My name is Irene. My last name? Alright… If you insist, I guess; it's Adler. This is a story about the time I met someone. Someone very special, but flawed; he was as flawed as I am, if not, then even more so. But he was so perfect in my eyes. A man who called himself Sherlock Holmes… Mind; I'm not even sure it was his real name; a bit too unusual to trust, almost. Yet, I do trust Sherlock Holmes, and I think I always will.

I put on my jogging attire. Ok, so I'm fat! I don't eat anything! It's always puzzled me. My friends and family are determined to lie to me; say that I am thin and they're worried about how thin I am! Like that would make me feel better!

I don't move. I just stand there, looking at my large, disgusting reflection. Why the hell did I choose this?! I scream at myself internally, it makes me look gross! 'It' referred to a cropped top and jogging shorts. Yuck!

I manage to tear myself away from the mirror. And as I do, my mother walks through the door, allowing it to slam behind her. She's surely here to see how I'm coping; for God's sake! It's been months since those idiots at the hospital diagnosed me with anorexia. You have to be thin to have anorexia! I do go to a support group, but that's only to keep my mother from moving in. Oh! That reminds me! A new member's joining tonight; by the name of Sherlock Holmes. He's only just been diagnosed after weeks of starvation; that's all we know. We've been instructed, like we always are, to not comment on appearances; but this instruction had an added warning which was, let's face it, quite interesting; "He is a sociopath, so don't take offence if he seems stiff and antisocial". Finally, someone with a bit more substance and scarring to them than just wanting to lose weight!

"Oh, Irene…" sighs my mother, reminding me of her presence once more, "Not this again! You're getting thinner and thinner each time I see you!"

I just push past her. No eye contact. No speech. No contact of any sort, in fact. I start to jog as soon as I am out of the door, not looking back.