Reviews for A Broken Reality
DageRee chapter 13 . 7/13/2018
I'm really enjoying your story and Soul's pain. Good luck with the rest of the story!
iliketacoslikealot chapter 11 . 10/19/2015
Darn it was really getting good too
chelsea-chee chapter 11 . 10/17/2015
I'm always a sucker for some good Soul/Maka smut. *winks* As for what to write about, I have no idea but Maka being the dominant one are ones I always like to read about, but there's never enough around.
As for this story, I'm excited to see what happenes next!

Thanxs! :) :p ;)
Guest chapter 11 . 10/15/2015
Kid/Liz. NSFW. Take requests. Do the things.
Mermain123 chapter 11 . 10/14/2015
um...i have a random story idea if your lookin for one. (and it should be rather light hearted) maka is soul's pet cat and is also in love with him. she wants to turn human somehow for him...that's all i got
DayLightDove chapter 11 . 10/14/2015
Since you're taking requests and I love these stories do you think you could do a fic (One-shot or not up to you) about the others trying to get Soul to play the piano for him but him being reluctant because, well , he doesn't want them to judge him just like everyone does to his bueatiful creepy music?
Or a story about Soul dealing with the black blood and not letting the others know until finally they figure out and what ever you chose for their response? (again one-shot or not your choice). (Also If you couldn't tell, but I like a hurt soul comforted or whatever soul comforted! It's one of the reasons I love this story!) You don't have to do this just suggestions.
Also, I love this story! You can update when you want and I'll always be looking forward to it! This is probably one of the reasons I'm still in this fandom! Seriously! Its amazing! Great writing!
Serendipity00 chapter 10 . 10/11/2015
Oh man Soul. His depression is so bad that he wants to commit suicide but can't because he loves Maka too much.

I'm sad that he's going back to killing, but at least the person he attack had the soul a kishin egg. He could have just eaten the kishin egg and left. He really didn't need to start eating the flesh, but that shows that he's really losing control of himself.

I'm worried for his safety. For two reasons:
1. The blades that would come out of him, that could do some damage, he should tell people about it at least Maka, Kid and Stein. Maka because well she's Maka and they love each other, Kid because he's Lord Death and deserves to know and Stein so maybe he can come up with a cure for this problem his blood causes when he goes too long without eating souls.

2. The woman he saved saw him, she might tell someone and they might go to the scene and notice that the man looks disfigured. They might connect the dots that Soul was the one who did this and find out that he's the Eater.
Serendipity00 chapter 9 . 10/11/2015
Yes, they confessed their love to each other! Now we just got to wait for Black Star and Taubaki. Also, Kid and Liz I'm loving it. It reminds me of a drawing I saw on deviant art; Liz was wearing a shirt that said "I F*** with Death", standing next to a blushing Kid.

Haha Stein's daughter, just as Alez said she seems adorable *giant anime sweat drop*

Oh man it seemed like their peace in the last chapter was too good to be true. I, for some reason, liked when Toma was dancing with Verra. I like it when enemies try to act all civil towards each other, but they really hate each other guts, so they don't make a big scene and make the crowd grow anxious/ suspicious/ scared. Though it wasn't smart of Toma to go to the balcony alone with her, I knew as soon as they went outside that he was going to be in trouble.

Poor, Soul I wonder what it was that she did to make him bleed like that. So I guess this means to be truly free of her control one of them has to die, preferably Verra.
Serendipity00 chapter 8 . 10/11/2015
What a nice chapter!
Serendipity00 chapter 7 . 10/11/2015
Wow poor Soul, being plagued with these memories of the horrible things he's done. Poor Maka as well, she feels useless not being able to help someone she deeply cares about.
Serendipity00 chapter 5 . 10/10/2015
Where's Blair?
Serendipity00 chapter 4 . 10/9/2015
Oh man I really felt their Soul's pain, his remorse, his self loathing. The amount of pity and sadness I feel towards him is a lot.

I wasn't until I read the last part where you were answering questions that I was reminded that this is not only a horror genre fic but a romance one as well with some tragedy aspects in it, which is okay with me. I for one love tearjerker/ heartfelt moments and Soul and Maka's reunion certainly felt like one. I just want to give both of them a hug.

Oh my god Verra is back and she wants Soul. I am truly terrified, she's a freaking psychopath.

I find it funny how I found and started reading this story in October, I always associate this month with horror (all because of Halloween of course). It's crazy that I'm reading this story at all because I usually stay away from the horror stuff, and yet, for some reason, I would like to read at least one horror novel in my lifetime.
Serendipity00 chapter 3 . 10/9/2015
Man, really glad I went back to re-read this, i really felt what Maka was going through. The inner turmoil that Maka was having, wanting to get your loved one back but also knowing that he's a monster now.

So, Soul was hallucinating then, when he (accidentally) attacked Maka. If he really thought that he was with that horrible woman I can understand why he attacked her but oh my god the way he went about getting his revenge towards the woman in hallucination had me a little queasy. That psycho really did make him into a monster.
Serendipity00 chapter 2 . 10/8/2015
Man, Soul is dangerous.
Wow, poor Maka
Serendipity00 chapter 1 . 10/7/2015
The first chapter I left a review for was chapter 6, but I had to go back to re-read the previous chapters, seeing as the first time around I more or less skimmed the chapters. I felt like skimming wasn't going to do the story any justice, so that's why I went back.

As for the gruesome details, I try not to think about it too much attention to the details because I know I'll get distraught thinking/imagining how those senses took place took place. I'll power through them, and it shouldn't be so bad I've seen Higurashi and Kara no Kyoukai (Garden of Sinners) and there were some parts in those amines that were not too pleasant.
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