Author's Note: I do not own Inuyasha or anything affiliated with it. The rights to it belong solely to their respective owners.
The story so far...
Yume Soyokaze, a sixteen-year old girl living in the the state of Washington, USA, had been watching our favorite anime Inuyasha and made a wish that she could be in it. Unbeknownst to her, a shooting star was passing by the moment she said that. Later in the night she falls asleep, and when she wakes she find that she is at the Higurashi shrine itself! Despite her attempts to help Kagome she is still pulled into the Bone-Eater's Well, and Yume is pulled in along with her. In the Feudal Era they free Inuyasha from the Sacred Tree, and later Yume learns that she is also a half-demon, descended from a near extinct tribes of demons known as the Phoenix Demon tribe. With Kaede's help she is able to shed her human form and become a half-demon, her appearance also changed because of it.
Distraught over learning that this secret was kept from her Yume flees, but after speaking with Inuyasha resolves to use the Sacred Jewel to turn herself back into a human. Before she can though, the Jewel itself is shattered. Yume agrees to travel along with Inuyasha and Kagome to collect the scattered shards, and hopefully gain her wish in the process. Along the way they met Shippo, who comes to see Yume as a mother figure and calls her such, Miroku, who received a flaming kick to the nuts from Yuma after he feels her up, and Sango, who had become fast friends with Yume. As it turns out though, there is one more member of the Phoenix Tribe still alive. Tenbatsu, Yume's grandfather, still lives and joins forces with Naraku, hoping to capture Yume and use her powers, who are even greater than his, to restore the lost members of their tribe.
As Yume is the last surviving member of the Phoenix Demon Tribe, all of thew powers from the previous generations has funneled down into her, making her also a target for Naraku. She barely escapes being used in the Ascendance Ritual, a rite of passage for all Phoenix Demons that would awaken the dormant powers within her. Now she continues to travel with Inuyasha and the rest of the group, hoping to defeat Naraku. All of this and more continues on, on the sequel to Wings of the Phoenix...
Wings Spread Afar
Ch.1 Time to Relax?
After the showdown at Naraku's castle, the six of us had gone back to Kaede's village to recover our strength. Currently Sango and I were sitting inside Kaede's hut, while the others were outside and Kaede herself was out in the fields. After the incident with Kohaku I had stayed by Sango's side, acting as her emotional support. I was glad to do it, and comforted her whenever it was needed. Kirara was resting in between us, and Sango looked at her fondly. But then Kirara cringed in pain, and Sango frowned. "Kirara, are you in pain?" she asked. "It must be because of Naraku's miasma," I said. During the fight at the castle Kirara had bitten Naraku in the shoulder, and when the happened it unleashed a wave of toxins, directly hitting Kirara. "You stay with her. I'm going to see if Kaede has any herbs that could help," I said, standing.
Sango nodded and smiled, at me, saying "Thank you, Yume." I smiled back and cleaned my hands in a basin of water, also taking a moment to look at my reflection. Ever since I had become a half-demon my skin had lost a lot of its tan, but traveling on foot around the countryside had helped me start to get it back. My hair was still as bright red and fiery as ever, reaching my waist. My eyes were a glowing orange the reminded me of embers from a fire, and my nails had become claws. I was currently wearing a kimono like that of a priestess's, except the hakama pants were black instead of red, at my waist hung a pair of swords, and I had on a red shawl around my shoulder with patterns of lily flowers. The biggest change was that I now had a large pair of wings coming out of my back, the feathers a deep, luxuriant red.
I held my hand and a ball of fire instantly appeared in it, radiating heat. That was the other thing about Phoenix Demons- we had power to manipulate and control pure energy. I finished washing my hands and walked out. To my surprise Kagome, Shippo and Inuyasha were all seated outside, and Myoga was on Kagome shoulder. "Hey Yume, how's Kirara?" Inuyasha asked. I frowned and shook my head. "Not good. The poisons she took in are causing her a lot of pain," I said. "Well, then it's a good thing that I'm here!" Myoga said. "You're not sucking out Kirara's blood," Kagome said before he could start. "No, no, I wasn't even thinking about that! What I was going to say is that I've heard of an herbal antidote that could cure any type of poison!" the old flea replied. At that we all paid attention, and I said "An antidote? Are you serious?"
"Quite so. Supposedly, there is a village not far from where there is a herb farm, and one of these herbs can dissolve any poison is taken. Unfortunately, the herbs are said be guarded by a demon. You may not be able to obtain them so easily," Myoga explained. "Okay, so we can just Inuyasha fight this demon, and then we can get the herbs for Kirara," Shippo suggested. Inuyasha crossed his arms and chuckled. "Sure. Unlike Myoga, Kirara actually helps in battle! It's the least I could do," he said. "Hey!" Myoga called. Shippo added onto that, saying "Inuyasha's right. We can actually depend on Kirara." "No kidding," I said, laughing. "Oh, come on, you guys! Myoga's been a big help as well. Like that time when... um..." Kagome said, trailing. Fuming, Myoga jumped up and down. "Hey! I'll have you know that physical strength isn't all that's needed! At give me some credit here!" he yelled.
Inuyasha responded by reaching down and flicking him off of Kagome's shoulder, sending him flying into the grass in front of the hut. "Well, who should go besides Inuyasha to get the herbs?" Kagome asked. "I think you should go, Kagome. If we sent Inuyasha without you, he'd probably end up destroying the herbs fighting this demon," Shippo commented. "Why, you little...!" Inuyasha said, punching him on the head. A large lump rose, and Shippo wailed. "Mom! Inuyasha hit me!" he said, tearing up. Sighing, I walked over and placed him on my shoulder. "Well, didn't I tell you to not antagonize him?" I said. Shippo froze, remembering now. "So, are you going to do it again?" I asked. He hung his head and said "No, Mom." Inuyasha grunted in triumph and smiled, but then I added "At the same time..."
He stopped and turned, looking just in time to see me punch him on the head, creating a lump of the exact same size and spot as Shippo's. Inuyasha yelled in pain, and I finished "I'm not going to let you just punch my son, even if you're my friend, Inuyasha." He glared at me and crossed his arms, but I put Shippo down and leaned n to whisper to him. "So can you at least hit a little more softly?" I asked. He looked at me, before shrugging. "I guess..." he said. I nodded thankfully, and just then Miroku reappeared. We explained the situation to him, and once Inuyasha and Kagome left the rest of us walked back inside the hut. I told the same thing to her, and afterwards she nodded. "I see. So Inuyasha and Kagome went go get this herb for Kirara?" she asked. "Yes, and I was left here to make sure you are well cared for. So out you mind at ease and relax," Miroku told her.
Instead of relax she pulled the covers tighter around her. "It might be even more dangerous here," she stated. I laughed, and sat down next to her. "Don't you worry, Sango. I'll be here to make sure the monk doesn't try anything," I said. "I'll be here, too!" Shippo called. "And don't forget about me!" Myoga added. Miroku looked at all of us, and sighed in disappointment. Soon after he left, claiming to go help Kaede in the fields. I waited for a full minute before he was gone, before standing. "I'm going to take a bath before the monk gets back. You want to join?" I asked. Sango nodded and Shippo said "I'll take care of Kirara!" I smiled and we left, heading for the same spring that Kagome had bathed in before when Inuyasha had spied on her. Once there I looked around cautiously, before taking off my kimono.
After a few seconds Sango did the same, and we both got in. I sighed and reached for my clothes, grabbing a bar of soap Kagome had brought back from the present. As I started to use it Sango watched, confused. "Yume, what is that you're using?" she asked. I stopped in surprise, before remembering. That's right- while they used herbs and sometimes rice bran as exfoliates, the Japanese didn't use actual soap until the 19th century. "Well, it's a... cleansing agent... that comes from Kagome's time. You just have to get the bar wet and them rub it on your body, and the subs will clean you," I explained, rubbing the soap on my arms as an example. Once I was done I let her try, and after a moment's hesitance she did. As she used the soap Sango blinked in surprise. "It smells like... cheery blossoms," she remarked.
I chuckled. "Yeah. Soaps can be purchased scented or without scents, depending on which you prefer," I told her, while also reaching again for my clothes. I had also taken a bottle of shampoo from Kagome's bag, and flipped the cap off. I could see Sango look at it as well, and before she could ask I explained "This a bottle of stuff called shampoo. It's work like soap, except for your hair." To prove my point I squeezed some out until it feel on my hand, and I handed the battle to her. While the soap smiled like cheery blossoms the shampoo was strawberry-scented, and Sango cautiously applied it, following my lead. After a while she began smiling, and declared "I like this stuff." I smiled began and dunked my head underneath the water, getting rid of the suds. When I resurfaced I froze, sensing something near the treeline.
Sango saw me freeze and frowned, asking "What?" I didn't say anything, and instead conjured a fireball and threw it at the spot where I senses that presence. The fireball exploded and burnt away the bushes it had touched, revealing a crouched Miroku behind where it had been. He went stiff, having been caught in the act. Slowly I began shaking with rage, and beside me Sango glared at him. She grabbed a towel and wrapped it around herself, not even remembering the fact that her hair was still full of suds. "Miroku..."she began. Miroku shouted and stood, beginning to run. But then I also grabbed a total and jumped into the air, spreading my wings and flying. I flew past Miroku and landed in front of him, causing him to stop. But when he turned around Sango was there as well, holding her Hiraikotsu.
Miroku paled, seeing that he was trapped between the two of us. "Let's show this monk just how much that little view is going to cost him, hm?" Sango suggested. I smirked, saying "With pleasure."
A while later Sango and I had finished bathing and we redressed, while Miroku was left a bloody, battered and black-eyed husk in the middle of the forest. We made it back to Kaede's hut and found that Kaede herself was there. "Sango, Yume, would ye know where Miroku has gone?" she asked, making tea. I chuckled and said "Well, let's just say he won't be peeking on us anytime soon." Sango chuckled as well and Kaede actually joined, sipping her tea. She handed us each a bowl of tea as well, and we accepted it gracefully. Kirara was still resting and Shippo was licking on a sucker, having kept his word to look after her. For that I gave him another to have once he was done with that one, and he beamed at me. For a while there we just sat and talked or drank our tea, enjoying the chance at relaxation.
We told Kaede of everything that had occurred since our last visit, including the events that occurred at Naraku's castle. When we finished she was silent for a while, taking it all in. "I see. So ye were unable to free Kohaku from Naraku's grasp?" she asked. Sango nodded, saddened. "Yes, but we will in time," she said resolutely. "Agreed. It is still shocking though, to think that ye, Yume, possess all the power of every Phoenix Demon that came before ye," Kaede remarked. "Yeah. To tell you the truth, I was pretty shocked myself," I said. "Still, that explains why Naraku and Tenbatsu have both been so anxious to capture ye. Having all that power at their command... The idea is mortifying," she replied. We both nodded, and sat there in silence. But the Kaede smiled, and said "Well, there's no reason to let such thoughts ruin a fine day like this one, correct?"
We smiled and nodded, but that very moment was when we heard a massive explosion. "What the-?!" Shippo said, looking around. Instantly Sango and I stood, weapons at the ready. We ran outside and saw a trail of smoke rising from within the forest. "What on earth could have happened?" Kaede asked. "I'm not sure. Yume, let's go check it out," Sango said. I nodded. "Yeah. Shippo, you wait here with Kaede," I said. He nodded and Myoga looked around, saying "I'll, us, stay here as well. To keep an eye on Kirara," he said. I grunted, grabbing him and saying "Nice try, flea." We both began running, and took him with us. The villagers were noticeably panicked, thinking that it was a demon attacking. We entered the forest and kept running, passing by the Bone-Eater's well and the Sacred Tree.
Halfway there Miroku met up with us, still bearing a black-eye and some cuts, but otherwise fine. "Sango! Yume! Did you hear that?" he asked. We nodded and kept going, Miroku with us. We reached the spot where the explosion took place, looking around. It looked like I had been just a regular clearing the forest, but now the entire clearing was scorched to to ashes, trails of smoke rising from it. "What do you think did this?" Miroku asked. "Well, it wasn't explosives. They don't leave this much stuff behind," Sango said. She was right- although the field itself was scorched none of the trees were affected. Then I saw something strange, and looked closer into the smoke. With a mental command I generated a small gust of breeze and cleared it, and gasped. "Oh no!" I said, running forward.
Sango and Miroku looked where I was running and gasped as well- there was a pair of people lying on the ground, unconscious. Miroku looked and also saw that a short distance away was the corpse of a demon, which was also charred and blackened. "Do you think they could have done this?" he asked. "Maybe," I said, rolling them over and onto their backs. They were a boy and girl, both of them around the same age. What caused my eyes to widen though, was their clothing. "Hey, these outfits are like the ones Kagome wears, right?" Sango asked, and I nodded. Miroku took a closer look at them, and said "Their facial features are similar. They could be siblings." In response I reached into the boy's pocket, and found nothing. "Yume? What are you doing?" Sango asked. "If they are from Kagome's time, they'll have some form of identification on them. People in there keep it on them for legal purposes," I explained.
They nodded, and I found the girl's wallet in her chest pocket while the boy's was in his back pocket. I took out both wallets and opened them, reading their names. "You're right, Miroku; they are related," I said, reading their names. "Michiru and Kaname... Kururugi?" I read aloud.
And there is the first chapter of Wings Spread Afar! Hope you enjoyed it, and know that there will be more soon to come!
Please review! If you flame me Liam Neeson will look for you, he will find you, and he will kill you. (I'm just kidding... or am I?)