still clutching Hiro's hand.

"Your little bro is going to be running around and causing trouble in no time. He's just a little bit sleepy right now. When your Aunt gets back we're going to move him up to the kids ward." She straightened the sheet covering Hiro's body.

"I know some of these machines look a bit scary, but this one," the nurse pointed to the IV in Hiro's hand. "This is giving him fluids and medication so he's not too sore when he wakes up."

On cue the little boy moaned and opened his eyes. Tadashi was up and leaning over him in an instant.

"Hiro! Hiro!"

Hiro's eyes were slightly unfocused, but they landed on Tadashi.

"Dashi-" His eyes slipped shut again.

Tadashi looked up at the nurse.

"He bumped his head. This is normal, I promise." She patted Tadashi's hand and finished up what she was doing. "Okay, he's all ready! I'm going to grab the porter who will take him up to his room yeah?"

The nurse glanced up past Tadashi as another person entered the little cubicle.

"And there's your Aunt." She walked over to the curtain and stuck out her head. They were quickly joined by a man who moved around to push the bed.

Tadashi kept Hiro's little hand gripped firmly in his own and felt another hand grip his free one. He looked up at his Aunt who smiled sadly at him.

"Then can we go see mum and dad?"

Aunt Cass froze. She tugged his hand gently. "While they get Hiro settled, come with me."

Tadashi reluctantly let go of his brother's hand.

Aunt Cass led him away to a little room and sat him down.

"Tadashi, sweetie, I'm so sorry." She took a shuddering breath. "Your mum and dad… they were very badly injured. The doctors- they- the doctors were afraid that their injuries were too severe. That's why I came to get you… I wanted you to say goodbye… but they-they passed away."

All the colour drained from the room. The sounds of the bustling room outside was suddenly muted.


Aunt Cass was crying but Tadashi was numb. He sat still in his seat.

"I want to see Hiro." Tadashi didn't recognise his own voice or the way it echoed through his ears.

"I-" Aunt Cass wiped her face.

"I want to see my brother!" Tadashi stood and went to the door. Aunt Cass raced after him.

They went to reception who directed them up to the paediatrics ward on the third floor. Hiro's room was dimly lit. The shadows turned Hiro's normally chubby cheeks gaunt.

Tadashi and Cass sat beside the bed and Tadashi took his brothers hand again. He pillowed his head on his free arm so his face was smothered by the itchy hospital sheets.

"Don't you dare leave me you… you knucklehead!" He whispered. Tears flowed freely. "Please don't leave me too!" He felt his Aunt wrap her arms around him.

"I won't leave you." She whispered into his hair. "We won't leave you."

The next day Tadashi had to relive the whole experience all over again. Hiro was awake and in pain and grumpy. His child restraint had protected him from the brunt of the collision, but he had some considerable bruising across his little stomach.

Aunt Cass had tried to explain that his parents had died, but Hiro's three year old mind wasn't able to entirely comprehend it. Each time he woke he asked for his mummy and daddy and each time it broke Tadashi's heart to tell Hiro his parents were gone.

Another relative showed up to help Aunt Cass make arrangements and three days after the accident Hiro was allowed to go home.

More relatives appeared. People Tadashi barely remembered and Hiro had never met. Hiro clung to his older brother as they were crowded by well-wishers.

They barely saw their Aunt. She was constantly surrounded by people, asking her what she was going to do. What was going to happen to the children? The question scared Tadashi. All their relatives were old. What if Auntie Cass didn't want them?

"Of course I want you," she told the ten year old when he finally confided in her.

They were sitting in the Hamada's living room after the funeral. Hiro was asleep with his head in Tadashi's lap, a thumb in his mouth. Tadashi was staring at his fingers as he tangled them in his brothers hair. His eyes felt hot and dry.

"I've got some things to sort out here. School, the house, if I can bring you guys back to San Fransokyo, but Tadashi-" she gripped his chin so he would look at her. "You, and Hiro, and me, we're in this together and I'm not going to leave you. Okay?"

Tadashi nodded slowly. "Okay."

One Month Later

"Okay, you remember where the spare room is? All the way up to the top."

Aunt Cass unlocked the front door and held it open for the boys. Hiro rushed inside and dropped his bags.

"You know the rules! Stay out of the café!" She called after him.

Tadashi followed his brother inside at a more sedate pace. He picked up his brother suitcase and dragged it with his own up the stairs. Their Aunt had a cool attic room that they usually stayed in when they visited. Now it would be their bedroom.

"Oi Hiro, come help!" At the top of the stairs Tadashi dropped his brother's bag. The living room still looked the same, but so much had changed since the last time they had visited… with their parents.

Tadashi took a steadying breath and went to help Hiro and his Aunt finish bringing in their things. Soon the removalists arrived to deliver their beds and dresser.

That night Tadashi lay in his bed. Aunt Cass had enrolled him in a new school but given the timing, they were going to wait until the new school year started. Tadashi was a smart kid, and upon meeting the principal, the school had been confident he would have no issue catching up.

He closed his eyes. San Fransokyo was loud. Cars, and sirens echoed in the distance. Another sound. Sock covered feet on wooden floorboards and a sudden dip in the bed.

"Dashi? I can't sleep."

Hiro's slight lisp mangled the last syllable of Tadashi's name.

Tadashi raised the blanket so Hiro could climb into bed, like he had every night for the past two months. He curled around his little brother protectively and closed his eyes, drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

How do we all feel? You should let me know by clicking the little review button. Or if you want to request something, I can't promise I'll get around to it, but I'll try