Blood was everywhere. It slid down his fingers, his face, it mingled with his tears and smeared in watery streaks as a broken sob wretched from his chest.

It pooled around the broken body that lay at his feet. Danny collapsed beside it, shuddering and slipping in all of the blood that soaked the street.

He wasn't dead, he couldn't be. He promised that he would always have Danny's back. Always! He can't be dead!

Danny scooped Tucker's body off the cracked pavement, hugging him close to his chest, choking on his own tears as he tried to fight back is growing panic. Faint sirens shrieked in the distance and terrified people whirled around him in an incomprehensible blur of colours and screams. He ignored them. His eyes were glued to the bloody and marred face of his best friend, his face was bruised and swollen, glasses shattered- and oh god his eyes are so lifeless.

"Tucker." It was more of a mangled croak; his voice cracked and drowned itself in tears and blood.

The sharp and ominous laughter struck through the blur that surrounded Danny.

Danny's fingers tightened around sodden, ripped clothing. His jaw clenched and he lifted his head just enough to glare into unearthly red eyes, sharp laughter ringing in his ears as the menacing shadow swirled into being across the street.

"Your time is up Danny." It hissed, blood dripped from its claws.

"I am inevitable."