Authors Note: So, this is Chapter 7, and it's a flashback, so if the events seem out of place, keep that in mind. For a specific time line, this chapter is meant to fill in the blank of time that Sid was living in Russia before Alvin and the gang landed in Chapter 1. Now, without any delay, let's get going. And a little tip, in this instance, anything written in italics is in what you and I consider to be English.
Disclaimer: Alvin and the chipmunks belongs to Ross B. and Fox Studios, the majority of the "Ultimate Series" belongs to MetalMunk, and the following characters belong to the following people:
Ivy, Izzy, Copper and Cream: MetalMunk
Cal: OceanPacifica
Centurion: HFMunkMadness
Tessa: Shoot the Moon
Vixen: PheonixWolf-77
Max: xxxx Team Jacob xxxx (formerly AATCROCKS02)
Stripes: AllisonTheArceus (formerly alvinchipmunkfan)
Zac: Blackwolf00
Nash: Chipmunkgirl234
The air was still over Russia, and as the sun started to set, a simple farmer was doing some last minute grooming to his horses, "There we go girl, you'll win first prize for sure," the farmer said, patting the mare on her flank and closing her stall, about to leave when he heard something overhead, a sound not unlike a missile falling from the sky, then a loud boom as the object broke the sound barrier, followed quickly by a loud whooshing sound that shook the barn he was in, and finally a distant boom of an impact.
Rushing out the barn door to find the impact zone, and seeing that the plume of smoke was rising from a nearby area, taking to his truck so he could investigate in the light of the setting sun. Once on site, the farmer noticed a decent sized crater in the ground, about five feet in diameter and half as deep, at the bottom of the crater was a... well, quite frankly, a strange thing happening, as it appeared that whatever impacted the ground was pulling itself into a different form. Eventually, it was finished forming, and had taken a shape similar to a small child, though obviously much different as it had a tail and a pair of short appendages on the back of the head, a pointed pair of ears and a bit of white fur on it's forelegs, forearms, and the shoulders, a fin-like tip on the tail and three fingered hands and feet. The farmer knew that this was something that shouldn't exist, but about a couple years ago, he had lost both his wife and child to tuberculosis, mainly due to the remote location his farmhouse was located, and while he had essentially gotten over their deaths and moved on, a small piece of him missed the sound of a child in the house, and it was for this reason that the farmer climbed carefully into the crater, and gently lifted the limp body up over his shoulder and then once out of the hole made his way home.
Not even a couple minutes inside his home, and the creature he was carrying snapped awake, large black eyes with golden irises staring around it's surroundings, and upon seeing the farmer let out a shriek and leaped from his arms, scurrying into his home and ducking under a nearby couch to hide, causing the farmer to sigh and rub his forehead, "Okay, not the best introduction I suppose, but better than most, I am Nikolai, this is my home, and now it is your home as well," Nikolai explained, as the tiny creature shivered under the couch, growling softly as the man approached, then once Nikolai reached out to touch it, the creature yelped and sent a small burst of electricity through the floor, not nearly enough to kill or even to stun, but apparently enough to knock out the power as the lights went out, causing Nikolai to groan, "Damn, I just fixed the wiring," Nikolai said, as he got up and carefully made his way to a nearby lantern, lighting a match and in turn using said match to light the wick in the lantern, and then turning the knob on the lantern up so it shed more light.
"Ssss...ssss.." the creature said, causing Nikolai to turn and find the creature standing in the open, apparently trying to speak, "Yes, what is it?" Nikolai asked, as the creature squinted it's eyes a bit in concentration and then blinked, and finally spoke in clear, fluent Russian, "Sorry for knocking out your power, I didn't know I could...well, zappy zap," the creature said, gaining a shocked smile from Nikolai, "It's fine, I can fix it again, probably just a circuit breaker blown out, and the wiring in this shack is so old that it knocks out power if you use the microwave too long," Nikolai said, as he knelt to be eye level with the creature, "Tell me, what is your name?" Nikolai asked, as the creature put on a confused face, "Name? What's a name?" it asked, causing the farmer to smile, "Well, it's what I and other people will call you, so you know who you are, and seeing as you don't have one, I'll call you..." as Nikolai pondered a name, he thought of his now dead son, and smiled wider at the thought, "...Sid, you'll be called Sid now, and as for me, you may call me Nikolai," he explained, as the creature, Sid, nodded his head, "Okay father, if you want me to," Sid explained, causing Nikolai to gasp and pull the creature into a hug, in turn causing Sid to yelp in surprise and go stiff.
Apparently, whatever Sid was grew quickly, both in size and intellect, as Nikolai raised the creature he found like his son, and he wasn't even a month old and already looked to be about ten years old. On this day, Nikolai was training his horses, while Sid was doing the hard and quite dirty part of mucking the stalls, "Dad, do I really have to do this?" Sid asked, causing Nikolai to sigh as he turned and addressed his adoptive son, "Look, I can't do everything, and at the least you don't have to worry about the horses kicking you, trust me that hurts," Nikolai said, as Sid sighed and waited for Nikolai to turn, then simply let go of the shovel he was using, the tool floating in the air and seeming to do the dirty work by itself, as Sid leaned against one of the support beams of the barn, and remained like that for about five minutes before he got a pat on the head from Nikolai, causing Sid to grin nervously, " arms got tired," Sid explained, as Nikolai reached out and grabbed the shovel and handed it to his son, "How many times do I have to tell you, use your hands," Nikolai said, as Sid growled and dropped the shovel, "I don't understand, the job gets done just as easily, why can't I do it my way?" Sid asked, causing Nikolai to grab Sid by the shoulders and sigh, "Look son, I know you can do it easier with your mind, but a strong mind isn't the only thing you need." Nikolai explained, as Sid rolled his eyes, "Whatever," Sid said, as he fazed out of sight and wiggled out of Nikolai's grip, silently climbing up into the hayloft, gaining a sigh from his father, "I know you're up there, so all I want is for you to listen when I say this; when you work with your hands, you may never be rich, but you'll definitely never go hungry," Nikolai explained, as he left the barn to gather his horses, smiling when he heard the sound of the shovel working, then turning to find the shovel working by itself, "Sid! You had best not be using your head again!" Nikolai called out, as Sid fazed back into sight and chuckled, "No, I'm here, just forgot I was invisible again," Sid replied, as he finished his work and helped Nikolai with the horses.
"Dad, I had an idea about getting the horses in the barn easier," Sid said, as they were trying to get the last horse, an old stallion named Sampson into the barn, this horse was the most stubborn of Nikolai's and upon hearing that Sid had a plan to get the majestic beast to cooperate he was...well, concerned, "Sid, last time you had an idea like this, we were stuck on the road and you had the grand idea to try and float the truck to the nearest gas station, is this anything like that?" Nikolai asked, as Sid chuckled at the memory, "No, just I've noticed other farmers using a cattle prod, and I thought..." Sid explained, as he held up his hand and let a bit of static arc between his fingers, causing Nikolai to rub his eyes and nod, "I suppose, but be careful, Sampson has one hell of a kick," Nikolai said, as Sid grinned and stood up, then fazed out of sight and rushed forward, ducking under the horse and leaping onto his feet on the fence, fazing back into sight and then sending a small bolt of electricity to the rump of the horse, causing it to whinny and kick back towards Sid, only for Sid to jump over the kick and land on the horse's back, placing his hands on either side of the horse's head and focusing, Sampson letting out a grunt as he started to walk into the barn, and then calmly into his stall, Nikolai rolling his eyes, "I thought you were gonna cattle prod him," he said, as Sid jumped down to the floor and chuckled, "Well, that plan failed, so I decided to just mind control him, don't worry though, it's not permanent," Sid explained, no sooner being sent across the barn and into the pile of horse manure by Sampson's rear left hoof, after which Nikolai closed the stall and pulled Sid out of the pile of muck, "Are you okay son?" Nikolai asked, as Sid spat out some of the stuff and shook his head, "You weren't kidding on the kick, and aside from that I'm fine, though I could do without being covered in excrement." Sid explained, as Nikolai started to laugh at the situation, "Okay, let's get you washed off, to the shower with you...and I mean the one outside, don't want you tracking that shit into the house," Nikolai said, as Sid chuckled and made his way to the outdoor shower, a mere shower head attached to a hose and in turn attached to a post in the ground with a simple faucet.
Another month, and Sid had grown to the size of a typical teenager, and thankfully apparently matured beyond any form of puberty as he was still his normal self. Currently, Sid was in the barn grooming Sampson, when he suddenly stopped grooming the horse and after closing the stall, rushed back out the the house, "DAD!" Sid yelled, as he looked around, gasping when he found Nikolai lying on the floor, a hand to his chest. Sid knew what this was, it was a heart attack, and though he was no medical specialist, he knew that the heart could be jump started, and so he quickly knelt down next to his father and took a deep breath, "Dad, I hope you don't die from this," he said, as Sid pressed his hands to Nikolai's chest, and sent a sudden burst of electricity equal to that of a defibrillator through his body, causing it to spasm, but nothing else, "Come on, live damn it!" Sid said, placing a good hard punch to Nikolai's chest, once again jolting him, and once again getting nothing, causing Sid to growl, "You ass! You better not be dying on me!" Sid shouted, as tears started to fall from his eyes, and one last time, he sent a stronger burst of electricity through his father's body, this time causing Nikolai to cough and then gasp as he took in a deep breath, looking around and seeing Sid above him, "I...I was-" "I know Dad, but I couldn't let you die..." Sid explained, as Nikolai went to hug his son only for Sid to pull away, "Not yet, I got to discharge," Sid said, standing up and then walking outside, placing his hands on the lightning pole and releasing his built up static, then he sighed and walked back into the house and took his dad into a hug, Nikolai patting Sid on the shoulder, "Thank you son, now I think I need to go to the doctor, think you can watch the old place?" Nikolai asked, causing Sid to growl softly, "Everything's fine here Dad, I'm going with you," Sid replied, as he helped his father to stand up.
The two had made it to the truck, and wouldn't you know it, the battery was dead, and even at full power Sid had no hope to charge the battery fast enough, "Just jump start it," Nikolai said, as Sid nodded and cracked his knuckles, popping the hood of the truck and placing his hands on the leads for the battery, sending a small jolt through the vehicle and causing the engine to roar into life, and since Sid was just a slight bit too big to fit in the cab, he closed the hood and hopped into the back of the truck bed, his father slowly pulling the vehicle out of the driveway and onto the road. Most of the people in Nikolai's community already knew of Sid's existence, and even treated him as one of their own, so when Sid helped his father into the clinic, he apparently came in when an intern from America was in the main hall of the hospital, and the guy just froze with a clipboard and a pen, "Uhhhh... what is that?!" the man asked, Sid giving the man a confused look, "What did he say?" Sid asked, as the translator nodded and chuckled, "Sid this is Dr. Bronson, he's an intern from America, and he was questioning your species I guess," the translator, Sergei explained, as another Doctor was already speaking to Nikolai, "He's American, does he have any government connections? Area 51 or DARPA, that sort of thing?" Sid asked, as Sergei relayed his questions to Dr. Bronson, causing the man to let out a semi amused scoff, "It's asking me questions? Is this thing even from this planet! Look at it!" the man said, causing Sid to grin to himself and then focus on Bronson, reading his mind like an open book and then finally speaking directly, "Okay, I may not be what you call human, but call me "It" one more time, and bad things will happen," Sid replied, raising a hand and arcing static between his fingers, "SID!" Nikolai shouted, causing Sid to jump and cross his arms behind his back, "Sorry father," Sid said, causing Bronson to raise a curious eyebrow, "I'm sorry, what's going on here? Does E.T. here think that elderly man is his father?" Bronson asked, as Sergei started to chuckle a bit, "Not exactly... it's a long story, and one I hope you keep to yourself when you rejoin your colleagues back in America," Sergei explained, as Sid helped his father to the truck, though when Nikolai was out of sight, the mischievous monster grinned and send a faint burst of static at Bronson, nothing near being lethal, but enough give the man enough static that when he grabbed his pen, it zapped him as he discharged into the small metal cylinder, causing the American to yelp and drop his pen to the floor, all while Sid snickered to himself, hopping into the bed of his father's pickup and riding back to his home.
It had been nearly three months since that day, Sid was returning from the barn after having fed the horses, he was nearly seven feet tall now, and his head tails reached to the small of his back, and his proper tail coiled in the air behind him. He made his way to the farmhouse, but before he entered he glanced to the left, a crude gravestone that looked like it was carved from solid granite with claws rather than chisels, and Sid sighed as he thought back to his time in Russia, "Father, why'd you have to go and die?" Sid asked, half expecting to hear Nikolai answer his question. What he heard instead was the sound of a vehicle driving up the drive-way, and when Sid turned to see who it was, he quickly ducked into the house and peeked out the window, as a black van had drove in, and from the vehicle stepped out three men wearing black suits and sunglasses, one of them wearing a black fedora, and all of them looking around, as if searching for something, "Men, scour the area, we don't leave without the specimen, got it!" the one in the fedora said, indicating that he was the leader, and that apparently they wanted Sid, which made him growl, about ready to rush out when he saw the three men simply vanish, reappearing at random all over the farmyard, "What are you men?" Sid said to himself, causing one of the three men to stop right outside the window Sid was peeking from, and before he could react the glass simply turned into dust and the Russian monster was sent to the other end of the living room.
Sid quickly jumped up and shot a bolt of static at the man, only for him to wave his arm and send the electricity of and into the fuse box, a burst of sparks flying out and causing various appliances around the house to either explode or catch fire, in turn sending the whole house into flames, "Come quietly, and I can assure you that you will not be harmed," the man said, as Sid growled and lashed out, extending a whip-like tentacle from his left wrist and wrapping it tightly around the man's neck, yanking him close and gripping his head in both of his clawed hands, squeezing down until the man's head simply popped into a mess of blood, bone and grey matter, the body itself making a thud as blood shot out of the jugulars and onto Sid's body, though what bothered the monster most was what the body did for about a full minute afterwards, it twitched and spasmed as if it were fighting against death itself, then simply went slack, "Humans don't do this," Sid said, and then fazed out of sight as he rushed to the barn, almost to the door of the hayloft when he was grabbed and thrown to the ground, he force of the impact with the dirt causing Sid to faze back into vision, as another man in black stepped up to Sid, "Don't move, of I will use lethal force," the man said, the same tone of voice as the one Sid had killed only moments earlier, causing the Russian monster to faze out of sight again, in turn gaining a slight chuckle from the man in black, "I know you're still there," he said, then suddenly shuddered as he felt something in his head, a tightness of some kind, then before he could even collapse, his head burst open, like some gory version of a popcorn kernel, Sid fazing back into sight at the barn door, scanning around the area and then ducking inside, just as the leading man in black materialized noticing the burning building and his dead comrade, simply sighing in annoyance as if they were tools that stopped working.
"Alright Sampson, I need your help, so please cooperate with me and let's get out of here," Sid said, as he opened the gate of Sampson's stall and quickly climbed onto the animal, "I don't think you'll be going anywhere," a voice said, causing Sid to gasp and glance to his left, the last man in black standing there, a smile on his face as he walked toward the Russian monster, causing Sid to growl and shoot a bolt of electricity at the man, hitting him square in the chest, but at the same time not doing a single thing aside from making the man stop and shake his head a bit, gaining a chuckle as well which made Sid go wide eyed at the display of complete and utter absorption of what must have been ten thousand volts of static, "That was good, I just wanted to talk, seeing as I know you are capable of killing men like myself," the man said, causing Sid to scoff in amusement, "Men? What kind of man is able to teleport across miles, deflect the equivalent of a lightning bolt, completely dustify glass and send me flying across my now burning home!?" Sid roared, gaining a nod from the man as he removed his hat, simply adjusting the brim as he glanced back up at the horse mounted monster, "Admittedly, I am not totally human by earth terms, but I am a native of this planet," he said, then set his hat on a post and removed his sunglasses, revealing a pair of eyes that were of such a bright shade of blue they looked almost unnatural, causing Sid to take a step back on his horse, "I don't care what you are, but quite frankly I will not be made some lab rat," Sid said, as he looked away from the man and turned his horse to leave, only to find the man outside blocking his path, "Please, indulge me Sid, I promise you will be free, I simply want answers," at this point Sid noticed that the table and a couple chairs had been brought out of his home, and upon looking the house itself had stopped burning, "Do I really have much of a choice in the matter?" Sid asked, as he dismounted the horse and patted Sampson a couple times, making his way to the table and sitting down, as the man produced a bottle of iced tea, "what's your poison, peach or green?" the man asked, causing Sid to become confused, "I'm sorry, but you just burnt down a good portion of my home," Sid said, as the man nodded and placed the bottles of tea on the table, "Which I will do my best to have repaired in the future, that I promise...oh where are my manners, my name's John Bronson," the man said, causing Sid to become confused, "You mean Dr. Bronson from America?" Sid asked, gaining yet another nod from the man, "That's correct, you see my organization was involved in the creation of a creature we had hoped would defend our planet from interplanetary invaders, but it turned on us and long story short it decided to kill us, and Ultimate stopped it," Bronson replied, as Sid gasped at the mention of the name, various bits and pieces of memories that weren't his own flashing through his mind, before Sid shook his head and sat at the table, taking the green tea and gulping down nearly half the bottle in one go, "So, why does that bring you here to my home?" Sid asked, as Bronson chuckled and took a sip of his own tea, "Simple really, we were cleaning up the mess left by my superiors, and as it turns out you've been formed from the remains of the creature we made, combined with that of a newly formed Beast," Bronson replied, as Sid took a deep breath and sighed, looking around and shaking his head, "So you wanted to kill me, is that it?" Sid asked, causing Bronson to sigh and nod slowly, "Yes, I was sent here to kill anything that resembled a possible chimera of Beast and our monster Juggernaut, but after seeing what you did to my two assistants, I think it's better that I leave you in peace," Bronson replied, as Sid raised an eyebrow and chuckled, "Leave me in peace? YOU DESTROYED MY HOME! AND I'M SUPPOSED TO JUST BELIEVE YOU'LL LEAVE ME ALONE?!" Sid roared, causing Bronson to jump slightly in surprise, but otherwise not react at all, "I'll admit my two associates were a bit rough with you, and I'm sorry about your home, as I said before I'll make certain that this house is rebuilt as soon as possible, but if you want more proof to my words being true than look at this," Bronson said, tossing a photo at Sid for him to look at, the image on the picture being that of crater, a large crater that looked to be at least 150 miles across and nearly as deep, causing Sid to glance in the direction of the pond nearby, remembering his father saying how he was found there at a time before it held water, "So I'm not the only one out there, is that it?" Sid asked, Bronson nodding and smiling a bit, "Exactly, and based on the size of the crater, this thing is huge," Bronson replied, causing Sid to nod in realization, "You're being friendly so that if this other monster tries to come after you, I'll be able to help you kill it is that it?" Sid asked, gaining little more than a smile from Bronson, "You tell me, would you be willing to work with us in the event that this monster decides to kill all of humanity?" he asked, as Sid dimply shook his head and passed the photo back to Bronson, "Let me think on it, in the meantime I need to find a new home, since this place is gone now," Sid replied, standing up from the table to show he was leaving, only when he looked back up at the other side of the table, Bronson was gone, and so was his van. Sid simply took that to mean he was alone, and climbed back onto his horse, taking one last look at his former home and then turning to leave. "Don't worry Sampson, we'll find a place...I promise." Sid said, as the two rode out toward the east, looking for any place they could claim as a new home.
Four more months had passed, and in that time Sid had found a new home, an old church that he found monsters like himself in, and since Sampson had died only moments before he made it there, he used the dead carcass as a peace offering to the Beastlings, which they immediately accepted. Sid has since made a family with these other monsters, and though he couldn't get them to speak in his language, Sid was able to communicate basic instructions through growls and hisses, and if a more direct means was needed a telepathic link was used. On this day though, Sid was in the rafters, as he had informed his family of an arrival of one called "Ultimate" in Russia, and told them not to attack. Though that didn't last long, as the one he assumed was Ultimate and his mate walked through the doors, a poison charging for the girl, only to be gutted alive, "EWWW! I just had my hair done!" the female said, causing Ultimate to laugh, before an Archer attacked them and kicked off the slaughter.
And there we go, Chapter 7 in the text. Now I'm going to do a reader question this time, but I'll get to that, anyway this was a bit odd for me to write, as I was constantly having to go back to previous chapters to gain reference info the this chapter. Hope you liked it, and I'll catch you guys on the flip side.
Now for the question, and again like when I did it before, it's optional if you answer:
"What is your favorite song by Avicii, if any?"
Anyways, again I hope you enjoyed that, leave your comments/reviews/answers in the box below, and as always I'll see you in the next update, bye bye!