Patience. Patience is a virtue they say, but it definitely wasn't Bellamy's strongest suit. He strode back and forth inside his tent, waiting impatiently for the Princess and the other kids to get back to camp. After seeing the ship land, they decided who was going to leave camp to investigate that spot. Clarke made a group consisting of Octavia, Monty, Finn, three others and herself. Miller, Jasper, Raven and Bellamy stayed behind along with the rest of the kids.

Of course Bellamy protested and insisted to go with them, but Clarke stood her ground and was able to convince him - with much difficulty- to stay.

"OK, it's been more than 36 hours, Raven." He growled, as he glared at her.

"Hey, they're fine. Just relax, OK. Octavia is in good hands." Raven replied.

At that, Bellamy narrowed his eyes." How can you be so calm? Huh? They are out there! Who knows who landed? Are you sure we can trust those people? And grounders are all around this forest, targeting us one by one. Danger is lurking all around us… how are you so calm, Raven!" Bellamy spat.

Raven reacted by looking straight at him." From the outside I may look calm, but I am scared out of my mind! I am terrified for their safety, but you and I can't panic now, OK! We have to keep our heads straight and wait. We cannot go after them now, Bellamy. Have faith, will you? Have faith in them… So relax, OK."

Bellamy cleared his throat." I'm worried about them. And don't tell me to relax!"

"OK, must I be specific and tell you to have faith in … Clarke?" Raven asked, while raising an eyebrow.

"What are you getting at, Raven?" Bellamy snapped.

"I'm just saying…" she began, but got cut off by Miller. "They are back, guys!"

Bellamy immediately walked out of the tent, Raven behind him. As Bellamy reached the gate, he saw it open slowly. One by one he saw the familiar faces: his sister's and the others. But none of them looked happy though. Bellamy had expected to see more people from the Arc, but he saw only one. What the hell happened?

The last one to walk through the gate was the princess. As his eyes fell on her face, Bellamy furrowed his brows. She had an expressionless look on her face- one that he'd never seen before. He had to find out what had happened to make her react that way. So instead of speaking to the woman from the Ark, Bellamy followed Clarke, who was headed to the drop-ship.

He was just about to enter the ship, when Octavia called him." Bellamy! Bellamy! Where are you going?"

He immediately turned around to face his sister." Uhmm… sorry, O." he replied and hugged her tightly. "How did everything go?"

"Well, let me introduce you to someone." Octavia said.

Bellamy saw the blonde woman walk over and when she stood in front of him, she offered to shake his hand. As they shook hands, Bellamy observed the stranger with caution.

" Nice to meet you, Bellamy Blake. My name is Diana Sydney and I'm one of the council members. " she said with a smooth and sultry voice.

He didn't know exactly why, but as Bellamy observed the blonde woman, warning bells started ringing in his head. He sensed that something was off about her- way off. She talked nicely and even smiled, but... there was something about that woman that made Bellamy distrust her completely.


As everyone sat around Diana, she told Bellamy and the rest that she had brought some necessities like medicines, weapons, ammo. They were all happy with that news, because they needed those things desperately, now more than before. While they all gathered round her, she drank some water and ate the meat that was given to her. The kids were glad to see an adult among them and asked her a lot of questions, especially about their parents and the situation in the Ark. As Diana listened to the kids, she smiled at Bellamy and so did he, but not once did his smile reached his eyes.

At one point he wanted to know the important stuff, so Bellamy asked. "So, what exactly happened? Why are you alone? Where are the others? Where is Chancellor Jaha?"

Diana nodded and then let out a deep breath."OK, I will tell you everything. The Chancellor sent one crew consisting of 13 men and women, including me. When we landed, everything seemed fine at first glance, but that wasn't the case. As we walked out of the ship, we were attacked by a group of vicious looking men. My crew members had put up a fight, but one by one they were killed off. Some of them escaped by running into the woods, but most of them lost their lives. At one point, the only ones left were Abby Griffin and I. And then..." she said, but couldn't continue, her voice breaking.

Bellamy furrowed his brows and grabbed Diana by her upper arms." What happened? What happened to Clarke's mom? Tell me!" he insisted.

Diana shook her head, as tears ran down her face." They... they murdered her! She's dead too!"

When those words reached Bellamy's ears, his grip on Diana immediately slackened. Bellamy let go of the Councilwoman and stared towards the drop-ship. Oh, God! Clarke! As realization hit him, he walked as fast as he could towards the Princess.

As he entered the drop-ship, he saw Clarke taking care of the injured and sick kids. "Clarke?"

Bellamy watched and waited for her to turn around, but she didn't. She kept tending the patients- the three of them all asleep- and ignored him. At one point, Bellamy walked over to Clarke and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Princess?" he said, his voice soothing and soft.

"Look at me, please?" he asked.

But Clarke huffed instead, strode towards the ladder of the drop-ship and climbed it to go to the upper deck. Bellamy let out a breathy sigh and followed her, being very careful- he hadn't healed completely yet. As he stood behind Clarke, he watched her, while she stood there motionless, staring at nothing.

"Clarke? Will you please look at me?" he begged this time.

As she turned around to face him, his dark eyes fell on hers. What he saw in those blue orbs broke his heart into thousand pieces. God, it pained him to see her hurting like this. She looked beyond devastated, so pale that it scared him. There she was, the brave Princess, looking like the life had literally been sucked out of her, so fragile and broken. As their eyes locked, tears had pooled in her sad blue eyes.

Bellamy felt so powerless and at that very moment, he wished that he had the ability to take all of her agony away. What he did next, felt so natural, it even surprised him. Bellamy slowly brought his hand towards her face and as his hand landed on her cheek, Clarke's eyes fell shut. "You can let go, Princess. You can let go, now." Bellamy whispered.

As those gentle words reached her ears, Clarke broke down and finally let it go. Her whole upper body shook violently as she sobbed loudly, the sound of her cries so gut wrenching. Bellamy pulled her in a tight embrace, his eyes falling shut, as Clarke uttered the words. "Mom, I still need my mom. There was so much I still wanted to tell her. And now she's gone forever."


After a while, her sobs had stopped and yet she held onto him, like he was her lifeline. Bellamy could only wish that holding her like this was for now enough to comfort her. As Clarke opened her eyes at one point, her thoughts drifted to Bellamy. He was the one who was holding her, comforting her and it didn't even feel wrong. She was locked inside this man's warm embrace and it surprisingly felt so right. It's been a long time, since she'd felt this safe. Who would've thought that Bellamy Blake- macho Bellamy, player Bellamy- would be the one to make her feel utterly and completely safe? Who would've thought...

While her blue eyes fell shut again, she felt that Bellamy was also stroking her blonde hair in a soothing manner. At a certain point, they both slowly let each other go." I'm very sorry about your mother, Clarke. Wanna talk about it?" Bellamy asked.

At that, she roughly wiped her tears away and threw him a very deadly glare." Why? Why do you even care? You were the one who was planning to leave me... us, right? Why are you still here then?" Clarke spat, the venom in her voice evident and clear.

Ouch! Bellamy knew he deserved that, so he just ignored those words. And instead of answering her question, he avoided the topic by gently placing a hand on her upper arm." Princess, I don't know about you, but I do not trust that Diana Sydney."

She was just about to say something back, when they both heard a loud voice from the lower deck. "Clarke! Clarke, where are you? You in here?"

It was Finn.

Thank you for the reviews. :)