Chapter One: Hermione

Disclaimer: I do not own or claim to own any of the characters described in this story, nor do I own the Harry Potter world. All credit goes to J.K. Rowling.

It was the summer after fourth year, and Hermione had just arrived at the Burrow. As she walked up the porch steps, she was overwhelmed by happiness at the prospect of seeing Ron again. And Harry, of course. Harry wouldn't be arriving for a few days due to trouble with the Dursleys, so she and Ron would have a bit of time to themselves. She had to admit, she was slightly relieved that she wasn't seeing harry right away. Ever since the Triwizard Tournament, he had been quite irritable and depressed. Of course, this was perfectly understandable. Anyone would be a bit out of it after watching a friend die and fighting the most dangerous wizard of all time. Even so, Hermione became extremely stressed whenever she was around him. She had to constantly walk on eggshells to avoid setting him off. She walked up to the slightly crooked wooden door and knocked on it with a shaky hand. She was so excited to see Ron again, she was becoming a bit nervous about it. Mrs. Weasley opened the door with a red, sweaty face. She had obviously been working hard on something.

"Hermione, dear! You're just in time for supper," she beamed. "Ron is upstairs. I'll let you know when it's ready."

Hermione replied with a tight hug and said, "Thanks so much, Mrs. Weasley."

She started up the stairs to Ron's room, her heavy trunk bouncing behind her. After some difficulty, she arrived at Ron's door and ran her hands through her hair a few times in an attempt to smooth it before knocking. The door opened after a few anticipation-filled moments.

"Ron!" she exclaimed, taking in his appearance. "You look...different."

"Is that a bad thing?" asked Ron, shifting uncomfortably as he tried to adjust his long limbs into a less awkward position.

"No, no! Not at all," Hermione reassured him. "It was just a bit of a surprise, that's all."

And what a surprise it was. Ron's previously gawky figure had grown into one that was, well, very attractive. He was wearing a white undershirt and dark-washed jeans. The thin fabric of the undershirt allowed his nicely toned torso to peek through. His face had changed, too. He had previously just looked a bit skinny, but now his face was filled out in all the right places, which accentuated his cheekbones. His hair was still in it's perpetual state of unruliness, but it suited him now. Although disheveled and slightly unkempt, it was admittedly appealing. It made him look rugged, which was something Hermione had previously thought Ron was incapable of looking.

They shared a quick, tight hug before Ron pulled Hermione's trunk in and they sat down on the bed.

"So, how's your summer been?" asked Ron.

"Oh, it's alright. I missed you and Harry loads, though." replied Hermione, pulling a blanket over her cold feet.

Ron smiled involuntarily and said, "I missed you too, Hermione."

They stared at each other for a moment, each secretly longing to hold the other. The moment was broken by Mrs. Weasley's announcement that supper was ready.