A/N: Hello, people!
I don't own Inuyasha or the Hobbit.
I have no beta.
Bilbo Baggins sat on the flat, grey rock as the Dwarves deliberated on what to do. They needed to get to Laketown and had no boat. And then they found a boat, but it was much too far away for any of them to reach. Not even with a rope and a hook that Dwalin pulled from seemingly nowhere. So they all stood around, wondering very loudly how they get to it.
And then Bard appeared from the brush, carrying a small satchel and he easily roped the boat - fisherman ship, he had told them - and climbed aboard. He was tall, like most men were and had long dark hair pulled up halfway. His beard and mustache were well managed. He seemed a bit ragged but nothing compared to the Dwarves.
Balin elected himself to talk to the man. It was for the best anyhow. Thorin was rough around the edges and didn't really respect others who weren't Dwarves. It took Bilbo forever to gain his trust and he most certainly didn't like Gandalf all too much. But that was probably because the old wizard was shifty and sly.
Balin was smooth in presentation. Bard took it in stride and was civil in return. Help was asked for, but Bard was very particular it seemed. Bilbo couldn't blame him. He admitted to having children and as a lonesome father with two young daughters and one young son, he needed to provide for his small family. He needed some form of payment, which was understandable.
Balin looked the group over, suggesting payment, but many of the Dwarves shook their heads to the mention of funds. And then Bilbo remembered!
He held up his hand and called out to Bard, "Wait!"
He pulled his bag that Kagome had given him, off his shoulders and rummaged through it. There was a small pouch made of chainmail and was held closed with a strip of leather. He untied it and counted out twenty-five gold pieces.
"Is this enough for your aid?"
Bard carefully counted out the coins and looked at Bilbo with a calculating eye. "If you have five more, I'll provide you a place to stay while staying in Laketown."
Bilbo handed over five more and closed the small purse. Once everything was situation. Bad nodded to him and gestured for the Dwarves to get on the ship.
The Dwarves looked at the Hobbit in shock. "Where did you get gold, laddie?" Balin asked.
"Kagome," he said simply.
"Not even physically here and she's still helping us," Ori smiled.
"Aye," Dwalin nodded. "She's a good lass, Bilbo. Don't let her get away."
Bilbo was reduced to a stuttering mess.
Old, cold, and rickety. At least, that was what the little Hobbit thought. Laketown was a miserable place and so far from the Shire, he didn't even know where to begin the comparisons.
Wet, fishy smelling, and dark. There was no sunlight, just a constant fog that rested over the tops of the wooden homes. Wood that sat upon a lake of water. He could only wonder how they managed to stay upright. Wouldn't the wood become warped because of it?
Bard had the Dwarves hiding in barrels of fish. Bilbo was small enough to fit in a bag. It was embarrassing and he would have preferred the fishy barrels.
There was much talking and apparently the Dwarves were nearly discovered by one of the Master's servants. But Bard was smart and swindled his way through anyhow.
Thorin was silent as the others spoke later on. Bilbo passed out the rest of the food in the pack Kagome had given him. Enough to feed the entire company, though a lot of them still weren't too fond of 'green food'. Elves did not eat much meat, so the Dwarves were stuck with vegetables, fruits, breads, and beans. It wasn't too bad though and Elven bread was delicious when dipped in honey.
The children hadn't stopped pestering them with questions. Fili, Kili, and Bilbo ended up entertaining them for he time being. They liked hearing about the fighting and the Elves. The daughters wanted to be like Kagome by the time Bilbo was done telling them about her. Fili and Kili sat in the background, making kissing noises and generally being too rowdy for their own good.
They wouldn't stop teasing him about her!
Yes, her found himself enamored with her, but Kagome was very mature. She also seemed to think that it was her duty to protect him with everything he had. She would most likely never see him as that sort of companion. And while it was saddening, he was sort of glad, because he didn't have the courage to ask for the right to court her. Kagome was a very terrifying person when she put her mind to it and she made him feel a bit intimidated when standing beside her magnificence. Yes, Bilbo Baggins would admit to being afraid of a woman. There was nothing wrong with such a thing, she was very fear and awe inspiring. In fact, he'd like to think of himself as being extremely intelligent for admitting that he was scared of her.
Bilbo was cut off from his thoughts when a loud screeching me this little pointed ears. He turned around to see Dwalin lifting his ax and bringing it swiftly down upon an orc's disfigured head. How did an orc get inside the house?
The other Dwarves brandished their weapons as another orc dropped into the room from the hole in the ceiling. Ori pulled the children behind him, blocking them from the view of the enemies that invaded the small home.
A figure, much larger than the orcs, burst in through the door and shot an arrow in the orc's direction, piercing its eye. The figure spun in place and shot another arrow. All Bilbo could see was red hair that trailed down green fabric.
An Elf.
She turned back to them and nodded. "An orc pack attempted to overtake our home, but we defeated the main force. The remaining adversaries fled and my prince chose to pursue them. There are but a few left. Namárië."
Bilbo nodded in return, "Len hannon."
She smiled briefly and ran out the door.
"What was that?" Fili asked, looking to the Hobbit in confusion.
"She bade us farewell and I thanked her."
The Dwarves sent him looks of confusion and others that suggested that they thought he had lost all sanity he had. But no one questioned any further, for which he was eternally grateful. Kagome's influence seemed to still be at work, even though she wasn't around.
Kagome looked up into bright golden eyes, surrounded by a red scales that bled into a large form. Said eyes were narrowed upon her as she sat on - what she quickly realized - was a snout.
"Well little, thief? Have you anything to say?"
Kagome quirked an unimpressed brow at the giant winged lizard. This was Smaug, the dragon that had destroyed the city of Dale and overtook the Dwarves. Who razed the homes with fire and stole the mountain for his own all those years ago. This was the main point in her journey.
"I am not a thief," she responded with finality, feeling a small amount of worry come to life in her stomach. Fear. She hadn't anticipated him to be this large, but glances to the left and right showed how high off the gold she was and how long his body was as well. "And you have no business to accuse me of stealing something that isn't mine, when you are the one who barged into this place and severely damaged the city of Dale, all over some gold," she spat the word as if it was a curse. "You are the true thief here and I suggest you keep your comments to yourself, lest you sound like a hypocrite."
To make due on her words, she filled her palms with reiki and gave the fire-drake a large shock on the snout.
He hissed, eyes narrowing even more. "You would dare challenge me? A mere mortal such as yourself holds nothing against me. Even your imitation of sorcery with hold nothing on my great power. I am Smaug the Terrible and I do not take orders, least of all from a mortal female."
He stood straighter, head rising even more.
"My teeth are swords! My claws are spears! My wings are a hurricane! My armor is iron! You are no match for my greatness!"
The miko refused to allow herself to be intimidated even further by the great creature. She glared right back at him and pulled her pack from her back. A small rifling through it, revealed the Kotodama.
"I will bind you to myself. My life and my word, oh Smaug the Terrible."
His golden eyes widened instantly.
"Your life will be measured in length as my own. Should I actually be killed, you will be free only until old age will catch up with you."
She wrapped the beads around her fingers, filling them with the pink powers she held deep inside.
"Baindo shimasu. Teishutsu shite kudasai. Sabu. Inomama ni ayatsuru."
The gemstones all glowed individually, before exploding away from her, shooting about the room in an array of lights reminiscent of shooting stars. They converged above their heads, before spreading apart once more and raining down on Smaug's form.
There was a mighty roar of anger from the dragon and he thrashed about violently, slamming himself against the wall of the cave. Rock feel from the ceilings and gold was scattered every which way.
Kagome went toppling off his snout and managed to erect a barrier before crashing into the gold.
She looked up, smiling as her beads worked as they were supposed to. They were attached to Smaug's extremely long neck, each growing in size in order to properly accommodate the massive space. Finally, they all connected and glowed a bright pink, before the power flooding the room disappeared and the light dissipated.
Smaug was left shaking his head repeatedly, his claws trying to grab at the beads. They did not move. Much like the ones Inuyasha had worn didn't move for him. They simply glowed with power and remained, no matter how much of a struggle was put up.
Smaug turned burning eyes upon her and growled in anger. His belly glowed a bright orange and his mouth parted, displaying the flames traveling up his throat.
Kagome stood from the gold, knowing full well that she was safe. "Freeze."
The fire immediately stopped and Smaug's body was frozen in place, the only moving body parts were his eyes.
She smiled grimly at her victory over the enormous creature and motioned to the gold. "Sit."
Smaug's enormous body obeyed the command instantly, seating itself upon the vast hoard of treasures. Smag looked put out at being so easily controlled.
"Silence," she intoned before he could attempt to speak.
His jaw snapped shut.
"There is a Company of Dwarves on their way here to kill you. I do not want them to kill you and I do not want you to kill anyone else. This is your punishment until I deem you forgiven. A year for every life you took when you attacked Erebor and all those dwelling within."
The dragon glared at her, but she would not be moved.
"I understand that it is in your nature, but you brought this on yourself and I feel not pity for you. The bright side is, the Dark Lord Sauron has been banished to Mordor and can no longer attempt to gain control over you. Another good piece of news is that I am the only person to have control over you. Meaning the Dwarves hold no power and Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror, will not be allowed to order you about nor kill you."
Smaug was still silent and Kagome felt that it was just fine. She had more to say after all.
"I am Kagome Higurashi Taisho, a Pure One. I am also immortal and will live a very long time. I promise not to be too demanding when it comes to watching over you, but I will not have you being a danger to anyone that hasn't done either you, I, or my friends and family, any harm."
Bilbo shook his head repeatedly, wondering if maybe the Dwarves were insane. Looking back at the group, he determined that indeed, they were insane.
Who messes around like that when sitting in a small boat that could capsize at any moment? He rolled his eyes in annoyance. Dwarves had no sense of self-preservation.
Looking ahead, he could see Thorin staring at the mountain in the distance. His eyes were far away though. He was lost in a time that had passed.
It was dark by the time they reached the other side of the lake. And it was dawn by the time they reached the first peak. Before them, several miles at least, but still not too far away, was the city of Dale.
Thorin gazed through old eyes. "The city was once thriving. Full or merchants and vendors eagerly willing to sell their wares. There was a woman, who was particularly skilled at creating purple robes and draperies. She would bleed the color from various plants and shells along a river several miles away. She provided my grandfather with his cloaks."
Bilbo looked down over the dilapidated city and frowned. "Is purple really that big of a deal?"
Thorin looked down and nodded. "Yes. Purples and deep blues are used in Middle Earth to signify royalty or those of significant wealth and status."
Bilbo though back to the various purple garments and decorations he had at home. They hadn't seemed so special in his eyes. A few waistcoats, coats, and cloaks, that was all. They weren't all that important, were they?
Then again, the Baggins family was the largest and most wealthy of the Hobbit clans. And he being the Head of said family, made him high on the list of 'nobility'. He was almost as powerful as the Thain in terms of status alone. Wealth aside, Bilbo had the ability to be Thain. He was part Took and Heir Apparent to the position, seeing as it only stayed within the Took line and he was the second eldest in the family. He didn't care for it though. It didn't interest him all that much and he really didn't want to deal with the paperwork.
Paperwork, the destruction of kings.
"Durin's Day will be upon us soon," Balin commented as they walked.
Thorin nodded, "We cannot afford to sleep yet. We have two days to reach the mountain and every minute we remain still is time wasted."
Bilbo was bombarded by Fili and Kili, who began a slew of questions.
"I've only just noticed that you don't wear boots. Aren't your feet hurting?" Kili asked, looked at the Hobbit's rather large feet.
"Hobbit feet are thicker than leather. It is very tough to break the skin. We do not feel the cold or the warmth and can walk on pretty much anything."
Bilbo then caught many of the other Dwarves staring at his feet in wonder. He didn't think that they were all that amazing. He'd been wearing them his whole life, but perhaps the concept of being tougher than leather was a big deal to them.
They walked well into the next day. Bilbo no longer lagged behind the group, thanks to all the walking they'd done and the training that Kagome had put him through. If he kept practising, would she be impressed?
The Hobbit sighed, realizing that he never before cared what others thought of him. Obviously, Kagome was in a class of her own. And there he was, pondering whether or not he'd be able to garner her attentions when she was so much better than him at everything.
Was he being a fool?
"You are full grown, for a dragon?"
Smaug, whom had finally accepted the situation for what it was, was sitting down on the gold. He looked down at Kagome, who was juggling cups. She was sort of bored.
"Yes," the dragon responded tersely
"Do you have a human form?"
She stopped juggling and allowed the objects to fall to the golden river. She waved a hand to the fire-drake and said, "Assume it, please."
Smaug's form glowed red, before getting smaller and smaller. The shape of a seemingly tall male was left behind. He had dark curly hair that put Bilbo's curls to shame and bright golden eyes. Kagome would have expected red hair, not black.
His face was full of angles and he had rather high and sharp cheekbones. Seriously, why was it necessary for the universe to make all the bad guys extremely attractive? Smaug's human form was rather sexy, she'd have to admit it. Cupid's bow lips, those eyes and cheekbones, it just wasn't fair. It really wasn't fair. Around his elegant looking neck was the Kotodama, shining as it shifted with his change.
She felt a really juvenile urge to say 'I hate you' but refrained. Hating someone because they were more attractive than you was ridiculous and petty and she did not want to be petty.
"You know," she began casually. "If I wasn't romantically interested in someone at the moment, I would definitely proposition you."
There was no need for embarrassment. She didn't care and it wasn't like it was a big deal anyway. Smaug's human eyes did widen considerably at her statement.
"Have women become so brazen?"
Oh fuck it all he had an alluring voice too! Kami help her, she was going to combust!
"No. But I am not like normal females of any race. I was born of men, became immortal and lived with demons for several years before taking this journey. Demon females are very forward in their desires and do not bother holding back for fear of other females usurping their authority and attempting to steal their desired male. I have adapted many hobbies and traditions from demons. Such as marking beings that I hold claim over and making them a part of my House."
Smaug approached her slowly. Even his gait was graceful. Fuck the world and all the good looking bastards that inhabited it.
"You live with demons? Mindless creatures with no more intelligence than an orc?"
She stuck out her tongue. "My people have a different language they speak. Translated into the Common Tongue, the best word would be 'demon'. And yes I lived with them. My elder brother is a pureblood and he is the lord of all demons. And he blood adopted me into the House. Said adoption made me immortal."
"So my master is of royalty, how wonderful."
Smaug was frowning. Sneering more like. He did not look pleased.
Kagome shrugged, "Sorry to do this to you, but it'll get better. I'm basically going to make sure you don't steal anything bad again or kill anyone that isn't bad. That's it. I cannot trust you this moment of course due to your roiling emotions, but eventually your 'leash' will be lengthened."
She leaned down a picked up a stone. It was bigger than her palms. Clear as crystal but glowing with an inner light. There was a pull coming from it. An odd sort of sensation.
"What's up with this stone?"
"It is the Arkenstone."
"It is poisoned," she clarified.
Smaug's sinful lips pulled upward in a dirty smirk. "It poisoned Thror's mind and drove him into greedy insanity. Your leader will suffer the same fate."
"I only have one leader, and my brother is not here at the moment."
She stared at the fancy rock and sighed. She couldn't let Thorin get his hands on it, if it was so valuable. It would be the end of him. It would destroy him.
"Not if I have anything to say about it," she mumbled to herself, jumping off the piece of stone she'd been sitting on. The miko proceeded to search through the gold and jewels for another stone, Possibly similar in appearance and size and cut.
"What are you doing?" the dragon asked, sounding bored.
"I will create a replica stone and allow you to keep the original," she surmised.
Golden eyes sharpened instantly and Smaug huffed as he sat in the gold, "Perhaps this won't be so terrible after all."
Bilbo stared up the the large rock shaped like a Dwarven king. They had a day to climb that thing. A day. Thank the goodness that there were stairs up the most of it.
The Dwarves set off, intending on getting up there as soon as possible.
Bilbo's progress was stopped when the sound of galloping hooves caught his attention. He turned and burst into a large grin. Gandalf.
Said wizard smiled down at him and held out a hand, pulling the Hobbit up onto the horse with him as they rode toward the Dwarves.
"It's wonderful to see you, Gandalf!"
"The feeling is mutual, Bilbo Baggins. Where is young Kagome? I notice that she is not a part of the group."
Bilbo frowned, but did not tell him everything completely. "She said she'd catch up with us eventually."
The wizard hummed, but did not make any further comments. Bilbo just smiled, glad that one stray member of the Company had returned.
Kagome was very careful around Smaug. She slept inside a barrier and poked fun at him when she awoke later on. He apparently tried to get past it and burned his hands in the attempt.
"Here's your fancy stone," Kagome said, tossing the jewel to him.
"Why would you give me this?"
"Well, there will be a war in the near future and the Dwarves would do well to be a part of it and if Thorin is insane and then passes it on to his descendants or to his nephews, the stone might bring death upon them and I don't want that."
"How are you so certain a war is coming?"
"I partook in the purification of Dol Guldur and the driving of Sauron from the fortress. He is now in Mordor. On the other hand, the One Ring has been found and it is only a matter of time before Sauron sends his Nazgul after it."
The dragon stared at her for several long moments.
"You are strange."
Bilbo wrinkled his nose as he tried gathering the courage that he did not have. He contemplated using the ring, but perhaps that was too easy.
No, he could be quiet when it was absolutely needed.
The Hobbit walked slowly, taking in the appearance of the walls. Rocky and cold to the touch. He was underground, it was obvious why they were cold. The steps were very uneven and he'd even go so far as to say dangerous.
His heart was pounding in his ears, his stomach dropped in fear. There was quite possibly a dragon down there and Kagome was nowhere to be seen. He wished she was there with him. Kagome brought him courage, much like the ring did, without it feeling addicting.
One foot after the other as he tried to regulate his breathing.
The Hobbit slowly stepped into the open light and his jaw dropped. It was everywhere! Gold. Like a large river of it. And it seemed to glow with its own light, reflecting off the cavern it resided in.
Bilbo's wonder and amazement was quickly replaced with exasperation. Thorin wanted him to find a stone, in the middle of all this?! And what sort of description was 'you'll know it when you see it'? All the gems and gold looked pretty important to him. None of them looked better than the one that came before or after. It was just a river of riches to the Hobbit. Couldn't Thorin just be happy to know that it was somewhere in there?
Balin was very calm about him finding the stone, but Bilbo knew that the old Dwarf was worried. Gandalf had even wished Bilbo luck while looking ill. Like he too was worried.
Bilbo had forged on ahead, despite the fear raging low in his belly. He'd do what he signed the contract for. That and nothing else. Once Thorin had his special stone - whatever it was called - then Bilbo's part would be finished. All in good time though. All within time.
Bilbo took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. Another wrinkle of the nose just for good measure, and he slowly began to make his way down the better formed stairs of the Great Hall that was filled with a golden river. Better to start his search early, for the entire room would take days and then there was also the dragon to watch out for.
This all would have been so much better if Kagome was around.
He silently hoped that she'd come back soon, because he didn't like being alone. She'd have been right there with him. In the very heart of the mountain searching for the special stone that Thorin wanted.
And yet he was alone.
Kagome's meditation was broken by Smaug tapping in her barrier with a clawed finger. She peeked at him and quirked a brow in question.
"The mountain is filled with the stench of Dwarves and two other scents that I do not recognize."
He was sneering slightly.
Kagome jumped up excitedly at the prospect of seeing Bilbo again.
"Something smaller than a Dwarf is digging through the gold," Smaug added, pointing to the other side of the cavern.
Kagome dropped the barrier and looked over, spotting a tiny form. The room was large, so she couldn't see many details from her distance, but she realized who owned that mop of brown/blonde curls. It was Bilbo.
Forming a small pink board beneath her feet, she hopped on the rigid form and floated it across the gold while yelling out, "BILBO!"
The Hobbit looked up in shock and gaped at the sight of her sailing through the air toward him. He didn't have a chance to react, because she sped up enough to overtake the large distance easily. And then she slammed into him, taking both of them to the gold.
Kagome had wrapped both of her arms around his shoulders as they landed on their sides. Both hissed at the slight pain of random cups and jewels poking into their bodies from where they landed.
"Kagome?" he asked breathlessly, looking bewildered.
The miko shifted and sat up in the gold. She was grinning even as she help him to his feet. "I told you I'd meet up with you again!"
He straightened himself out, fixing the coat he'd gotten from Laketown.
Kagome's grin froze in place and she looked the Hobbit over very meticulously. From curly head to hairy feet, she slowly frowned as something dawned on her now that she had a chance to notice it.
"You grew."
The statement made Bilbo's head tilt slightly.
"You grew!" she repeated accusingly. Her mouth parted in slight horror and she grasped his shoulders, pushing down on them until the Hobbit was eye level with her chest. She ignored his embarrassed sputtering as she attempted to measure the distance from the top of her breasts to her mouth. About six inches most likely.
"You grew six inches!"
She released her tight grip on his shoulders and began pacing. As well as one could do when standing on a river of gold.
"Why do you get to grow? I want to grow too!"
She hated being so short.
Bilbo's shoulders were hunched as he gave her the most confused look he could manage.
"You didn't notice?" she asked.
"Did you eat anything strange? Did Gandalf perform an magic around you? Were you hit anything?"
Poor Bilbo wasn't expecting the questions to come at him rapid fire and he understood absolutely nothing she said, making the miko sigh. "Okay, have you been feeling odd as of late?"
He made to shake his head, but then paused. "Um… the mark throbbed a few times."
Kagome's head snapped to look at him. "Were you in pain by any chance?"
"No. It was just like it had a heartbeat of its own," the Hobbit shrugged.
Kagome began grabbing at his clothing and he flushed. "Wha-"
""I need to see your mark!" she said hurriedly, ignoring the presence of Smaug who dropped down not too far away from them.
"Who is th-"
"Not important right now," the miko interrupted.
Once she finally saw the patch of skin covered in the purple crescent, she gaped. She looked around worriedly and caught Smaug's interested gaze. He was confused, much like Bilbo.
She backed away from the warped crescent. It was no longer normal. No longer a protection for Bilbo. It was more.
She paced away and chewed on her bottom lip as she tried to think of what to say. How to explain the incident without Bilbo becoming scared or angry. She couldn't think of anything and sighed in reluctance.
"Bilbo, I will first explain that your life is in no way, in danger."
"Then why are you so worried?"
Ah, her brilliant little Hobbit noticed everything.
"Well, I'll be forthright in saying that this sort of thing has a one in a million chance of happening. And happened it has. It is not necessarily bad though."
"Kagome, just tell me what is wrong. I won't be cross."
She turned to him stiffly and said, "Bilbo Baggins, I gave you the mark of my House. The House of the Moon is old and prestigious. Putting a mark of companionship on you would ensure your safety if someone attempted to deal you a fatal blow. It also marked you as being under my power and protection. However, the dynamic of the mark has decided to change itself in essence."
"'Change' how?"
"The mark has decided that we aren't meant to be more than friends. Apparently, we are soul-mates."
Bilbo's eyes bulged and she forged on ahead.
"Yes! And the mark morphed into that of a mating mark, tying you to me in every way. You will remain as you are until the day I am finally killed. Once that happens, your aging will continue until you either pass from old age or from being killed."
Bilbo stared at her in silence. Smaug was sitting back, watching in interest. Kagome was frowning at the gold.
"I didn't know that this would happen, Bilbo. I didn't mean to take your decision from you," Kagome murmured. She hated it when people took hers from her, and now she had done it to her friend.
"Kagome," he said softly, stumbling across the gold to reach her. "It isn't so bad, is it? And what does it have to do with the growing six inches?"
She groaned, "Everything. A mating mark is meant to change you to better physically appeal to your mate. You grew six inches and are much closer to my height now. Tell me, have I seemingly changed at all?" She spread her arms wide.
Bilbo looked away, suddenly flushed.
"Not to be crude, but your waist is smaller, yet your hips and your… um…"
"Just say it, it's okay," she assured him.
"Your breasts and hips and much larger while your waist is smaller!" he blurted out.
The miko looked down and thought about it. "That would explain why my bra was too tight," she mumbled offhandedly.
Smaug let out a laugh and Kagome glared at him in annoyance. "This isn't humorous! I've taken someone's major life decision from them and got us mated!"
"Kagome! Kagome!"
She whipped around to look at the much taller Hobbit.
"I'm not angry, Kagome. In fact, this seems to make things a bit easier, because I was trying to work up the courage to ask for the permission to court you."
The miko stared for a moment and blinked a while twice. "Seriously?"
He nodded slowly, looking worried.
"Dear Kami, yes!" she yelled. tackling him to the gold for a second time. "I've been crushing on you for like a month! This is great!" She pulled to get a good look at him. "Are you sure you aren't angry with me?"
The blushing Hobbit was nodding quickly. "I'm fine. Now, who is he?"
Kagome and Smaug both hear the tone of voice the Hobbit used and while Smaug smirked at the challenger, Kagome smiled at how much Bilbo cared.
"You don't recognize his necklace?" she teased, grinning still.
Bilbo looked closer and his mouth dropped open. "I thought he was a dragon!"
"A dragon in human form," the miko corrected.
The Hobbit glanced back and forth between them, trying to assemble his thoughts into one coherent sentence.
"Have you been here, all month?"
"A month?! I was gone two days!"
Bilbo shook his head. "No, it was about a month. We stayed in Laketown about a fortnight and the rest of the journey was split between a week before and a week after."
Kagome was nodding as she thought back to what the future her had said. One week equaled three and a half months. So about one month was accurate. Well damn.
"Well, I've only been here about a night. This is Smaug, he's a big sourpuss over the whole 'being collared' thing."
Kagome then reached into her pocket and pulled out the fake stone she had made. "You're to give this to Thorin."
Bilbo took it in and gaped. It was a glowing stone. 'You'll know it when you see it', was right after all! "This is what Thorin wanted me to get. Thanks! I really didn't fancy the thought of rummaging through the gold to find it."
Kagome smiled brightly and he flushed, looking away.
Kagome straightened suddenly and held out her hand. "Ring, please?"
Bilbo frowned, but slowly reached into his pocket and pulled the golden piece of jewelry out. He then placed it in her palm, though he looked terrified the entire time.
She smiled and placed the other hand over it. With a concentrated air, she placed a layered barrier directly over the ring, making sure that it was strong. She didn't want it to take Bilbo over it he decided to put it on again. Once she was pleased with her work, she handed it to him. "Here you go."
He snatched it up and placed it back in his pocket, flushing while he did it. "Sorry, Kagome."
She pinched his cheek and winked. 'It's alright. It's influenced over you won't be so bad now."
Smaug sighed forlornly. "Am I going to be stuck with you two for the rest of my existence?"
Kagome and Bilbo shared a mischievous grin then. Bilbo turned to the human formed dragon and said in a very jubilant tone, "Of course you are! And you'll love us!"
A/N: Another one done! *Yes. Both Bilbo and Smaug are now immortal like Kagome. Once she 'dies' their aging process will pick up once again and eventually they'll both die as well.*
How was it? Let me know!
Check out my other fics.
Ja ne!
Still contemplating the whole threesome idea.