When Bobby answered the door and saw Sam standing there holding Dean's lifeless body in his arms he knew then and there that the man who had been a son to him was gone. Without so much as a word Bobby stepped aside as Sam walked in and walked straight into the library very genitally laying his older brother's body on to the old beaten up sofa. Bobby was trying hard to fight back the tears but when Sam turned around and he saw the broken look on the young man's face he broke down and pulled him into a bear crushing hug.

She'd been upstairs in her room reading when she heard the door opening. Lexie smiled to herself knowing the sound of the door opening meant they were home. She took the stairs two at a time as she ran into the living room. The smile on her face faded when she saw Sam and Bobby standing in the middle of the room hugging. Glancing around she didn't see him. She could feel her heart rate going up rapidly when she didn't see him anywhere. When Sam noticed her standing in the door way. His eyes told the whole story.

Lexie slide down the door frame as the tears came running down her cheeks in a flood. Bobby looked over at his god daughter. He was about to make a move to help her stand up but Sam had crossed the room and taken her in his arms and was letting her cry. Bobby sighed and looked back down at Dean's lifeless body. He knew that it probably wasn't a good idea for Lexie to see him like these. All torn and bloody and his eyes closed. Before he say what he though Lexie with Sam's help had come over to him.

Bobby didn't make a move to move out of the way and let her see Dean.

"Lex it's not a good idea." Bobby said.

"Please Uncle Bobby. Just let me see him." Lexie said.

"Lexie he wouldn't want you to see him like this."

"I don't care please. You know how much I …" Lexie said.

Bobby sighed and looked to Sam for help. Sam just nodded his head telling Bobby to just let her see him already. Bobby sighed and stepped to the side. Lexie gasped at first and very slowly walked towards the sofa. Dean's body was laying there motionless his clothes were torn and he was covered in bloody. If Lexie hadn't known it was hell hounds that had killed him she would have though he'd gotten into a bad fight and was hurt and had come home to pass out on the sofa and get some rest while Sam and Bobby cleaned him up.

But that wasn't the case. Slowly she let go of Sam's hand and knelt down next to the body. She tried hard to smile threw her tears as she looked lovely at Dean's face. She reached out a hand and ran it down his face and chest until she got to his hand and she brought to her lips and kissed it. Bobby and Sam watched the whole thing and said nothing. They both knew that Lexie needed time to say her goodbyes. Sam wanted to tell her what Dean had said to him but Bobby stopped him by motioning for him to join him in the kitchen. To which Sam nodded and followed the older hunter into his kitchen were he was handed a beer by Bobby.

"She's going to be a wreak for the next few days." Sam said.

"Days? Try months and even years. Did you get Lilith before?" Bobby asked.

"No. She had us both held down and then she kissed me right before she sicked the hell hound on him. Bobby I felt so helpless I couldn't do anything to help him and then I had to.. I had to use my powers just to be able to kill her but I was to late he was gone." Sam said

Bobby grabbed Sam's shoulder and looked at the younger man.

"Lilith was a tough bitch to kill Sam. Even if you had managed to get loss and save him the hell hound still would have gotten to him. Those dam things are like pit bulls they don't stop attacking until the person is dead." Bobby said.

"I tried everything …. Why couldn't I save him Bobby?" Sam asked the tears streaming down his face.

"Because son. Dean made his choice a year ago in that ghost town were we found you. He would have done anything to make sure you lived even give up his own soul. He wouldn't do that for anyone else." Bobby said.

"I know but maybe if I had tried harder done something he'd be alive." Sam said as he cried harder.

Bobby didn't say a word he just pulled Sam into a bear hug and let the younger hunter cry as much as he needed to.

In the living room sitting on the sofa still looking at Dean. Lexie tried her hardest to smile even though her heart was breaking into a thousand pieces as she looked down at body of the man she loved. She had known this day was coming for a while. Bobby had told her not long after he found out. She'd lost her temper and tried to beat up Sam and Dean had stopped her. He'd talk to her about what was going to happen to him. Even though she was a trained and seasoned hunter she was just twenty four years old and she was still a girl well in Dean's eyes anyway. He had told her what was going to happen to him. When she'd heard the story from him she had broken down and begged him not to leave her. He'd just hugged her tight and told her there was one thing he wanted her to remember. That family was the most important thing and that she didn't have to be a hunter the rest of her life. She had promised him she'd never forget that.

"And yet you broke your promises to me. You swore I'd see you again before she got you. Why didn't you just … God Dean why?!" Lexie asked him as she the tears started flowing again.

Finally the pain in her heart became to much and Lexie doubled over laying her head on Dean's chest and started to cry worse. Sam and Bobby had come walking back into the living room where they saw Lexie's head on Dean's chest as she cried. Sam walked over to her and pulled her away from the body and sat with her for a bit just letting her cry. No one said a word , no one made a sound expect for Lexie who was crying. Finally after a little while Bobby spoke.

"Sam we need to bury him son."

"I know. Just were by mom? Her grave is to far away from here." Sam said.

"The woods. There is a spot Dean use to take me when I was younger it's were he taught me to shoot." Lexie said.

"That's a good idea. I'll get the shovels." Bobby said.

The grave was dug and the pine box that held his brother body was lowered into the ground. Sam couldn't help that he was now just crying like a new born baby. But Dean was gone. His mom, dad and now his big brother. He had no one in the world that would ever understand him the way Dean did. After he put the simple cross in the ground to mark the grave Sam looked back over at Bobby and Lexie who standing kind off to the side to give him some time alone. That was when it dawned on Sam. He wasn't alone in his pain of losing his brother.

Bobby had lost an adopted son. Truth was Dean looked to Bobby as a father after John was killed then anyone else. Bobby had always been there for them since they were kids and he tried to give them a normal life when they were much younger and Dean had never forgotten that. Then there was Lexie. She was much younger then himself and Dean but she had always been there. Sam knew just from the look on her face how much she loved his brother. There had been no question since the time she was about fifteen Lexie had been in love with Dean anyone with eyes could see it. Sam was the only one that knew that though because Lexie had told him one time and she'd begged him not to tell Dean and he of course never did.

As he looked back as the fresh grave of his brother Sam wiped away a stray tear as he walked back over to Bobby and Lexie. Bobby gave him a half heart smile as he handed Sam his flask filled with whiskey. Sam took it and threw his head back takeing a long drink. Before handing it back to Bobby who took a drink and then passed it to Lexie. She looked at Bobby and then back at Sam.

"Take a drink for him kiddo. It's alright." Bobby said.

Lexie gave a sad smile and then threw her head back takeing a long sip from the flask. Then she turned and poured a little out on the ground.

"For Dean." she said.

"For Dean." Bobby and Sam said in stereo.

As the three left the woods and headed back to Bobby's. No one said a word. Dean Winchester was dead. Sam's older brother and hero was now in hell going threw god only knows what. Bobby's adopted son was gone and the one man that Lexie Johnson would ever love was gone and never coming back. As the three arrived back at the house only one thing was on their minds.

How were they going to pick their lives and move on with out Dean around anymore?