Reviews for The Kids Aren't Alright
thepurplewriter333 chapter 5 . 5/25/2017
Hehe, I loved this! Brother fluff is always so very very grand! *giggles* I'm looking forward to more!
thepurplewriter333 chapter 4 . 5/25/2017
Awwwww cute! Great work!
thepurplewriter333 chapter 2 . 5/25/2017
Haha! So cute! :D Yep, I totally agree with the MEGA PEANUT REACTION for like, ALL the other Big Hero 6 fan fics, so great work with this one! It was nice to see a different approach!
thepurplewriter333 chapter 1 . 5/25/2017
Oh gosh, this gave me a serious case of the feelzies.. *sniffs* You captured this wonderfully! Great work!
ToscaThorCat chapter 4 . 4/6/2015
Ugh. I remember having to trade candy with my big sister because she is allergic to peanuts... I mean, I was required to trade, and she liked the good stuff, like tootsie rolls, and starbursts, and I ended up with reeses, and at that point in time, I hated peaunut butter, so I was stuck with not as tasty halloween candy, while my big sister had all the good stuff. (Looking back, I think she pretended to take the good stuff, but snuck it back into my bag after... her bag always seemed less full than mine, despite my appetite...)
ToscaThorCat chapter 2 . 4/6/2015
that is a total little kid reaction the "I'm sorry about _." followed with "I puked on the rug." I mean, I used that more than once as a kid... my older sister used it for other things though. like "Sorry I took your Hercules doll." followed with "I accidentally broke his legs off." I blew a gasket at that one. This was a good chapter, I can't wait to read the others!
Seventh Tatar chapter 2 . 3/23/2015
Baymax does say in the movie that he has a "mild allergy to peanuts", and mild allergies are usually just itchy hives or lots of puffy face with runny nose and watery eyes. I can totally see Hiro doing this, seeing as I used to be mildly allergic to strawberries and would eat them all the time anyway because they were my favorite. I was itchy a lot, but it was totally worth it.
03hermione1992 chapter 5 . 3/13/2015
Big Hero 6 was such a good movie! I love these stories, I think you've captured their relationship very well!
Also, I love that the story title and chapter titles are named after Fall Out Boy songs because I love, love, love Fall Out Boy!
jackaroo126 chapter 5 . 2/16/2015
Yeah it was called sick bay at my school and I remember getting the chicken pox form a place in Australia called megamania or something like that and I was only two so I cried so much and my mum put me in a bath of anti itch stuff while I cried. I also gave it to my four year old sister and my six year old sister. teehee
Truaeliixander chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
Guest chapter 5 . 2/5/2015
Haha no in answer to your question it is not called sick bay, (at least in America). I thought that was strange when I read it! :) We just call it the nurse's office. Really enjoying the quality of the writing here! I think the length is great, and the content is awesome! Keep up the chapters! XD
Disney Syndulla chapter 5 . 2/5/2015
In America, it's just called the nurses office...
But I love these stories! They're so cute and I really want to read more!
theashendawn chapter 5 . 2/5/2015
Nice chapter! At my school we have a nurse's office... It's connected to the main office by basically a two cubicle walls but it's the same room. (It's kind of big all together) though I don't think we have any beds... My school in Texas did though. I never had chicken pox, but my older brother did. He probably slept through his too :D
Disney Girl 26 chapter 4 . 1/28/2015
There is a song by fall out boy called sugar we're going down
Ps I'm a huuuuge fall out boy fan
theashendawn chapter 4 . 1/28/2015
I just searched Australian slang and I can say that this has made my day.
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