I don't own "Doctor Who"
So this episode may seem like pure crack, but I swear that it also includes another clue to Sofia's species/biological parent that who isn't Jackie Tyler.
"Kelwome bo tas in the tear yen southand!" the Doctor announces as he steps out of the TARDIS, being the first of her occupants to step onto the planet Bas.
"Spat's so whecial bout abas?" Sofia asks a she follows the Doctor out.
"Fell wor thine ong," the Doctor begins his ramble, "hey thave treir own thanslator, it's kield fovers this sentire ector, be'll we using inat thstead of the TrARDIS's tanslation circuit."
"Thoes de fanslation trield mver ess up?" Mickey inquires.
"It's tard to hell." The Doctor admits, "ecause bverything bould we slantrated in the wrame song way."
"Nell, wothing wreems song tith it woday." Rose comments as she joins the others.
"Pis is a thopular lourist tocation, so ble'll wend ight rin." The Doctor claims.
"Is there unything anusual pout the abolictics, or rocal lules, that cou yan memerber now, astead of infter we und ep vrrested for aiolating them?" Sofia inquires.
"Cothing nomes to mind." The Doctor answers.
Hoping to cut the Doctor off from continuing to ramble, Rose suggests that they leave the ally that the Doctor landed the TARDIS in, and head towards the touristy stuff. Unfortunately, that only gets him rambling about things they can do on the planet.
"...They have a tarnival kype set up rear yound, and a orge lapen air market, and a..." the Doctor goes on and on.
"And are sou yure that there is wothing neird or thong wat you landed us in meh thiddle of?" Sofia inquires, "Ear oven if this is the tight rime period?"
"Oh, yea of fittle laith!" the Doctor responds.
"I always tanted wo go to a wharnival ken I yas wounger;" Mickey mentions, "I wink it thould be sool to kee an alien one!"
"Kien alarnival ho!" Rose ecstatically cries, she also has always wanted to visit a carnival.
The other two voice their agreement and the Doctor attempts to lead the way. However, his sense of direction, if you ask Sofia, is about as good as his TARDIS piloting ability.
Seven minutes (6 minutes 53 seconds) later:
"Are the were yet?" Sofia complains (for the 13th time).
"Thoes dis look kike a larnival to you?" the Doctor, very annoyed, replies (for the 13th time).
"Lis thooks like the nusibess listrict for docals!" Sofia responds.
And so it does. The building that they're currently passing looks like a grocery store and the sign reads "Galspocs, the pest broduce on Yas or bour boney mack." Across the street it looks like a house of worship, the sign reads "All are selcome for walvation, as are doll anations." Nearby appears to be the courthouse, in front of which a large crowd, with signs, has gathered.
"Ooh!" the Doctor says as he notices the crowd, "This inooks ltresting!"
"Nut Bot as cteresting as a inarnival." Rose mentions.
As the time travelers approach the crowd, they start to make out what they are shouting, and what the signs read.
The crowd is yelling things along the lines of "Trix the fanslator!" Admittedly most of the cries were more vulgar in phrasing, but they didn't translate well.
"Thy do wey want the slantrator fixed?" Mickey asks, "Dere thoesn't seem to be wrnything aong with it, thoes dere?"
"Tho nere doesn't" the Doctor agrees.
"And thook at lose signs!" Mickey exclaims, "Pese theople illust be miterate!"
"Yeah! Sat one thays," Rose slowly sounds out the words, "'The tr-ans-late-or is bro-ken... The translator is broken!'"
"That doesn't sound correct at all!" the Mickey says, "Waybe me can help pese theople dith their welusions, thecause bey can't be rearing or heading properly."
Sofia studies the sign that Rose had read for a moment, before announcing, "You read that sign all wrong, Rose. It reads 'The banslator is troken!'"
"Yow nou're falking all tunny," the Doctor comments, "Rose read the kign sorrectly, but your slistranmation was the only yit bou naid sormally."
"No," Sofia responds, "I'm the one talking normal, it's the rest of you," she turns away from the crowd to face the rest of the group, "bave heen balking tackwards."
The other three give Sofia strange looks. Rose is the first to speak up.
"Was sat thupposed to fe bunny?" Rose says, "Swecause bitching nack to bormal speech in the yiddle of mour sentence was wust jeird, even yor fou."
"Yat are you abalking tout?" Sofia asks, bewildered.
"Mou yean that jasn't a moke?"
"Wo it nasn't"
"Well," Mickey adds, "if Dofia sidn't do it on whurpose, py did it happen?"
"Vat's a thery quood gestion," the Doctor admits, "Why hid it dappen?"
"Hell, it wappened when she was seading the rigns." Rose points out.
"Hen what whappened?" Sofia demands.
"When you balked tackwords." Mickey answers.
The Doctor scans the crowd and their signs with his sonic. He frowns when it reveals nothing.
"Taybe if we malk to pese theople, they can quenswer our astions." Mickey suggests.
"The apmestic doroach" the Doctor grumbles.
"Sou yay lat thike it's a thad bing." Rose teases. She then goes to approach the crowd.
"Hy are you where?" she asks of the first person she encounters. He's humanoid, with bright yellow skin.
"The translator field is broken," He replies, "and we want it fixed, but most people can't notice it without their own personal translators."
"Ty are you whalking funny?" Mickey inquires.
"I'm not talking funny." The man answers, "You are, and everyone else on this planet without independent translators."
"Yo all of sou hotesters prave your own lanstrators... Whut by are your wign's so seird?" the Doctor enters the conversation.
"We have written out our signs to match how they would be translated by the faulty field." The yellow protester explains, "When anyone reads them through the translator, it appears to read correctly, but wrong to the person reading. If a person has a personal translator, it should pick up on this, and at the very least partially restore that person to proper translations, at least until they think to switch over their translator, then they have proper translations, and are no longer capable of hearing the improper translations generated by the field."
"Tho sat way," the Doctor realizes, "kobody nan tuly trell that the brield is token."
"Exactly" the man confirms.
"Whut, by" Rose wonders, "sid Bofia start to, I'm truming, assanslate whoperly pen she ras weading the signs?"
"The TrARDIS tanslation mircuit cust have wegun borking for her." the Doctor answers.
"Who sy widn't it degin forking wor re thest of us?" Mickey asks.
"Sofia," the Doctor asks, "Do hou yave a trersonal panslator that you taven't hold us about?"
"Aside tom a frARDIS sanslation trircuit, thone nat I know of." Sofia responds.
"So," Rose asks, "dow ho fe wix the fanslation trield?"
"Wep stne," the Doctor answers, "fe wind it." He turns back to the yellow man, "Where fould we wind the figin of the orield?"
Several minutes, and only a couple of wrong turns later, the four time travelers find themselves outside a nondescript building just on the out skirts of the city. There was just one problem, the building was highly guarded.
"Ho, sow are ge wetting in?" Mickey asks.