"Yoooooo!" His friend cheered as he pulled out the crumpled-up notice from the DWMA. It was a small letter in purple parchment with a stamp from Death City, or from some gas station anywhere – it's a pretty standard item these days. The young male ripped open the envelope and pulled out the letter taking in every word.

"Does your dad need to write another check for that lawsuit from forever ago?"

David didn't respond at first, but then said, "No man! Well, probably, but something is interesting here..."

Chris sighed as he leaned back further on the bench in his friend's front yard. He flipped through pages of his World History textbook mumbling about everything in general. After about five minutes his friend got through the first page and threw the non-essential pamphlets into the trash rushing over to the table like a giddy school-boy.

"The DWMA accepted my application!" He panted slapping the letter over his textbook, a giddy school-boy indeed, "They're letting me in Chris, hah!" He gave a victorious thumbs up with a smile that beamed through Chris's corneas.

Chris idly picked up the letter and began reading through it to make sure that his friend didn't confuse this letter with a rejection letter like he did a year ago.

Based on your excellent academics… Dedication to school and desire to acquire knowledge….

"Did you lie on your application about your grades, David?" Chris pushed the piece of paper off his textbook with a roll of his eyes.

"I used your grades actually and some of your essay from that college bullshit! Just changed the name to mine on the paper and bam!" David clapped his hands together, "A.C.C.E.P.T.E.D!"

Chris rolled his eyes yet again, he would be mad that his friend took his essay if that essay was of top-tier – good thing it was just a rushed piece for a grade, "They're not even taking applications this time of year, actually they halted their applications as of four months ago to my understanding. It's probably a scam."

David huffed as he sat across from Chris grabbing his letter defensively. "They opened them last month, why do you think I would try applying again!"

Chris shrugged and made a note of the page he was at in the bottom of his notebook. "I don't care for enlisting in the DWMA like I used to, maybe I still kind of want to, but there would be no point."

"What do you mean by 'no point?'"

"I'm not going up against some masochistic witch, I value my life."

"Over the lives of others?"

"I don't have a hero complex, I just want to live for myself, not for someone else." Chris grabbed his knapsack and began fitting his textbook into the bag. There was no reason for him to feel inclined to put his life on the line for the sake of another, at least not in this scenario. David, on the other hand, was an exact opposite, he had a bleeding heart and dim-wits, but that's what Chris liked about him, he wasn't the typical cut you'd get in a private school.

"Well, I gotta get home and do some laundry." Chris stood and noticed that the sun had already set well past the mountains on this side of the suburbs. He could go home, or he could crash with David, he preferred his own creature comforts compared to his friends.

"Yo, Chris." David was on his feet heading towards the front gate, "Care if I join?"

Chris shrugged, it didn't make sense, but he decided that it wouldn't hurt. The two began walking to Chris's house together when they bumped into two odd-looking men.

One with striking red hair and the other with a bolt in his head like a creation from Mary Shelly's universe.

"Hi, I'm Spirit!" The man with red hair stretched his hand out towards them, and of course, David would firmly grasp the stranger's hand and shake it enthusiastically.

"And I'm his accomplice, Dr. Stein." Mr. Patchwork kept his hands to himself, Chris liked to think it's because he had blood on his hands from some recent victim, the man left Chris with a chill in his bones, he couldn't help but think the worst.

"We received an application from David Storbeck, which one of you is David?"

Chris thought it odd that the escorts the letter mentioned would be here so shortly, it didn't make sense. Afterall, David only just got the letter, well, more like retrieved it finally. His mailbox was quite overloaded since he hardly ever checked it, he was too care-free and lackadaisical. Perhaps it's all on time.

"I'm David!"

You idiot, Chris thought with a shake of his head.

The man who called himself Spirit clapped his hands together and whispered something to his partner, they both seemed pleased with the turn of events.

"Have you received a letter from the DWMA recently, when was it dated?" That's when Chris realized that they were doing an investigation, these two were officers of the DWMA. They were odd looking figures, mainly the screw-head, but it would make sense for Death City to hold such eccentric characters.

"Yeah, actually," Chris responded as his friend began rummaging around in his pockets. "It's dated December 14." David finally retrieved the letter and handed it to Spirit. For some reason David didn't seem as assured as he did before, Chris suspects that he knows something is up too.

"Just like the others…" Spirit muttered as he handed Stein the letter. The doctor read through quickly then looked at them both with piercing grey eyes. "How would you two like to be bait?"

Chris looked to David, this was much more interesting than what he could have expected. It seems like the DWMA has a problem on its hands. Then he realized that it had to be in conjunction with the witch Veera because why else would they be here?

"You have our cooperation."

Chris could feel David's eyes on him.

Who would have known he would be into self-sacrifice after seeming so against the notion earlier?

"Man, I can't believe we both got the same notice in the mail, fucking sweet!" Daniel high-fived his female companion as they strolled along the sidewalk with a prideful aura surrounding them both. His friend giggled and caught up with him, admiring how the sun made his brown eyes look like peaceful amber, but he didn't notice how she looked at him - Daniel just kept walking with a pep in his step.

"I can't believe they chose us for the main school, I mean Death City! And the Shinigami himself!" The girl linked her arm through Daniel's with a nod matched with a smile.

"Some other kids in this part of town got the notice too, I guess they're trying to get more students in because of that entire situation with their Death Scythe." Daniel sighed, the idea that he's just someone's future replacement is kind of disappointing, but a replacement to someone great is better than being a dead-beat like his father. But to fill someone else's shoes just because they have a high chance of being killed on the battlefield is ultimately unnerving.

"I heard that they had to postpone The Eater's execution. Kind of sick that they are going to do it live…" He could feel his friend roll her shoulders, she always did that when she was starting to get all awkward-like, he found it cute.

"Think of it like this, Sarah, a live-execution for torturing someone for god knows how long might not be humane, but it's the law of reciprocity if you ask me." He sounded confident just like his history teacher, Mr. Reed, he saw that man as a perfect role model. Mr. Reed knew his stuff and taught without bias, he has also been the main reason that Daniel keeps studying so hard. But now if he is transferring to the DWMA things will be completely different!

Sarah nodded, but it was apparent she didn't agree, she was too moral for her own good, but some people's hearts weigh on them more than others and she is one of those people. Even though they disagreed it didn't put a gap between them, it was one of the differences that made them bond.

Her heart is what Daniel liked most about her. It was warm – she was warm and caring, the opposite of what he's been accustomed to. She fills him with happiness, albeit brief, but a moment of relief is what everyone needs. If you're submerged too long, you drown.

"I hope that I'll be as great as him." She bounced with her smile, jovial as ever, her red hair flowing in the short-lived breeze as her hazel eyes shimmered in the sun.

Daniel shrugged nonchalantly, "Better pick me as a technician."

"And if I don't?"

Daniel pressed his fingers against his chin then mimicked his friend, she hit him with her bag causing him to laugh, but that joy was short-lived when he realized where they were.

"Well, this is my stop…" He was outside of his house, the gate to the fence curled in from the previous night's events. He stared at the home that was practically falling to bits, the grass was brown, no, not even brown, almost black in some spots; the wood was beginning to split on the outside, and the white paint was starting to chip. Typically, the foundation was built below well this foundation was built over it with the pipes visible from a few crawl-spaces that no one really wanted to crawl through. The pipes leaked, and even though he tried to fix them another one would fracture, and they would have to turn the water off from the manhole.

"Hey…" Sarah grabbed his jacket pulling him out of his trance, her fingers trembling, "you need anything just call me okay?"

Sarah was too kind for her own good, Daniel patted her hand and nodded but before he pried his gate open he quickly placed a kiss on her lips watching as her face turned a bright red. She turned away so fast with her fingers trembling against her lips, he couldn't tell if she liked it or not. He was satisfied either way.

"See ya at orientation tomorrow." He gave her a wave that she couldn't see and hopped over the gate because he knew he wouldn't be able to open it since he could not get it to this morning.

When he approached the front door, he exhaled deeply, preparing his nerves for what was to come and began to turn the handle. Of course, as soon as he pushed the door open, his father was standing there in his stained t-shirt and boxer shorts with no care for his personal hygiene. Daniel's nose scrunched up instinctively, the odors of sweat mingled with alcohol and fast-food was something he could never get used to.

"Hey, dad, "Daniel greeted his father in a monotone voice and began heading to his room.

He didn't make it far, his dad grabbed his arm and yanked him back almost making him lose his balance and hit the floor.

"So," his father pulled a cigarette out of his pack and dug in Daniel's back pocket for a lighter. He lit his cigarette then pocketed the lighter for himself, and with a sigh, his father told him to face him.

At first, Daniel refused, but then his dad yelled, and he obeyed like a dog who was just told to sit.

His dad leaned against the fridge then puffed smoke into his face with a lazy smile.

"That your girlfriend?"

"N-no, sir." Daniel stuttered. Not this question again… He wanted to sigh but knew if he did his dad would strike him.

"What are ye some kind of faggot?" His dad rolled his eyes as he tossed his still lit cigarette into the sink where the dishes were piled high.

Daniel didn't respond, and his father just laughed at him. He gave Daniel a punch to the shoulder that he would call playful, but to Daniel, it ached, he wanted to bolt right now… He wished his dad just could have been asleep… But after tonight he'll be gone, and he won't have to take this kind of abuse from someone again.

"Relax, I ain't raise a faggot, not in this house." His dad chuckled and then began reaching into his pocket, "so I found this…" He pulled out a folded piece of paper, "in your room today." Daniel's heart jumped, he didn't hide things from his father because he knew what happened if he did, but this time was an exception because it was his acceptance into the DWMA.

"Greetings Daniel Hawthorne! This is in regards to your recent application to the DWMA, and after review, we have determined that you would fit in with our first year class in Death City –"

"I… I-" The young teenager stumbled to find his words his mouth moving but sounds refused to come out.

"When were you gonna tell me?" His dad asked as he slammed the letter onto the kitchen table, the clutter shaking from the force. "Or were you planning on just disappearin'?"

Daniel didn't know how to respond, and the anger behind his father's brown eyes intensified.

"Gunna leave me like your whore mother did, huh?!"

Daniel backed away, his skin was prickled with heat, was he sweating? It felt like sweat. Mom didn't leave… she died, you know she was sick… she couldn't hold on anymore. Daniel squeezed his fists by his sides and shut his eyes tightly, he knew that tonight he wouldn't be able to stop himself from saying something.

"Leaving me just like she did!"

"Dad!" Daniel found himself yelling because he couldn't deal with this fight again, "You know she died! Stop saying she left you. She DIED!"

He knew as soon as he said that that he was in a world of trouble. He hasn't raised his voice at his father in two years now, the last time he did he was in the hospital, and his dad forced him to blame some kid at school for beating him up, and they ended up making a lawsuit over it, a claim that they won.

Daniel began backing away to put distance between himself and his seething father but before he could run his dad grabbed him by the throat and pushed him up against the wall. Daniel gasped for air as his windpipe was being crushed under the hand of his father, he squirmed and kicked all while clawing at his dad's sides as his world began to feel distant, his palm just squeezing with more and more pressure that created a whirlwind of thoughts in the teens head.

Suddenly, a fist slammed into his cheek, and he was tossed to the floor. He slid until he hit the coffee table violently coughing and trying to catch his breath but just when he inhaled a foot collided into his chest. He swore that he could feel something inside shattering, he yelped as the pain rolled through him like the waves of a sea storm.

And his dad didn't stop. His fist kept colliding into his face, chest, arms, shoulders, and stomach until Daniel was sprawled out with blood leaking from his nose and face as swollen as someone who had been stung by a bee.

"Go to your room you fucking piece of shit, or I'll do it again…" His dad collapsed onto the couch and grabbed one of the beers he had left out a few nights ago and began chugging it down. "Leave just like your mom did!"

I'm glad you died mom, so you wouldn't have to feel this… Daniel found that he couldn't pick himself up off the ground and began crawling. He was dead weight. His dad laughed at him mocking him for being a cripple, but Daniel ignored him because tomorrow he was going to be freed from this dread.

He crawled into his room and shut his door, he didn't bother with locking it because a locked door would mean another beating. He pulled himself into bed grunting in agony then just kind of laid there as the heat filled his insides.

Daniel leaned over his end table and opened the drawer, gritting his teeth from the movement. He peeled his false cover off the inside of the top drawer where the last gift his mother gave him sat. It was entirely cheesy and cliché, but it made him feel as if he was loved, that someone truly cared about him, and even though she was gone he could still feel her presence when he held the locket that was crafted from copper and imbued with magic to keep it from tarnishing.

Inside there was a picture of him when he was about four and his mom who, at that time, was in her early thirties but her smile made her look ageless. On the other side was a note that read, "I will always love you, Daniel."

"I love you, mom…" He held the locket in his hand until he began trembling and then he started crying. His cries were quiet yet heavy because if they were loud, he would get another beating.

He cried himself to sleep that night, and when he woke up, it was still early. He was able to move this time, thankfully. He didn't bother with putting new pants on, but he did change his shirt because there was blood on the other one which would leave a bad first impression on the recruiters, but so would the bruises on his face. Can't win either way it seems. To top off his look, he put the necklace on that his mom gave him, his hands hurt from trying to get the clamp to catch the small ring, but he was eventually successful.

His body ached, and each step felt more excruciating than the last, but he was determined to just get out of here, and this was his perfect chance because his father was still sleeping. That was one of the good things about his drinking, he would be more volatile but would sleep more than half the day away.

Daniel shrugged his pack over his shoulder, winced, then headed to Sarah's house which was only a mile off. Before he could reach her home, he ran into her on the street while she was walking her husky that her family called Pebbles.

Usually, he would greet the dog by burying his face in his fluffy pelt but couldn't bend down, so he just patted the dogs head and gave Pebbles a smile, Pebbles licked his hand and wagged his tail happily.

"Daniel, what happened to you!?" Sarah grabbed his shoulder making him pull back from the pain.

He decided he would tell her if she bought him some coffee, kind of glad that the kiss wasn't the topic of their conversation. So, they headed to a local café, which she was hesitant about because she didn't want him to feel embarrassed, but he didn't care about the bruises. This was his day, and not even the pain would ruin it. He drank his cup of joe, the coffee stinging his busted lips then started telling her about what happened and of course, she was appalled like she was every time.

She profusely apologized like it was her fault that it happened, and Daniel just smiled, she's so warm-hearted, he imagined that his mom would like her.

"Should we go to a hospital?" Sarah asked, she hardly even touched the coffee she ordered.

"Nah." He said, but it sounded like 'naw' because of his fat lip which made him give out a pained laugh.

"The recruiters should be here in another hour. Mind if I wait at your place?"

"Please," she had no problem with that. David went home with her and said hey to the folks. They rushed to him asking him all sorts of questions.

Are you okay? Does it hurt? We can take you to the hospital if you want? Was it your dad? Did he hurt you again? We're really sorry.

Sarah's mom made them some tea and talked to Daniel like he was an average person, it was a different pace than what he was used to from his dad. Every time he came here he was always surprised by the atmosphere… there was just so much love and compassion, he didn't understand it, but was glad they welcomed him into it, so he wouldn't forget what a family should be like.

An hour went by fast, and the recruiters came. They were odd looking fellas that seemed off the knocker, but a lot of people from the DWMA look like that, so it's normal. Sarah gave her mom and dad kisses, and they even gave Daniel a hug, a gentle one that still hurt him but also gave his heart the warmth he hadn't felt in a while.

The guys didn't speak, but Daniel and Sarah did. They speculated what it would be like once they got there, it was probably even more marvelous in person. And they would be going there just like that, it's incredible!

After about four hours of driving and passing the city's airport, Sarah began freaking out and asking where they were going.

"We're taking you to the initial facility. We must have the DWMA doctor take some samples and start you on the diets and all that stuff. It's a different lifestyle, so you'll spend a week there, the doc can give you the initial overview for what's going to be needed."

"I thought orientation would be on campus," Sarah responded with her arms crossed over her chest, Daniel wished she would calm down, they were fine.

"Nope, this is orientation. About half of the people there are going to drop after it." The brute driving said.

"See, "Daniel elbowed Sarah, and she sighed heavily perhaps realizing things would be fine.

After about another hour they arrived at a somewhat remote location. Sarah was so nervous that she clutched his hand, squeezed it even. The guys that brought them here drove off leaving them standing in front of an old home that was probably built in the 1940s. It was nice but needed some work. Inside they could see lights and some heads bobbing from inside.

Daniel was the first one to take a step then knock on the door as Sarah shadowed behind him like a scared child.

The door opened to reveal a rather tall and slim woman who was the epitome of beauty. Her face was long but structured well with high cheekbones and plump red lips with dazzling eyes that matched. Her hair was short and red, but it looked like there was some blue in the strands that made Daniel think that she could have dyed it, but the color just seemed too pure.

"Welcome! My name is Lilith!" She stretched her hand out to them enthusiastically, and Daniel firmly gave it a shake thinking how he could be so lucky to shake her hand. "And you look like you've been through the ringer." She laughed a bit then nodded them inside where they could see kids around their age socializing or working on some papers. Seems legit to Daniel, but still kind of odd, definitely not conventional, but lately, nothing has that label.

"Come now, sit at my desk over there."

And so, they did, Sarah still looked awkward in the chair, but was warming up to Lilith.

"I can heal those marks for you?" Lilith offered.

"No thanks, "Daniel shook his head, "they'll fade over time."

"You could have internal bleeding." The woman pointed out making Sarah's eyebrows knit together in concern.

"Well, you are a doctor," Daniel retorted with a smile making the woman laugh, and man did her laugh sound just like silk.

"Those guys that brought us here are shady." Sarah said abruptly with her arms crossed over her chest, "they didn't say a word until I started freaking out."

Lilith nodded her head and pushed a strand of her hair out of her face with her red lips curled into a smile. "A lot of people are shady, the DWMA is no exception."

"It made me question the legitimacy of this 'facility.'" Sarah said her keen eyes sharply on the woman who kind of just laughed away the expression and concerns of Daniel's friend.

"Oh, dear, well! I do sincerely apologize and hope you can forgive them. Our budget is low, and well... we could afford some oddballs like them. I assure you the DWMA is not packed with them, I hope that doesn't make you hesitate in regards to attending-"

"No-no not that! Just… I don't know maybe have them explain things first!"

"So, you'll be staying then! What a relief! About thirty kids already demanded to go home, kind of makes me sad, but I can't get them all I suppose." She grinned as she drummed her fingers against her desk.

"Well, I would like to take some of your blood to run some tests… Sarah, correct?" Sarah nodded. "Follow me to the medical examination room downstairs. You haven't eaten today have you?"

"I have, and I had coffee too, I didn't-"

The woman just waved her hands, "No worries, this way! Daniel sit tight for me." And with a wink, the two disappeared downstairs.

Daniel sat there and listened in on all the kids. They all sounded so happy and were boasting that they were going to the DWMA. Some of them were kind of withdrawn but seemed sociable for the most part. It was interesting seeing the people that he would be classmates with. After what felt like an hour, he checked his watch, and it actually was an hour. Lilith returned with three vials of blood with little labels over the small tubing.

"Alright, Daniel, your turn!" She smiled and gestured for him to follow. He pulled himself out of his chair and followed the woman down the steps, but there was an awful stench, maybe it was mold, he really couldn't tell. The lower they got each creak of the stairs seemed to grow louder and the stench only intensified, this wasn't mold, maybe the mold of a corpse but not of an old house, he knows what that smells like. His stomach was trying to push deeper into his body, and his nose was stiffening from the malodor, he won't be able to hold onto breakfast.

Lilith gestured for Daniel to open the door and when he did his entire world shifted until it felt like it fell away from under his own feet.

Bodies. Bodies everywhere. There was so much blood. Why? He stepped forward his legs wobbling, he couldn't make heads or toes of this, and there were plenty of those to go around. What was going on? He took another step and felt that pastry that he had earlier rising in the back of his throat tasting oddly sweet in the contrast of the foul air.

One kid laid on the ground with his eyes in his hands, his sockets were black and empty stretching like a bottomless pit that could suck you in. Daniel felt lulled into the emptiness because it seemed like the most comforting place to be.

"I-I…" Why can't I make sense of this? Why are all these kids…

Black blood smeared the walls and the bodies that were strewn across the floor. The stench was putrid, like rotting flesh mingling with wet refuse.

Then he realized…

"Sarah!" He called her name and began searching around the room her red hair making her easy to spot. She had her back to him and was rocking back and forth. What did this woman do to her? The fear he once felt was replaced by the adrenaline of worry. He rushed towards his friend and what he saw made his insides lurch, and he vomited, the pastry from this morning spilling from his lips and becoming slop on the floor.

She had her hands in her gut, the black blood caking her body. He could hear the wetness from her insides as she moved her arm around, the squelching and moaning of her flesh dizzying. His eyes refused to focus on what was before him, blurring the edges to soften them, but couldn't take away from the image. Sarah has her hands inside her gut… She's- she's… His eyes widened, and tears began rolling down his cheeks, his vision was blurry before, but now the tears are muddying up the colors and shapes in front of him even more.

"Sarah… Sarah, please… stop." He reached out his hand. It was trembling. He was shaking. He was scared.

Why is this happening? Please tell me I'm dreaming…

Sarah giggled, her eyes wide as she continued pushing her hand through her insides and then she seemed to grab hold of something. She pulled her hand out slowly to reveal a dark, thick cord covered in a tar-like substance. "Looksie!" She cheered as she kept pulling and pulling like it was a never-ending rope. In her lap, she kept piling up her intestines her movements becoming weaker and weaker with each yank she managed and all the while she laughed.

"Sarah…" He tried to shake her to stop her but he… he couldn't. She won't stop.

Pull and pull until the drool and guts of the black blood dripped from the cavity in her stomach, nothing was there but the rot trying to repair itself, but she wouldn't allow it. She kept reaching back up inside to pull something else out. Her stomach was a gap like an open egg, she had been cracked, and there was her yolk. Out more and more things came. A kidney, a lung, pancreas, and then the finale to settle the rest she plucked out her own heart and placed it in Daniel's hand.

"Keep it safe…" She whispered her head lolling to the side as she laughed softly.

No… no…

There her heart sat in his hands, black and still beating, but the beat was growing ever so faint.

She's so warm-hearted.

She began trying to stuff her organs back inside of her gut, screaming as she tried to shove them back in. She was hysterical, reaching for her entrails and squeezing them so tightly that they slipped out of her hand or popped. "Daniel! Daniel… Help me!" She cried and cried in desperation trying to put them back inside but once they were out there was no easy way to fill her insides again, Daniel wanted to help, but he couldn't move no muscle would respond.

In her defeat, she slumped back.

That's when her heart stopped beating. Daniel found himself still holding it, his body was shaking uncontrollably, what was this, why… He held onto her heart and stared down at it repulsed. What did you do…?

"S-Sarah…." We should've left…. We had the chance…. Sarah, I'm so sorry… I-

Something snapped into the back of Daniel's head, and everything was lights out after that.