Wow, this my be the longest smut I've ever written. Or not, I'm too lazy to check. Anyway, this chapter is full of mushy crap as well, and all credit goes to Uchihanochidori because it was her birthday recently, and she wanted something mushy. She's also the one who suggested some NaruNaru to me, so I'll dedicate this to her. I hope it's mushy enough for you, haha...

Also thanks to everyone else encouraging me to write a second chapter for this!

And for those who don't follow me on tumblr, I'm currently having a writing marathon. I'm hoping that in one week, I can write a looot of chapters. Please encourage me and you'll get a lot of nice things to read.

Now then, enjoy! Oh, and this is the final chapter for this, no more, sorry. NaruNaru and NaruSasu ahead!

Chapter 2


There were voices coming from Naruto's apartment, his bedroom window open a notch. Well, technically there was only one voice, but Sasuke guessed that there were some clones involved judging by the heated argument inside.

"Look what you did!"

"Yeah, you went way too hard!"

"Oh shut up, he was begging me for it!"

"Doesn't mean you had to do it! Now he disappeared, I told you to start out slow!"

"And why do I have to listen to you?"

"Because I'm the original dammit!"

Sasuke raised an eyebrow, casually leaning against the wall and peeking into the room. There were three Narutos inside, one sitting on a chair partly hidden from view, his back towards Sasuke as he continued berating the clones on his bed.

"Now we have to do it all over again, and you better listen this time!"

The two clones muttered underneath their breaths, one of them sitting cross-legged in the middle and the other lounging by the end of the bed, a bored look on his face. Oh, and they were naked, of course.

"No way am I getting fucked by this idiot" the bored-looking one complained, the other one grabbing a pillow and chucking it at his head.

"Hey! I'm awesome at this, besides I called dibs!"

"Shut it, you're gonna be on bottom this time" the original ordered, leaning forwards with his elbows on his knees, half of his face coming into Sasuke's view. "But let's try something else first."

The clone in the middle pouted, showing his displeasure by crossing his arms and turning his head. Sasuke felt his lips twitch in amusement as the original Naruto glared daggers, the first clone's boredom morphing into a cheeky grin.

"You heard him" he sang, crawling over to the second clone and yanking his foot forwards so he fell on his back. "Now open wide."

An unhappy groan left the second one's lips, but he spread his legs and bent them slightly at the knees.

"Good enough?" He was still pouting, and the original let out a frustrated sigh.

"Okay, you" he started, pointing at the now smug first clone. "Turn around so we can do the 69."

The clone scoffed at him but did as told, kneeling on all fours above the other and grabbing his erect dick in a careless hold.

"We? You're just going to enjoy the view."

To be fair, Sasuke was also enjoying the view. He was at the perfect angle to watch the clone dip his head down to give a languid lick along the other's length, causing a sharp intake of breath and strong thigh muscles to clench for a second. As he continued lapping it, alternating between longer movements and short flicks to the head, Sasuke could feel his pants become tighter. He'd just spent twelve hours on the most boring mission of his entire life, which meant plenty of time for his mind to wander into more interesting areas.

Because of this he'd already been feeling it on his way here, and watching the now slick cock slide in and out between Naruto's eager lips brought out a familiar heat in his groin and stomach. Inside the bedroom, wet noises could be heard as both clones busied themselves with sucking each other off. Naruto shifted on his chair, tugging a little at his orange pants, and Sasuke was struck by vivid memories of two nights ago, when they'd been kissing on that same chair, Naruto straddling him and rubbing himself desperately against Sasuke. All he'd had to do was talk a little dirty, squeeze Naruto's still clad ass, and the other ninja had been putty in his hands. Afterwards he'd been angry, of course, having been on the receiving end once again, which made Sasuke suspect that this was the revenge Naruto had been plotting. He did say he would practice, after all. Not that he minded.

Naruto threw a bottle of lube to the first clone, who caught it and clicked it open in one swift move. Slicking up three fingers, he slowly trailed them down the back of a bent thigh, following the curve of a very tempting ass before sliding inwards to brush over the second clone's asshole. Sasuke glanced over at the other one's face as the touch elicited a moan from him, the sound muffled around the cock currently thrust deep down his throat. Naruto's lack of gag reflex was honestly impressive.

He turned back again in time to catch one finger sneaking inside, pausing halfway in before pulling at the ring of muscle. Another groan, louder this time, and Sasuke had to swallow against his dry throat. The clone's other hand was busy massaging a round ass cheek, the second clone's leg bent just perfectly so that Sasuke could see it. Removing the finger, the clone scooted forwards a little, leaning down to mouth the other clone's sack, leaving his length and pushing it down against his abdomen.

"Come on, we don't have all day" the original Naruto whined, and Sasuke had to stop himself from telling him to let them continue.

As far as he knew, he had at least ten hours to kill, and he could spend them all watching Naruto get himself off. The clones seemed to agree with him, because they both ignored Naruto and happily continued. Two fingers entered now, moving in and out at a slow pace, sometimes pausing to go in a circle instead. The receiving clone sure seemed to enjoy it, judging by the low sounds produced in his throat. When the fingers made a sudden plunge, reaching deep, the clone's entire body twitched and he pushed his ass up against the welcome intrusion.

"Fuck that felt good" he panted, head thrown back in pleasure, another shiver making its way down his legs to curl his toes when the fingers bent to rub his prostate.

Sasuke licked his lips, surprised Naruto hadn't noticed his presence yet. Though he seemed pretty concentrated on the action going on, and it's not like he wanted to complain about it. There was a nice rush of blood through his body when three fingers started steady thrusts, the first clone raising his head to watch, using his other hand to stroke the now leaking cock instead.

"I'd say he's ready now."

Naruto's voice had a strained note to it, and he shifted again to relieve some pressure. Why he didn't just get naked as well was a mystery.

Stopping his ministrations, the clone nodded and rolled to the side, nudging the other one with a foot as he held his weight up on his elbows. Notably weakened from pleasure, the second clone awkwardly got up to straddle the first one's thighs, hands running up and down the tanned chest below him a couple of times once he'd settled.

"Maybe I should walk around without a shirt more often" he mused, Sasuke thinning his lips in disagreement.

Those abs were not for public display, thank you very much.

The first clone lay down against the mattress, snickering in agreement as he found the lube again and poured some of it messily over his dick.

"Alright, stop admiring yourself, your ride is here. Next stop: heavenly pleasure."

"Hey, that's a good one" the original said, leaning back in his chair as Sasuke mentally rolled his eyes.

"Hell no, it was lame! What about Pleasureville, or Cum-hard town, they sound better."

The first clone snorted, reaching down to hold his length up with one hand as well as smacking the other on a knee.

"How about you get on my dick before your stupid suggestions make it all limp again?"

Sasuke had to admit, Naruto had gotten a lot better at comebacks lately. He liked to think it was thanks to his good influence. He still acted like an idiot too often, though.

"Boooring" the second clone answered, sticking his tongue out.

"Will you two get on with it?!" Naruto yelled, causing Sasuke to worry for a second that other people might overhear and decide to listen in on the conversation.

A quick search of the area convinced him that no one was around. Seems like he could continue his voyeurism undisturbed.

"Fine, fine" the clone huffed, moving into position so that the other's tip was nudging his entrance. "I'll even go slow, like you wanted."

Sasuke held his breath, watching in fascination as the clone took his time lowering his hips, a concentrated frown on his flustered face as he allowed the other inside with little resistance. He couldn't help but recall the feeling, sinking into that tight heat while blue eyes rolled into the back of Naruto's head…

"Holy ramen with extra pork" the first clone gasped, gripping the other's hips harshly. "I am so topping Sasuke next time."

"See why I had trouble going slow?" the other gritted out through clenched teeth, thigh muscles trembling slightly from holding himself still.

So this was the first time Naruto tried this with his clones, then? Sure, it had only been two weeks since their first time when Naruto returned from that long mission, but he'd gotten the feeling at the beginning of the display that it wasn't.

"God, this is so weird to watch" Naruto muttered as if answering his thoughts.

He bit the inside of his cheek, watching the clone lower himself and groan at the feeling of being filled up. Once his ass cheeks rested firmly against equally tan legs, he paused to take a few deep breaths.

"I'm a little thicker than Sasuke, aren't I?" he observed, and Sasuke couldn't help the "Tch" escaping him.

Three heads whipped around towards the source of the sound, the original scrambling out of his chair to throw the window open.

"What the fuck?!" Naruto screeched, eyes wide in shock as they met Sasuke's. "How long have you been there?!"

"Long enough" he shrugged, pushing off the wall and invading Naruto's personal space. "But don't let me stop you, you seem to be enjoying yourself."

The double meaning was evident in his smirk, and Naruto blushed an angry red.

"Teme! Like hell I'll let you in when you've been peeking on me!"

"Fine, I'll just go take care of this erection in your bathroom and then be on my way, then."

Sasuke's voice was dripping with sarcasm, but Naruto looked surprised.


"No. Now let me in."

Naruto glared at him, but reluctantly moved to the side, slamming the window shut once he was inside, the curtains swinging from the force.

"You weren't supposed to see this yet" he pouted, walking over to slump in the chair. "Now you ruined the surprise."

Sasuke eyed the clones on the bed, both of them joining Naruto in his embarrassed sulking.

"But now that I did, you might as well continue."

Naruto stuck his nose up at that.

"I don't feel like it."

Eyes narrowing, Sasuke stood in front of him, placing his palms over his cheeks and tracing the smooth skin until he combed through his hair. He kept it up for a few seconds, moving his fingertips in gentle circles, suppressing a victorious smirk when Naruto exhaled shakily, eyelids fluttering before he met Sasuke's gaze again. The look in them was making it difficult to breathe.

"Don't touch me like that" Naruto whispered, and Sasuke paused so that he only cupped his cheeks.

They hadn't even kissed, but already he could feel his lips tingle when Naruto's warm breath washed over them.

"And why not?" he asked, knowing perfectly well what the answer was.

He was the one who kept fending off Naruto's emotions, who kept telling him to shove the mushy crap somewhere the sun don't shine long before they started this physical part of their friendship. Even so, the pained look Naruto was giving him felt so terribly, horrifyingly good.

"You are really starting to annoy me" Naruto growled, fisting the front of his open shirt with both hands and pulling him in for a kiss.

He allowed Naruto to take charge, his tongue roughly caressing Sasuke's, teeth clashing occasionally and both necks bent in uncomfortable positions. Still, Sasuke didn't want to stop anytime soon. Kissing Naruto made him feel alive, it spread a heat within him that nothing else came close to achieve. He'd never tell him that. He'd never tell him that now, finally, he could sleep an entire night without waking up drenched in sweat, memories echoing throughout his mind. Instead he forced down a pleased noise, trapping it in the back of his throat when tan hands ran over his shoulders and down the gap in his shirt, his fingers curling around blond locks. Naruto tasted good, and he barely registered that this time he was the one straddling Naruto's lap, arms coming around to embrace his neck. He'd had a shitty day, to be honest, and if Naruto wanted to spoil him a little he supposed he could indulge him just this once.

He was getting a rather nice shoulder massage, and it would be a shame to interrupt it just to turn their positions around. Naruto pushed his shirt off, and Sasuke lowered his arms briefly to shrug out of it completely. Tan fingers trailed lightly down his chest and stomach, just about to untie the rope around his waist when there was a loud cough from the bed.

"You guys are rude" the clone lying down remarked, the other nodding with vigor. "Especially you, teme. You said you wanted to watch and instead you're making out like some lovey-dovey couple."

Sasuke's face turned blank, shoulders tensing for a moment. Then he got up, Naruto's protests dying when he sat down again, this time between his legs and facing the bed. He cocked an eyebrow, signaling for them to resume their earlier activities.

"Uh, Sasuke, your sword is kinda…"

He glanced behind him, Naruto's face forming a sheepish grin. Sighing quietly he got up again, removing both sword and rope, clothes falling to the floor and leaving him in only pants and shoes.

"Ooh, keep stripping, Uchiha, I wanna see your butt" one of the clones called, Naruto's blush returning as he sent an angry look past Sasuke.

"Hn. You'll have to make it worth it first" Sasuke answered, turning around again and sitting down.

He crossed his arms, leaning against Naruto's chest, one leg slung over an orange-clad one.

"Stingy" the clone said, bracing his hands on the other clone's chest and adjusting a little, ignoring the sharp intake of breath it caused. "I'll make you come in your pants for that."


The first clone tightened his grip on the other's hips, urging him to raise them. Sasuke could feel Naruto twitch behind him, both of them watching intently as the first clone's cock came back into view. The second clone moaned in anticipation, nails digging into the other's abs, body tensing when only the head remained inside. Then he lowered himself again, just as painstakingly slow, Naruto making torn noises in his ear.

"What, you don't think it's hot?" Sasuke asked, placing his hands on Naruto's thighs and dragging them up towards his groin, pausing when the second clone did only to run them downwards when the clone started moving up again.

"Shit" Naruto hissed, hands closing over Sasuke's but not stopping their movement.

His chin leaned on Sasuke's shoulder, his breathing becoming strained when the clones picked up their pace, Sasuke matching their rhythm. A few more thrusts, and the first clone was unable to stay still any longer. He raised his hips, meeting the other one halfway, most likely leaving bruises as he forced the other one down harder each time.

"Ah! If you do it that hard…" The second clone now braced his weight on his forearms, leaning over the first clone, head bent down over the other's heaving chest.

Naruto's arms encircled his waist instead, palms flat against his stomach. His touch felt warm, and Sasuke could feel his muscles relax. One hand travelled upwards, fingers tracing the middle of his chest between his ribs, moving to the side to brush over a nipple. He squeezed Naruto's thighs for a second, biting his lower lip when the first clone held the other still, thrusting deep inside and rolling their hips, their loud moans going straight to Sasuke's groin.

"Is that what you're planning on doing to me?" he whispered, tilting his head to the side when Naruto kissed the spot underneath his right ear.

"I'll do anything you want" Naruto murmured back, and though the words were sappy as hell, Sasuke couldn't help the slight tremble in the pit of his stomach.

Ever since he sat down in this position he could feel the hard bulge in Naruto's pants press against his ass, and he thought that maybe switching things up wouldn't be so bad. He'd promised, after all. It was just a problem that he sort of knew what to expect, and if Naruto was the one doing it to him… Keeping things under control would be difficult.

"Sasuke…" As if sensing his hesitation, Naruto held him tighter, burying his face in the crook of his neck.

He didn't need to say more. In fact, if he did, Sasuke was sure he'd be forced to punch him. He focused on the clones again, going slow now, giving each other sloppy kisses that made Sasuke's throat run dry again. It was laughable, in a way, that after all that had happened between them, all Naruto needed to do in order to shut his brain down was this. It shouldn't arouse him to the brink of orgasm, but it did, and while Sasuke had started this whole thing because of selfish reasons he didn't mind giving Naruto the satisfaction of knowing he affect him this much. Reaching up he grabbed the hand resting on his chest and dragged it down, placing it over his evident arousal. Naruto sucked in a sharp breath against his skin, tracing the outline of his length gently.

The clone riding the other threw his head back with a gasp, soon after disappearing in a cloud of smoke, causing the original to shudder from the assault of pleasure filled memories. The clone left on the bed was panting harshly, gritting his teeth at the loss. He glanced at the two of them on the chair, thoughts whirring through his head before he sat up with a decisive look on his flushed face. Sasuke let out a shaky breath when Naruto moved to unbutton his pants, the clone getting off the bed to kneel in front of him. Oh kami, how he loved it when Naruto went down on him.

"I guess you won't have to dirty your pants after all" the clone grinned, pulling down fabric to release his straining cock. "Or maybe you already did."

There were beads of precum on his tip that the clone wasted no time in lapping up, one hand circling the base of his cock and the other lowering to stroke his own need. The original tensed behind him, and Sasuke wondered if he was feeling self conscious. Sasuke didn't have a problem watching himself do things like this, but it seemed as if Naruto might. He lifted his arms to put them behind Naruto's neck, using the leverage to arch his back a little and thrust his hips forwards. His dick had been throbbing from the lack of attention, and the heat of the clone's mouth closing around it was definitely welcome.

"Ah shit, I think I'm gonna…"

Naruto's hands ran up his chest, feeling his muscles straining as the clone grabbed his ass to push him deeper down his throat. His head fell back to lean against Naruto's shoulder, and when he felt lips against his chin he turned his head to meet them. The clone was spreading his cheeks wide, curious fingers brushing up and down his crack, and Sasuke was sure he'd burst any second now. Naruto's slick tongue rolled around his, their mouths closing over each other sensually, one of Naruto's hands coming up to hold his face in place. Whatever annoying thoughts had plagued his mind on his way to Naruto's apartment, they were all gone now, swept away by a whirlwind of pleasure that coursed through his body, his legs trembling and heart thumping hard in his chest.

Sometimes, people asked him why he came back. He always lied, because the truth was too personal, too emotional, and he wasn't sure he could admit it even to himself.

But with Naruto holding him like this, pressing their bodies close, the protective layers he'd spun around the truth threatened to rip.

Another cloud of smoke, and the clone disappeared, leaving Sasuke to fall down on Naruto's lap again. The air felt cold now, and he pulled himself up, dragging his ass over Naruto's thighs, pants sagging further down his legs. Judging by Naruto's labored breathing, it felt pretty good. Frustrated by the fact that he hadn't been able to come yet, he got up and removed shoes and pants, then took a hold of one of Naruto's wrists, pulling the surprised blond up with him.

"Are you going to fuck me or not?" he asked, walking backwards until the back of his legs hit the bed. "Because otherwise you'd better get me another one of those clones."

Naruto wet his lips and swallowed, hard.

"Yeah" he said, forced to clear his throat. "I mean, yeah, totally, uh…"

"Moron" Sasuke muttered, starting to work on Naruto's clothes, roughly pulling the zipper on his jacket down.

Naruto helped him, and once he was naked he grabbed his wrist again, moving his arm back to throw him on the bed. He crawled after him to stand on all fours above him, grabbing the forgotten lube on the way.

Naruto didn't say anything, only stared up at him like he couldn't believe his eyes. Well, it wasn't exactly everyday he was faced with Sasuke demanding to get fucked, so maybe his reaction wasn't strange. Usually the demand was the opposite, if you could call two weeks long enough to be usual. He pressed the bottle into a tan cheek, eyebrows raised mockingly. It did the trick, because Naruto took the bottle from him with determination shining in his blue eyes. Captured by his gaze, Sasuke could hear the lid come off, and soon after cold fingers slid between his ass cheeks to rub against his hole. He forced down the sound threatening to give away his anticipation, and he stared hard into Naruto's eyes when one finger felt adventurous enough to pause just on the verge of entering.

"What are you waiting for?" he hissed, dragging his nails against the sheets as his fists closed.

"I don't know" Naruto confessed, tongue darting out to nervously wet his lips before he continued. "I was just savoring the moment, I guess."

Well, Sasuke was having none of that. Pushing his ass back in an obvious hint for Naruto to get a move on, he bit the inside of his cheek and tried to relax once the finger finally slipped inside. This slow pace wasn't helping the burning sensation in his chest at all. He closed his eyes, letting his head hang low so that his bangs covered his face. He moved against Naruto's fingers, trying to think of nothing as they stretched him. The sound of his heartbeat was loud in his ears, louder than his own and Naruto's panting. He was sweating, his body feeling weak in its unwound state. Naruto rolled them over, and he slumped against the mattress, lips parting when Naruto's tongue traced the seam of his mouth.

Naruto was working on him so slowly, almost hesitantly, and Sasuke had to restrain himself from telling him to simply get it over with. He felt so good it was bad, but he refused to acknowledge it. He could handle this just fine. He'd just lie there and not make a sound. Yeah, good plan.

The problem was just that Naruto kept giving him such loving kisses, capturing his willing mouth over and over again, letting Sasuke swallow all his pleased noises. One hand was combing through his hair now, the other pushing four fingers inside and effectively ruining Sasuke's ability to breathe. It really was a good thing he'd practiced before this so that he was somewhat used to the feeling. Even so, the fact that it was Naruto amplified everything by a thousand, and he was so hard that it actually hurt.

"Naru-" He was cut off by yet another kiss, though it seemed as if the other ninja got the point because the fingers were removed, Sasuke releasing a shuddering breath, his toes already curled from pleasure.

When nothing happened after a few seconds, Sasuke chanced his eyes open just as Naruto ended the kiss with a lingering peck. Naruto raised his head, blinking at him a few times when he noticed him watching. For some reason the color on his cheeks darkened, and he avoided Sasuke's look, mumbling to himself too quiet for him to hear.

"What?" he asked, but Naruto shook his head, reaching for the lube and still not looking at him.

"Only you could piss me off by looking sexy" he finally replied, blush still visible as he poured some of the liquid into his hand.

For once, Sasuke wasn't sure how to reply. He was flattered, kind of, but right now the only important thing was for Naruto to start fucking him. Narrowing his eyes he watched Naruto settle between his legs, leaning his weight on one hand next to Sasuke's waist and using the other to spread the lube evenly over his length. There was a coil in his stomach, twisting impatiently, turning his insides into knots when he felt Naruto nudge him. He inhaled deeply to relax, smoothing out his features and opening his until then balled fists. Naruto shifted his weight, leaning on his other hand instead, reaching up to caress Sasuke's cheek, pushing a few strands of dark hair off his forehead.

"Yep, still pissed off" Naruto said, grabbing his thigh instead and starting to push inside.

Sasuke barely had time to open his mouth to ask why the hell that would piss him off when he could feel the head of Naruto's cock breach his entrance. Instead of a question an involuntary moan escaped him, and he hurriedly snapped his mouth shut again. Naruto didn't seem to notice, a crease between his brows as he carefully sank in deeper, fingers digging into Sasuke's thigh muscles. Sasuke's fists slowly clenched again, a prickling feeling invading his body. It was insane, how the dull pain could turn into sparks of pleasure running up his spine, his back arching and legs moving on their own to press against Naruto's sides. A few breathless moments later, and Naruto paused to give Sasuke time to adjust to his full length lodged deep inside of him.

It wasn't that the physical aspect of it was particularly mind-blowing, as good as it felt. No, it was the mistake he did of meeting Naruto's eyes that caused his sharp intake of breath and the tremors rushing through his body to become more pronounced. He hated when Naruto looked at him like that, hated it with a passion, hated how he had to clench his eyes shut when tan fingers moved in a feather light caress up his thigh, hip and side.

But it wasn't hate.

It had never been hate.

"This feels amazing" Naruto breathed out, his hand pausing on Sasuke's shoulder, thumb tracing his collarbone.

"Shut up."

He barely recognized his own voice, it was so hoarse. Swallowing against the lump in his throat he moved his hands, one intertwining fingers with Naruto's beside his waist, ignoring the lube still on them. The other reached for Naruto's face, cupping his neck when he bent down to pull him close. He raised his head just enough for their lips to brush, his heart heavy in his chest, his mind a foggy mess. Naruto's small gasp washed over his mouth in a puff of hot air, the hand on his shoulder moving up to caress his neck and ear, their lips meeting again in a longer, fiery kiss. He felt the mattress dip next to his head when Naruto leaned on his elbow, Sasuke's lower lip caught between his teeth as he gave an experimental thrust.

Sasuke choked on a groan, nails scratching Naruto's neck, his head thrown back. Naruto took advantage of it, his tongue licking lewd trails up Sasuke's throat, mouth latching onto a sensitive spot and sucking hard enough to bruise. Their chests touched when Naruto moved again, sweat-slicked skin creating wonderful friction. His mind was blank, all senses focused on the pleasure, and when Naruto hit that spot inside him he was unable to hold back the moans that had threatened to spill for several minutes. Naruto groaned in return, fingers squeezing Sasuke's before he moved his hand to clutch his hip instead. His other hand gripped Sasuke's hair harder, bending his head further back so he could comfortably kiss the underside of his jawline.

He spread his legs wider, allowing Naruto easier movements, embracing his back with both arms now and pretending all those dirty sounds weren't coming from his own mouth. Not that Naruto was quiet, either, repeating his name in-between making out with his neck. The pleasure was building up to unbearable proportions, Naruto's hips rolling in a steady rhythm, reaching deep enough to force the air out of Sasuke's lungs in strained gasps. It wouldn't take long before it became too much, and he snuck a hand down between their bodies to stroke himself, his cock twitching when Naruto bit his shoulder and shuddered against him.

While Naruto rode out his orgasm, Sasuke caressed his back, feeling the taut muscle clench and unclench during his last thrusts. He was so close, heat blooming in his stomach and sneaking down his legs, up his spine, through his arms and fingertips.

"Sasuke, so good" Naruto moaned into his neck, both hands coming up to cup his cheeks before his head followed after, Sasuke drowning in deep blue eyes, Naruto's weight pushing him down into the bed as they kissed.

He brushed his thumb over the tip, almost shaking now, Naruto biting his lip again all he needed to crash over the edge into mind numbing pleasure. Yes, this was it, this was everything he needed and more, Naruto's warmth surrounding him, seeping into his body, replacing everything that wasn't comfort and strength. It was embarrassing, and if he wasn't feeling so satisfied right now he'd probably be very bothered about it.

His head was still swimming a bit when they'd calmed down, Naruto insisting on kissing him throughout the whole process. Eventually Naruto sighed through his nose, grimacing when he shifted so he slipped out of Sasuke, flipping over and slumping down beside him.

"Wow, that was really… something" he said, wiping off some sweat from his forehead and looking at Sasuke.

Sasuke didn't answer, concentrating on breathing in and out, but failing when his breath hitched due to Naruto stretching a hand out to brush his knuckles over his cheek.

"It was different from what I expected."

"Sorry to disappoint then" Sasuke huffed, Naruto immediately squawking in protest and raising himself up on an elbow.

"That's not what I meant and you know it" he snapped, lips pursing in displeasure when Sasuke ignored him. "Don't do that, Sasuke, please."

"Do what?"

"Close yourself off. We've got stuff to talk about."

"I disagree."

Naruto growled, crawling over to sit on his stomach, taking his wrists and holding them down on each side of his face. They stared at each other, Naruto angry and Sasuke in pretense indifference.

"I know you can't deal with emotional stuff, but I need this."

Sasuke thinned his lips into a line, reluctantly staying silent and allowing Naruto to continue.

"It's like… I mean I…" he hesitated, red creeping up his neck and face, looking down at Sasuke's chest and squirming a bit.

"You know you're sitting in my come?" Sasuke commented when Naruto's squirming was taking too long.

"Ugh whatever! It's not like you'll let anyone else sit in it, so if I'm doing it it's because I can!"


"Aah dammit, why am I even trying, you're such an ice block anyway. If you're not saying it, then I won't say it either."

Naruto crossed his arms, glaring down at Sasuke. It would have been cute, if Sasuke's pride had allowed him to admit that.

"Okay, sure, whatever."

"No no no! You're supposed to ask 'Say what?'"

Sasuke merely raised an eyebrow, amused when Naruto appeared more and more frustrated.

"So? Are you gonna ask it or not?"

"I'm not playing games with you, usuratonkachi."

"Sasuke you're so mean! Here I'm trying to tell you that I seriously like you and you just-"

Naruto's mouth shut so fast he could hear his teeth clack. For a moment, everything went completely still, Sasuke's heart exploding against his ribs when the words registered in his brain. Fuck. Oh fuck no, he wasn't supposed to say that.

"Just, just shut up" he said, sounding weak even to his own ears, his own face heating up while Naruto's resembled a tomato.

"You shut up" Naruto spluttered back, body tense and eyes wide as he stared at Sasuke. "No wait, I said it so now you have to give me an answer."

"I don't have to do anything." Was he starting to panic? Yes, yes he was.

Naruto slammed his palms onto his chest, the force causing him to wince. The blue eyes were narrowed into threatening slits, but Sasuke refused to budge. He was not going down that road.

"Fine, if you won't say it, no sex for a month."

Sasuke blanched. Naruto might be satisfied with only his clones, but Sasuke needed the real deal now and that idiot knew it, judging by the triumphant grin splitting his face. How did this even happen?!

"And I'll tell everyone you're thirsty for my dick."

"Fuck you" he gritted out through clenched teeth, because at least that part he couldn't deny.

Damn it, damn it all to hell. He knew Naruto would just love to see him struggle and make a fool out of himself, but he also knew how much it probably meant to him that Sasuke would actually go through with it. Being able to intimately feel the other's chakra might be convenient during a fight, but in this type of situation it was simply a disaster.

"I… might have…"

Naruto nodded eagerly, urging him on, and Sasuke gritted his teeth again.

"…something akin to… feelings… for you."

It was strange, because Naruto was expecting it, and yet his bottom lip started to tremble, the raw emotion in his eyes too much for Sasuke who had to focus his gaze somewhere in the direction of his chest instead. Then he threw himself on top of Sasuke, clinging to him and rubbing his face into his neck, the silence uncharacteristic until Sasuke heard a muffled sob.

"You're such a bastard, you know that?" Naruto sniffled, pressing his face harder against Sasuke's skin. "I'm so angry, I'm gonna kick your ass and then I'll kiss it better and then I'll kick it again."

"You're not making any sense" he sighed, tentatively embracing Naruto's lower back because it felt like the right thing to do in this situation.



"You owe me so much ramen, like a whole life supply of it."

Naruto was still sniffling, trying to hold back the sobs from racking through his body. After maybe a minute, during which Sasuke had refused to comment on the ramen thing, he lifted himself up again to look at Sasuke.

"You even cry like an idiot" he couldn't help but say, Naruto giving him a nasty glare for it.

"Shut up" he said, wiping off some snot. "You're the one who likes an idiot."

Sasuke shifted, suddenly uncomfortable. Naruto had a knack for being casual with stuff like that, and it never failed to catch him off guard. It might be true, but that didn't mean Sasuke liked to think about it, much less have it shoved up his face.


It seemed like Naruto had calmed down a bit, but there was still that embarrassed look on his face, so whatever he had to say, it couldn't be good.

"I'm really happy you came back to me."

Yep, there it was, the truth laughing in his face because really, who had he been trying to fool? Not Naruto, apparently.

"Hn" he said, hoping it was enough, because he'd had enough of words for several days.

Apparently it was enough, because Naruto gave him a small smile, brushing a few of his bangs from his face. Then he pecked his mouth, rearranging himself to lie next to him, one arm slung over his chest, his cheek resting against Sasuke's shoulder.

"I'm going to sleep now" he announced, shuffling around a little until he found the perfect position.


"And when I wake up, we're going for ramen."

Sasuke huffed, but removed his arm from underneath Naruto to place it around his back, tilting his head so that his chin and mouth were tickled by blond hair.


"Oh, and Sasuke? I'm totally better than you at the jutsu."

"Tch, in your dreams."

Naruto didn't reply, but Sasuke could feel his smile against his skin. He was probably stuck with the dobe forever now. Glancing down at the unruly mop of blond hair, he supposed there were worse ways to live his life. He felt Naruto's hand glide across his stomach, poking his arm until he raised his hand. Naruto snatched it once it was within reach, pulling it back with his to lay mid chest, fingers intertwined and thumb caressing Sasuke's.

All that was left now was to figure out a way to make Naruto admit that his clones were sexier. He smirked. He was looking forward to it.

Oh man, writing smut when it's over 30 degrees outside sure isn't easy. Who said summer could be this hot, anyway?! But I hope you enjoyed this, even if Sasuke is such a little bitch I can't help but love writing this kind of stuff in his POV. It's my version of a fun hobby, I guess.

Reviews are much appreciated. Love you all! :)