'Ello! I'm actually doing something a little different for this fic. It will be my very first duet. Hppygrl345 and I had this idea and she stole my phone from me, ran away to an undisclosed location, and began to type it on my notes. When I rescued my phone, we talked about it a bit and decided that I would Beta it on my computer and upload it. Sooo, here you are!

Disclaimer: I don't own the characters. I only partially own the plotline so…what do I own? 0,o


~At the Sawada home. Tsuna is not yet present.~

It's the best time of the year, spring. The sun shines anew, birds are singing, school's almost out, everything is alive with fresh starts and happiness. It's just not the best new awakening for Bianchi. Today, is the first day of her time of the month AKA her period. Of course, this comes with the wonderful gift of cramps.

"Ugh, this hurts." Bianchi groaned as she hunched over the kitchen table grabbing her midsection in chronic pain.

Reborn hops onto the counter next to her to offer his generous words of wisdom. "It's your period Bianchi, it's supposed to hurt." He states blankly.

"Must. Be. Strong. For. You." She struggles to sit up straight and strong.

"The physical properties of a woman during menstruation make it nearly impossible to maintain a composed state..." Reborn and Bianchi continue talking about the health circumstances of a woman during her time of the month, which is mainly Reborn telling her that she has to leave him alone for the next week.

After a short period of time, Tsuna and his crew (Yamamoto and Gokudera) returned home from school. They saunter into the kitchen for an afterschool snack when they notice a mop of pink hair collapsed upon the granite counter top. Reborn startles everyone by jumping onto the table, revealing his presence. "Unfortunately, Bianchi won't be able to prepare you guys a snack, today." He is actually genuinely disappointed that he won't be able to see his student tortured with Bianchi's 'healthy afterschool kickstart sandwich'.

At the mention of his sister's name, Gokudera whirls around only to see her lying face down, saving him from an immobilizing stomachache. So for a nano-second, he felt like the king of the world; and then came the reality that she could lift her head up any second, making him useless to the Tenth. Grabbing his backpack he held it in front of him, keeping his guard up.

Noticing Bianchi's spasmic tensing, Tsuna asks, "Uh, Bianchi, are you okay?" In reply, she groaned and squirmed a bit. It actually got a little uncomfortable as those where the only noises in the entire house with Nana and the kids out shopping. Thankfully, Reborn breaks the awkward silence by answering for her. "She is on her period Dame-Tsuna."

"Really? I didn't think periods were that bad…"

"Haha. Yeah, how bad can it be?" Yamamoto agrees.

"Che. Women can't take anything. They're just weak." Gokudera stated.

At this, Bianchi forced out a bitter reply. "Well, Hayato if your penis was spewing blood and your stomach was tearing itself apart from the inside, how would you feel?"

"Whatever." Gokudera rolled his eyes from behind his bookbag. "Juudaime, I'll be upstairs in your room."

"I'll be upstairs too, Tsuna." Much to the bomber's dismay, Yamamoto included himself also.

As they argued their way up the stairs, (Though Gokudera was the only one really arguing.) Tsuna turned back to his tutor. But before he could ask another question, he caught an all too familiar glint in those beady little eyes. Knowing that nothing good could come out of it, he turned and sprinted towards the stairs. Dodging a bullet coming his way, Tsuna slipped and tumbled back down the stairs.

"Itai itai, Reborn! Why did you do that?!" he cried.

"Shut up, Dame-Tsuna. I'm thinking." Reborn reached up and rubbed his little chin in thought. In a matter of seconds, a mischievous smirk appeared on his face as he had an idea on how to teach his student the real pains of being a woman. A boss needed to know the feelings of his family inside and out, right? First order of business, it's time to pay a visit to Verde.

~End of Prologue~

Oooh, so tell me what you think and if you would like to see something particular out of this fic (if you have an idea what will happen). Don't forget to check out hppygrl345, she's doing this awesome KHR Truth or Dare series over on her page.

That's all I got for ya, today. Don't forget to drop a review on your way out!
