Hey everyone. Remember me? I'm the one who's writing that other Jayfeather story, 'Clearing the Fog'. Yeah, yeah, I know, I should be working on that, but this is a story that I wanted to do for a long time. JayxHalf is one of my favorite pairings. So yeah... Anyways, on with the story.

I do not own Warriors.

Seeing You Again



Half Moon sat inside the cave as the howling sound of the wind blew upon the outside of their mountain home. Although the cold snow and wind froze the outside of the mountain, the cave inside remained warm, from the body heat emitted by the cats that lived in there. In every corner of the cave, cats pressed up against each other, trying to warm up their bodies and be as comfortable as possible. This act kept them all warm, and gave a sense of homeliness as they comforted each other in the cold weather. But Half Moon had none of that. Instead, she sat in one of the dark tunnels, far from the others, and watched as her tribe mates enjoyed each other's company. Although she was offered to join them, she refused every single one, not because she didn't want their company. But because she wanted the company of someone else. She wanted the company of the one she loved the most. The one who was once again was gone.

"Oh, Jay's Wing…" She said sighing. "…how I miss you so much."

It has been moons since she was appointed Stoneteller, and a moon since Jay's Wing left. Although Jay's Wing believed in her capability to lead the tribe, for her leading a tribe was more difficult than she had thought. There were now more responsibilities for her to do, and everyone now looked to her for the answer to their questions.

It was a stressful job and a tiring one too. Although she had support from some of her tribe mates, what she really needed was the advice of a cat she knew could help her in a time like this. The cat who always knew what to do and wasn't afraid to try new things. The cat who showed strength and bravery, and love and care. The cat she was in love with… The cat she promised to wait for…

"I'm still waiting…but when will you come back?" She said sadly. Her heart was filled with sorrow for her longing, but she knew that it would soon be rewarded if she continued to wait. She knew he'll never betray her. She knew that he will come back. The only question in her head was on how long it will take before he comes back.

"Stoneteller?"She heard some say. Although they were close friends, Dove's Wing still called Half Moon once in a while, just to put the tile into good use. She was so busy with her own thoughts, that she didn't notice two cats approach her. Turning her head to the side, she saw Dove's Wing and Lion's Roar standing, and giving her worried glances.

"Are you alright?" Dove's Wing said padding closer; with Lion's Roar close behind. "Were you thinking of him again?"

Sighing, Half Moon nodded her head in reply. "It's just that I miss him."

"I miss him too. I haven't seen my brother for a long time, but he'll come back." Dove's Wing said as she sat next to Half Moon. "He misses us too and his heart would tell him to return."

Half Moon smiled at what she said and nodded. Dove's Wing's words were comforting and it did help fill the empty feeling in her heart. But for some reason, her head wouldn't believe what she said. Although her heart said he would return, her thoughts said otherwise. It reminded her of the first time he disappeared and the grief and sorrow she felt. What if… What if he never returned?

"Yeah…" Lion's Roar said, sitting next to Dove's Wing. He was younger compared to the two cats, but it never fazed him to hang out with them. He liked having talks and going on hunts with them, and all three had become close friends. "…I never met Jay's Wing, but from the stories I've heard, I think he is a great cat. Like he is the cat who told as to go to our new home in the mountains, and thought us how to hunt here. When we needed him, he always helped us, so I'm sure he'll come back."

Half Moon grinned at the young cat and nodded. She remembered of the times when she was younger, not that she was that old, and the times she played, in the old territory, with Jay's Wing. The fun times they spent with each other. The happy feeling she felt when she saw him again. The soft touch of her his fur against hers. Those were the happiest times in her life, and she wished to relieve them. If not experience them again.

But her smile was soon replaced by a frown, when she remembered that he wasn't there and that it has been moons since the last times they saw him. She knew she made a promise, but she also knew that they may never see each other again.

"I just wonder where he is now. Does he feel lonely too? Is he thinking about us?" Half Moon asked, wondering where Jay's Wing was and what he was doing on his journey away from the mountains.

"Oh, he does miss you. As much as you miss him." An unfamiliar voice said from behind them.

Half Moon jumped in surprise as her fur stood up. 'Who was that?' She thought. 'I never heard that voice before. Has someone entered their mountain home without them noticing? If so, then how did they get in here?' All these thoughts swirled in her head as she, and the other two cats, turned around to face the source of the voice.

Squinting her eyes to see through the darkness, she saw who was speaking to them. Standing deep in the cave was a scrawny tom with blurred gray eyes. He had almost no fur, but had small patches of them all around him. He stood there watching them with a calm expression, but one could easily see that he was somewhat bored, as if he didn't want to be there.

"Who are you?" Half Moon questioned, positioning herself in a defensive stance and preparing to strike if needed. As far as she knew, he was an intruder, and intruders were not welcomed unless they stated their business. Dove's Wing and Lion's Roar did the same, and positioned themselves on her left and right. While the cats, which were resting in their nests, didn't seem to notice the commotion.

"My name is Rock…" The cat said. "…and before you try to kick me out, I would like to say something that might spark your interest."

"What would that be?" Half Moon asked, not wanting to play his little games.

"I could take you to Jay's Wing."

Those word alone lit a fire in her heart, as she heard something she wanted. To be able to see Jay's Wing again would mean the world to her. But why should she trust him? What if he's lying, so that he could trick them?

"How could we trust you? Jay's Wing hasn't been seen for many moons. For all we know this is a trick to fool us." Dove's Wing hissed, giving the cat angry glances. Although she too wanted to see her brother, trusting an unfamiliar cat was dangerous.

"Besides, what do you mean by take us to him?" Lion's Roar questioned. "Why can't he just come to us?"

"So many questions, always with the questions." Rock said annoyed. "If I were you, I wouldn't trust myself either. But if you want to see Jay's Wing, you would just have to trust me."

Just as he said that, as bright light filled the tunnel. It was blinding and intense, which forced the three cats to close their eyes and look away. As they did, Rock turned around and padded towards the bright light.

Half Moon, who opened her eyes and soon adapted to the brightness, saw Rock's silhouette walking toward the light.

"Hey wait! Come back!" She said before racing of towards him. The light was still blinding, but she followed the scent to catch up to him.

Dove's Wing, worrying about her friend's safety, raced close behind. She followed the scent and was soon behind Half Moon.

This left Lion's Roar standing there, as he watched the two she-cat's race off. Being left with no choice but to follow, since he was afraid that there was no time to call for help, he raced of and was soon behind them.

The three tribe cats walked through the bright light, careful to watch their step. But as they padded through the seemingly infinite void, they started to feel tired. Their eyes tried to close themselves as their body felt weak.

Half Moon tried to stay up, but her body was denying her request. She slowly went down, her legs giving up, as weariness drifted through her. The last sight she saw before falling asleep was Rock looking down at them before turning around to leave.

So what do you think? Like it, then let me know in the comments and as always, see you in the next chapter.