"Take back what you said!" A bulky student shouted to an individual roughly the same age. Before the individual could speak, the bulky one balled a fist then slammed it into the individual's stomach. The individual coughed and heaved for air then stood straight again.

"I told you for the past dozen times. I will not apologize for something I didn't say or do." The individual used his wrist to wipe away dirt on his lip.

"Now you're in for it." The bulky student took a step forward with a right hook on the cheek of the individual. The kid took the hit then fell forward onto his right knee. He didn't fall completely but shook his head then stood up again.

"You're pissing me off. Say you're sorry for my sister Claire." The student snarled.

"No." The individual spoke emotionlessly. The in that moment he received a kick from his back then fell forward. He rolled on his back as he looked up to the cloudy sky. He smiled in the hopes for it rain later that day. He blinked back to reality to see his attacker.

"For the last time Chris, I didn't say anything about your sister Claire. If you don't mind, I have somewhere to be." The individual rolled to his stomach then did a pushup to get to his feet.

"Whatever. Just be careful of what you say in the future." Chris Redfield frowned as he rubbed his knuckles. To his right stood his closest friends, Sophomore Piers Nivans and Senior Barry Burton. The three of them nodded then walked off to return to the school before the next class began.

The individual rubbed his chin and looked at his clothing. His shirt was covered in specs dirt as his right knee appeared to be moist from the ground as well. Taking the moment to gather his bearings, he coughed, and rubbed his chin to ease the burning. "Not bad for the first day." He chuckled to himself as he stretched his arms and legs for several feet then adjusted himself to walk normally. In the distance, a figure watched and turned around to enter the building as well.

The same day, three Hours earlier

"Hey jackass, are you gonna come out or not?" A young man with blast back black hair knocked at a door. He wore a dark brown shirt with black jeans and grey shoes. With keen hearing, the young man knew that a person was on the other side the door.

"What do you want Billy?" The door opened. There stood a young man appeared with frazzled hair. The sight of it made Billy Coen chuckle.

"Come on man, you gonna get out and get a little sunshine."

"I'll just get skin cancer." The individual responded.

"You know I'm not giving up." Billy stretched his back. "It's me or Jack, and he owes me a favor." Billy's lips form a devious grin.

"Screw it. Give me five minutes."

"Now that's the spirit." Billy fist pumped the air.

"I'm already regretting this." The individual walked into the dark abyss of his home. Several minutes later, Billy saw his friend fully dressed and ready to attend school of the new year. The sky was blanketed by darkened clouds and that made the individual kind of happy. For some reason, he always found cloudy days to be tranquil.

"Come on man, and unlike you I actually want to talk to people." Billy walked down the three front steps.

"Then what do you need me for?" The individual fanned his mouth from a yawn. He wore a black jacket, with a grey undershirt, blue pants, and black boots. The individual thought that sleep would be a thousand times better than the education system.

"To make it seem I'm sociable to people."

"You mean for the girls."

"Well… that's true." Billy dropped his shoulders. The walk wasn't a long one because the individual lives at least seven blocks from the school. Walking on the sidewalks, the journey would only take about fifteen minutes. The two bickered and did the typical small talk to pass the time. The two arrived at the school to see all the cars drop off students with huddles of others grouped together.

And so it begins. The individual thought. All around were the talk of useless crap and every second of it made the individual wish even further that he remained home. Ahead of his was the supposed school hottie by the name of Leon Kennedy as he smiled past everyone to the front entrance. What a pompous prick. The individual thought with a sneer.

The two made their way into the building for them to get some school breakfast. The building was of a grand design of grey walls mixed with black and red. It had everything have this refined appeal. The two kept walking until they reached the cafeteria. Then in the moment the two noticed that the line was empty.

"Hey dude, can you do me a solid and get me a plate of breakfast while I scoop out the students." Billy patted the individual's back.

"Sure." The individual said sarcastically.

"You're the best." Billy jogged off into the distance. The individual looked over his shoulder. He walked to the front to see the same lunch woman from the past years.

"Can I get the usual and here's three dollars for the same thing." He spoke calmly and was given his plate to see Billy munching on an apple.

"You motherfu…" The individual cut himself off. He blinked as a bald student walked passed him. Without a care in the world, the individual passed his second tray to the person beside him. "Today's your lucky day." The bald kid was surprised then watched as the individual walked to table and started eating. The bald kid shrugged then walked to his friends.

The individual remained quiet as he snacked on a piece of stale toast. It was tasteless so the individual had little to care. After a moment Billy returned with an assortment of food.

"Hey bro, what's happening?"

"Nothing really." The individual deadpanned.

"Whatever dude. So you got any cool classes this year?"

"Not really, I'm stuck with Mr. Spencer for my first class in Biology then Ms. Adele for math and blah blah blah." The individual finished his meal. He didn't feel like talking about himself.

"Alrightly then, Oh I see Richard, I guess I'll see you around." Billy stood up and walked off to other people.

"Sure sure." The individual looked up and cleaned his table then walked to the closest trash can. After a moment, he wondered the halls to find his locker for the year. It was 1337 on the slip he was given and it was on the upper half of the lockers. Score! He opened his locker then places a majority of his supplies inside as several laughs and obnoxious voices approached in the distance.

"I think that wasn't a good idea on your part Jess." A voice laughed at the end.

"Aw come on, you know I hate that about people." A second voice retorted.

The individual rolled his eyes and tired tone out the noise. Eventually the crowd of four girls stood beside the individual. He recognized the first person as it was a girl named Excella with her friends. From his peripheral vision, the individual learned that another girl had a locker right beside his and he made sure to not to make any eye contact. Before he could escape there was a hand on his right shoulder.

"Um excuse me, a friend of mine has a locker right next you yours, soo can we trade, please?" A voice beckoned from behind. The individual had the plan from the very beginning to try to not call attention to himself as he was about to break the goal.

"No." The individual spoke quickly as he closed his locker.

"What?" By the sound of the voice, it was genuine confusion.

He turned around to see a girl with a dark tan with brunette hair with a grey jacket with white capris pants. He noticed her before but never really registered to his memory.

"I like this locker and I won't trade for it." The individual was quite serious since this spot would be ideal since it is in the middle of all the classes he had to go to.

"Don't you know who I am?" The girl's lip winced.

"Not a clue, now excuse me." The individual tried to walk to his left to be cut off by Excella.

Damn… almost a clean getaway. The individual thought as he was forced to look at the brunette girl as she walked into his view again.

"Can we just trade, that locker is close to my friends and it'll really help me out if you did this." She pouted

I'm not buying it.

"Not a chance." The individual refrained from rolling his eyes then shoved past the girls and they watched as he left their view. With every step, the individual could feel the angry thoughts darting into his back.

"What an asshole." The brunette girl frowned.

"So Jessica, what are you going to do about it?" Excella raised her left hand to her chin.

"You heard him, there's nothing I can do." Jessica shrugged.

"I got an idea." Excella smiled.

Biology, an hour and a half later

Without anyone to really talk to, the individual was forced to move to the far right back of the classroom while those in groups claimed the center.

Eh. The individual shrugged everything around him was quiet enough. The class went off without a hitch as Spencer ranted on and on in the changes of the world instead of actual Biology. The individual walked out the classroom to be greeted by a hand to his collar.

"Hey there, you little punk!" Chris Redfield squinted in anger. "What's this I hear of you calling my sister a whore!" Several students walked past with the sound of the attack drowned out by noise of the halls. All the students were making their way to their next class. Several watched, others kept their heads down, while the rest judged from afar.

"I never said anything like that." The individual played it cool. Showing fear or anger could give his attacker justification to go further with his plans. In his mind, all he could think about was all the pain he would be in.

The Hallways, after the beating

Ow ow ow. The individual groaned in his head as he walked through the empty halls. The automated bells chimed as it was electronic now. Being late on the first day is forgivable. The individual thought as he turned to his right to make his way to his locker. In a moment, he started to twist the padlock's combination. 01-27-19. The door popped open, and then felt a tap at his back. He looked over his shoulder.

"Um, hello." An African student asked. "Do you know where can I find room, 117?" The girl scrambled to open her class schedule. "For a Miss Adele?"

It sucks being the new student. "Yeah I do. I'm heading there right now. Just follow me." The individual closed his locker.

"Really? Thank you very much." The girl smiled. Her expression shifted like a cat. From sad eyes to excited. With a textbook in hand, he started to walk as the girl walked beside him.

"You probably know by now, I'm new." The girl shrugged.

"Yep, just keep your voice down okay?" The individual asked.

"Sure." Using his peripheral vision, the individual noticed the girl was wearing purple V-neck shirt, beige pants, with black shoes. Her hair was of light brunette and her skin shined off the light slightly, almost bronze like. She'll fit in just fine. He looked on ahead to see the classroom in sight.

"We're almost there. You go on ahead." He said as he pretended to tie his shoes. The girl nodded and entered the room. Checking his surroundings, the individual was happy no one was watching. He finished retightening his laces and entered the room as well.

"Thank you for being late." The instructor frowned as she turned to mark a name in her attendance list. "Who are you?"

"Anthony Silverstein." Anthony shrugged as he walked to an empty desk. It was on the opposite side of the girl he helped a moment ago.

"And you young lady, what's your name?" The instructor raised her head.

"I'm Sheva Alomar, ma'am." The girl stood up from her desk. Most of the students stared at her as it was quite unusual. (AU: In America, students don't have to stand up when they address a teacher.)

"Um, thank you for standing." The instructor put her paper down. "Well then, welcome to integrated Algebra, trig, and calculus. I will be your instructor. My name is Adele Taylor. You can call me Miss T. If you please pull out your class syllabus." The lady stood in front of the class room.

After an hour the boring lecture came to an end, Anthony spent his time thinking about what he could do for lunch. He had six dollars; a trip to Subway plan is doable. Nah, next time.

"Alright, I expect you to show up on time from now on and blah blah blah." Typical warnings. Anthony started to pack his belongings then turned up to see Pier Nivans standing in front of him.

"Hey there Anthony. Are you sorry yet?" The guy stood there with a raised chin as if nothing could touch him.

"No." Anthony responded coldly.

"Just remember, Chris is a good friend of mine. So when you mess with him, I'll get involved." Piers looked Anthony in the eye.

There's so much I could say to that. Anthony held his tongue then walked past him. From a glance, Anthony noticed Sheva making her way toward him. He quickened his pace then walked in the wave to students. As he did, Sheva was cut off by other students curious about her.

Oh man, that was close. He walked through the halls for World History with a Mr. Bill Coulson. Coulson was a cool teacher; usually at times he'll quiz the students with interesting facts and promote logical thinking. Another cool thing he does is- TAP TO THE SHOULDER. Aw damnit. "Hey man, where you've been?" Billy walked beside Anthony.

Anthony shrugged the hand off, it rubbed against a new bruise he got from earlier. Every now and again, a girl would stare in their direction. More specifically, Billy.

"So how did your morning go?" The generic question flew from Billy's lips.

"I got in a fight." Anthony deadpanned.

"Sarcasm is unbecoming of you. Just say 'okay' like everyone else." Billy was the first to enter the classroom. He leaned on the table and hand his arms keep support. He wore a long sleeve maroon shirt with black pants. He remained close as Anthony sat down. From there, Anthony noticed a girl walk into the room. She was the same one that tried to con him out of his locker. He didn't make any rapid movements to alert Billy.

"Hey look at her. You think she's single?"

"I don't know her personally, so I wouldn't know." Anthony took out a spiral notebook with a mechanical pencil.

"It was a rhetorical question." Billy rolled his eyes. The girl sat four seats to the right of Anthony. For some reason, she kept looking his way.

"Wish me luck." Billy tapped Anthony's shoulder. Oblivious to his reaction, Billy didn't see Anthony grunt in pain. The girl focused her vision. What's with her? Anthony watched as Billy was shot down. He watched as Billy did his 'whatever' look when that happens. For some reason, Anthony was content with the thought but remained calm. Soon Mr. Coulson walked in with a stack of papers and several textbooks.

"Greetings everyone. I'm special instructor Bill Coulson. I will be your history teacher." Coulson had a calm demeanor as for some reason, wore a black suit and tie. Always a suit and tie. Anthony wondered if Coulson ever wished to be part of some government organization. He'll fit in and make the world pretty cool. So with the mutual respect, Anthony paid attention as the bell rang for classes to begin.

Anthony hung on all the information given. During the class, Billy moved to the center to hang out with one of his other friends. Anthony made sure to take several notes as Coulson made a on the spot lecture of Hong Kong. Since the on the first day is usually rules and blow off day, Coulson could get away with it.

One hour later

The bell signaled that time for this class period to end. With his schedule, Anthony had lunch as well. He took a moment to pack his belongings as Coulson walked in front of his table.

"How's your first day going?" Coulson smiled.

"Decent, I've managed to piss off at least one student before lunch." Anthony chuckled lightly to remember his aches and pains.

"Must be a record. I just wanted to say hi before I left to the teacher's lounge. See you tomorrow." Coulson walked out of the classroom. Anthony stretched his back and noticed that the classroom was almost empty. Along with that, Billy was no longer in sight.

He walked in the crowd to a sorry excuse of a lunch line. In front of him stood, Leon Kennedy. He just kept a calm expression as well. Then low and behold, a group of girls call him over to pass twenty other kids in line. Behind Anthony, he heard the noise of obnoxious girls complaining about their teachers and other students. Just two more years, just two more years. After standing in line for twenty minutes for a thirty minute lunch break, Anthony got a turkey sandwich along with a yellow apple, and a strawberry milk carton.

He walked to a somewhat vacant table and sat down. At least here, the loud students weren't as close. He didn't mind the noise as long as he tried to tone it out. He removed the wrappings of his sandwich as he felt a force on his right side. It was another student that had large glasses and hand an annoyed expression. After several seconds, Anthony was shoved off the chair and the kid that forced him off started to talk to his friends.

Just two more years. Anthony purposely moved his arm into the jerk's view to claim his plate. When he did the kid looked at him.

"Hey asshole, I was here first." The jerk rolled his eyes then started to complain about what just happened.

Anthony took a deep breath. He walked around the cafeteria then found a completely empty table and sat down. It was nice, somewhat quiet and then five students showed up talking about how awesome Jersey Shore was last night. They droned on and on. Anthony finished his meal and looked up to see the students gone but they didn't throw their trash away.

"Hey there young man, clean this up." A security guard said in a monotone. Anthony collected the trash then tossed them into the bin.

The bell rung again and the classes that day were so mundane. Trapped in this long dragged out hell. I seriously must have been terrible to kittens in a past life to deserve this kind of treatment. Anthony started his walk home as Billy found some friends to hang out with.

The walk was a short one because he could hear his own thoughts again. Several birds flew by. The grey abyss gathered above.

"I love the clouds." Anthony made a light smile to himself. He entered his house as no one was home. He took out a cherry coke for the day walked to his room. In there was a collection of several music posters and artwork from conventions. He smiled in his place of solitude. When he walked into his room, he pulled out a blue box and removed the lid. Inside sat a black gas mask with red eye slits. The gasmask calmed Anthony down as the strapped it on and sat down on his bed. Beside the bed was a nightstand with a rubber ball. He took hold of it then he flicked the ball to the wall then started to repeat the process.

"I wonder what tomorrow will bring?"

For those who are wondering if Anthony is an OC, he's not. That's right, It's HUNK in High School. I thought the idea sounded cool and I'm sticking with it.

Thank you for reading, have an excellent day, and hope to see you in the next chapter.