Author's Note: This is a crossover story of a different kind between myself, emptyvoices and Fan Fictional Authoress. However, we are not using our subsequent characters Sara and Penny. This contemplates what would occur if we as the actual authors were suddenly swept into that universe. Our real names and those of our friends were changed for anonymity but background information, perceptions, habits and our reactions are as realistic as we can be given those circumstances. This is actually an experiment of sorts. Many times you try to distance yourself from stories and not self-insert but here we are ourselves, only our names are aliases. For clarification, our stories and characters will be referenced here. For example, Lost in Time's Sara and When the Stars Burn Out Penny. Also Reality and Lost in Reality will also be mentioned by LovelyAmberLight who will simply be referred to as Amber in the story when making contrasts or comparisons.

If there was one word to describe what Honor Rae was currently feeling, it would be disorientated.

And scared, can't forget scared.

She shivered in her, increasingly soggy, flannel pajamas as the downpour continued around her. She shifted from one foot to another, squinting at the area around her and fervently wished that she was wearing contacts instead of her glasses since they were beginning to fog up making her surroundings hard to visualize. The mail she had only just retrieved was now ruined and likely beyond saving at this point.

She swayed in place and had to lean against the wall of the alley, her slipper-boots splashing in a puddle and her feet became soaked. Black spots danced in front of her eyes, but she didn't faint. Honor Rae wanted to believe that everything that had just occurred was merely a dream, but she was a practical person and not one for self-denial in what was occurring just in front of her.

It had been in the middle of winter, and now, it was spring in the middle of a rainstorm.

She had been standing in the middle of her grandparents' backyard, and now, she was in an alleyway.

She had seen what looked like a scratch on her little red car that appeared to have cut through the paint, shinning in the afternoon sunlight. Now, she was here in the darkness of night, hoping that the bright light and eerie (she was hesitant to call it musical) sound hadn't been indeed she thought it was.

She could find no logical or reasonable explanation for any of it, so she did the only thing she could do: she ignored it and continued on with her life as best as she was able to, focusing on the here and now.

Honor Rae stepped out of the alley and looked for shelter. Anywhere would be better than outside in the cold rain. As she made to leave, a rush of electricity, similar to what she felt before the light and magic show, coursed through her. She whipped around to see a crack similar to the scratch she had witnessed, only far bigger, appear in the middle of thin air.

She blanched as white and the black spots returned with a vengeance, this time caused by both her staring into a bright light and from blood rush to her head. This made no sense to the young woman whatsoever. Fiction was fiction! Never should it intersect with reality!

However, there was little else she could do but momentarily accept the occurrence when another young woman fell from the mysterious crack. The source of her troubles disappeared, and she rushed hurriedly over to the other girl, concerned, "H-Hey, Lady, are you alright? Can you hear me?" A nervous and jittery titter left the girl's mouth. "Are you even a-alive…?" Her last sentence, though flippant and spoken lightly in context, was troubled and couldn't hide the urgency in needing the other woman to answer.

Carefully, Honor Rae flipped the other girl onto her back and felt for a pulse, which she did find to her immense relief. "Thank the Lord," she breathed. "You scared me for a-a-a moment there. C'mon, up you get…" Honor Rae struggled briefly but managed to get the other woman into a piggy-back position. She's so tiny! The red head thought to herself. Smaller than June who'll just jump on my back and demand a ride, tall-ish but thin…I wonder where the hospital is…

Thus began Honor Rae's journey into the unknown and strange in her usual, straightforward manner, hoping beyond hope that this wouldn't end up like one of those fan fictions she was accustomed to seeing.

Laura was extremely discombobulated; her last memories were of making her way from the Creative Arts building to the shuttle that would take her BART, the train that enabled her go to and from university twice a week. Her Interactive Media class had been arduous and she had finished her chapter lesson late much to her chagrin. She was frustrated, feeling ill at ease in the program she was struggling to learn despite her professor's attempts to reassure her. She knew she planned to get on the train and write to soothe her rattled nerves. Yes. Writing would ease her stress in the interim and help her get re-centered.

But she had been walking across the prop floor when a sudden burst of bright light radiated from a crack in the wall and she froze, staring at it, her mouth agape. She had written about such things before but to actually see it…she was hallucinating. She must be and she turned, attempting to rub her eyes to clear her vision, when the light pulled her backwards. A scream tore out of her throat and then there was nothing.

Nothing until she woke, finding herself soaking wet and being carried in an awkward position by another young woman with vibrant red hair.

"Wait…" Her voice came out only as a whisper and she doubted the other girl could hear her. She swallowed and tried again feeling the water trickle down her face as her hair got caught in the zipper of her backpack the woman had also lifted. "Wait." She said louder. "Stop…please…just put me down and…"

Their progress halted and the other woman seemed relieved to deposit her on the ground. "Thank God, you're awake." She turned to look at Laura. "You all right? Thought you might've been dead at first."

"Yes, I…" Laura rubbed her forehead. "Where are we? What are we doing here?" Laura struggled to get to her feet maintaining a firm grip on her bag. "How close are we to campus?"

"You don't remember what happened?" The girl posed. "A crack in the wall? White light?"

"A crack?" Laura's teeth were chattering. "What, like in Dr. Wh…" She stopped herself. The other person might not know the reference and she would come off sounding insane.

"Yes, exactly! I saw you fall out of one just like the show, Dr. Who."

"I'm dreaming." Laura said, taking a deep breath. "This is a dream or something. Can't come true. Not what I write…just…" She was talking to herself again. A singularly bad habit she often invoked but the other girl seemed to have more pressing concerns.

"What's your name?"

If it was a dream, giving the woman a name would do little harm. "Laura." She said finally. "Laura St-"

"Wait. Your last name wouldn't happen to be Stuart, would it?" Now the girl seemed excited.

"How did you-?"

"It's me, Honor Rae. We've been writing a crossover together with our characters-"

"Sara and Penny." Laura's face cleared as she looked at the woman with sudden clarity. "I can't believe this." She paused. "But what is this?" She beckoned at the world around them. "It has to be a dream because the alternative…" Laura swallowed. She could not conceive living through what Sara or Penny endured. It was all supposed to be fiction. Fan fiction at that and now…? She took a deep breath. Maybe it wasn't that bad. Perhaps whatever crack or light which was witnessed however bizarre it was, only changed their location. Strange incidents had occurred before and this could just be considered one of those anomalies. Her friend Chris was of a very scientific mind and could very well explain any of these mysterious unknowns.

"I don't know." Honor said. "I have no idea where we are." She glanced around. "Maybe we should find a hospital first. They should be able to help us, right?" Honor knew her own character had been a resident of a hospital for several years but whatever occurred in her transition from the backyard to this place, she certainly didn't remember the Hell Penny experienced. Since her mental faculties appeared to be in order, it was an overall good sign.

Laura took a deep breath and nodded. "It can't hurt. I don't know what else to do." She certainly wasn't like Sara to whom she had given a rather independent and self determined personality. While Laura was ambitious, she was often rather tentative in reaching a decision. Still, they couldn't remain in this alley. If nothing else, alleys generally didn't have pleasant associations attached to it with much in the way of criminal activity occurring inside of them.

She pushed her dripping brown hair out of her eyes as Honor shivered before they made their progression.

They had nearly ventured out to the street when suddenly a man stepped directly in front of them halting their progression. Laura let out a gasp and Honor, feeling her stomach clench reached out for her new friend's hand which Laura instantly took needing reassurance now more then ever.

"It can't be." Honor muttered quietly to her.

"Ladies." He looked exactly like David Tennant but was dressed in the very clothing of the Tenth Doctor. What was even of more concern to Honor was that David Tennant's known Scottish accent was absent. He spoke precisely like…Honor swallowed. It simply couldn't be right. He gazed at them calmly, his eyes fixed on theirs. Honor began to consider whether it was really possible that telepathy actually existed. In her story, it required eye contact on behalf of both parties but Sara's Doctor was described as more tactile. But this shouldn't be real. None of it…

"You're…" Laura started, glancing over at Honor and back at the man. "We're hallucinating…" She shook her head. "We need to get to a hospital. Maybe…"

"I'd like to help." He replied, maintaining his stance as Honor looked at him nervously. "I know you both came a long way." He offered them a smile. "I'm the Doctor." He paused seeming to appraise them. "Soooo, What are your names?"

Honor was just as uncertain of what to make of this as Laura but as much fun as it was to write or watch these adventures, she had no intention of being an actual participant. Besides, she couldn't rule out insanity on his part. "I think we just need to find a hospital and we'll be all right. They'll know what to do." Maybe if the Doctor was real and this was his universe, it wouldn't be as daunting as in their stories. He might not be as wholly concerned about the fact that they were from another reality. Yes, that just might work. "Just an accident." She glanced at Laura.

"Right." Laura swallowed. "Haven't eaten all day so since I was in class so sometimes…you know, low blood sugar, I see things. But yes, hospital, like she said. Great idea." What she often euphemistically called her 'writing diet' presented its own host of problems so what she said wasn't a lie. In the last six months, she had dropped four sizes often seeming to emulate her own character's eating habits. Unfortunately, she didn't parallel Sara's ability or endurance at running. Her exercise of choice was zumba and dance classes, which was a completely different set of muscle groups and the only time she ran was to catch the shuttle from school to the train.

The Doctor only seemed to smile at them apologetically and shoved his hands into the pockets of his coat. "I think you know that's out of the question, don't you?"

Both girls blanched at that comment and a few tense moments passed when a distant shout seemed to disrupt the silence. "Oi, Doctor, what is keeping you there?"

"It's Martha." Laura whispered to Honor. "Rose is…" She cringed as the Doctor looked directly at her and suddenly she remembered how easily he could hear every word that was said no matter how quietly it was uttered. Honor closed her eyes, struggling to breathe evenly. Her friend had inadvertently let slip personal knowledge about the Doctor's companions. They knew the Doctor once had a companion who they would term as a 'ward' in their stories since the Doctor had to keep Ace under observation since she knew the future. Was that his intent with the two of them?

Laura could hardly think clearly at this point but she knew she messed up and indeed she slipped in the very first moments. She was just so cold and her mind was becoming foggy likely due to the fact that she only got around to eating one meal a day. How did I ever get used to a diet like that?

"God help us. This isn't good." Honor muttered. At that point, it didn't matter whether or not he could hear her. They were in trouble.

"I'm sorry. Wasn't thinking…" Laura mumbled. It had to be a dream. She turned from the image of the Doctor and attempted to rub her eyes again. Did she trip and fall in the creative arts building? She lucid dreamed before but it was nothing like this.

"Don't you both feel very tired?" His tone had changed and became soft yet even. It was a question but it was compelling to the point that it felt like an order. Indeed as soon as he said it, Honor felt an odd sense of lethargy start to encase her and she saw that Laura was little better. He was approaching their position but Honor did feel so deeply tired that she was nearly drifting.

Suddenly Laura cried out. "No! Don't touch me!" She had taken a step backwards but whatever compulsion had crept over Honor's mind had ended and she jerked up to watch her friend, startled to see the Doctor so close to them. He had reached for their arms and looked surprised when Laura reacted. She was cringing from him. Of course she was. She admitted to being raped by a sociopath in her past for which she based pieces of her story on. Honor couldn't imagine what it was to go through something so traumatic. Family usually surrounded her, having spent much of the summer with her grandparents but now all she had to count on was the frightened girl standing beside her.

"The hospital should be fine." Honor emphasized.

"If we could just talk, I can-"

Laura was shaking her head frantically and Honor was almost certain that he had attempted to use some sort of telepathy on them that only broke due to Laura's response to a flashback. It did nothing to reassert her faith in this individual standing before her. At the moment, what happened next was suddenly up to her.

"STOP!" Honor Rae boomed, making both the Doctor and Laura flinch. Without hesitation, she barreled forward and punched his left shoulder as hard as she could, remembering a fact from all that writing she had done. Abruptly, the Time Lord fell to his knees and the girls didn't stick around to watch. Blindly lashing out, the red-haired girl ended up grabbing a strap from Laura's backpack and forcibly yanked her around the downed man… who, to Honor Rae's dismay, was already attempting to stand back up.

"Crap-in-a-hat," she bit out, the words running together. He's supposed to be unconscious or something because of that nerve cluster or whatever. Maybe I didn't hit hard enough? The girls exited the alley only to almost crash into Martha Jones.

"What on-Doctor!" The companion interrupted herself, noticing the Doctor leaning against the wall pained from the blow Honor dealt him. Her momentary distraction was all the two of them needed to skirt around her and take off down the street. Laura stumbled as they reached the other side of the road, feeling terribly dizzy as her vision swam. She didn't really know how much longer she could push herself to keep up at this speed.

When Honor Rae came to a stop as they rounded the block, she felt a mix between gratitude and anxiety. Her Minnesotan friend was beginning to wheeze and coughed, muttering darkly under her breath between gasps. Feeling embarrassed, she felt the need to explain. "I like runnin' and all…but 'm not a sprinter…stupid inhaler…left it at…" This time she trailed off because she didn't want to continue the sentence, pain filling her expression.


Clearly, neither of them were anywhere near their respective homes…or even on the same earth as before. Although, Honor Rae knew it, deep within her own heart, she didn't quite dare to think to herself the truth of the matter; that they weren't in their own universe and the one they considered home might now be gone.

"I'm not much of one…either," Laura told her honestly. "What was that…back there?"

"Self-defense," Honor Rae murmured, blushing. "…'s all 'bout confidence…and being bigger than life…Just needed a distraction so I could hit that…pressure point or whatever…nerve ganglion, I think." She sucked in a large breath, trying to get the wheezing under control. Hazel eyes assessed her rather distressed friend. "Okay there?"

Laura grimaced, "I'm fine."

Honor Rae's thick eyebrows inched up her forehead incredulously.

"As fine as I can be," she amended.

The red head nodded, straightening. "Good enough for me, I s'pose… Do you think we should get help?" She nervously fluffed her short-cropped hair, tugging on it subconsciously. "Can't stay out here much longer, I don't think."

"Not with him out there stalking us," Laura agreed, shivering. The cold began to make itself known once more, now that the both of them had stopped long enough to cool down and let the adrenaline wear off.

"Onwards and upwards," Honor Rae proclaimed with forced cheerfulness. "Let's blow this taco stand." Walking as quickly as they were able to, they moved hurriedly down the street. Most businesses were closed at this time, as it was very late at night and they were close to what appeared to be a residential part in town. A petrol station up ahead caught their attention and they moved towards it, decided it was as good of a place to be as any to request help.

They entered the building, a small bell near the top of the door signified their presence. A jaded looking teenager looked up from his phone at the counter and rose his eyebrows at the girls' rather bedraggled and wet appearance. He glanced outside grimacing at the pouring rain and didn't see any sign of a car. He looked back at them and decided that they must be without one.

He frowned, unsure of what to make of them as they approached him. He eyed the large bag one of them held, briefly considering whether it hid a weapon. The girl with brown hair seemed a bit loopy and appeared to have forgotten its existence with the exception of making readjustments against the rain. The red-haired seemed to eye him, as if he was the one who might be dangerous.

Alright, he'd bite.

"Can I help you?" He drawled, stashing his phone away for the moment. Although, he had a sinking feeling that he might not return to that game of solitaire any time soon.

"Yes, actually, there's a crazy guy tryin' to kidnap us," the larger woman spoke with an American accent.

Foreigners, great.

The other one shifted uneasily, eyeing the window with suspicion and asking, "Could you please just call the police?"

"Yeah," he said, looking nervously out the window too himself as he saw figures draw closer to the station from a distance. The woman with brown hair noticed them too and became alarmed, drawing the red head's attention. The teen pressed the panic button underneath the counter. He had few options at this point. He wasn't a hero, but he wasn't going to let some poor sods get kidnapped. "Get behind the counter, I'll cover you."

Both of them scampered around the divider and crouched down behind the counter quietly. The teenager made himself look bored out of his mind, taking out his phone and restarting that game of solitaire. After a few tense minutes had passed, the bell dinged and he looked up to see a rather tall man enter the store followed by a pretty woman, both were sopping wet. He gave his best scowl at the mess they trailing in on the floor and he didn't even have to try that hard.

"Someone's going to have to clean that up…" He muttered under his breath irritably.

"Sorry," the man began, but it was clear he had little regret. "But you wouldn't have happened to have seen two girls run by here, have you?"

"No, sir," the teen drawled, studying the two people in front of him, committing their appearance to memory for when the police arrived. "I haven't, sorry." He didn't sound very apologetic either.

"Really?" The man asked skeptically. "Well, that's a shame, as we work for MI5 and they are under our protective custody." He brought out a wallet, displaying it clearly for the young man to scrutinize.

…It looked legit, but why would these two women hiding behind the counter be running from their protectors? It didn't sit right with him. Besides, who was honestly named 'John Smith' nowadays, anyway?

"Trust me," the older man continued. "They have had to deal with a highly traumatic hostage situation. It's an international incident that's been damaging to both public relations and their mental faculties have been effected from the strain. Severe cases of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and extreme paranoia, you see."

"Plus," the woman piped up for the first time. "If you couldn't already tell, they're scared, terrified even. They're confused and don't realize that we're only trying to help." The teen swallowed hard. Both of the adults were fully aware that he was hiding the two young women that they were looking for in his workplace. Nothing he could possibly say would cause them to think any differently. That wasn't even getting into the possibility that they were the ones telling the truth.

Oh, why, oh, why did he always get into situations like this?

"Alright," he said, causing the two women by his feet to tense and the adults in front of him to relax. "What are their names, then, if they really are under your custody?" Both of the supposed agents froze, and he persisted. "If you really are who you say you are, you should be able to answer that."

As he finished his pointed accusation, two police cars drove up and parked right outside of the building. The teen released a breath of air that he hadn't been aware that he had been holding. The woman groaned, mildly exasperated, "Great, it can't ever be easy with you, can it?"

"Guess not," the man muttered as a few officers entered the store.

As all of this was going on, Honor Rae could only stare in undisguised horror at a poster that was tacked up on the corkboard.


Laura raised her eyebrows at Honor staring at the officers with hope in her eyes. At least it didn't seem to turn out quite as badly as it did for her character Sara for which the psychic paper never failed the Doctor. The young man standing above them was clever enough to challenge its validity so maybe the police would offer some form of assistance away from that man. Dream or not, perhaps there was a way to prevent this from becoming a nightmare. She noticed Honor staring up at an object on the wall and followed her gaze only to let out a gasp.

"No." The word slipped out and Honor looked at her fiercely as the Doctor tilted his head in their direction while the police ventured into the station.

"Is there a problem here?" An officer asked.

"Ask him." The teenager at the counter accused, pointing at the Doctor. "Claims to be from MI5 so he can take two girls that don't want to go with him." He shook his head, folding his arms across his chest. "Think he's lying."

"Oi!" The Doctor protested, giving him a glare. "I showed him my identification." With a flourish, he displayed it to the officers. "You see, John Smith, MI5, here to take Laura and Honor back to headquarters with me. They are witnesses suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. It is causing them extreme emotional duress." He delivered their names with special emphasis while allowing a smirk at the boy's astonished expression. Before approaching the girls, he had overheard them exchange introductions and remained a discreet distance to observe before confronting them directly. It turned out to be quite advantageous since they seemed aware of the circumstances of how they were delivered into the dimension although struggled to admit the reality of the phenomenon.

"John Smith." The boy mocked. "A bit ordinary, isn't it?"

"Did you choose your name?" The Doctor retorted while side stepping the question. Laura was reminded of Lilly and how able she was able to side step questions that were delivered unto her. Wonder what Amber would think if she was here? She honestly had no idea. When writing 'Lost in Reality', they never discussed what they, themselves would do but what their characters might choose. She clenched her hands into fists to still herself trying to ponder how he was able to achieve their names. It might have been possible during that weird time when they both dissociated upon his command that they felt fatigue. She wasn't well versed in the different levels of telepathy he could establish so she and other authors had made their own parameters in their stories.

The officers were examining his ID looking wary. The Sargent in charge didn't like relinquishing his ground but the MI5 was above his pay grade. He looked at the boy who was standing there as an ever vigilant guard. "You can't. Something's off about him. Think he's a nutter or somethin'"

"OI!" The Doctor's voice was loud. "I resent that! Just doing my job here." He glanced behind the boy to where Honor and Laura was hiding. "I have the authority and they are under my jurisdiction!"

The Sargent could only do one last thing. He called into the station to speak to his lieutenant in charge while the man looked at him with exasperation.

"Dodgy situation, this one." He told the lieutenant. "He showed me his identification and it looks right but it doesn't feel right."

"We can't afford another run in with MI5." His lieutenant warned. "Have to try to play nice and if his identity checks, you need to let it go."


"That's an order, Sargent. Offer assistance. Finish up and report back to the station." The Lieutenant said.

The Sargent sighed, knowing he expected little else. Still he hated what he had to do and grimaced as he disconnected. The least he might be able to offer was some reassurance to these young women if they were this panicked.

He walked just behind the counter and looked down at the two women in sympathy reminded briefly of his own daughter waiting back at home. They weren't much older then she was. He took a deep breath.

"Honor, Laura, those are your names, right?" He asked gently.

They glanced at him nervously and finally the one with light brown hair nodded in confirmation. "I know you're scared but it's all right. No one here wants to hurt you." He nodded his head towards the man he knew as John Smith. "Might be a bit of an odd fellow but…"

"No." Honor was adamant. "You can't give us to him. He's…"

"He's what?" The Sargent looked at her. "Did he hurt either one of you?" If there was grounds for abuse, he might be able to make a case to his lieutenant.

Honor hesitated. She didn't want to lie and Laura looked equally torn.

"I was assaulted." Laura suddenly proclaimed and at the same time the Sargent and the Doctor both asked, "What?!" The question came at the exact same time.

"Did he…?" He turned to look at the Doctor with disgust who shook his head in denial before the officer glanced back at Laura.

"No one else was there." Laura told him honestly and the Sargent was now glaring at the Doctor with a stormy expression.

"You abused your own witnesses?" He demanded.

"What?! Of course not." The Doctor denied. "She's traumatized and-"

"They are coming with me to the station where you can answer a few questions and-"

The Sargent had made a mistake of getting too close to the Doctor for which the Doctor latched onto his arm. A presence seemed to hover inside his consciousness. "You aren't worried about her accusation. The girls are traumatized. They belong with me."

Now, he knew with utter certainty that the girl's accusation had no merit. It was a simple, desperate ploy from two traumatized girls and he turned, rubbing his forehead back to Honor and Laura. "You need to go with him. That is where you both belong."

"But you just said-!" The boy behind the counter protested.

"Enough. He has a job to finish." The Sargent said watching the Doctor approach the girls who seemed to skitter backwards.

"Why don't the two of you just calm down." He suggested, his eyes fixed on theirs.

"You shouldn't be real." Laura muttered under her breath, closing her eyes. "Shouldn't even be here…"

"Laura, look at me." He ordered but she outright refused. Neither girl would provide him that sort of opportunity. Instead, they looked for a means of escape.

"There is no where to go." The Doctor said, lowering his voice. "You see this?" He displayed his sonic and Honor breathed in sharply. "Both your signatures are programed in here. I'll always be able to-"

Without thinking, Laura sprung from her sitting position and ripped the sonic out of his hand, clutching onto Honor's hand, running out the back door she had spotted during the several tense moments she had been forced to kneel back there. It was an employee exit and it meant another exhausting sprint. What choice did they have? The moment with the sonic seemed to just be an impulse but perhaps after having written her character steal the object so often, the idea was latent in the back of her mind.

"Can't keep running." Honor wheezed beside her.

"I know." Laura was also out of breath as they crossed the street to stare at a huge mass of trees. "Hyde Park." She whispered.

"You know it well?"

"Walked through it a couple times with my best friend." She thought quickly. "The lake."

"You want to go swimming? Now?" Honor seemed speculative. Was her fan fiction friend actually mad? She remembered reading about Sara's swim in the dead of winter as she desperately tried to escape from the Time Lord Victorious.

"No, but there's a huge mass of trees. Easy to hide, climb…"

"Oh perfect." Honor said as they both ran for the shelter of the forest. "What about that? Reminded me of Sara the way you…" Her voice trailed.

"I just didn't even think." Laura said. "He said he would always be able to track us and…"

"But he will probably just make another one."

"I know." Laura gritted her teeth. "You don't think I remember that?"

"Still, if we can find out how to use it…" Honor speculated. "How to get cash from an ATM, might be handy."

"There must be hundreds of settings on this thing." Laura complained examining the object in her hand.

"Two thousand four hundred and eighty two." A voice said behind them. Both girls turned in panic to see the Doctor and Martha approach them. "Possibly still counting." Just as predicted, he did indeed have a spare. Laura took a deep breath.

"I-look, I didn't mean to take it." She tried. "it just happened."

"Why don't you hand it over, come with me. We can talk about it." He offered.

"The two of you look like you're read to drop where you stand." Martha observed. "Promise he'll fix whatever is wrong and-"

"Oh, like making you a into a soldier instead of a doctor. Sure, nothing wrong with that." Laura said spitefully. She rather disdained how the Doctor treated Martha but then she internally cringed as the Doctor seemed to examine her. She was a media major. She was used to criticizing television shows and films in class while invariably having several staunch debates about the topics at hand. But she wasn't in a classroom and Martha wasn't a classmate. She had slipped up again.

"Sorry." She told Honor quietly.

Honor shrugged trying to think. She felt cornered and honestly tired at the point of collapsing to the ground. All she could think about was her fervent desire to simply go home. If this was a dream, why couldn't she just wake up?

"Moderate psychic ability." The Doctor said to Martha. "Interesting."

"At least he didn't call us-" Honor started.

This time Laura shook her head frantically and Honor stayed silent. "So, you want your sonic back?" Laura asked.

He raised his eyebrows. They knew the name of his device. They likely knew so much more then what they were admitting. "Yes, I would." The Doctor said.

This time, she threw the object hard at him, directly at his head. He appeared startled, changing position to catch it. They were on their feet running again, the rain and the trees making their path all but obscured and suddenly the inevitable happened. Laura tripped over a tree branch, falling down hard on her hands and knees letting out a brief cry of pain. She struggled to regain her footing seeing that Honor hadn't noticed her fall but those precious seconds were costly. He had already taken hold of her, his arms pinned her against him quite easily. Either he was far stronger then she anticipated or her lackluster eating habits made her so weak she was no match to him. She could hardly even struggle and in her panic, flashbacks started to torment her of a particular night trapped with a man in a bathroom so similarly confined.

"No…just, please…" She begged. "Please let go." She started to hyperventilate. This simply couldn't be happening. Not again. Not to her.

"Just take it easy." He spoke to her soothingly before glancing at Martha. "We need to find Honor."

"What about Laura, Doctor?" Martha asked. "Seem to have your hands full and she's not going to-"

"Not to worry." His grip shifted on Laura so he was only restraining her with one arm and she panicked feeling his fingers come to rest on her temple. She desperately tried to shake him off knowing full well his intent. "Now Laura," He started calmly, speaking softly in her ear. "I think you've had a very long night, wouldn't you agree?"

Her body was starting to weaken as she felt his words become a driving force, moving through her and she felt…yes, it had been a long night. Such a long night.

"I was-it's…" What was she trying to remember? They were running and they were both so afraid. Why wasn't she scared now?

"You must be very tired. Aren't you, Laura?"

Indeed she was. All the lethargy was returning and she felt herself sinking as he supported her weight. "So tired." She repeated as he continued.

"Right now you just want to sleep." With that command, she found herself slipping away with only the brief thought that perhaps when she woke, she would find herself back in her own bed.

When the Doctor picked up a now unconscious Laura, Martha glanced up at him. "Didn't know you could…" She hadn't actively seen him use hypnotism like that before.

"Sometimes I have no choice." He headed back to the TARDIS with his companion and his incapacitated new passenger.

"So what now?" Martha said.

"I'll get her into sickbay." He had suspicions but needed to run further tests. "Why don't you watch her while I fetch Honor."

Martha shook her head as they entered the TARDIS. "You make it sound so easy." Honor seemed rather determined to her and not likely to simply go along with the Doctor. It was only luck that enabled him to catch Laura.

"You never know. I do have my ways." He said half in jest. Moments after he placed Laura in the medbay, he was back outside searching, closing in quickly on the other girl's signal. If he could just play his cards right, maybe she would come with him without protest.

But as he caught up to her near the Peter Pan statue close to Kensington Park, he grimaced upon seeing her expression. Things were never simple especially when it came to him.

Honor Rae scowled the moment she caught sight of the Time Lord from her seat on the ground. She really couldn't keep up with this whole running business, no matter how much she liked it. With a stitch in her side adding to her already labored breathing from asthma, she had little choice but to let herself gracelessly slump on the ground in one of the puddles next to some sort of statue. She didn't really care to examine it.

Removing her glasses in a hopeless attempt to wipe of the water obscuring her vision on the lens, the red-head snubbed the Doctor's presence with a terse, "Nice to see you, Doc, g-guessin' you're here to pull some tr-trippy juju?" Her sour expression, completely directed on her glasses at the moment, only grew in intensity when she found that she was shaking too much to properly attempt cleaning them whatsoever. Not to mention that she was already soaking wet. "Where's Laura?"

"She's back in sickbay," the Doctor told her as he continued to carefully approach her. "Don't you want to join her?"

The girl laughed tersely, which she quickly tried to rein in, however, she wasn't quite able to hide the peculiar smile on her face. "Crap, I shouldn't be laughing, it's not funny. Lucky for you she's not Sara…" She trailed off and turned to frown at him tiredly. Most of her anger disappeared, too cold and miserable to keep up the energy to be mad, leaving her feeling resigned. It was always so much easier to keep on going, keep on fighting, when she had someone else to worry about. It kept her moving forward and able to ignore her own aches and pains for just a bit longer. She blamed her innate mothering instincts. "Why're you even botherin' anyway? Don't you have something better to do? Just let us go."

"I can't do that," he told her as he came to a stop next to her, faintly surprised that she didn't put up a bigger fight. He absent-mindedly rubbed his left shoulder as he tried to give her an explanation, "You and your friend are anomalies. Somehow able to go through the void completely unprotected and survive. There is also something a bit off about the both of you that my sonic can't identify. I need to do some tests to see what it is."

Her eyes followed his hand movement as he massaged his shoulder where she injured him and grimaced. "I'd say 'I'm sorry,' but I'm not."

He frowned, "What I don't understand, is what I've done wrong. Yes, I might have made a mistake in cornering you two and chasing you both, but this doesn't cover all the mixed reactions I'm getting from either of you. I only want to help."

Honor Rae shuffled, feeling a bit guilty and embarrassed at being chided. "I…We…I just don't want us endin' up like…" She made a frustrated movement with her hands, getting upset with both herself and the source of the whole problem. "You're just some guy, alright, but-but you're not. We don't know you, we…we know of you, and-and that's scary enough as it is. Not all the, uh, all the stories are very flattering, Doctor. It-It also doesn't help with the, uh, hypnotism."

"You weren't giving me much choice."

"Baloney, there's always a choice," she protested, feeling a brief flicker of snappishness at him not understanding where she and Laura were coming from and his seeming inability to admit he was wrong and needed to back off. "It just doesn't…doesn't mean it's easy."

"Exactly my point," the Doctor finally growled. "You are both leaving me with few options and are biased against me for some reason. I shouldn't have to prove myself against some phantom, when you just said yourself that you don't know me. You are acting like a child."

"Because I am one!" Honor Rae burst out, feeling the start of tears prickling in the corner of her eyes. Her nose started wiggling minutely, and she irritably rubbed at it with her hand. "Okay? I just want to go home. I'm scared! I don't do the TLV, I only do TV. I'm not like those people back home who'd love something like this to happen to them, alright? I don't-we don't need this-" she waved her hand to encompass the area around them "-whatever this is." She swallowed hard with some difficulty from the lump in her throat, finally gathering the courage to look at the Doctor straight in the eyes, imploring, "Please…just, even if we can't get home, let us be, just let us be."

The Doctor closed his eyes, feeling just as weary with the situation as the emotional girl beside him. "I can't do that. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." He offered the disheartened and beginning-to-cry girl a hand, giving the illusion of offering her choice. They both knew that there wasn't one. The Doctor frowned at her pale and pitiful appearance, taking notice of the shivers wracking her frame and the slightly bluish tinge beginning to appear on her lips. He removed his trench coat, draping it around her shoulders as he began to lead her back to the TARDIS. Hypothermia for humans was nothing to sneeze at, he knew, and it would be the last thing he needed on top of the two new passengers he acquired.

The trip back to the TARDIS was a silent one, spent mostly by the Doctor leading the way and Honor Rae noiselessly sobbing. By the time they entered the sentient ship, she had managed to compose herself for the most part and he heard her let out a small exclamation of awe at the sight that awaited them inside, "It's flippin' huge…!" That drew a tiny smile from the Time Lord as he closed the door, making his way to the console and set about the process of piloting the ship into the Time Vortex. The moment that task was done, he turned his attention back to his emotional…guest.

He heard her mutter, "If this is a dream, it'll make for awesome writing, as far as that goes." The Doctor frowned, he supposed he could understand someone having difficulty believing in a situation like this and seeing it could be hard to swallow as part of reality, especially since these two girls had survived something he, himself, didn't think was possible. If this kept on to be a reoccurring statement and belief on their part, though, he would begin to fear for their own grip on sanity.

"Honor," he said slowly, gaining her attention.

She looked up at him warily, "Y-Yeah?"

"We should get you to sickbay," he suggested in a soothing tone. "A nice change of clothes and a hot cuppa, should do it, eh?"

Honor Rae nodded, still a bit uneasy and now feeling embarrassed, "That'd be nice, thanks, I s'pose." She wondered if it would be easier to just let the Doctor get all the curiosity out of his system…maybe he'd see nothing too special about her and Laura other than the fact that they were absolutely covered in void stuff. He didn't seem all that bothered with Mickey and Rose since they were in the same position, although, Honor Rae had to admit that Rose was traveling with him and now it was a moot point anyway. The reason still stood, however. The two of them being covered in void matter shouldn't be that much of an oddity.

Or, at least, in her humble opinion, anyway.

Either way, the sooner she started talking with Laura about this whole hairy problem, the better. If she had to settle down and be cooperative, she'd do it… Besides, she really was starting to feel bad about how she had been treating the Time Lord. The dark Doctor she and Laura had come up with had only been an interpretation of him in one of his bleakest moments. Right now, he had just lost Rose and was a bit short on patience because he was still grieving. It didn't really excuse the scare he had given the two young women earlier…but it could explain things pretty well.

Wait, why was he looking at her like that?

"Erm, yes?" She asked.

"I asked what you meant by TLV earlier, never heard of that term before," he repeated, his expression somewhere between concern and amusement. "Are you feeling well? Is your vision fuzzy, ears ringing?"

"N-No, I was just…thinkin'…" The Doctor raised both eyebrows at that and Honor Rae flushed, feeling a bit miffed but decided that she wasn't up for a fight of any kind, too bone-tired. Now, how exactly was she going to dig herself out of the hole she just put herself into? "Terrible Live Version," she muttered. "…and Televised Version. People on Fan Fiction like to think that stories follow along the line of what's seen in movies or on the net. Real life doesn't work like that."

"Ah, so it's an acronym," the Doctor mused to himself. "First time I've heard of anything like that."

"Pretty common on Fan Fiction for writers that like to be more realistic on their stories," Honor Rae told him, relieved that her ruse worked. Usually, she could keep a pretty straight face when it came to lying, but she was just so tired, she just said the first thing that came into mind. She wasn't altogether sure he would necessarily buy it. Martha looked up from her seat next to the bed Laura was lying on. Laura, herself, looked much better, dry and with clean clothes that were common for people in hospitals to be wearing. Her friend from California was still asleep.

The Doctor dug around in a cupboard nearby and then handed her some of the same hospital clothes that were roughly in her size. "Thank you," she mumbled awkwardly, before going inside of the bathroom she noticed in the far corner of the room. It was complete with all amentias, Honor Rae noted to her surprise, with a tub and everything. She didn't feel much like taking a shower, already soaking wet as it was. She looked up at the towel rack and grabbed one from there, stripping, and drying herself off completely. Dressed in the hospital tunic-like shirt and capris, she felt much better and now the smallest bit warmer.

"Good thing I got my hair cut so short… 's already drying… wish I had a hair brush, dagnabbit," she muttered to herself before eying the sodden clothes that she tossed in the tub. There was no need to leave a wet mess everywhere, she started to think to herself. A gleam of metal caught her eye and she turned to find the source, a small spring door labeled 'laundry.' She stared at it incredulously, wondering if it could really be that easy…

She shrugged. Sometimes, it was best to not look a gift horse in the mouth. Dumping the sopping pajamas and slipper-boots into the little door, she watched them slide down the chute, probably to never be seen again. She slipped out of the bathroom, finger combing her hair. The Doctor was talking with Martha but they both stopped as Honor Rae approached them. Not very subtle, she thought to herself, exasperated.

They had appeared to have been in a hushed argument, one that Martha had won if the Doctor's irritable but resigned expression was any indicator. "You should get some rest after you drink some tea to raise your core temperature," Martha told her. "It's been a long day for everyone. After you and Laura wake up, we can talk, maybe do some tests if you both feel up to it." The last half of the sentence was more directed at the Time Lord than it was to the red head, but she wasn't complaining.

It rather felt like a 'get out of jail free' card. The Doctor's face was inscrutable.

Needless to say, Honor Rae readily agreed to this suggestion. "Sounds great," she mumbled. "I'm pooped." With that lackluster declaration, she gracelessly flumped on one of the many beds with a long and deep sigh…rather uncaring of what anyone else thought at this point in time. The idea of sleep and postponing any interrogation or testing was so appealing, she was almost able to ignore the presence of the two impossible people in the room if she focused hard enough.

Footsteps approached her and with a groan, the young woman sat back up, accepting the warm cup from the Time Lord. As she hesitantly sipped, she immediately noticed a sweet flavor that didn't quite belong to either sugar or honey. Whatever the flavor was, she could hardly keep herself from downing the tea quickly, despite how the beverage scalded her tongue.

She didn't notice how carefully the Doctor was watching her nor how he looked faintly pleased with himself when she finished the entire cup. Both actions hinted that the contents of the tea weren't completely innocuous. This was further proven when Honor Rae fell into a rather deep sleep only a minute or two after…as if she had been drugged. There was little doubt then that was precisely what he had done.


Although she had been exhausted and drugged, leaving her not due to wake for a few hours yet, Honor Rae found herself suddenly wide awake and tense. This was not an unusual occurrence and she slowly relaxed back into the bed she was resting on. The nightmare she had was not a pleasant one, involving weeping angels that for some reason were completely invisible unless you were looking straight at them, so mirrors and using just the corner of your eye wasn't effective. It left her spooked and unnerved.

What time is it? She blearily thought to herself. It feels like three in the morning… She turned her head to the left but saw only darkness. Shoot, I guess the power went out…Am I snowed in? I should probably check… The very thought made her groan with lazy reluctance. I'm too tired…Feel like I got mowed over by a bulldozer…What did I do last night? She couldn't remember.

That wasn't very unusual either, most of her days had a tendency to blur together and she would lose track of them or sometimes forget them altogether if nothing too important occurred. It also didn't help that she had awoken mere moments ago. I'll figure it out later, I s'pose…Although I really need to pee… She lay there for close to a minute more, trying to go back to sleep to no avail, before she exploded out of bed, pushing back the covers.

She cracked her back and stretched before sliding her feet to the floor. Eyes squinted and heavy from fatigue, she automatically made her way to where her door out of her room should have been, only to run into another bed. With a yelp, the red head recoiled, toes smarting and looking around with confusion as she stared blankly at the bed she just bumped into. Where had that come from?

Honor Rae stood there in a stupor, pondering just how the bed came into existence, when a voice spoke up from behind her, causing her to let out a startled shriek. "Alright over there?"


Laura woke up to find herself in complete darkness and she glanced in front of her to where she could at least find reassurance of light coming from the street lamps from her neighbor's house across the street through her front window. Nothing was there. Just a singular void in front of her with no indication of light and her throat swelled in panic. She struggled to push herself up into a sitting position only to feel a brief tug of something that seemed cinched into her arm. Her fingers flew to the foreign object finding it to be metallic and any attempt to pull at the device caused her to wince in pain. What the hell…?

She suddenly felt a jolt as someone seemed to ram directly onto the bed she was lying on and heard a yelp of pain and Laura let out a sigh of relief. She wasn't alone in this…whatever this place was. She called out to the presence that she knew stood just nearby. "Hey…" She paused. "Alright over there?"


It was Honor's voice and Laura felt some of her panic subside. She wasn't trapped in some purgatory alone. "Honor, thank God. You okay?" She bit her lip. "I can't see a damn thing."

Honor's hand seemed to search for hers and then grasp it. "Not just you. Neither can I." There was a latent pause. "My head. I must be tripping. Need a bathroom. Can't find a door."

"I hoped-I wanted when I woke up to be back in my own bed." Laura's voice trembled. She wasn't brave like Sara or seemingly Honor for that matter. "Home. Where is our home?" Her mind drifted to worse case scenarios. "What if our universe got obliterated too? What if-"

"Hey! No! None of that. Have to think positive. We'll get ourselves back home. You just wait." Honor reassured.

Laura took a deep breath. She had to stay calm. "Where are we? Why can't we just have some light or-"

Suddenly their surroundings were illuminated and Laura let out a gasp. "The actual TARDIS medbay." For a moment she stared in wonder at the strange symbols that were scrolling right above her bed and then to the various instruments around her.

"Wait, what's he doing to you?" Honor demanded, pointing to Laura's arm and they both looked down at the strange metal object that encased her elbow, with tubing filled with glowing particles emanating from a cylinder that hooked above the bed.

Immediately, Laura seized and yanked at the object. "I can't get it off!" She immediately felt dizzy at any number of conclusions flooding through her mind. "What if he's running…"

"Tests? Experiments?" Honor heard both him and Martha mention their intent to do the very same when they were ready. Of course, it seemed they were ready when the Doctor dictated since he had taken measures to drug Honor's tea. So much for waiting for us to wake up…

"You'd think he'd wait. Came back with him here and for him to slip me a roofie…" Honor's expression darkened and Laura scowled.

"He drugged you?" Her expression soured. "He actually drugged you. Of all the…" She shook her head. "Well, why should I be surprised. Shouldn't expect less from the Time Lord Victorious." She muttered. "Forced me to sleep just like-"

"Now I see." A voice interrupted them. "TLV. Time Lord Victorious." It was the Doctor entering the sickbay and Laura glanced at Honor in panic. What had she done? No, she needed to fix this. Sara was a terrible liar but she was not.

"Seems appropriate to call someone who just chased us down and imprisoned us onboard." Laura told him evenly. "I'm sure you've heard worse."

"Oh certainly. Once or twice, but Laura," He started. "How did you know I was a Time Lord?"

She was flustered. Did he actually mention it at all to them? She wasn't sure and when he grabbed her, things had become so entirely hazy.

"Word gets out." She was vague. "I'm a media communications major. There are sites about you. I did a presentation for my class on conspiracy theories."

"And I was one of them?" He asked.

"You were part of a presentation." That was also true but he wasn't part of her presentation. Another group researched and spoke of Fan Fiction and its impact on social media with Dr. Who being a popular example. Still Laura knew in the Doctor's reality, information about him got leaked onto the internet so he could infer what she said about his existence as a conspiracy theory to the public was an accurate one.

"The problem I have, Laura is neither of you strike me as ones to believe in conspiracy theories. At least not enough to develop that kind of insult."

"You don't know me." Laura said.

"I know enough when I'm being lied to, don't I, Honor?" He glanced at her friend. "Terrible Live Version?"

"I was tryin' to spare your feelings, Doc." She shrugged. "At least I don't go around drugging people's tea."

"After the night you had, I doubted you would sleep without it." The Doctor readily defended himself.

"Could of just offered me a sedative. I might have said yes."

"You might of said no too. You had the early stages of hypothermia as did Laura. It was easier to treat and for you to recover if you were asleep."

Honor merely glared at him. "Not drinking anything that I don't make myself again."

"Honor," He started soothingly. "You're upset. I understand. I only was trying to help. What I gave you assisted in bringing back up your core temperature. The sedation was only a side effect."

"Fine…" Honor was exasperated. "Just fine. Bathroom. Where is it again?"

"Oh…" The Doctor was startled at the swift change in topic. "Just right over there. Next to the lab."

Honor nodded and glanced back meaningfully at Laura. "I'll be back in just a sec."

Laura nodded slowly, feeling her stomach twist into knots as Honor exited the room leaving her and the Doctor alone. If she was really Sara, she would know how to handle this but she wasn't. She was just herself. A student and a writer by hobby. Through Sara, she found her voice, her release to exercise her emotions but in reality…

At any rate, she needed to grow firmer in her resolve. Just because she wasn't Sara didn't mean she was a welcome mat either.

"What is this?" She demanded, forcing her voice not to shake as she indicated the apparatus on her arm. He started to speak but then she decided to cut him off. "No, it doesn't matter. Just take it off….please."

"I can't do that just yet, Laura." He said calmly as he glanced up at the readings above her bed before removing his sonic. She suppressed a flinch as he started to run a scan on her.

"Why?" She demanded. "You said you treated our hypothermia." She attempted to tug at the object with little in the way of results. "I'm not some type of lab experiment and-"

"I found you were malnourished with an electrolyte imbalance." The Doctor raised in eyebrows. "The device is going to fix that." He moved, taking a seat on the adjoining bed and ran his hand through his hair. A gesture Laura was exceedingly familiar with. "Want to explain that to me, Laura? Why you're not eating?" To him, this affliction where humans suddenly became prone to denying themselves food went directly against scientific and rational principles but he knew humans were often given to nonsensical concepts. Regardless of the reason, she was his responsibility now and he would be remiss in his oath as the Doctor if he overlooked her present condition.

Crap. "No, I am. It's not like that. It's…" How could she explain it to him? Ever since she really got involved in writing Sara and the darker aspects of the Time Lord Victorious, she lost much of her appetite. When Sara denied herself food in her first suicide attempt, she found herself also skipping meals. It was never on purpose but now it was habitual. Now, she found herself unable to eat more then the accustomed once a day meal. Her studies in college didn't appear to assist in matters. It was her intent to see a dietician at the student health center and then this occurred…

"It's what?" He asked patiently.

"I'm a Creative Arts major." She explained and he looked puzzled. "I'm in my senior year. Have a lot on my plate to finish. When I'm not doing homework, I write as a hobby, a way to express myself but…" It was hard to know what to say.

"But what?" He prodded.

"I get emotionally involved in what I'm writing. Other things too. I just lost interest in eating. Had no appetite."

He was looking at her strangely and she sighed.

"It wasn't on purpose! It just happened and it will work itself out. I sort of joke about it." She tried.

"A joke." He repeated. Humans! They make themselves sick and call it a joke? He was beginning to feel the edges of exasperation.

"I call it my writing diet. You know, it's…" She saw the look in his eye and paused. "It's not a big deal. Maybe just lost twenty pounds but-"

"Forty five point six pounds." He corrected. "All in the process of three months." He would put a stop to this since after all, he was nine hundred years old and she was simply human, given to foolish notions in regards to her caloric intake. Obviously in terms of her health, he would have to reassert authority, knowing what was best in terms of nutrition. He released a sigh in seeing her expression faintly light up at the pronouncement of her weight loss. She apparently seemed content with the results.

Really? Forty five pounds.…Laura thought. That's pretty impress-He was staring at her again, a look that could mean many things. She bit her lip and glanced down at her hands. Okay, guess not. "It's fine. Really. Just a phase. I go through them and I end up being okay."

"I'm banning both of you from this 'writing diet'. There is no need for either of you to go hungry while you're on board."

Laura shook her head. "But I'm not hungry. I told you it's-"

"Speaking of which, I think you could both do with some breakfast." He would need to consider whether he should return her backpack to her right away. Her laptop and other technology were passworded against intrusion, a small task for his sonic but a search of her equipment might bear little fruit for him. His true motive would be to take away one of the tools that aided in her own self-destructive behavior.

"In the middle of the night?" Her friend's voice radiated from behind her, startling Laura and she glanced up. Honor had just re-entered the sickbay, her arms folded across her chest.

"On the contrary. You've both been asleep for ten hours." The Doctor corrected.

"I don't really do breakfast." Laura refused. Eating right after she woke up usually made her queasy.

"Laura," The Doctor started.

"No. Why should I?" She challenged, suddenly finding her own sense of determination. "You kidnapped us, just like we thought you-" She cut herself off this time and her face became grim. "Not eating a thing here. I just won't eat at all. Let us go, maybe then I'll reconsider." She had participated in a hunger strike in a tense situation at home. It was a battle of wills against her mother and herself. Eventually, Laura won and if it worked then, it might work now and when she was backed into a corner, she often found herself angry. The Doctor looked at her with intensity. "You think I'll actually let myself be manipulated or used by someone like you? I will never let that happen again!" Laura announced, remembering the months she spent under the thumb of a sociopath vividly. She allowed it to happen then and she would be damned if she let history repeat itself.

Honor was never one to let food go to waste but after the nightmare she had, she wasn't particularly hungry herself. Still her new friend's attitude about food concerned her even so. She wasn't sure about participating with her in this hunger strike she mentioned but right now, her appetite was the last thing on her mind.

"Wait a minute," The Doctor started, his expression a mixture of exasperation and concern. Both his charges were starting to really worry him. "I'm not-"

"Not much in the mood for breakfast myself." Honor said, cutting in. "Look, Doctor, I know you did your tests while the both of us were passed out but what is the big deal? Our void matter?" She challenged. "You've got to have it to. Know your companions did. So what? Don't see you lockin' Mickey up here."

"It's not just void matter." The Doctor refuted. "That's another issue. I visit dimensions protected by the TARDIS. You both went through the void unprotected. The two of you have strange residual energy readings."

Laura's breath hitched in her throat. Energy readings. Would fate be that cruel to them to-

When she heard the word 'Artron' mention as a description, she released a strangled cry in the back of her throat while panicking, ripping the cylinder straight out of it's perch and with the sound of breaking glass, she ran to the corridor. She didn't want to be there. All she could think to do was hide, somewhere, anywhere. After she had been assaulted, she had managed to do the same, she ran outside, stumbling like crazy until she collapsed under two pine trees while shivering madly listening into the distance as her assailant called out her name.

Just as the Doctor was doing now, loudly, directly behind her.

Honor's hand had flown to her mouth and she was in shock at the Doctor's declaration. It couldn't be. They couldn't have been just as cursed. Was this some kind of punishment? The bible often said, 'to think is to do'. They put their own characters through Hell and now had they really set the course for their own suffering? Her dream seemed to be in swift agreement. She felt herself wheezing in panic as she watched Laura break the glass cylinder but dragging along the tubing as she ran through the door only to nearly slam into Martha. Her legs moving on their own accord, she dashed after Laura and they skirted around Martha, running down the corridor.

"Where we going?" Honor asked Laura. "Won't be able to figure out the deadlock in time and I think we're in the vortex so…."

"Never wanted any of this…" Laura managed to say between breaths and mostly to herself. "Wait, there!" She grabbed Honor's hand and dragged her through the door to the storage room and inside the library.

"Wow." Honor was impressed but Laura was pulling her down a particular aisle to an all to familiar book on a pedestal. "Wait, Laura no…your story. When Sara…"

Laura shook her head. "I need to see if the words start to change. We both need to see….it can't be." Without preamble, she flipped open the book and both girls looked at it. Horror started to seep into Laura's expression and immediately she backed away. Honor turned on her heel to look at Laura.

"Did you see…?" Laura started to ask.

Honor opened her mouth to speak only to hear loud footsteps enter the library. "Honor? Laura? It's all right. We can talk about this."

Immediately, Honor slammed the book closed and Laura skirted down the aisle in further panic only to ran directly into the Doctor who took a firm hold of her forearm.

Honor could barely speak, remaining where she was. She kept wishing for some hole to appear in the TARDIS had it obligingly did for Penny when she wanted to hide but nothing happened. This TARDIS remained steadfastly loyal to the Doctor.

Now she was trapped and breakfast was definitely out of the question for her.

Author's Note: We would like to thank LovelyAmberLight for her assistance and advice as well as letting us reflect on her stories for this chapter. I hope you don't think this concept it too strange.