Reviews for Living Fiction
lostiesgirl chapter 25 . 11/12/2017
It's been a long while since I've left a review for any of your stories. I hope that over this long year that the grief had been lessen. I've lost my grandfather for more than a year now, so I know it could never really go away.

I've enjoyed all of your Doctor Who fanfics, your crossovers. It's a shame we've never really got ours off the ground.

I hope more than anything, you and Honor are doing alright. And doing fantastically well in your lives.
Andrey258 chapter 1 . 7/15/2017
Geez,Laura,losing 45 pounds in 3 months for the sake of a story was not cool. What if you died? Or what if you were unable to decide what to eat anymore? Hope you did not lost anymore pounds writting this story,ok? Have a nice day.
Annienygma chapter 25 . 4/10/2016
I am so sorry to hear about your father! I lost mine when I was 18 (lost my mom at 21 too) so I know the pain you are going through. Best wishes, and prayers that your faith gets you through this. Hugs!
orlha chapter 24 . 4/9/2016
I'm sorry to hear about your families. Thanks for writing this story, it had been very enjoyable and incredible to read. : )
Christy - Flare chapter 25 . 4/9/2016
Someone actually said 'allons-y' was proper French or something?

Anyways, wow, sorry about your dad. Though I guess it's something that he's no longer suffering with all that. Brain cancer is just plain awful for everyone involved, especially the person with the tumor.
wintercat18 chapter 23 . 3/15/2016
I haven't reviewed in awhile and this is long overdue, I really like your stories and I hope you continue them, I am very sorry to hear about your father losing a family member especially one's father is very hard and I just want you to know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
PurpleChainsawCat chapter 24 . 11/19/2015
Just remember that God is with us through thick and thin. I'll be praying for you, your dad, and the rest of your family every day. I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but I know it's very very tough. I love your writing and hope that one day, you will be able to continue.
God bless, -Rose15
Annienygma chapter 1 . 10/2/2015
And they're off! Ooh, looking forward to reading this.
Ninjagorulz chapter 13 . 9/23/2015
Your story is amazing! You know what? You are now one of the few authors who I believe are truly amazing and should become their own book writer. So far I have had only one most likely canidate and one possibility for becoming an author. Truly amazing. Thank you also for putting the warnings in. I've read a lot of fanfictions and you are the first to write such a warning. I wish you good luck and anti-writer's block!

Son of Whitebeard chapter 24 . 9/11/2015
thanks for the update very informative
Halloween.Fanatic chapter 22 . 8/4/2015
I hope there will be more to this story and to the relating ones,
Can't wait to find out what happens or on how it will end, so intriqued to find out.
Procrastinata chapter 23 . 6/13/2015
I hope you do continue writing it, I for one enjoyed the story so far, it's a little more angsty than I normally like, it feels very satisfying to see the characters actually talk and work out their differences.

I love that they turned out to actually have the ability to see other timelines - I read a different story where the doctor pretty much assumed the same thing about the self-insert, but was wrong (or so I assume, it's still a wip), and after catching up I really wanted to see something like this story. So that was cool.

I don't think ending it after the year that never was would be a good stopping point, at least as it stands, but then what do I know. At least this way I can imagine it eventually ending well.

Oh, also, it was interesting how you included your faith into the story, not at all preachy, and just, as a thing, I don't think I've actually seen that in fic before, so kudos for that as well. :)
Serendipity989 chapter 23 . 5/27/2015
Hey now, don't give up on the story yeah? There are people who really enjoy your stories, me being one of them. This story has more than creativity it has SOUL as strange as it may sound. Gives a certain feeling to the story that isn't taken lightly. Being abused like that... the way they were. And I can never imagine being separated from my child or not even knowing she existed. It's a whole lot of messed up, Living Fiction. You could not have chosen a more accurate title. Ever. I don't know. Just the thought of the story needing an abrupt ending or anything like that. Just sucks.
But yeah. Didn't mean to write a paragraph O.o
Don't give up on the story. Please. I haven't lost interest and I'm sure others haven't either.
Rachel chapter 23 . 5/17/2015
I've read most of your stories - particularly the Doctor Who ones and I'm a big fan of your writing and interpretation of the Doctor as an anti-hero. With this story in particular I've been able to sense a lot of the personal investment - I'm sure some of it has to do with the nature of the story itself but also, after reading this chapter particularly, the time and energy you both put into it.

I honestly feel for both of you as you are represented within the story... There are so many times I've been brought nearly to tears (let's say I understand Honor's health concerns and much of Laura's difficulties with trust). I love the analysis of the Doctor's actions and the way the characters interact.

While I would love to see this story completed the way you intended (along with its connection to Worlds Within Worlds) - I eagerly await every chapter no matter how difficult they are to read (because of the emotional quality - not because they're bad!) - I couldn't ever tell you to keep writing a story if it is causing you too much emotional turmoil. My thoughts and prayers go with you both. 3

(Forgive me if this posted twice - I always seem to have difficulty posting reviews, particularly from my phone like now.)
Guest chapter 23 . 5/17/2015
Keep writing if you feel like you want to. I understand if you don't and I'm sure everyone else does too. But all of us will be waiting if you want to pick it back up. Either way, do what you feel you need to do for yourself and your family.
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