Hello people, this is Spirit Soldier. I thank you for looking at this story and hope you enjoy. Just want to warn you that this will be a teaser, since I'm gonna be busy with other stories, but I want to show you this chapter. Enjoy. Also, there's gonna be changes I put in that I will tell you about at the end.

Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Naruto.

Chapter 1: New World, New Beginning

He won...

He won!

He would have been dancing with joy had it not been for the large hole on the side of his chest.

Naruto Uzumaki's mission was simple enough, find Sasuke, kick his a** then drag him back to the village. He held back, seeing as the Uchiha, traitor or not, was order not to be killed or lethally harmed.

That was a horrible decision, one that he was regretting now.

Naruto was a thirteen year old boy with a lean build, lightly tanned skin, azure blue eyes and sun kissed hair that had a couple of red and brown streaks here and there. He was wearing black ANBU style armor with black and orange camo pants. But the most striking features about him were the three whisker like birthmarks on each cheek.

Naruto Uzumaki was a Jinchuriki, a human sacrifice in a sense, doomed to house the Nine Tailed Demon Kyuubi in his navel.

But more importantly, he was doomed to live a life of prejudice and hatred in his own village.

Because of the aforementioned demon's attack on his birthday and the consequent sealing of said demon into him, the 'peaceful' citizens of Konohagakure no Sato turned their hatred onto him...

A little kid...

Very mature...

Anyway, Naruto had a pretty hard life, kicked out of the orphanage at the ripe age of four, beaten on his birthday before his "protectors" came to his aid, couldn't buy anything but overpriced and faulty or rotten items and had his education stunted.

Oh joy...

But if anything the blond was resourceful and cunning, running off to a place called "The Forest of Death" and building a house in it, he tried to live off anything he could hunt, fish or pick, or in case he was in need of any vital items, stole from some of the jerks that mistreated him.

That was also where he met his surrogate mother, Anko Mitarashi, or as she put it "The Great Sexy and Single Anko-sama".

At first, things were a bit on edge with Naruto's trust issue, not to mention Anko's dislike of "Cheeky brats", but then things got better and the Snake Mistress took on her first apprentice, even if poor Naruto sometimes regretted that decision due to how torturous her training had been.

Two years later, the Hokage found him and gave him a home at a small apartment. Plagued by paranoia, Naruto started building some traps, harmful and even lethal, to protect himself from any possible attack by the villagers, which were pretty numerous.

Despite Naruto's bitterness towards most of the villagers, he managed to befriend some of the younger generation despite their parents' disapproval. His first friend was Hinata followed by Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Tenten, Lee, and more. He also met Anko's friend, Kurenai. The only people he never got along with were Sasuke and Sakura, who he nicknamed Duck head and Banshee.

He also became friends with people outside the village like Zabuza, Haku, Koyuki, Gaara, and many more. He went on tough missions and battles, but managed to make a new friend on most of them.

Naruto sighed and groaned in pain. He was supposed to get Sasuke back to the village with no lethal injuries by the order of Tsunade. She wanted to class the Uchiha as a missing nin, but the council wouldn't let her, stubborn idiots. He completed the mission. Sasuke was lying unconscious at his side while our blonde hero bled from his injuries.

Naruto eyes were slowly closing, accepting the embrace of unconsciousness. Despite the fact that he could die from blood loss, he was nothing but smiles, he was a Jinchuriki, a human sacrifice. Death couldn't be worse than the pain he endured throughout his young life. He lived a life without regrets and that's what makes it well lived.

The last thing he saw was a bright light before his world turned black...

(Hephaestus' P.O.V. in Minato's form)

Hephaestus looked at his son with sad eyes. It's been thirteen years since he had last seen Naruto. When he got stabbed by the nine tails, he lost most of his strength and had to get it back slowly so he could see his son. When he got a third of his strength back in the fourth year, he opened the mist to see how his son was doing.

When he saw what happened, he had different emotions. One of them was anger at the village. Another is pride for his son and his strength, and the last one is regret for leaving him with his fate.

When he got back to 100%, he opened the portal immediately and went to get his son. He waited thirteen years to see his son and he'd sooner fade than putting this off any longer.

Now, here he was standing above the body of his injured son, one of the best and surely the most determined lads he ever had, with tears threatening to fall from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Naruto" Hephaestus thought "I should have never sealed that thing into you. I'll make up for the mistakes I made and help you become a strong demigod"

He suddenly sensed another presence and he turned to see Kakashi stare at him with wide eyes.

"S-S-S-S-S-Sensei?" Kakashi stuttered out, his eyes widened in disbelief. Hephaestus turned to him and gave him a strong glare.

"Hello Hatake. Glad to see you're here to you can pick up the Uchiha," Hephaestus said coldly, "And just so you know, I saw everything you and the villagers did." Kakashi paled at that.

"I saw how the villagers tried to hurt him, physically and emotionally, how they tried to stunt his growth and I saw how the three people I trusted abandoned him for very pathetic reasons. You are like the villagers. You abandon someone you're supposed to keep watch on and dismiss your motto. "Those who abandon the mission are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash." It seem as though you think it doesn't apply to you. You're a hypocrite and a failure in my eyes, my foolish student." He then formed a fire portal and turned away from him, "Every village will know about this about how the village treated Naruto. I hope you're proud of yourself." He then left, leaving a grief-stricken ninja behind.

Kakashi fell on his knees, lost and devastated by this. He had let his hatred blind him, not to the point of hurting his sensei's son, but to the point of ignoring his pleas for help and acknowledgment, seeing him as the cause of his sensei's disappearance.

"What have I done?" he questioned himself.

(Hephaestus' Workshop)

Hephaestus sat Naruto down against the wall. He grabbed some nectar and ambrosia and fed it to his son so his healing would increase. Immediately, the hole started healing up and it look like it'll heal in minutes.

Hephaestus nodded, "Okay, now I can work on my projects." Just before he could do anything, there was a flash behind him and he looked to see Athena glaring at him with her patented glare.

"Hephaestus tell me, why did four volcanoes erupt in Asia just now?" Athena asked with narrowed eyes. Hephaestus sighed. This would take a lot of explaining to do.

(15 minutes later)

Athena thought for a minute at what Hephaestus told her. She should tell father about this, but Hephaestus told her to keep it a secret for a while. Understandable, considering father might kill Naruto. Also, she was intrigue with this boy. He was really intelligent from what she heard, not in book smarts but more in her domain, battle strategy and tactics. He was also resourceful and cunning, one of the many things she values. Maybe...

"Hephaestus?" The Forge God looked at her, waiting for her to continue, "I have a suggestion. You need help to protect the child if/when Zeus finds out. You cannot take him alone. How about I take him as my champion?" Hephaestus looked intrigued at the prospect. He would need help and Athena is one of smartest and most responsible Olympians.

Hephaestus nodded, "Okay. You can make him your champion. Just make sure you protect him" Athena nodded and flashing out, leaving the forger to do his work.

(Hours later)

Naruto slowly opened his eyes, still a bit drowsy and sore. After they adjusted to the light, he looked around to see where he was. When he saw the place, his eyes popped wide open.

He saw weapons of every kind, from past to present, some he doesn't even recognize. Bows, swords, kunais, he even saw some seals, much to his excitement. Seals were his favorite weapons to use.

"Like them?"

Naruto turned to see a burly man at his side, sitting down on a large chair. The man was burly, big enough to crush him. His face looked to have lots of boils and he had a scruffy beard on him. He was wearing a jumpsuit with lots of grease on it and if you looked closely, you could see a small smile on his face.

Naruto's eyes shined with excitement, "Like them? I love them! Especially the seals! Oh, I would like to test out every single weapon and I would love to use that workshop to build a weapon of my own!" He kept talking in an excited voice, until he remembered something. Then he turned to the man, his eyes narrowed, "Who are you and where are we?"

Hephaestus smile, "We're at my workshop. Here, I build any weapon for my siblings, father, mother, uncles, and aunts." He got up from his seat and stretched his back. "As for who I am, tell me do you believe in gods?" Naruto thought the question was a bit strange.

Naruto looked thoughtful for a minute, then came up with an answer, "Well, I can't say I do or don't. I've never seen one before and there are endless possibilities. I guess I'll believe it when I see it."

Hephaestus held out his hand and created fire right in front of his eyes. Naruto's eyes widen, then widen even more. The man just formed fire without any handseals. And just now, he could sense the power of this man and he was stronger than the nine tails.

"My name is Hephaestus, but you know me as Minato Namikaze, God of the Forges, Fire, and Volcanoes. Son of Hera and Zeus and your father"

(10 years later)

Percy looked shocked at how many arrows were sticking out of Thorn, the Manticore. Inwardly, he was cursing any of the gods or goddesses immensely. He just wanted one normal time with Thalia, Annabeth, and Grover, but that seems to be too much to ask for. He doesn't blame Grover for this, but come on, how many times does he have to fight monsters?

Thorn hissed in pain and pulled the arrows out. He looked at the blond hair girl with grey eyes, named Annabeth Chase, when she sighed in relief, "The Hunters!"

A girl who was wielding a spear and dressed like a punk, with lengthy black hair and hands sparkling with blue lightning, groaned "Oh wonderful!"

Percy looked to where the arrows were shot from and was shocked. The attackers were young girls, most of them his age and some appeared to be a year or two younger. One stood in the front, a girl with long black hair and a silver circlet around her head and in the back was girl who barely looked twelve or thirteen. She had the aura of a leader.

"Shall I end it, Milady?" the one in the front asked.

"No" the thirteen year old girl said, "He is going to do it" Zoe smiled at that, confusing the demigods. Who are they talking about?

"Y-you cannot do this!" Thorn snarled, glaring at the huntress with hate, anger, and fear in his eyes, "It's forbidden by the ancient laws!"

"On the contrary," the girl said. "All wild animals fall under my domain, Manticore, and last time I checked, your species could be considered such. Besides" the girl got a small smirk, "It's not me you should be worrying about."

"What are you talking about?!" Thorn snarled, "Who else is here?!"

"How about look behind you and find out?"

Thorn turned around, just in time to see a giant ax embedded in his chest. Thorn howled in pain and on his knee. He looked up to see a grey cloak wearing hooded man.

"H-h-how did you s-s-s-sneak up on me?" Thorn said weakly, glaring at the man. The man pulled out the axe and readied it for a swing.

"I don't tell my skills to the enemy" he then chopped off the head, making Thorn turn to dust. The man put his axe behind him and pulled out a bow from in his cloak and pointed it at someone behind the hunters. He let it fly, hitting the helicopter and embedding it inside the pilot's chest. The helicopter went haywire and crashed in the ocean.

There were a few minutes a silence. Percy, in sheer amount of bravery or stupidity, pulled out riptide and pointed it at the man's neck, making every hunter, including the leader, pull out their bows and point the arrows at Percy.

"Who are you?" Percy asked, ignoring the glares the hunters were sending him. The man sighed. He put the bow back into his cloak and pulled his hood down.

Annabeth, Thalia, and Grover gasped while Percy looked at him. The man looked at least seventeen or older. He had sun-kissed spiky blond hair, with red and brown streaks on top and his eyes were a mixture of sky blue, fiery red and stormy gray. He had tan skin and exotic whisker marks on his cheeks. Annabeth and Thalia looked shocked/extremely happy (though Thalia was trying to hide it) while Grover looked as if he just found Pan.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze," the teen said "Son of Hephaestus and Champion of Athena. "Pleasure to meet you, Perseus Jackson."

And that's end. I hope you like this story and you review, favorite, and follow. Also, the changes will be that Thalia didn't turn to a tree and was with Percy and Annabeth in the first two books. Luke wasn't alone on his quest. Charles, Silena, Clarisse and Katie got rescued by Naruto and he brought them into camp half-blood by him. Naruto was with Annabeth, Thalia, Grover, and Luke and met Annie first before anyone else. And more. Also, the first two chapters will look familiar, but it will change in time, so bear with me on that. Hope you enjoyed it and PM me if you go any ideas.

Note, it will either be Naruto/Thalia or Naruto/Harem. God, knows the boy need some loves. You decided. See you later