"Truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat. . .Hermione."

Hermione looked up from her book. "Oh please. I'm not in on this game." She said, giving Ron an impatient glare.

"What's a matta, 'Mione? Chicken?" Ron asked.

"No. Just busy." She replied, looking back down at her book.

"If you're in the room, you're in the game, Granger!" Draco chimed in.

"Than I'll leave." She closed her book and got up from the plush chair by the fire. Before she could make it to the oak door, Draco and Harry stopped in front of her.

"You must earn your exit." Harry said, eyebrows rising slightly.

"Fine. Truth." She said, exasperated.

"Have you ever been made into a human chocolate sundae?" Ron asked.


"Wanna be?"

"Ah. One question Malfoy, and I answered it." She said as she started to leave.

"You can't leave yet. You have to pick someone." Ginny said.

"Fine. Truth, dare, double dare, promise to repeat. . .Draco."

Draco looked her in the eye. "Double dare!!" He exclaimed, bravely.

Hermione looked at him a moment, and than got a wicked idea. "Speaking of human chocolate sundae's, Draco, make Ron into one," she couldn't keep the evil grin off her face, "and than eat it off."

Draco had a mixture of surprise at the nature of the dare, and disgust for what he had to do flit across his face. He looked at Ron for a moment, cringed, and than looked back at Hermione. "No way! Uh uh! There is no way I'm eating off that! I don't know where it's been!" Ron looked like he was going to be sick.

"Too bad, so sad!" Hermione said with a triumphant smile.

"I'll get the ingredients!" Harry said, excitedly, and quickly left in the direction of the kitchens. Hermione decided to stay. If they were going to make her participate, they sure as hell will follow through on the dare. About five minutes later, Harry returned with whipping cream, chocolate syrup, and cherries. He obviously didn't want to incur the wrath of Hermione, and was glad that she didn't include him in this dare.

Hermione watched as Draco grabbed the stuff from Harry, and turned to Ron. "Well, Weasel. Let's get this over with."

Ron removed his shirt and lay down on the floor. Just as Draco was approaching to start, Hermione stopped him. "Make sure it's not too small." She said.

Draco turned his head and glared at her. 'Boy, if looks could kill. I'd be dead, buried, dug up, and killed again' she thought, very much enjoying her bit of revenge. 'That'll teach them to bug me while I'm studying'.

Draco made the sundae on Ron's chest, not wanting to go anywhere near south. After making it, he put down the ingredients, and looked at the Gryffindor with disgust. "Don't choke now, Malfoy." Harry said.

Draco took a deep breath, and quickly ate the sweets off of Ron. When he finished, he sat up, and looked like he was about to be extremely sick.

"Well, since my work is done," Hermione noted the look of pure anger on Draco's and Ron's faces, "I'm heading back to my room. I'll take the stuff with me back to the kitchens."

She picked up the whipping cream, chocolate sauce, and cherries, and quickly made her way out of the room and to the kitchens. About half way down, a silky voice stopped her. "Out for a midnight snack, Miss Granger."

She spun around and came face to face with Professor Snape. 'Shit!' She thought. That's all she needed. What could she tell him though? The boys were already pretty mad at her; not like she didn't think they deserved it.

"Yes, sir." Is all that she could think of to say.

"10 points from Gryffindor for being out past curfew." The professor replied. "I suggest you return the items and head to your common room, Miss Granger." With that, he spun on his heel and made his way down the hall to continue his rounds.

'Well, at least he isn't as bad as he used to be.' She thought. Voldemort was finally defeated, and many of the Slytherins that she before thought were future deatheaters were actually only playing the part. Many of the students were actually very nice, even Draco (when he wasn't being an absolute git that is). Many could now relax, and times were happier.

She entered the kitchens, dropped off the ingredients, and made her way to her rooms. At least she would have some peace. That is until the morning when the boys would probably try and get her back for her dare.