Hi everyone, I hope you enjoy this story. It is a challenge on the HOC to write a multi-chapter story from a drabble already written. I own nothing of the BBC Merlin, only the imagination of this story.

Chapter 1: Taverns Hold Secrets

All was quiet in the peaceful forest. The warm orange sun beat down filtering through the trees causing the yellow leaves to shimmer brightly. It had been a warm day, not even one small wisp of breeze to break the swelter, the deep pink and red hue from the slowly sinking sun promised another hot day on the morrow. The sound of men on horseback disturbed the natural stillness that had settled over the silent trees. The group of 6 consisted of four Camelot knights, the king and a scrawny young man who was the king's manservant, Merlin. As they passed an old stump crawling with ants, the knights were snickering at the squabbling king and manservant. Merlin smacked his mouth and groaned in discomfort loudly for the fourth time in a matter of minutes.

"What's the matter Merlin is it too hot for you?" Arthur mocked at the young man a smile twitching at the edge of his mouth.

"Yes. I'm thirsty, I've been sitting on a horse in the hot sun all day" Merlin whined.

Arthur rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Merlin, stop being such a girl ".

"I'm not like you, Arthur. I need to drink more water, I don't get enough from my food ".

"Are you calling me fat? "Arthur replied in outrage, softened by the amused glare he gave Merlin.

"Of course not Sire, "Merlin mocked, a large grin spreading on his face. "I'm only suggesting that you eat more food and thus you don't need as much water".

"Merlin!" Arthur growled dangerously.

A large grin spread on Merlin's face "Yes Arthur? ".

"Shut up!" Arthur snapped.

This brought about a series of loud snickering from the trailing knights. Completely ignoring the King's glare of annoyance.

"Well I could go for a nice tanker of mead. " They all groaned at Gwaine's statement. "As soon as we reach Caerleon I will take you to the tavern, Merlin, and we can wet our whistle" Gwaine called over to his friend in good cheer.

Merlin's smile dropped momentarily with wariness. Gwaine was not known to be that level headed with the tavern and had been trying to convince Merlin to join him the last few days. Merlin was usually too busy protecting and working for Arthur to even consider going for a drink. Not to mention the implications of letting his secrets of being a sorcerer slip past loose lips.

But, yet being away from Camelot meant he was perfectly available; at least the first night. And he would only have one drink, his smile widened in joy as he turned in his saddle to look at Gwaine, "You're on!" he cried in excitement.

"Wait just a minute, you will do no such thing -"Arthur cut in.

"Why ever not, I don't have many chores to do in Caerleon "Merlin announced annoyed at the loss of free time he was expecting to have.

"Don't start with me, it was only the other week that you spend two whole days in the tavern, or have you forgotten George?" Arthur raised an eyebrow surveying Merlin sceptically.

"I don't think it was two whole days "Merlin frowned "And how could I forget, you made George show me how to polish armour again! My hands still smell of polish" Merlin said exasperated. He had in fact been investigating a threat of the magical kind and ended up being knocked out for a day. He had spent an uncomfortable night in the surrounding forest, thankfully the druids had come to his rescue.

"Idiot!" Arthur said annoyed.

"Prat!" Merlin responded.

The knights all burst into fits of laughter and continued to chatter as the duo leading picked up their bickering and pace. No one noticed the frown Gwaine directed at Merlin, he had been in the tavern that night, but had never seen the young man.

It was sometime later when the group finally arrived in Caerleon. The sun had just slipped behind the horizon, only the smallest amount of light left for them to see their way, before the moon arose.

They entered the courtyard slowly. Queen Annis and a small group of nobles exited out the large double front doors and approached down the cobble stoned steps.

"Arthur Pendragon! Welcome "Queen Annis greeted.

Arthur dismounted his horse and smiled at the Queen" Queen Annis," he replied.

"We were expecting you tomorrow?"

"Yes, we were able to make good time. And decided a night in a comfortable bed was more inviting than out in the forest" Arthur grinned.

Queen Annis chuckled in amusement "Quite right Arthur, We have rooms for you and your knights. A feast will be provided tomorrow evening, as a start to our discussions."

"Thank you, your highness. Perhaps you could have one of your servants show Merlin here - ", Arthur gestured to the young man waiting patiently behind him. " - Around the castle so that he may perform his duties during our stay".

Annis glanced at the young man Arthur had indicated "Ah! Your fool" she scrutinized the servant before clicking her fingers. A middle aged man emerged from the back and shuffled forward. "Thomas see to King Arthur's request. "

"Yes, your highness "the servant bowed to the Queen and waved to Merlin to follow him.

Once gone, the Queen escorted her quests into the castle.

"Please "whined Gwaine again. He had been bugging Arthur the entire day during their trip to Caerleon. He had returned to Arthur's chambers, once queen Annis had seen them to their rooms; while Merlin was being shown around.

Arthur's brow creased in a frown "No!"

"Come on princess you are no fun, its one night "Gwaine pouted.

Arthur pursed his lips, "Fine. But you-",he said pointing a finger roughly at Gwaine's chest, "- are responsible for him. He is to serve me breakfast in the morning, if he so much as breaks out in song, you will be the one in the stocks…..Or worse ".

"Yeah, yeah "Gwaine grinned, he wasn't bothered about Arthur's supposed threat. Now to ensure Merlin did join them.

Merlin was dismissed by Arthur, with the excuse that the King wanted to retire early. He had however given a stern warning to Merlin, about being late tomorrow. Merlin slid into the tavern he knew the rest of the knights would be. He wasn't sure why he was here, it wasn't like he normally went to the tavern, but he had no desire to retire for the night just yet. A chance to bond with the knights – his friends seemed like a good as any practice to partake in, it had been far too long. He searched around the musty dank establishment looking for any sign of his friends. Gwaine's loud boisterous laugh reached his ears. Merlin made his way over to the small table with Camelot's Knight's.

"Merlin glad you could join us for once "Gwaine clap the servant on the shoulder as he settled himself into a chair.

Percival gave the young man a bright smile as he passed over a tankard of mead. Merlin sat quietly sipping his drink watching the interactions of his friends. A smile hidden behind the cup and the sparkling of mirth in his eyes as the knights teased each other. A young serving maid came over to their group and placed another tanker of mead in front of Gwaine. "This is courtesy of the young girl over there Sir –, "the maid pointed to a young girl in the far corner, her deep auburn hair setting her apart from the other patrons of the tavern.

Gwaine turned to look over to the girl in question, a large smile on his face. As he caught sight of the mystery woman, his smile faltered, hidden behind the tanker of mead.

"Looks like Gwaine has another lady to woo," Elyan snickered.

"Again? What is it, the third one this week?" Leon asked in exasperation.

"Three! In one week?" Merlin asked looking pointedly at his friend.

"What can I say, I'm charming. Well, mates I'd love to chat, but my lady waits. If you stay you may learn something of importance that will benefit you. "

He winked at his sniggering friends, sculled the previous drink and slammed the empty cup onto the table. Giving a large satisfying belch he picked up the new cup and went to walk away. He turned back suddenly to the blokes on the table and leaned in close, "And I believe she will be the sixth this week. A new record! "He laughed and swung around to jovially greet the lady who had gained his attention.

"He's not serious is he?" Merlin asked watching Gwaine saunter up to the lady in question.

"Unfortunately he is. There were twins the night before we left Camelot "Percival replied in all seriousness.

"Come on lads, how about another round. It's rare for Merlin to joins us. "Elyan offered as he went to get another round.

Merlin continued to watch as Gwaine leaned in and whispered to the lady. Only to frown as her face twisted and the sweet smile dropped, and was replaced with a sneer. Merlin blinked at the sight, shaking his head and when he looked again she was smiling again. He turned back to his friends at the table and joined in their game of cards as the betting began.

Three mead's later; Leon, Elyan and Percival were helping guide an inebriated Merlin back to their guest chambers. Merlin leaned heavily on Percival, as his feet stumbled and dragged. Every few minutes he would shake his head to try and clear the fuzziness that had descended in his head.

"Arth-thhhur's going to skill me, tomorrosth, "Merlin slurred out. The manservant didn't look too phased by the idea, a large smile on his face.

"How much did he have to drink?" Leon asked in worry, it wasn't their intention to bring the servant back in such a state.

"He only had two and a half; the rest was knocked over on the cards!" Elyan hissed.

As they reached the steps to the citadel, Gwaine was there to greet them. He had departed before the rest of his companions and unlike Gwaine in these situations had returned earlier than normal. He was brought out from his thoughts and took one look at the scene in front of him, before busting into amused chuckles," I can't believe I almost missed this".

"Gwaine " Merlin called loudly stumbling away from Percival and trying to sling his arm around the knight in friendship, but ended up falling into the stocky man instead.

"How much did he have?" Gwaine asked looking down at the young man, whose head rolled around aimlessly.

"Only two full ones "Leon supplied in exasperation, "It's your pestering that got him into this mess you need to deal with it"

"Me?" Gwaine looked scandalized, but Leon shot him a commanding look, which caused Merlin to burst into laughter. Gwaine took one look at the servant and smiled fondly, "Oh alright, I'll take him to my room so the princess is not disturbed".

"Good and make sure he is up to attend Arthur in the morning "Leon supplied and walked away from the groaning Gwaine. Elyan and Percival took their leave from the duo, trying to hide their smiles.

Gwaine rolled his eyes at their retreating backs. "Come on Merlin, let's get you to bed" Gwaine hoisted the boy's arm across his shoulders and held him around the waist. Half dragging, half carrying, Gwaine made the slow trip to his chambers.

"You're a good friend Gwaine" Merlin slurred in Gwaine's ear "You always help me "he grinned

Gwaine chuckled, "You were my first friend Merlin, I will always help you if you need it" he supplied. He reflected on their many adventures together. One of their most recent one they had gone to rescue Gaius from Morgana, after he was kidnapped.

"You're not a good Friend when you keep secrets!"

"What do you mean Merlin?" Gwaine gulped with nervous guilt.

"Shnothing" Merlin grimaced, gone was the large smile replaced by a sombre expression of pain. "why was that lady angry at you?" he asked suddenly.

"What lady?" Gwaine asked innocently.

"The pretty one with bright hair, she was angry at you for something" Merlin stated.

Gwaine's smile fell and he shook his head "She wasn't angry…we just talked is all".

Silence descended on the friends as they reached the door to Gwaine's chambers. Gwaine gently lowered Merlin onto the spare cot supplied. He removed the servant's boots and pulled a blanket over the thin man, smiling fondly as Merlin mumbled something incoherent and his eyes slid closed.

"We need to make sure your up bright and early for the king tomorrow" Gwaine remarked to the servant who was fast falling asleep.

"Prat can get himself up" was the sleepy reply.

Gwaine just shook his head as the servant let out a soft snore, "How do you even manage to spend two whole days in the tavern?" He chuckled, not expecting an answer as he kicked off his own boots and lay down on the soft bed provided.

The mumbled quiet response he received was not so comforting "I don't...excuse".