A/N: Still rather unsure what the plan is with this, but here goes!

The Royal at night. The wards were now silent, submerged in darkness, with only a solitary light in the middle of the ward. There was only a small band of nurses working that night. The rest having retired back to the nurses home, due to return in the morning. The corridors were dimly lit, allowing the staff to float between wards, carrying out their tasks with ease. However, for 2 doctors, their work was far from done, despite the late hour.

It was now midnight. Everyone was settled in their beds, sleeping. The only exception was maternity, which was now a hive of activity. An emergency admission, had forced them to stay. A premature labour, which called on Jill's specialist knowledge, and Mike's role as an anaesthetist, meant they both worked long into the night, doing everything they possibly could to ensure a happy outcome.

They relished the chance to work together, as they often found themselves in different parts of the hospital for prolonged periods, only meeting when the opportunity arose. Mike was often out on house calls, or assisting Mr Rose in theatre, Jill ran casualty, out on house calls or gracing the wards. She was incredibly popular with staff and patients alike, her surgeries and clinics often full. Now, she was doing what she did best. After all, she knew how problematic premature labours can be.

She hated working overnight, each time she sought permission from Gordon, his reassurance. He often told her to get some sleep, however tonight, she knew was going to be a long one.

2am. Jill was getting tired, yet her work wasn't over yet. Instead she'd just delivered a baby, a little girl. Born too soon, she knew her priority now was the child. Mike was left the task of settling and monitoring the mother, as Jill, with help from Sister Brigid and Matron, arranged a transfer to Ashfordly General, Mike promising a nice cup of tea on their return. Much needed.

The journey to Ashfordly General seemed to take much longer than usual. It was pitch black outside, with little way of knowing where they were. She drove, ever so carefully, with Sister Brigid cradling the tiny infant, watching her every move, ensuring she was warm enough, talking to her softly. Jill felt somewhat responsible for her, wanting the transfer to be as smooth and stress free as possible for everyone. She'd done transfers before. Never something she liked very much.

They were guided in to the premature baby unit, Jill still cradling the tiny baby, handing information over to the team of doctors and nurses, now responsible for her care. The incubator was all ready for her arrival. She'd never liked the handover, particularly as the mother was still at The Royal, unaware of her child's transfer. She would join her as soon as Mike deemed her strong enough and ready for the move. The staff listened intently to Jill as she placed the tiny baby in the dimly lit incubator, they liked and respected Jill, having got to know her well over the last few years. She was always welcome, a fountain of knowledge, loving the change of scenery, if only brief. Wishing the child luck, she took one last look at her, before leaving, heading back to the Royal.

They eventually arrived back, having stayed at Ashfordly longer than expected. She'd promised to ring in a few hours to see how the baby was progressing, Sister Brigid quietly praying for her good health. She was determined to get back to her ward, having left it with Matron. They were welcomed in reception by Mike, who had made them both a much welcomed cup of tea, allowing Jill a chance to sit down and have a break, whereas Sister Brigid was keen to return to Milner once she'd finished her drink. This gave Mike and Jill a chance to unwind, before starting again later.

"So" Mike placed his mug down on the table, "How was the transfer?"

"As well as can be expected, she's all settled and they'll ring in a few hours with an update. I'm hopeful." She wrapped her hands round the mug, still warm.

"That's good. Well done today"

"Thank you. You weren't too bad either" She managed a weak smile, her eyes heavy and now ready to settle down for the night, for their day began again in a few hours time. Starting with morning surgery, then for Jill, she had house rounds, then her antenatal clinic in the afternoon. Mike, also had morning surgery, then assisting Mr Rose, which in itself demanded a professional presence.

"You look tired. Why don't you get some sleep?" Jill rubbed her eyes, before trying her hardest to stop a yawn. The time on the clock on the wall above them read 3:45am.

"You sure?"

"Yes, everyone's settled. Go on, I'll wake you if I need you"

"Ok. Thank you" She stood, and slowly walked off to her consulting room, kicking off her shoes, hanging up her coat and jacket, and tried to make herself comfortable on her couch, hoping to get some sleep. Rearranging the pillows, the cotton sheet so it was all in the right place, she finally succumbed, her eyes closing, relaxing for the first time that day...