Yeah! I am back after being gone for a month.

And, I have my reasons. I was busy at work. Been doing adult stuff like work project and taxes. So, it took me a while to actually finish my work on Chapter 16. But, yeah. I'm back.

Don't expect I will be writing too much though. I am doing my job right now, so I am not sure how fast Chapter 17 will come out. I can promise it wouldn't be coming out within a year. Hopefully, it will be done by a month or so.

Now, to the Reviews!

Random Guest: Well, it is an AU. So a lot of stuff is weird, like how Festus is a tiger and not a dragon in that AU. Besides, a lot of AU involves Gods being overly close to their demigod kids (INSERT EVERY PERCY OP AU EVER)

: Finally, someone who noticed something is wrong! I always had this nagging feeling that, after my proofreading, that there is still something wrong with the grammar of the chapter I made. No one complained, so I thought it was just me. Thank god I wasn't just paranoid about it.

But yeah, as much as a guy would try his best to check grammar of his own work, there are still some words that pass without me noticing. And, while getting someone to proofread it for me is not a bad idea, I don't have the consistent schedule to look for one. Not only that, I don't write that often because of work. So, I feel like there is no need for me to look for a proofreader.

Hopefully, I will get used to seeing my grammar error without asking for someone for help. But, thanks for noticing.

SavagePinkUnicorns: Sorry for not writing for so long. Way too busy with work. Hope you enjoy this new chapter as an apology. :)

Matt: Yeah, it is Rachel turn, with a twist. AU Leo wasn't near the event where AU Grover or Gray attacked, since he was still on a honeymoon with AU Reyna. As to why the villains are so obsessed with Percy and Leo, here is a bit context why: They need a lot of AU Percys for a special thing they are making, which I will not tell you what it is, and they hate Leo because of something very specific. Also not telling you because it will spoil the main story.

Now that's done, here is Chapter 16! Enjoy! And, again, I don't own anyone, or anything. I'm too poor to own stuff.

Chapter 16

"There are gods on the other side?!" Leo asked, worried as he look at the magical door of Bunker 9.

"No, they are just in front of camp's entrance." Mr. D corrected. "I don't want my stupid half-brother Ares destroy my strawberry fields, just because he lost his kid in some freak accident."

The color of Leo's face dropped. "A- Ares?"

"Aphrodite is up there, too." Mr. D answered as Grover gave him another grape, who looked just as pale as Leo. "Chiron is there to calm them down, but I don't think that even that old horse can calm down two Olympian Gods."

"But, you can. Right?" Percy asked him, . "If you can stop them, then stop them. And, we can get everyone out from the other dimension."

"You know, even if I am not able to summon all of powers, I can still smite you, Peter Johnson." Mr. D said, frowning at his rude remark. "Ask for my help again. This time, with please."

"Oh, you son of—" Thalia almost charged in at him but Annabeth stopped her. She looked at Percy, who frown at her before groaning and said to Mr. D, in a monotone voice. "Lord Dionysus, I ask for the bottom of my heart. Can you please help us calm down Lord Ares and Lady Aphrodite so that we can rescue our friends?"

"Hmmm." Mr. D said, scratching his chin. "I suppose I could help you brats out."

Leo looked at Annabeth, as if to say 'Can you believe this guy?!'

Whether or not Annabeth saw his response, she didn't reply back.

Mr. D stood up and stretched his body. "It will take a while for me to tell them to not blast this rock, so you can go on to your little rescue mission while I am gone." Mr. D said looking at him. "You are planning to save that oracle next, right?"

"How did you—" Will reacted before Mr. D waved his hand.

"Please, Wayne. All gods know to save the oracle first before anything else." He said this to the demigod before looking at Chronos, who glared at him. "And, just to give you dimwitted brats a bit of advice, I think these two should stay here for now." Mr. D said as he pointed at both Percy and Leo.

"Wait, why us?" Leo asked him.

Mr. D sighs, as if he has to explain them something that they should already know. "If you two would go now, I don't think your minds can handle it. Just like how my little half-sister over there broke down a few hours ago."

Thalia looked away as Will glared at her and Annabeth. It is clear by the way that he is looking at them that he wants details about this later.

"Now, do you have any more questions, or should I just let them come over here and destroy this place?" Everyone shook their head. The god of wine looked at Chronos one last time, before he disappeared in a smell of grape favor.

"I hate that guy." Leo said to everyone in the room.

"Everyone does, Leo. Everyone hates that god." Chronos said him.

"But, is he right, though?" Percy asked. "About me and Leo not going?"

"I don't have the specifics about it, but even I can tell that your minds can't handle the pressure already." Chronos said to them. "But, let's talk about that later. I want to know more on what happen in the dimension that you three went."

So, the four of them told what happen. The dimension that they were in, the people that they have met, even the story of Grover before Percy and the rest got there. "Wow, a punk Annabeth, huh?" Thalia said looking at the ceiling. "I never even consider her even wearing my clothes. Wanna try it out right now?"

"Thalia, I will never wear your clothes." Annabeth said, glaring at her. "I am interested in the nerdy Percy though."

"You are?" Percy asked nervously.

"Yeah. But, you are still my favorite kind of Percy." Annabeth answer back as she kissed him by the cheek, which made Percy grin and made everyone else groan.

"There is another thing we should talk about." Will said to the rest of them. "It is about a guy that we meet in the other dimension." He continues explaining about Jesse and everything that happen involved him. When he was done explaining, both Annabeth and Thalia were understandably shock that there was such a person like that.

Chronos, however, didn't seem alarmed that there was a person like that, but more that the person in question is still alive. "Do you know who Jesse is?" Will asked him.

"I did. But, that is impossible. I saw y—" He pause as he looked at Leo but shook his head. "It can't be. But, if he is alive, then that must mean."

"Chronos?" Leo asked the god, but the god look at Leo with deep concern.

"No, Dionysus is right. You two should stay for now." Chronos said, as if concern of both Percy and Leo. The god walked towards Percy. "I want you promise, Perce. Promise me under the River Styx that you and Leo will not leave until I am sure that good for you two to go again. Promise me!"

Percy doesn't know what to say. It is the first time that he saw a god ever ask him that badly to promise him under the River Styx. He really looked as if something bad would happen if he were to go. Sure, he just met the god, but it feels like that the god knew him for a long time.

And, the way he looked at Percy, the sense of urgency in his eyes, reminded him of someone that he knew. He looked at Annabeth, then at Leo, then back at Chronos. He nodded at the god. "I won't go. I will not let Leo go out either. Until you get back and explain what is going, the both of us will stay here. I promise in the River Styx."

Thunder boomed in the distance. Chronos looked at Leo, who looked at him with a frown.

"Leo, you have to promise too." Percy asked him.


"Just do it!"

"Ok ok! I promise to not go too. Under the River Styx." Leo said, and another thunder boomed from the distance.

"Good. I will be back. Don't do anything stupid, especially you Percy." Chronos instantly vanished out of sight.

"Why does everyone think I would do something stupid?" Percy groaned.

"That's you always do stupid things, Percy." Grover replied, which made the demigods, except for Percy, laugh.

"Why did you promise him though?" Will asked Percy. "And under the River Styx, no less."

"I- I really don't know." Percy told them. "It just feels like he reminded me of—" But he didn't continue what he was about to say and just shook his head. "I just thought he wouldn't do that if he wasn't sure that we were in real danger. And, I trust him."

"Well, the point is now, you two can't go." Thalia said to them. "And, we got to get Rachel, right?"

"Yeah, but I'm the only one who knows how to use the Master Dimension Bracer. And, you guys can't figure out how to use it really fast." Leo said to the rest of them.

"Maybe they can't, but I might." Annabeth said as she looked at Leo's MDB.

"I know you are smart, Annabeth. But, this thing is complicated. Are you su—"

"Don't doubt my skills, Valdez." Annabeth replied, cutting off Leo. "I can figure out how to use it in no time."

"Well, I always go with an old saying." Percy said patting Leo's shoulder. "Always bet on Annabeth."

"Fine." Leo said, taking the MDB off his wrist. "But, you need to remember every instruction I say. I don't want anyone else getting lost."

"Sure." Annabeth said as she took the MDB from Leo.

"Well, if Blondie is going, then I am going too." Thalia said, taking Percy's Bracer.

"Are you sure about this, Thals?" Annabeth asked her.

"Sure! It is about time we show these boys some girl power!" Thalia said before leaning into Annabeth. "And you are not leaving me here with Solace and his interrogation team."

Annabeth laughed.

"I guess we have a team then." Leo said to everyone, before looking at Thalia. "Did Annabeth ever tell you about the side effects?"

"Side effects?"

"I wished you told me about the side effects." Thalia said, standing up as she finished puking on the floor.

They are in the city ruins of what they believe is Topeka, Kansas. They could tell by the lopsided welcome sign from what city they are currently in. As they looked around, they found that the city is completely abandoned. Windows from every building are broken. Cars are on the streets, as if they were abandoned by their owners. There are even some plants growing out of the sidewalks.

Thalia looked around and frowned. "Are you sure we are in the right place?"

"Yes, Thalia. Leo made sure to send us directly to what dimension they should be." Annabeth said, checking the MDS for life signs.

Thalia frowned as she remembers the few moments before they left their dimension.

"There are two of them?" Percy asked as Leo looked at his computer.

"Yeah. According to the Dimension Gateway, there are two of them in the dimension where Rachel is in." Leo said, frowning at the screen. "Aside from Rachel, it looks like Connor is also in this dimension."

"Connor Stoll?" Will asked. "Our son of Hermes, Connor Stoll?"

"Well, that is what it said here." Leo said, pointing at the computer.

"But, that is impossible." Will said as he looked at the computer with Annabeth and Thalia. "I saw him getting suck in together with Travis and Katie, before Rachel got suck in."

"Are you sure that thing isn't acting up?" Thalia asked as she looked at the machine.

"Thalia, I would know if the machine would be acting up. It will tell me that beforehand." Leo said, scratching his head. "It must be something to do with how dimension physics works."

Grover nodded. "Yeah, I mean, I was with Chris and Reyna when we were sucked in, but they weren't in the same dimension as I was. I don't know about any of this but your Gateway must have sent us at random locations at that time."

"But, now what?" Annabeth said, holding up the MDB. "We only have four of these things."

"Then, that would mean we can either go back and forth in getting the both of them." Thalia told them.

"Or, just send the both of us, and bring them back in one go." Annabeth then provided the other solution.

Percy looked at them in alarm. "Wait, can't we just make another one? We do have the metal to make it, right?" Leo nodded, but frowned at him. "We have the metal, but even if we do have enough to make the bracers, we don't have Atlantian Gems to power them with."

"You mean my Dad's gems? That's what powering this thing?" Percy said, pointing at a bracer.

"I got bits of those gems and I studied them before we left to get a bigger one from your dad's place." Leo told him. "Sorry, Percy. We only have two options on this one."

Percy wants to answer again, but Annabeth hold his hand and looks at him. "Percy, you have to trust us on this one. We can handle it. After all, you said it yourself, right?"

Percy smiled. "Always bet on Annabeth."

"Good." She took the other two bracers and put it in a bag, which she gave to Thalia. "We will be back with them in no time."

"Stop." Annabeth said, which bought back Thalia to reality. "Hear that?"

The hunter listen, and she could hear the footsteps coming from the other side of the streets. She could also sense some kind of power coming from the same direction.

It is like a hunter's blessing, but it is like mixed in with something else. Thalia wasn't sure what to make of it but it felt wrong. Like, it wasn't supposed to naturally felt that way. She looked at the building next to them, which was a broken down dinner. She looked at Annabeth and pointed her towards it. The daughter of Athena nodded and followed her in.

Inside, they hid behind a counter and waited. As the windows were shattered, they can hear people talking on the other side. "Why are we scouting this part of the country again?" Said one of the voices, which is clearly a woman's voice. Thalia immediately recognized it as the voice of Naomi, one of her sisters that died in the war.

"I told you, Naomi. Lady Artemis told us that there are women needing rescue in this part of country." Another voice replied. "We need to find them first before those men will be able to find them." Now, Annabeth recognized this one too, and by Thalia's look of shock, it is clear that it is the voice of her fellow hunter Phoebe.

Annabeth pointed upwards, as if to say, 'Let's show ourselves.'

But, Thalia shook her head. She then proceed in doing a thumbs up sign and directing it to her face before blocking the movement with her other hand, the ASL sign of saying 'too risky'. Annabeth frowned. 'You know A-S-L?' She said signing the words by letter. Thalia smiled. 'You will be surprise on how much you learn on being a hunter.' The hunter replied more fluently than Annabeth, which made the daughter of Athena frown even more.

Another voice spoke up. "Wait. Do you guys feel that?"

"Yeah, I think someone is behind that counter." Someone else replied.

Annabeth and Thalia looked at each other in alarm, as they hear bowstrings strum in unison.

"Is it a boy?" AU Naomi asked.

"No, it isn't." AU Phoebe said, with a voice of uncertainty. "It feels like an old hunter's glow. But, that is impossible. Lady Athena and Lady Demeter made sure that all hunters have their blessings as well."

Annabeth looked at Thalia with a look of confusion. 'Did they just say that my mom and Lady Demeter gave them blessings?' She asked her friend in ASL.

"We know you are there. Come out or we will force you out." AU Phoebe told the counter.

'Attack?' Thalia asked as she made a punching motion to her pointing finger.

Before Annabeth could reply, gunshots blew the air. AU Phoebe cursed. "IT'S THE MEN! MOVE TO HIGHER GROUND FOR THE ATTACK!"

"BUT, WHAT ABOUT THE—" AU Naomi asked, but was cut off by the large explosion in their direction.

"NO TIME! GO!" Thalia and Annabeth signed in relief as they hear the hunters running away, but now they have a new problem with guns and explosions coming all over the place. Just as they were about to make a desperate attempt to make a run for it, a hidden door opened up underneath them.

A hissing voice called out. "Over here! Hurrrrrry!"

Annabeth and Thalia looked at each other, doubting the stranger, before another explosion shook the building they were in. Left without any other option, they ducked down and went inside the door just as the building starts to fall down on them. This caused the three of them to fall down at the same time. When the smoke cleared out, Annabeth and Thalia saw their savior clearly for the first time.

And, it was no surprise that both demigods instantly took out their weapons at the sight of their savior.

"Dracaena!" Thalia yelled, which just made the monster cringed. "Geezzzzzzzzzz, can you be a bit quieter here. It'sssssssss sssssso loud in here, you know?" The dracaena said holding her ears after standing up. "And, can you put those thingssssss down. You owe me that, at leassssssssst."

"And why should we trust you?" Annabeth asked, not showing any sign of lowering her weapon.

"Becausssssse, you wouldn't sssssssssave ssssssssomeone if you want them dead in the firsssssssst place." The dracaena told them. "I will take you to our camp. The masssssster would like to ssssssee you two. Follow me." She said as she slithers toward the cavern.

The two of them weren't too sure about what is going on, but they obeyed and followed her. Though they did put down their weapons, their guards weren't down. Just in case the monster would say, 'Instead of sending you to our boss, I will eat you instead!'

They stop in a dead end. The dracaena looked at them and frowns. "I hope you two behave. I don't want to get in trouble." The two demigod frowns as they have no idea what did she mean when she said that. The monster then put her hand into the wall and it open up what seems to be the largest evacuation camp they have ever seen.

All around them, large tents are all spread out, all housing different types of beings. They range from monsters, to demigods, to even minor gods. They could even see mortals in the mix, all huddled up in warm blankets. They can also see some cooking stew for the mortals, which the mortals happily took from them.

Around the sides, they could see soldiers in armors of both Greek and Romans. Some were training; others were preparing tools for war. What is weird is that they can also see other monsters in the mix. They saw a Cyclops teaching a demigod how to swing a club the right way, and a dracaena helping a mortal take a good aim at a target with his bow.

They did not stop to look at anyone. In fact, they notice the dracaena that saved them started to move faster. They had to run to catch up with her. And, once they did catch up with her, they saw several cabins in the middle of the millions of tents. With the smallest being the size a normal cabin you would see in the woods, and the largest has big as the Hermes cabin, which is the biggest cabin in Camp Half-Blood.

They moved over to one of the smaller cabins where the dracaena knocked on the door. The door opened revealing a man in tuxedo behind it. The man smiled as he saw the two girls. "As I thought, you found them. Good work, Jane." The man said to the monster. Jane the dracaena smiled at him, her fangs shining. "It is no problem, Lord Prometheus." She said with a bow.

Annabeth and Thalia looked in alarm at the AU Prometheus. While Annabeth just knew him by name, Thalia actually met him, during the war between the titans. And, between his look in their world and in this world, if she was not a hunter, she would drool.

For one thing, he face looked younger, maybe around the 20's age. His black hair is neatly trimmed, almost as if he had his haircut just before they arrived. His Caucasian skin was fair and perfect and face is clear from any scars. And, his eyes were the dazzling type of blue she has ever seen. If you can think of a handsome prince in the modern times, you can easily describe AU Prometheus pretty well just because of how the description of the two is not far off from each other.

The titan merely nodded at them before looking at Jane again. "Please tell father that we found the two. I will bring them over after I am done talking to them." Jane nodded and left them after she made sure Annabeth and Thalia are inside.

Once the door is shut, AU Prometheus took a sit in his desk, taking his glasses as he run down some of his papers. The two girls did not sit in any of the chairs, and the titan notices this and frowns. "I understand that you are scared that I, a titan, will attack you, but I can assure you that I am merely doing formalities before sending you two over to my father and the council for the meeting. So, please, have a seat."

Thalia looked at Annabeth and the daughter of Athena just shrugged as the two girls sat down. AU Prometheus looked at them. "Based on your reaction to me, I assume that you already know who I am. Under what pretext though, I am not sure. I will still introduce myself as courtesy. I am Prometheus. I am the Titan of Forethought and one of the managers of the Resistance Base Camp."

Annabeth and Thalia looked at each and frown when he mention about a resistance base camp. This reaction intrigued AU Prometheus. "This is the place where all of the remaining beings in this country has fled and stayed after the war between the Gods started."

"War between the Gods?" Thalia said, without thinking, which made Annabeth groan.

"You don't know the war that is happening with the Goddess and the Gods?" AU Prometheus said smiling. "I am surprised, that you of all people don't know about the war. Concerning that the war all revolves around you and your cousins, Thalia Grace."

"How did you—"Annabeth asked him, but he cuts her off.

"Everyone knows her name. Miss?" AU Prometheus asked her.

"Annabeth Chase."

"Annabeth Chase." AU Prometheus frowns for a bit before he shook his head and wrote down something on a piece of paper. "As I was saying, everyone knows her name, alongside Percy Jackson and Bianca Di Angelo. They are at the core of this war after all as one of them is the prophesied demigod."

Annabeth wondered what that meant. She couldn't ask more questions at this point. From how AU Prometheus is acting, it is clear that he interrogating them. Annabeth looked at her friend and tried to connect her with the other two demigods and what AU Prometheus mentioned but she couldn't get a good connection aside from them being children of the Big Three.


Big Three?

There is no way that they are connected to 'that prophecy', could they?

She didn't say her thoughts, since she knew that it will only make their situation go worse if she says something else.

"Normally, I would only be the one needed to talk to you before you will decide whether or not you will be staying. However, as there is a case with Ms. Grace here that we will need to move you over to the council so that we can talk over your fates." AU Prometheus said as he wrote something on a piece of paper. "I will be sending some notes to my father before sending you to them. So, if you want to say something to help you with your plea for survival, now is the best time for you to tell me."

Annabeth and Thalia looked at him, confused of his kindness. "Why are you helping us? Don't you guys want to rule the world or something?" Thalia asked him.

AU Prometheus looked at them, no surprise that they asked that question. "A lot of the mortals I meet always ask me that question." He said taking off his glasses. "While being a titan, they tend to forget my other contribution to mankind."

"You made us." Annabeth said to him. "The first humans. You were molded them from clay and my m- Athena gave them the breath of life."

Upon hearing the goddess of wisdom's name, AU Prometheus smiled sadly. "She was a good woman before everything. But, thanks to her, I was able to make my most perfect creation: Mortals. It would be wrong of me to do nothing while my creation is being destroyed one by one because of this stupid war. I want to give you a surviving chance in any way I can. So, please if there is anything that you want to say that might help out, say it now so that I can write it."

They looked at AU Prometheus sadly. They could tell that this man was really genuine with helping them. That he is really different from what he is in their world. But, they doubt that it would be useful to tell him the truth. As much as they want to tell him, who would believe that they are two beings that are from another universe coming to save their two friends?

They shook their head politely, which made AU Prometheus scratch his head. "You guys are not making this easy for your situation." He said taking the notes and throwing it in the air. At once, the paper folded by itself and turned into an airplane, which flew through a window that AU Prometheus opened.

Once he closed the window again, he walked towards a cabinet and started looking for something. "I will take you there after they have summoned us. Hopefully, my father will come up with a way to help you guys." AU Prometheus said taking out a box. "But, if you are going to say something, I suggest that you be mindful with your words."

He put the box in front of them and opened it. "Do you want some donuts while we wait?"

If nectar and ambrosia are the food of the Gods, then Mt. Dew and donuts are the food of the Titans.

Or, at least, that is the thing of this world.

Even after they took all of the donuts in the box, more donuts appeared inside. According to AU Prometheus, ever since AU Hyperion discovered donuts after awaking from his sleep, it became a favorite snack among the Titans. They even made it so that it can heal wounds and restore strength.

It is ambrosia, without the negative effects!

AU Prometheus did recommend, however, not eating too much, since it is terrible with demigods with ADHD. And, while they did understand that sugar and ADHD does not go well with each other, they did sneak a few more donuts in their pockets, something that AU Prometheus knew but did not stop them.

They walked towards the biggest tent, which was in the middle of the whole encampment. He looked at two guards and smiled at them. The two nodded and moved to let them through. He looked at the both of them, and patted their shoulders. "May the great mother Gaea protect you both." AU Prometheus told them.

And, while it is weird for them to be protected by the primordial being who tried to kill them before in their world, they nodded at him and went inside without him. When they got inside, they discovered that the inside is a lot bigger than on the outside.

The roof of the tent, which Annabeth thought was just around ten feet tall, is now around thirty feet tall. The space is now as wide as the amphitheater in camp, with marble floors chairs surrounding them. In the furthest part of the tent were five marble stone thrones as big as houses. Sitting on those thrones are five individuals, all of whom Annabeth knows as she saw most of their counterparts at the door of death.

Sitting on the furthest left throne was a man that was shining, literally. His skin was glowing like how you would see a lightbulb being lit in an already lit room. His armor is made of pure gold, but whether it is imperial gold or just regular gold, they weren't sure about it. And, while his body is armored up, his head was not, which made him look like a veteran soldier who still haven't passed his 40's. With his mighty spear in his hands, he is the titan of light, AU Hyperion.

Next to him was a man that was just like AU Hyperion, but instead of shining, this man's body was sparkling with millions of stars dancing on his skin. He looked at the two of them, and his eyes glitter like stars, but it wasn't because he was happy to see them. It was just more because his eyes are made of stars as well. He didn't took off his helmet, which has a ram horns on each side, like his brother, but Annabeth can tell that the titan with the shield was the titan of constellations, AU Krios.

On the right of the center throne sat a man who is wearing what seems to be a lab professor in battle armor. He wore a lab coat over his battle armor, which is just simple leather woven neatly. Among the other titans that they have met, he is the scrawniest of all of them. But, while he does lack the muscles to last a single fight, Annabeth can see the vast intellect sparkling through his eyes. Even without a weapon in his hands, she could tell that the titan of rational thinking, AU Koios, is just as deadly as his brothers.

On the furthest right sat Annabeth's and Percy's savior when they were in Tartarus, or at least his counterpart. This version of him wore battle armor that made him frightening in the battlefield, with different kinds of skulls hung all around him. Among the other titans in the room, he is the largest of them all. However, his eyes were not on the two girls but on a few pieces of paper which he sometimes shows to his brother. And, while he didn't have his spear with him, Annabeth can tell that they wouldn't stand a chance with escaping with AU Iapetus, the titan of mortality, in the room.

Lastly, on the middle of the four thrones sat a demigod who is wearing a Camp Half-Blood t-shirt under his full battle armor, which changes from orange to violet at the sight of both of them. At that time, he was clutching his head, as if he is in deep pain like Athena was in the Second Giant War. He didn't show his face to them, but they both know who he was instantly, from the demigod's striking blonde hair and the side of his face that wasn't covered by his hand.

He is AU Luke Castellan.

Or, at least, he was AU Luke Castellan.

Based on his position to all of them, they could tell that it is not AU Luke anymore.

He is now AU Kronos, Titan of Time and the King of all Titans.

On his right, AU Koios looked his brother with concern. "Brother, you know what would happen to you if you saw them, and yet you still insisted." AU Koios said, trying to help his brother.

"Well, he is an idiot for looking at them." AU Krios said, yawning at the two girls. "Let him suffer a bit more. I'm sure he will learn his lesson."

AU Kronos looked at him, and the whole room shook with power. So much so that it made Annabeth and Thalia drop to their knees with the pressure that AU Kronos is giving off. AU Iapetus noticed this and spoke for the both of them. "Brother, please. We haven't even decided whether we should kill the two demigods or not."

The room stopped shaking, and AU Kronos made the mistake to look at them again as his head is struck with pain again.

AU Krios laughed. "I told you. He might be a great leader, but he is a stupid brother."

"Krios, shut up." AU Iapetus said to him, to which the titan instantly kept his mouth shut. Whether it was because of fear or respect, Annabeth wasn't sure. They stood up again as AU Iapetus opened his lips again.

"Going back to what we were talking about earlier, I don't think that we should kill these demigods just because one of them has the same name as the one who is in the Woman's side." AU Iapetus said to everyone. "I don't even sense anything powerful inside of these two. Just that this one has Koios' granddaughter's blessing."

"It is strange to see your kind of hunters still around. With all that happen, we all thought that all of them have already been upgraded." AU Krios commented as well.

"Why are we still having this meeting?" AU Hyperion bellowed. "She is right here in front of us!"

"Brother." AU Iapetus looked at him with a sigh. "As much as I would agree with you, the two demigods are not the same as the one in the Woman's side. Our spies even confirm that their chosen one is still in the Moon's Tower."

AU Koios nodded. "There is no merit to killing them, yet there is no merit to keeping them alive as well." The Titan of Intellect looked at them with curiously in his glasses. "It is a mystery where did they even come from. To mirror the other destined child. Their very existence could be special discovery!"

"Okey, the nerd has spoken." AU Krios said in his seat, with made AU Koios glare at him. "But, honestly though, if they don't have any purpose here, why should they be kept alive?"

"Additional war effort?" AU Koios suggested. "Two more demigods can be a powerful asset to the army."

"They could help out with the women if they can't fight." AU Hyperion added. "The wife did mention that they are running low on work force down there in the kitchen. They will be perfect there!"

AU Iapetus sighs. "And, you wonder why the Woman side hates the Man side."

"I say just kill them. You know? To let off some steam." AU Krios answered back.

"What do you think, brother?" AU Iapetus asked the man in the middle.

AU Kronos looked at them back and front. His eyes looked at them with deep confusion. "I can't decide! These women are too important to the Castellan boy that it making my head hurt with indecisions!" AU Kronos screamed, as he holds his head with pain. "But, I can tell you this. They are the same as the boy that came here five months ago!"

"Boy?" Thalia asked.

"Yes. A boy came out of nowhere and saved my wife while she was helping a few men escape the Man's side. I am quite grateful that he did save my wife." AU Koios told them. "I wished we were able to save his arm though. Poor boy."

"What is his name?" Thalia asked back.

"I believe he is named Connor." AU Koios said to the both of them. "And, he said that he needs our help in saving his friend, Rachel."

Annabeth and Thalia looked at each other. While they are happy that they found one of their friends, they are not sure if it is the Connor that they are looking for, or if it is the one from this dimension. They made a silent agreement that they need to see this 'Connor' just to be sure.

"Great Titan Lords," Annabeth said with such reverence that even made Thalia believe that she wants to be in the Titan's side. "We swear to you on the River Styx that we are neither of the Man's nor the Woman's side, but of our own. We are on a journey in looking for our friends who went missing some time ago."

At her words, all titans looked at her as the thunder shook outside. Even AU Kronos, who was in pain just a while ago, lost all of his pain and focus his thought on her. "Is it safe to say then, that you are on our side?" AU Kronos asked them.

Annabeth shook her head. "We are in no one's side, my lord. We are demigods do not hate our godly parents nor agree to their decision. We stand neutral in this war." AU Hyperion laughed at the demigod. "To be neutral in this kind of war? Woman, you have some spunk! I like you! I wanna kill you last!"

The two girls looked uncomfortably at the titan. AU Krios looked at her, both in awe and concern. "Do you understand what you are saying, young demigod? To say those words means that you are not of our concern and that we can kill you without any worries of consequences."

"Which is why, we ask for a truce." Annabeth continued.

AU Koios frowned. "A truce?"

"Lord Kronos had said that Connor is just like us. We only ask to see if he is our lost comrade." Annabeth explained to the titans. The brothers looked at each other, as if they are talking in their mind. AU Koios looked at the two demigods and nodded. "And, if he is not the comrade that you are looking for, would you leave our encampment?"

"Yes." Annabeth replied.

"Then, do you swear it on the River Styx?" AU Koios asked back.

Annabeth nodded, without any sign of hesitation. "I swear in behalf of the both of us that if he is not the Connor that we know, then we will leave without any arguments."

Lightning shook the background and the titans nodded. "It is fair to let them see if it is their comrade or not." AU Iapetus said. "And, he did save Phoebe. It will not do us harm to just see if they are his comrades."

The others nodded some more, although AU Kronos kept looking at them as if he knew that they will be a threat in near future. "Go to my son. Prometheus will show you to Connor." Annabeth and Thalia smiled at each other and bowed. "Thank you, milords." And they moved out towards the doors.

When the two demigods were out, AU Kronos looked at his brothers. "Let us finish this meeting. I would like speak to the two girls alone after they have check on the boy."

AU Koios looked at him. "Brother, if this is about your host—"

AU Kronos snapped his head towards him and instantly the other titan closed his mouth. "This isn't about Luke Castellan's close relationship with those two girls. It is about a more pressing matter. Something that can change the tides of this never ending war."

The other titans just sat in silence and wondered what did their brother's words meant.

"Your plan is both brilliant and reckless at the same time." AU Prometheus told Annabeth as they walked towards where Conner was resting. "I don't know if I should be amazed or dumbfounded by your plan."

"I was out of options, ok?" Annabeth exclaimed to him. "I didn't know what to say that can get us out of there alive."

AU Prometheus smiled apologetically. "My uncles are a bit intimidating when they are in meetings, but they are good people, especially when the war started."

Thalia frowned. "Really?"

"Just because we want to rule the world, doesn't mean that we want to destroy everything." AU Prometheus told them. "We are just— bitter."

"Bitter?" Thalia asked.

"Imagine if you were to have a puppy and it was taken by someone else, then they trained it so that it will attack you if you were to go near it, would you not be bitter?" AU Prometheus told the two of them. "The seat of power was original belonged to the titans, after all."

"But, you were abusive with your power." Annabeth pointed out. "The world was a terrible place because of your rule."

"Which is why, I joined the Gods in the first war." AU Prometheus told them, a bit of pride in his voice. "Few of our kind knew that Kronos taking it too far with his ruling. So, we sought to punish him. We simply wish to overthrow him in his position, and put him to trial for what he did. But, his sons' took matter to their own hands and chop him into a million pieces, without even listening to our pleas."

He stopped, which made the other two froze as well. "I don't know what stories you were told when you are young, but most of them are not true. Heck, some lies were so good that you would think it is the truth." He turned and they saw the sad look in his eyes. "That's what happens if you win wars. You can easily hide the truth with lies so as long as it will make you look good in front of everyone else. Like saying that all titans are evil or saying that they stole things that belong to the gods."

Annabeth and Thalia just looked at him, clearly confused and concern with his words. When he did notice their looks, he shook his head. "Sorry, I shouldn't bring up topics like that. Just forget what I just said."

They walked in silence before reaching to one of the nearby cabins. "You should see young Connor on that cabin right there." AU Prometheus told them, pointing at one of the cabins. "My brot— I mean Atlas should be tending his wounds." Annabeth frown on his choice of words. "I will have to go. There are still some newcomers that I need to greet. If you need anything, feel free to ask Atlas for help."

As AU Prometheus left, Annabeth notice Thalia is at dazed of what happen. "Thalia, are you ok?" She asked the daughter of Zeus.

"Um, yeah. I'm fine. Let's just get this over with." Thalia replied as they walked towards the cabin.

As the knock the door, a petite girl opened the door for them. She smiled at them. "You must be the two demigods, father told me about. But—" She looked behind them, as if looking for someone else. "—he told me that Prometheus would be coming with you."

"He told us that he needs to greet the newcomers." Thalia told her.

At her words, the girl pouted. "Great Gaia, that man. Just because I look different, doesn't mean he has to avoid seeing his brother every now and then. I will have a word with father about this."

Annabeth and Thalia looked each other and look at her again. "I'm sorry, but did you say Prometheus is your brother?" Thalia asked her.

The girl tilted her head, as if confused with what she said, and then it clicked on her. "Oh! Right! I haven't introduced myself. My name is Atlas, the titan of endurance. But, let's not talk about me. Conner is expecting you two. You got to come in."

So, yeah, gods are evil AU.

Well, I can't say that they are evil, I can more or less say that it is just a HUUGGGGE pissing contest between Male Gods and Female Goddesses. It is a stupid and childish argument that I feel the gods would actually make in Percy Jackson World.

I also made the titans the good guys here, simply because they have no choice but to be the better immortals now that the Gods are being stupid. There are a few changes as well with the characters, like AU Prometheus being good looking, and AU Koios looking like a lab teacher.

But, I think the weirdest decision that most people would say I made was making AU Atlas be part of the LGBT community. It is not a jab to trans or anything. I just want to give my take on a transgender character since I sometimes feel like, among the LGBT, transgender individuals are the ones that are made fun of the most. And, who better to "endure" the insults of being different than the titan of endurance himself?

But, bad dad joke aside, I want your opinions about this. Because, if my readers wouldn't like me doing this, I can just edit it. So, feel free to send your thoughts on the Review.

And now for next chapter preview:

"How did you know?" Annabeth asked him.

"As the titan of time, I can sometimes feel that something is out of place in the world. Things that are not supposed to be there, like two people existing at the same time but in different locations." AU Kronos said pointing at the two girls. "And, like a half-brother that should be dead, but is still walking with us in this world." He then points at Connor.

"When I sense you two near Kansas, I sensed that you are not part of his world but somewhere else." AU Kronos continued. "That is why, I wanted made sure to keep you two alive as much as possible. In order for me to know if there are more of you coming to this world. Although, I wasn't expecting that you would be able to convince my other brothers to keep you alive."

"What do you mean by more of us coming?" Annabeth ask him.

AU Kronos sighed and looked out the window. "This whole war started because of one person: someone like you three, an outsider of this world. It was the day when the Thalia Grace of this world was brought back into this world. A young girl walked to the council and asked the gods who should be the one leading the great prophecy: The son of Poseidon, Percy Jackson or the daughter of Zeus, Thalia Grace."

"Zeus, not wanting his daughter to die again, claims that Percy Jackson should be the one leading the great prophecy, as he was a man and fought bravery. Artemis and the other goddesses took offends to this and wanted Thalia Grace to lead as they believe that it should be a woman that should lead it." AU Kronos said looking at Thalia. "It didn't take long before the petty fight became a heated argument. And, the heated argument became a full-on war."

"While in war, the other gods discovered the existence of the Di Angelo siblings and the wars shifted to them as well. Poor children." AU Kronos shook his head. "Hades managed to save the both of them, but not before mortality wounded by the other gods. No one heard from Hades or the Di Angelo siblings, ever since."

"And, a year after that, two more people appeared out of nowhere. One was Connor Stoll, who led the rescue of several of our titan brethren. And the other was a girl, who is giving the Woman's side a great advantage over the war by giving them precise prophecies of the war."

"Rachel." Thalia said to herself, to which Connor nodded.

"They are using her to get prophecies. I don't know how, but after they kidnap her, they manage to spoil ours and the Man's plans like they knew what we were planning." Connor told them. "At first we thought there was a spy among us, but the way they act is as if they have a vague idea what our plans are."

"So, it is impossible to say that there is a spy, because if there was, then they would know the whole plan, and not guesswork." Annabeth concluded.

"And now, you two showed up. One of which looked exactly like the Thalia Grace I know. The other is a daughter of Athena. I don't know which one is worse, to be honest." AU Kronos said, shrugging.

"What do you mean?" Annabeth asked.

Connor and AU Kronos looked at each other, as if wondering who should answer her.

"Annabeth," Connor said looking her straight in the eye. "All of your brothers and sisters are dead."


"Annabeth, you are the last daughter of Athena."

Should I turn Annabeth insane? I think I want to mess her up. :P

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