Reviews for The Only One
iersan chapter 18 . 8/10/2004
katie chapter 18 . 4/6/2004
o! giggles I love this fic! It was so cute! :) Man I realy thought Sanzo was dead this time. LOL! Well jya... or should I say OINK OINK? _
Misayo chapter 9 . 4/7/2003
Ah... I love this chapter! Its so emotinal. But I'm so sad its yaoi.
musuko chapter 18 . 3/20/2003
Pluto18 chapter 4 . 2/10/2003
NigHtEyeZ chapter 18 . 12/30/2002
You are so evil! I can't stop reading this fic until 4am in the morning! Next i can't sleep because i keep thinking about how amazing this fic is! Shit! This has to be the BEST fic i've read! *Excuse the curse, i can't tell you how much i love this story* I'm reading ur other fic Little Heaven now... and damn! That's good too.
Koccinelle chapter 18 . 12/25/2002
tra finally finished it...
sLL chapter 18 . 12/20/2002
Ack... no don't wail!

Hehehehehe... It was.. I meant the chapter... it was like reaching it's climax, ne?

Anyways... loved this chappie!

It's sweet and cute... eheheh

Great job..

deru chapter 18 . 12/20/2002
ah, the last chapter. *sniff* ne, ganbatte na!

houran? D hmm...i wonder where i've heard that name before. ;D
vulpixfairy chapter 1 . 12/18/2002
sorry to review the fic in the first chapter.

this is really good...any new fics yet? I'm looking forward to it.
laila chapter 18 . 12/18/2002
sweet ending P..

that's all i'm going to say! hehee...great work! ...i'll be following your stuff later on if you intend on writing other stories!

- Laila
chris chapter 18 . 12/18/2002
_... that was good... ha ha ha... so good to know sanzo survived... oh... wish i could see goku. but the image i see in my mind is so good. him in his white shirt and hot black jacket. ha ha ha...
stresser chapter 18 . 12/18/2002
will u have a continuation? haha i love this fic!
Koccinelle chapter 17 . 12/17/2002
Gokugurl chapter 18 . 12/17/2002

PLEASE WRITE MORE~! :D SUGOI~~ onegai da! Please please please! _ Love your ficcies!
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