Reviews for Umbrella High
GreenleafEverlove chapter 2 . 8/23/2015
Perfect chapter :D
I especially love your description of Chris and Claire, spot on.
You are doing well with their personalities, definitely.
Especially with Anthony and how he wants to distance himself.
GreenleafEverlove chapter 1 . 8/19/2015
Perfect start here, you did not give his name directly. Their personalities fit nicely, Excella a bitch with her friends ah perfect, but I felt bad for Anthony for what Chris did to him, he was kind of a jerk.
Leon a pompous prick, seriously that line made me laugh though I'm not surprised.
Shantty chapter 7 . 7/14/2015
Hey Willl

Oooh That chapter was fresh and fun. I love this teen atmosphere of High School, it is so fresh, so cool. I really miss that moment and your chapters bring me nostalgia somehow, it is soo good :)
I loved their interaction in this chapter, everything interesting and connected.
But the best part in it is JD for sure. He was a great character and got us imagining how it would have been if he had survived, so it is nice to see him back, although in a different moment, but getting the chance to finally know America :)

Excellent Chapter, Will. Have a great week. :)
roseimagine chapter 7 . 6/4/2015
I like how you implemented characters from other RE games into the mix. I have to say my favorite out of those characters has to be Luis Sera because he was one of those characters that if he would have survived would have been a great friend to Leon much like JD, I was so sad when he died in Damnation, thought I love how Leon told him quote "And I was looking forward to showing you America" I also like the scene where JD and him did that intricate handshake, come to think of it I really liked how JD complimented Leon in the movie.
Well I have to tip my hat to you on that tension between Selene and Ada, no doubt that's how they would treat each other and captured perfectly. Yes Selene knows she's good looking and all and uses that into her favor but isn't blind to her competition, she admits to the qualities others posses.
Sheva laughing at the weirdness of her friends, lol inevitable as she sits with the most misunderstood pack. :)
Very excited to read what's next but don't worry take your time to develop a great next chapter! But don't take too long though ahah LOL :D
Shantty chapter 6 . 5/20/2015
Hey Will. :)
In fact I cant really say Billy is OOC. Because he had so many reasons to be that cold and serious in RE Zero, because of his background. But that doesnt mean he was a person like that always. SO it is totally possible he was a funny and nice guy as you are writing.
I have a different POV about OOC, as RE describes them only during a tense moment, a chaos or job, so that gives us freedom to write them deeper in a different enviromenmt. And because of that I think you are doing a great job with Billy. He could really have been that kind of cute youth.
This chapter was very good. I liked Sheva and Anthony's conversation about their lives. It was very interesting.
I liked the anti-social moment where Anthony didnt want to take his headphones (Im a lot like that lol)
My favorite part was the mess Jessica made with a Good Morning. I laughed at that. Complicated Jessica. So funny. loved it.
Excellent chapter, dear. Have an excellent week!
roseimagine chapter 6 . 5/19/2015
Yeah an update! :)
This chapter had a lot to do with what goes on in school, the tasks and assignments usually given. I like seeing Anthony's prespective on things because I can relate to the boredom I use to feel and there were those days where you weren't up to being in class and all you could think about was food, lol.
I know the feeling of a repetitive lunch menu and I'd go for a subway too!
Lol poor Selene, Billy haha I can imagine him teasing people in that sly voice.
Will keep it up, can't wait for what's going to happen to the gang! :D
Shantty chapter 5 . 4/1/2015
Hey, Will. How have u been?
About the block, I guess this is something we all go through sometimes, specially when we have a new game with a plot different from what we are doing... I don't know if that happened to you also, but along with my personal issues, i think I was so much into the new Revelations that it was also a challenge to focus on something else for about 2 weeks. Maybe because i waited for so long for capcom to make me feel into horror again that I got too much excited when I realized they did it.
About this chapter, it was really great and funny. I loved the parts with all the guys together, Billy's part-time job, but i specially loved how Jack and Anthony's unique frienship started. OMG! I laughed a lot, specially over Jack's last sentence :D
Excellent job, Will. Nice to see you back! Have a nice week ;)
roseimagine chapter 5 . 3/27/2015
Lol, I have to admit this is probably one if not my favorite chapter so far. It was so interesting, funny and different.
I actually really enjoyed the interaction between Jack and Anthony, they might not be the best of friends but both know they are good people and can rely on each other when necessary. Lol Billy the pizza delivery! :D
From what it seems Anthony may give off a stay away vibe but he has his social needs and I believe he likes these new people around them as proof he chased Selene around after her comment for what I took as fun.
Great work, and I hope this inspiration continues.
roseimagine chapter 4 . 2/10/2015
Great Chapter first of all :)
Yeah Anthony seems to want to get along with Jessica but in more of a neutral, compromise sort of way just to get the assignment done.
I think lunch is one of the highlights of this story because the group manages to talk about something interesting and I can feel that there friendship will grow. I thought it was cool that we were introduced to more character description, they were fun to read.
As for the ending, Jack Krauser what could he possibly want?
Very good, can't wait till the next chapter! :D
Alexei Wesker chapter 4 . 2/8/2015
Hi, Dear
I read this story, and I really like it.

Usually I do not like these HighSchoolAU but that I particularly liked, because despite being in an alternate universe none of them is too OOC, have their version teenager as you have imagined.

And I loved it.

Keep it up, Will

Следующая глава вашей истории моего друга, Алексей (At next chapter of your story my friend, Alexei)

-Alexei Wesker
Ravyn Shadowheart chapter 4 . 2/8/2015
Nice chapter her man, and good ol' Vinny B has joined the battle! Though last I checked, my school only gives us half a pint of milk if I believe correctly. They're these little jugs. But anyway, nice details included. Generally I wouldn't think of Vincent having some scruff, but hey, it works and I'm fine with that! Ah, the good ol' mouthwash! All hail the mouthwash! And hey, it fits in with the reason. Eating various foods...which is kind of what I do already. Haha, but great chapter man! Keep up the great work and have a great week!
Shantty chapter 4 . 2/8/2015
Heyyy! First of all Belated Happy Birthday. I hope you had a great day, Will. And I wish you have an excellent year! :)
Ooh I must say the dialogues are flawless as always.
It's so easy to identify Hunk in Anthony, you are making an amazing job. The difficult he has with relationships just makes your job really makes sense and besides more interesting.
OMG, I laughed at Carlos. It was so funny and so Carlos. Interesting to see his trio I'm curious to see what you plan about them.
I really liked how you wrote Steve, so cute he has a crush on Claire. hehehe
But I specially liked Keith and Quint there. Yaaaaaaaaaaay! I think we have this in commom, how much we like them :D
This chapter was interesting with Anthony and Jessica, and by the end we can easily realize things are going to change when we see Krauser! Let's see what he's gonna bring.
Great chapters, Will. I'm looking forward for the next! ;) Have a great sunday!
roseimagine chapter 3 . 1/28/2015
First things first, happy belated birthday Will, hope you had a great day.
You were right I totally enjoyed this chapter. I can se Sheva confused by boy's friendship and I agree she has much patients to be around them.
OMG Selene! Hahaha, she was wearing a howl's moving castle shirt! Loved that part! I think you got Selene on the dot, she isn't one to take any shit from anyone but she is very loyal and friendly whith her friends. Billy trying to hook Anthony and her up made me laugh harder.
They are for sure one intresting group. Quick question are Anthony, Sheva and Billy juniors?
I can't wait to see how Anthony is gonna deal with Jessica, I know it won't be pretty.
Loved it Will, keep it up!
A Shadow In Chains chapter 2 . 1/16/2015
Well after reading this, your entire Tekken fic, part of your RWBY fic and part if your Human Unit Never Killed fic I say you have a lot of potential. Questions:

Will some of the less known or acknowledged characters be in this? (I.e The Outbreak cast, Ashley, Rachael, what about Derek as a school bully?)
roseimagine chapter 2 . 1/15/2015
This chapter was amazing! :D
Anthony is use to being a hermit but no one understands why he would choose to be away from people and they see it as unnatural. And I can see Anthony not want to go to a therapist and that was kind of funny to try and imagine.
The description for each character was spot on, I couldn't stop laughing at Leon's description (that part about the coat was genius!)
It was interesting to see how Sheva reacts to Anthony always in a respectful manner, he was showing her the ropes.
You put Rebecca in (slightly, aaahh!) I can't wait to see more interaction from her and Billy and I'm sure Anthony will enjoy bothering Billy for his "soft spot"
That's another thing to, I enjoy how Billy and Anthony treat each other, nothing says strong friendship like offensive names, ahahaha :D
Oh, I can't wait for the next chapter! Keep it up Will! ;)
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