A/N:: Bits in italics are flashbacks. Enjoy! Some old characters feature in this, about time they got an airing. References to the episode "Can't buy me love".

He hated the dark. The children were all tucked up in their beds, the rain hammering down outside, curtains blowing in the wind. The house was eerily silent now. For the first time in a long time, he was alone. The house was his tonight, allowing him plenty of time to think. Reflect on the day's events. So he sat, in silence, a glass of whisky on the table infront of him, the half empty bottle next to that. His only comfort. He glanced up at the photos on top of the fireplace, their wedding photo sitting proudly in the middle, with Jill looking lovingly at him. They were happy.

He cast his mind over the day's events. It hardly started off well. They argued. Again. Over something, he now realised, was so trivial yet it clearly meant a lot to her. He wished he could have done more. Thinking back now, he realised how he wasn't supportive enough. She was right. The truth, he had discovered, hurt.

Breakfast time. Always chaotic. Tom and Katie were to be got ready and taken to school. Jonathon needed feeding, and now an impromptu visit from Henry. He could see she was stressed. Yet all he did was glance over the newspaper and bite into a slice of toast she'd made. He tried to explain that he'd attempted to contact Henry, yet there was no answer. "When was the last time I had a morning off? Now I've got to make up the spare room, Jonathon needs reclothing in 2 hours and need to buy more food. Anyway... why is he coming in term time? Tom and Katie will be at school, what on earth is he going to do all day?" Nothing. Gordon simply said nothing constructive. Avoiding the subject altogether, much to her annoyance.

Now, he was alone. A light left on in the corner. The rest of the house was now in complete darkness. The house which now, seemed much bigger than he originally thought. A very lonely place indeed.

He was putting his coat on, leaving Jill with a mountain of jobs to do. So much for her well deserved morning off, which in itself was a rarity. She very rarely had enough time off to do anything for herself. He'd left her to it, no apologies, no offers of help, despite Jill becoming increasingly stressed. She'd even thrown a tea towel on the table in frustration "I could scream. And I could certainly scream at you Gordon Ormerod." No reaction. Just a 'sorry'. Nothing more. He'd even left his washing up for her to do. He wasn't sure how she'd be when they met at work later that day.

Henry was asleep upstairs, having retired for the night, the long drive from Bournemouth yesterday having taken it's toll. No one could have foreseen his awful news, the reason for his stay. He'd broken the news to Gordon, who was going to speak to Jill when the time was right. Jill had also had a conversation with Henry, revealing how she felt, which upset him greatly.

They sat, enjoying each others company. Jill placing her glass down on the table. Henry noticed the sadness in her eyes. She looked tired. "You may have sensed that I erm... truth is Henry, we're going through a pretty rough patch at the moment." Henry looked at her adoringly. "I'm sorry to hear that. I've always thought that you and Gordon are very well suited, and provide a loving, stable family home for my grand-children". She couldn't look at him, not realizing that he already guessed she wasn't happy. The sadness in her eyes all too apparent. "Doesn't always feel like that." Henry reassured her once more, placing his hand on her knee. "Look, if it's easier, I can find a B&B for my stay" "No, no I wouldn't dream of it. I do have to go now though. Please, make yourself at home." She stood, getting herself ready to meet Jonathon at the park.

Lots of thoughts raced through his head. Like the last time he told her he loved her. That was a while ago. Jill often said it, even cancelling a dreaded dinner with Adam to spend a, not-so-posh evening in with her husband. An evening they both enjoyed hugely. He vowed to do that more often. Now his world had been turned upside down.

He sat at the dinner table, opposite Henry. He'd loved Henry's visits, as did Tom and Katie. They were very close to their grandfather, and enjoyed spending time with him, as it often meant getting out of school for lunch, or trips to the park. Only now the mood had changed. Jill had passed on the wine and gone to bed early, which was most unusual for her. This left Henry and Gordon alone to talk. He had news. "I had an x-ray last week. I have cancer of the stomach. They tell me it's inoperable." Gordon's heart sank. He'd known Henry for a long time. He was family. "I'm so sorry Henry." Henry smiled, looking at his glass of brandy. "Don't be. I'm booked into a lovely hospice, and I'm determined to enjoy every brandy.." He raised his glass "As if it were my last." Gordon raised his glass, not knowing how to react. Henry meant a lot to him, to them all. Jill was like another daughter to him.

He wanted her home. There were things he wanted to say. Tell her Henry's devastating news. He'd resorted to clock watching. She often worked late. Seeking his permission first to do so, his approval meaning a lot to her. Things he wished he'd done. Henry's optimism and positivity was admirable, given his condition. He'd never been a person to want much fuss. The children weren't to know. That, he knew. The Royal's perilous situation, combined with Henry's illness and Jill's night at the Royal was forcing Gordon to think.

The clock on the mantelpiece struck 12. He was to be up in 6 hours, the start of another day. Same old routine. Children to take to school. Work to go to. Meetings to attend. It was time, he'd decided, to retire for the evening. For tomorrow, he had lots to do. Things to say, including those three words he hadn't said to her in a long time.