Hiya people. Hanei here!!! Hehe, well I was a Sailormoon fan until recently when Gensomaden Saiyuki came into my life. Hahaha! Well, this is my first Saiyuki fic, plz. R&R. To those who had been looking forward to 'A Mysterious Tale', honto ni gomen nasai!!!! ;_; I tried to continue that fic, but as I sat in front my com. my mind was a total blank for DAYS! So I decided to try my hands at Saiyuki.

No, as you read on this is not a Goku/Houmei fic!!!! It may seem like it at the beginning (evil grin) I won't tell you who Goku is going to end up with but you'll soon figure it out I guess. Hm.this is a rather complicated fic. I'm just writing it at the spur of the moment. But I have already figured how the plot will be. Hopefully I can complete this fic since I'm having a looooooong holiday.

To Hakkai and Sanzo fans (to which I am both ^_^), don't worry, they'll make an appearance sooner or later (evil cackle) So, minna enjoy!

Disclaimer: Character's from saiyuki are merely being borrowed by this lowly fanfic author. Kazuya Minekura-sama, thank you for creating Gensomaden Saiyuki (worship)

The only one Chapter One by Hanei Tamashii

A boy with chocolate brown hair gave a loud sigh as the school bell rang. Finally, school was over and he could finally go back home to his father. He slung his backpack over his shoulders and made his way out of class.

"Bye Goku-sama!!!"

"Ah! Goku-sama I'll miss you!!"

Goku gave a wide smile as he bid his classmates' goodbye. He knew the girls were merely swooning after his money, well his father's money more precisely but he decided to play the cheerful naïve boy. As soon as he left the class, he slumped on the wall. 'Boy, finally I won't have to face all that anymore!' He slowly walked out of the school and found himself missing the school already. Nishi Boarding School, Goku smiled to himself. Though there were the pesky girls, which made his life a living hell, he liked the school. Who wouldn't after spending the last twelve years there. He made his way to his apartment situated opposite the school and started packing up. He glanced at his watch, he had another ten minutes before the chauffeur arrived. Goku decided to take a quick bath first when his stomach gave the loudest growl.

"Ah! Haraheta!" Goku moaned. Bathing was the last thing in his mind as he went to the spacious kitchen. Rummaging through the refrigerator, he found some cake that Houmei had made for him the day before. 'Houmei.' Goku thought, 'what would I do without you'. They had been going out for the past three years. Well, the cake was supposed to be for his father. Houmei insisted that it was only appropriate to bring a gift home.

"Itadakimasu!" Goku said to himself as he stuffed a chunk of cake into his mouth. He was about to shovel a couple more when the phone rang.

"Moshi moshi."

"Ano, Goku-chan?"

"Houmei? Hey miss me already?" Goku teased her over the phone.

"Mou, Goku-chan! I thought you said your driver was coming over anytime. I'm waiting already."

Goku smiled, "Just wait awhile Houmei. I'll give that driver of mine a quick call and we'll be over."

"Okay, I'll be waiting and how is the cake?"

"Hehe, uh how did you know I ate it?" Goku asked sheepishly.

Houmei laughed over the phone. "Goku, I've known you for ages. You're always hungry! No matter, Houmei the brilliant has already predicted that would happen and has made another cake at home."

"Well, its delicious as always! Hey, I'll make the call now and come over as soon as possible."

"Alright, ja!"


Goku was about to call his driver when he heard the bell ring.

"Matte! I'm coming."

Hurriedly he ran to the door and was greeted with a stranger dressed neatly in black slacks and a dark suit over a white collared shirt. The weirdest thing about the man was that he had the reddest hair, which was tied back into a ponytail.

"Ohayo, I'm looking for a Son Goku," the man said.

"I'm Goku," Goku answered the man. "Who are you ojii-san?"(hanei: harhar, couldn't help it)

"Nani?! Look here saru! I'm not that old!" the man yelled as he took off his dark glasses.

Red. The strange coloring intrigued Goku. He had never seen such red eyes before. Unless of course the man wore contacts.

"Ano.who are you calling a saru?!" Goku yelled back.

The man smirked and answered, "You of course, bakasaru!"

"And you would you be ojii-san?" Goku asked on purpose.

"Your driver." Goku's eyes nearly bulge out.

"My driver?! Where is Simon? And how dare you yell at me ero-kappa!"

"I'm temporary. So I don't give a damn for little rich kids who are too sheltered for their own good."

Goku was just itching to give the guy a punch when the man rudely entered the house and grabbed the few duffle bags near the couch.

"Is this all? We have to hurry."

Goku closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Loosening his fist he chanted to himself 'I will not punch that kappa, I will not punch that kappa, I will not.'

"Oi, saru? You still alive? Hah, guess a little fight gave the poor saru a heart attack," the man sneered.

"Why you!!!"

Houmei tiptoed and looked to her left then to her right. She sighed and twirled the strap of her handbag. 'Where is he?' She glanced at her watch for the umpteenth time. She sat on her large luggage and waited for Goku. She smiled inwardly as she thought of him. His always cheerful smile, his huge appetite matching that of a black hole, his boyish good looks, his golden brown eyes. Sigh, she could go on forever thinking of him. (hanei: Ah! Goku-sama!!! *Swoon*) Her thoughts wandered back to her first day of school.


Fifteen-year-old Houmei had just gone through her most nerve wrecking day, why.her first day of being in a new school of course. Her father had just struck gold after creating his most successful invention ever and had enough money to send her to one of the most well-establish boarding school in the country. Seeing all the snobbish rich kids around her, it made her sick to the bones. She was dying to go home and beg her father to switch her back to her old school. She left her desk and was about to leave the classroom when she tripped over an outstretched leg.

She looked up into the face of Hinata, the class president.

"Aw, look at the poor little thing. Fell on her face I think," Hinata drawled. Why, if she could, Houmei wanted to give that smug face of his a nice slap across the cheek. But she kept quiet and stood up.

"Are you dumb? Can't you talk?" he taunted her.

Houmei cleared her throat. "I."

But before she could say anything, a voice interupted,, "Ne, Hinata-kun. Leave the girl alone won't you?"

Everyone who had been witnessing the exchange turned to look at the source of the disruption. A few sighs could be heard, as well as a few "Ah!!! Goku- sama!" followed by a thud.

Houmei turned to see a boy getting up from his seat by the window. His unruly hair and striking brown eyes made her see why some girls were fainting over him. She felt her cheeks burned at the thought.

"Why if it isn't the ever hungry Goku-sama," Hinata laughed. Houmei eyed the boy who was inching closer. She recalled seeing him sitting at the back of the class, chatting noisily with a group of students.

"Hinata, if you don't watch your mouth, you never know what can happen," the boy threatened with a smile. Houmei watch as Hinata's confident face crumpled away. Hinata faced the boy again.

"Just because my father works for your father's company doesn't mean."

".means that by a snap of my fingers and your father loses his job," Goku ended. Hinata looked at Goku angrily, his breathing getting more labored. A few minutes passed as they stared at each other. Finally, Hinata gave in and silently trudged away.

The crowd around them dispersed as soon as they saw nothing interesting was going to happen. Houmei didn't quite like the way the boy called Goku threatened Hinata even though Hinata was at fault but he did 'save' her. She looked at him in the eyes and muttered a silent thanks. She turned to walk away when someone held her arm. Her raised her eyes questionably at Goku.

"Uh.I was.wondering if you would like me to show you around?" he asked giving her a boyish smile.

"Humph, if you think just by giving me that smile of yours will make be obey all your request, you're wrong mister!" Houmei said poking his chest with a finger. "And if you think by threatening me will get me to go out with you, that won't work either cause my father doesn't work for yours!"

Goku looked at her with an astonished looked but slowly came to his senses.

"I think we got off the wrong foot. You see, I don't threaten everyone I see in sight just to get what I want. I'm not normally this way, its just that, it's just that."

"Just what?" Houmei asked haughtily.

"I'm hungry, and Hinata-kun was in the way."

Houmei nearly doubled over hearing his innocent remark. She couldn't help but laugh.

"Nani?! Why are you laughing??"


"Hehe." Goku rubbed his stomach.

Houmei smiled her first true smile that day and grabbed his hand. "Come on, show me where we get good food."

He looked at her with stars in his eyes. "Hai!!!"

And the rest.was history.

End of Flashback

Houmei was abruptly interrupted from her trip down memory lane when a black limousine screeched to a halt a few inches from her. The back door opened and the person she waited for (glances at watch) an hour, finally appeared yelling at the top of his lungs.


"Ceh, bakasaru. I have a license to drive what ever I want," another voice replied. Houmei looked curiously at the man who stepped out from the driver's seat, which was presently bantering with Goku.

"Why you?! Do you want another taste of my SUPER GOKU PUNCH??"

"You meant puny monkey punch right?"

"NANI?! Look who has the black eye??? Hah! What can you say now?" Goku stated smugly.

Houmei decided to save both guys before they killed each other when she saw a twitch at the red-head's forehead.

"Ano, Goku-chan. Help me get my stuff will you?"

Instantly, Goku was at her hands and feet. "Umph! Sure!" He was about to reach for her bags when he heard.

"My, my. what a lovely lady we have here. What's your name pretty lady? Sha Gojyo at your service."


Houmei sighed as the two once again went at each other.

A couple of minutes later (with the help of Houmei's father who managed to pull the two apart), the threesome were headed to the city of Changan (hanei: can't think of a place so bare with me) which was a country apart. Houmei wondered how the driver, Gojyo, managed to concentrate on the road while picking a fight with Goku. Stealing a glance at Goku, Houmei gave a small smile. Goku was never this agitated before. He was all nice and sweet all the time, never one to look for trouble.but looking at him now, she would never have thought Goku was capable of coming up with all sorts of um.rather 'innovative' insults. However, a girl can only take so much. Though their fight was entertaining, if she heard another "bakasaru" or "ero-kappa", she was sure she would lose it.

"Um, Goku-chan?"

Goku immediately turned all his attention at the girl beside him. "Hai!"

"Do you mind having that window there up?" Houmei pointed to the window that was between the driver seat and the spacious passenger seat.

"Ah! I should have thought of that earlier!"

"You didn't cause you have stomach for brains!" Goyjo laughed from the front.

Goku stared at him angrily. "Nani?!"

"Ano, Gojyo-san. Please?" Houmei asked pleadingly.

"Well, okay. Anything for the pretty lady," the red-head replied flirtatiously, adding a wink to the package.

"ERO-KAPPA! Keep your hentai mind to yourself!!" Goku managed to yell before the window completely separated the two.

Goku sank into the comfort of the leather seat. "Houmei, if you weren't here, I'll tear the red-headed cockroach apart. He is the most annoying person I have ever met!" Goku grumbled.

"Now, now Goku, if you continue acting like an eight-year-old, I swear I'll throw my bags out and walk back home," Houmei teased lightly.

Goku smiled at Houmei and squeezed her hand, "No you won't."

"Wanna bet?"

"Of course you won't. Or you'll miss this." Slowly, Goku lowered his head and inched closer to her lips.

"Houmei.." He whispered, "I lovAAAAAAA!!!!!"

Goku was knock off balanced and fell on the floor with Houmei in his arms.

"What the?"

"STAY DOWN!!" Gojyo yelled as the window wind down a little. Before Goku realize what was going on, the back window of the car shattered into pieces.

"AH!!!" Houmei yelled.

Goku pressed his body over hers to shield her. The sound of bullets firing through the air rang loudly in his ears. More glass shattered and fell over them. The limousine swerved dangerously to the right than to the left, avoiding other cars on the highway as it tried to escape from the rain of bullets from the black car behind them. (hanei: I suck at action scenes) "Hang on!" Goku could barely hear Gojyo as he held tighter to whatever he could get hold to. Goku could hear the roar of the engine and was thrown backwards as the limousine suddenly picked up in speed.

"Houmei!! Hang on!!"

"OH! SHIT!!!" Gojyo jammed the breaks without warning, throwing his two passengers to the front. Goku shielded Houmei as they crashed into the inner window.


To be continued.

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So people, the lesson of this story is to wear your seatbelts!!! Muahaha, cliffhanger ne?? Plz R&r! Feel free to drop me a mail in my pathetically e- mail-less inbox at [email protected]