Never let me Crash

At the moment, Octavia was waiting impatiently for the doctor to come and talk to her. As she fidgeted in her chair, Jasper observed her, wanting to calm her down.

"Hey, Octavia. He is strong… he'll make it. Have faith, OK?" He said, and carefully placed a hand on her upper arm.

He and Octavia were close friends once, but something happened 4 years ago that tore their friendship apart. When she had called him the day before, he was very surprised, because Octavia had sworn to never speak to him ever again. At first he ignored her phone call, but as she kept texting and calling him, Jasper caved. The horrible news she delivered, had hit him hard, but he miraculously was able to collect himself, and told her that he was gonna take the first plane to New York.

"Jasper, I don't know what I would do if… if… I cannot lose him. I can't, Jasp…" Octavia sobbed, her voice breaking near the end.

At that, he pulled her in a tight embrace, no longer hesitant about comforting her like he used to, when they were younger. Octavia wasn't able to contain her emotions anymore and let it all out.

"I can't lose him, Jasper. He… he's all I got. He's m… my only family." She sobbed into the crook of his neck.

Jasper held her tightly, and attempted to sooth her by rocking her back and forth. After a while, her sobs subsided and she slowly pulled back. As Octavia grabbed a tissue from her bag, she smiled inwardly. She had forgotten how great Jasper's hugs were… until now.

"Do you need something, Octavia? Some water or- " Jasper began, but got cut off by a woman's voice.

"Miss Blake?"

Octavia immediately rose to her feet, and waited for the doctor to speak.

She said." Miss Blake, your brother is out of surgery and his condition is stable. Not everything went smoothly, but he will pull through."

As those words reached Octavia's ears, tears spilled from her eyes once more." Did you hear that, Jasper? He will make it. My brother is gonna be OK."

~ Six hours later ~

"Clarke! Clarke!"

Clarke was busy with one of her patients, when she heard her name being called by a familiar voice. As she turned around to face said person, she felt someone grab her on her wrist and tugged at it urgently.

"Raven? What are you doing here? What's the matter?" Clarke asked, as she furrowed her brows.

"You have to come with me, now. Right now." The brunette commanded, as she looked at Clarke with pleading eyes.

"Raven, need I remind you that I'm tending a patient at the moment." Clarke muttered under her breath.

"I have a pressing matter to discuss with you, Clarke! This really cannot wait. Please?" Raven said, her eyes pleading.

Clarke knew her friend; Raven would never interrupt her if the matter wasn't urgent." OK, I'll come with you. Just give me 5 minutes; I'll finish up here first. Wait outside for me, OK." She replied, and turned to finish up checking on her patient.

~ At the 10th floor of the hospital ~

As Clarke walked over to Raven, she wondered what this was about. Raven… correction, Detective Raven Reyes, was someone who was able to handle anything. Like, literally anything! She was one of New York's finest and had dealt with some heavy criminals in the past. So seeing Raven on edge like this, made Clarke very nervous- hell, she even felt a bit scared.

When Clarke had reached Raven, she cleared her throat. At that, the brunette looked at Clarke and began to pace.

"Raven, what's wrong?" Clarke asked, nervously biting her bottom lip.

Instead of responding, Raven kept pacing the hall, so Clarke grabbed her on her upper arm, making Raven come to a halt." Tell me, Raven. What's the matter?" she asked impatiently.

"Last night I was at a crime scene." Raven began.

After waiting for a few moments, Clarke gritted her teeth and snapped." Raven, I swear that I will hurt you, if you don't tell me right away what you saw."

Clarke had a bad feeling that something horrible had happened; she just couldn't handle the suspense any longer.

"OK, OK. I'll tell you, Clarke. But take a seat first?"

"Raven!" Clarke shouted impatiently.

"OK! Last night I was at a crime scene. At first I didn't notice who was lying on the ground, but then I saw the ring." Raven explained.

"Ring? What ring?" Clarke asked, as she shook her head, not understanding what Raven was talking about.

"He… he uhumm… he wore the ring around his neck… you know, he used the Dog Tag- the necklace and wore it."

At this point, Clarke had lost her patience completely." Who?! Who, Raven? And which ring are you referring to?"

"The ring you once gave to Bellamy. It was Bellamy, Clarke. He was brutally attacked by some unknown men. His face was bashed in completely… my partner and I thought that he was dead, when we arrived at the scene. There was just so much blood. But as soon as we realized that he was alive, we immediately called an ambulance."

As those words left Raven's lips, Clarke silently let go of her best friend and staggered backwards. At that moment, Clarke wanted to scream… she wanted to cry… she wanted to shout- But no matter how hard she tried, Clarke was unable to express all those feelings. Instead, she stared in front of her and took a seat in one of the chairs.

Raven watched her friend with worried eyes, and placed a hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her."Clarke. Clarke. You OK?"

At that, Clarke took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a few moments. When her eyes fluttered open, Raven noticed that Clarke had tucked her emotions away. Oh boy. Clarke was putting up her invisible walls around herself again.

"Clarke, you don't have to act strong all the time! You can show your emotions, alright? We are talking about Bellamy here."

But instead of listening to her friend, Clarke cleared her throat and said."I have to be strong all the time, Raven. Who will, if I don't?"

At that, Raven shook her head and looked at Clarke with sad eyes." You two have history, Clarke. I know you went your separate ways with unresolved issues, so don't act this way. Stop building these walls around your heart. Don't shut me out... I'm your best friend. You can talk to me. You know that, don't you?"

As those words reached Clarke's ears, she swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat with much difficulty... And yet she ignored Raven's words and instead purposely avoided the topic." Raven, can you show me now which hospital room Bellamy is in?" she asked, her icy blue eyes full of hidden emotions.

Thank you for reading! :)