*This is the first in a few dares I have written about a game Rixon and Vee, Scott and Nora, Patch and Dabria play. All dares are for Patch and Nora that are written. Rixon and Patch are Fallen Angels, not human, but they are able to feel unlike in the books. Scott and Nora are currently dating in this one but... If this one gets reviews I will add more of the dares.
Vee spun the bottle and it came to a stop between Patch and Rixon. The bottom was pointing at Rixon and the top was pointing at Patch.
Rixon smiled at Vee, then looked at Patch. "I dare you to..." He thought for a minute. "...I dare you to take off Nora's bra, without taking off her top or touching her in any inappropriate ways." Rixon winked at Vee. "Scott, I hope you don't mind, I just thought he'd have it too easy with Dabria and him, you know...and Vee and him...you get it, you're secure right, man?" There was no doubt on anybody's mind that Rixon's words were a jab at Nora's boyfriend. There was no love lost between Patch and Rixon when it came to Scott. The two fallen angels had been friends since the beginning of time it seemed, Scott...well, Scott was there because Nora was dating him and that was the only reason he was there. Fallen angels and his kind didn't mix company if they didn't have to.
"It's okay." Scott smiled like he had all the confidence in the world, inside his stomach rolled with nausea. Patch was competition if there ever was any. Dabria may be his...whatever she was, she wasn't his girlfriend Scott didn't think, she was more like a fan-girl Patch used when the need arose. Like tonight, when they'd decided to get together to play a drinking game and hang out. Rixon had Vee, he had Nora, Patch needed a chick since he flew solo never dating anyone. From what Scott could see Dabria was a love-sick fool, one would think an angel would be smarter, and Patch wasn't the least bit interested in reciprocating her feelings. It was no wonder he fell from grace. Scott had an uneasy feeling about him and Nora though.
Nora looked at Patch, their eyes locked and the rest of their entourage disappeared. She got up and moved in Patch's direction, stopping just a few steps in front of him. He got up and stood behind her, placing his hands on her small shoulders. "Stay still." He whispered seductively in her ear. Nora bit her lip, feeling her heartbeat rise.
Patch moved his hand up and down her back and she felt the clasp of her bra coming undone. 'Damn, he's good...' Nora said to herself, this particular bra was more than a pain, most the time she struggled with hit. It was her last resort everything's in the wash bra. Scott had almost ripped the thing off a few days ago, he never could get it open. Maybe Patch could teach her boyfriend a thing or two...
He swept her hair to the side, slowly revealing her back. Nora's breath stopped for a few seconds at the touch of his fingers. There was a particular sensitive spot she had on the back of her neck, one that drove her wild, Patch seemed to know exactly where it was. Not even Scott had found it. Until now it had been Nora's secret.
Patch was thankful her lavender t-shirt wasn't too tight, he'd be able to move it this way. He heard her breath stop when he'd touched her. He could take off her bra in less than three seconds even with the conditions, but he decided to take advantage of the situation, especially since she was responding to his ever touch. Nora was a beautiful girl, soft brown hair that had natural vivid red highlights and curled in loose carefree style curls that framed her angelic face. She had soft gray eyes that could either melt you or turn stone cold, depending on her mood. Nora preferred not to wear makeup and honestly, Patch liked her better that way, she didn't need it. She had curvaceous lips that were just plump enough to make him want to see how they'd feel under his and her body was lean, not too skinny, but she didn't have more curves than a roller-coaster like her best friend Vee did. She had long killer legs that made Patch think of what he could make her feel if they were wrapped around his waist.
Nora felt his hand slide underneath her worn t-shirt, it slid onto her shoulder before slowly pushing down the strap of her bra. Without removing his hand from beneath her shirt, Patch moved his hand to her other shoulder, ghosting a hot trail in its wake across Nora's sensitive skin.
'God, she so soft.' Patch nearly groaned as his hand slid over to her other shoulder. Just like he had the first strap he slid it down letting his thumb softly caress the skin as it fell before removing his hand. That wasn't inappropriate, he smirked to himself.
Nora looked at Scott with an apologetic look on her face. She knew that Nephile, like fallen angels had superhuman senses. That meant he could smell her getting all wet from his enemy's touch, and he would be able to hear her heart beating like a drum in her chest as her breathing shallow out between hitches. Patch was an enigma, he was dark and mysterious from the way he dressed in dark colors, usually black, black formfitting jeans, dark color Henley that he often pushed up to his elbows allowing a view of his well-developed forearms and it was just tight enough to give your imagination plenty to work with on how defined the muscles were underneath those clothes. Not that Nora was thinking about what was under such said clothing, nothing like maybe a tattoo or a few scars, souvenir's from street fights perhaps... He wore black motorcycle boots and walked with a gate that was confident and sexy. His blacker than a starless midnight sky could smolder a girl to ash with just a glance and often had a mischievous glint that danced within them. His eyelashes were just as black and obscenely thick and long, the kind that girls dreamed of having. He had a smile that spelled trouble with a smile and a grin that was as dangerous. More often than not his mouth held a smirk or his sensual lips were tugged up in a smile at his amusement, often again at my expense. His features were decidedly Italian from his aristocratic nose, to his strong masculine jaw and tan skin that was the perfect back drop for his wavy raven black hair that looked soft enough to have my fingers itching to run through it where it hung a little longer on the back of his neck in small gentle curls and after a day at the beach would hang tousled across his forehead almost to his eyelashes. He was trouble alright and somewhere deep inside of me I had decided that not all trouble was bad and like a moth to a flame I was inexplicably drawn to him.
Patch caught her strap between his index finger and his middle one, ever so slowly he pulled it down her arm. He knew she was all worked up from his touches, his highly sensitive senses allowed him to smell it on her. He knew exactly how and where to touch to make it count the most, he knew how soft or hard to press to make her body sing for him.
Vee and Rixon were watching them, captivated by the eroticism of the scene unfolding in front of them. Vee was blushing and heated just from watching.
"Put your hands up." Patch's voice broke husky through the haze in Nora's head. She did as told and felt her bra move across her skin.
Patch placed his hands under her arms, Nora held her breath once he started letting his hands glide down her curves, she started breathing again once his hands stopped on her waist. "Now put them down." He ordered, lightly touching her arms. He caught the edge of her t-shirt and raised it just above her bellybutton. "I'm going to take it off now." Patch warned her quietly as Rixon nodded. Patch hooked one side of her bra with his fingers and pulled it painstakingly towards him...
Nora moaned under her breath as she felt her bra move over her breasts.
Scott looked away, then over at Dabria who gave him a weak smile.
"There you go." Patch handed Nora her bra.
Nora blushed when she noticed that her nipples were erect from the fabric sliding across them and were visible through the soft worn material of her shirt. She immediately crossed her arms over her chest protectively. "I'm going to...go...put this back on." She practically ran towards the bathroom.
"That was fucking hot!" Rixon commended Patch, giving him a 'good job' look of appreciation.
Nora closed the bathroom door, leaning against it trying to catch her breath. She couldn't believe she almost had a fucking orgasm just from his touch! Her body was burning everywhere. She closed her eyes, reliving those moments again...she could feel his hands on her skin as if they were there again; she could hear his whispers and the way his breath tickled her ear and made the small hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She imaged his fingers going lower and lower... oh God the miracles he could perform on her body. She moaned and bit her lip, unable to fight her release, grabbing the edge of the sink counter for support, her body shivered and convulsed as his name slid unbidden across her lips...
Out in the living room a slow smile dangerous smile spread across the mouth of the fallen angel who heard his name from down the hall. She may have come with Scott, but he planned on her leaving with him...
'That's it Nora, enough fantasizing for you, no more raging inferno or fireworks; back to your boyfriend and your mediocre sex life.' Wait, did she just call Scott mediocre? She needed to forget about these feelings...but her body was refusing to let her...